Does anyone have the map with the names of the major Rovaick settlements in the Ironhearts? I've been searching furiously for about an hour and cannot for the life of me locate it.
I haven't spent any might on anything horrific yet!
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>Well, not quite! The conscious perception bit really is important here.
Imagine the day when Jvan expands her telepathic network until she can see into the deepest, strangest phobias of mortal men, and take inspiration from them, drawing power from human horror until she can reach out through their dreams and make them real.
I feel like I read too much into it when I see the word 'anxiety,' however. I have a counsellor in my family and the definition of the anxiety is certainly broadened when you talk to such people enough. In a scholarly way, anyway. If you're just doing phobias or unease with alien stuff, though, I'd say horror speaks for itself as a word.
To whomever decides to.make the next pretty iteration of the Galbar map, please consider shrinking down many of the geographical features. Things are beginning to get crowded and we are still meant to be working on a huge, Earth-like planet.
I would also suggest moving the map edges more westward, closer to the changing plains. Mesathelassa is better developed at this point.
And hey, an idea for a cataclysmic event? Sea level rise. We could actually have separated continents to work with if that happens :D
We also need a larger map because soon we will have more and more named important cities.
And what is up with you and the creation of more and more oceans? Are you team aqua?
If anything we need islands is the seas (exception being Jvan's since she is a islaphobe.)
@Antarctic Termite bout dreams, I think J-girl could quite easily create some sort of wiretapping (actually neurontapping) in the brains and get what she wants. She could quite easily induce bad dreams.
But remember, no taxation without representation.
Anyway, the one main thing I want to emphasize is that I really, really don't think we want or need those land bridges. Land bridges don't make the world more accessible. Seas and rivers make the world more accessible the minute you invent the sail. Once you start thinking of oceans as a way to get around, land bridges are actually just giant walls that block you from sailing where you want to go. There's a reason people dug canals through Panama and Suez- Just a thin stretch of land in the way can add massive amounts of time to a voyage.
-What happened to Jvan's peninsula? She's somehow ended up at a channel between the southern ocean and the fractal sea? She's always been at the northernmost point of an isthmus stretching up from land, specifically so that you can reach her on foot or horseback from both east and west; Somehow that got turned completely inside out.
-The Shimmering Sea changed shape, deleting a section of land to the south of it (which promptly got resurrected as a land bridge enclosing an inland sea?) as well as making Vetros almost coastal.
-The north of the Fractal Sea is growing bigger and lumpier over time, as well as marching steadily west. That vaguely phallic top bit should be a long, narrow inlet directly above Jvan, at least at the very top.
-The Venomweald grew quite a bit, so the Valley of Peace is kind of fusing with the Ironhearts- That's not much of a problem by itself, but the connection between the Steppe and the Valley is growing thinner, which makes Angelblood Ridge hard to place since it took place in the foothills.
-Rivers, people! Where did those Mesathalassan rivers go?
-Volcano squashing the northwest Metatic acalya outbreak. I should've put it more inland, whoops. Also, Acalya forests have containment zones guarded by Jvan's conglomeration of intelligent species.
EDIT: Before I forget!
To whomever decides to.make the next pretty iteration of the Galbar map, please consider shrinking down many of the geographical features. Things are beginning to get crowded and we are still meant to be working on a huge, Earth-like planet.
I would also suggest moving the map edges more westward, closer to the changing plains. Mesathelassa is better developed at this point.
And hey, an idea for a cataclysmic event? Sea level rise. We could actually have separated continents to work with if that happens :D
Some features we do need more of, that aren't too hard to fit in-
-Inland seas! Think of the Aral, Dead and Caspian seas.
-Lakes! Lakes everywhere! The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria, Lake Chad, Lake Malawi... Big lakes are awesome, guys!
-Rivers! Rivers can be used as highways, provided they don't have rapids or waterfalls serving as a chokepoint, and are a lifeline for cities.
-Volcanic islands, archipelagos, and atolls! The west Pacific is riddled with islands! Think of Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Caribbean, Japan, what have you!
-Reefs! Where did the Drenched Flowerbed go? It was our resident Great Barrier Reef analogue.
-Cenotes! Vakarlon made a cave system that riddles Galbar and the Submaterium presumably connects to it, so having some giant flooded holes in the ground would be awesome.
@Lauder They're Holy Garatha trees! No one has made use of their cool properties!
-Piktaraika (previously Julkofyr's thingplace) should be far smaller than that, and the Hilt also
Of course. Rivers are the lifeblood of civilisation. They are important.
Perhaps if Zephyrion returns and is mad (or if he just feels the whim to do so), he'll make a storm and break down the land bridges into islands.
Volcanic islands are slightly more tricky. On Galbar, currently the only (established) volcanic region is the Ironheart Ranges, which is decidedly inland. Such regions might require a god to create them.
Also, @Cyclone, can you please put the old versions of the maps in hiders. At present that post loads 5 high-resolution images every single time I try to view the character tab, and the old maps are just clutter.
@BBeast There are too many sources mentioning it to be round, hell, my Pictaraika shrines are supposedly in a perfect circle.
I will be doing something with the surface so I need it to be the least the size of an European country. Of course, the one in the map is too big, but what isn't odd after the change to inkscape?
Anyway, a smaller Pictaraika just means a larger twisted forest. As it needs to be a barrier.
The Darkened Spires were indeed formed from an impact crater, so they would be big and round.
Carry on.