The deed is done!
Character you have created: Celeste Santos de Rosa
Alias: Rosa dos Ventos (Cardinal Rose)
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): 1a7b30
Character Alignment: Walking the Line
Identity: Known
Character Personality:
Adventure stops for no one, especially not this fiery mercenary. Daring, self-assured, and endlessly inventive, Celeste's endless fascination with the world and the secrets it holds has taken her on a globe trotting adventure to find the greatest treasures man has ever known. Seeking out hidden knowledge and powerful artifacts wherever she goes, Celeste is a one woman army, serving contracts and hunting down objects of great value for the highest bidder, and often times hoarding the most fascinating and valuable finds for her own personal collection. Her life is a solitary one with just a few acquaintances, though, an insecurity she tends to hide with a sense of humor and a fair amount of snark.

Quite tall and athletic, Celeste has a distinctly reptilian appearance courtesy of Mesoamerican magic, with forest green scaled skin, blue-green markings and feathering on her head, and bright orange eyes. She also has claws on her hands and feet as well as a tail. She doesn't have a specific outfit when she's dressed casually, though when she's on missions she can be counted on wearing her distinctive dark-colored armor-plated field jacket with a compass rose embossed on the breast pocket. Celeste also carries an old compass belonging to her father on a chain around her neck.
Origin Info/Details: Despite her Portuguese name and accent, Celeste actually hails from Lukatmeystan, a political unstable nation in the Levant that was, at the time of Celeste's birth, embroiled in a bloody civil war. She was barely a year old when she was sent to a refugee camp after apparently losing both her family and her home in a rebel attack. It was at that camp that she was discovered by a man named Martin de Rosa, a Portuguese-born mercenary and adventurer who led a band of semi-heroic soldiers and explorers for hire called the Red Tercios. Having recently lost his son in a military action in the region, he grew attached to the little girl without a home in his short time there and eventually decided to adopt her, bringing her away from her war-torn homeland and into a life of globetrotting adventure.
Celeste, as she would later be named, took to the life of a mercenary adventurer like a fish to water. Learning all the tools of the trade from her adopted father and the rest of the Red Tercios, Celeste was no slouch in a fight, it was clear that she had a romantic fascination with archeology and ancient treasures, and was always eager to come along on missions where the Tercios hunted ancient ruins or retrieved valuable artifacts. Life was good for the young Celeste, and she was looking forward to the day when she could be a fully fledged adventurer like her companions in the Red Tercios.
She got her chance when she was seventeen years old, when an anonymous corporate donor hired the Red Tercios to hunt down and locate a treasure in an ancient Zapotec temple dedicated to Cocijo, the god of wind and thunder, thought to have been lost or destroyed centuries ago. It was tradition for anyone seeking to officially join their number to take charge of a mission to prove their worth, and nearly everyone agreed that this search for a long lost temple would be perfect for Celeste. Indeed, Celeste took command in a whirlwind of action and immediately set out with the Red Tercios to hunt down the temple. Braving inclement weather and unfriendly locals, Celeste managed to hunt down the temple, a task that a seasoned Tercio could have done in a week, within a fortnight. Martin de Rosa could not have been more proud.
Too eager to wait until the next day to explore, Celeste decided to sneak into the temple at midnight while the group was camped outside and see if she could find the treasure on her own. Being the natural archeologist that she was, Celeste easily discovered the valuable treasure, a feathered serpent carved from moonstone, and turned to leave, only to walk straight into a gun barrel. The gun belonged to one of the temporary hands that her father hired for the trip, a man she only knew as Uragiru, who demanded that she hand over the statue so he can claim the full reward for himself. At the same time, Martin de Rosa, who had secretly followed her inside as well, leaped out of the shadows and grabbed hold of Uragiru's arm.
Celeste up froze helplessly from shock as the two men struggled, and before she could even think of how to react, a shot rang out. Blood splattered over Celeste and the altar behind her as her adopted father slumped to the ground. Stepping backwards in shock and terror, she inadvertently place a hand on the raised stone platform the statue was resting on, not realizing that the stone platform was in fact an altar imbued with some of the ancient Cocijo's power, or that her father's blood had inadvertently activated it. Celeste screamed as the ancient magic shot through her body, her skin burning with white-hot intensity and her form contorting as the magic mutated her into a more reptillian form. Blinded by pain, she stumbled forward and slashed blindly at the stunned Uragiru's face with the claws growing on her hand, hearing him scream just before she passed out.
With the Red Tercios more or less disbanded by the sudden death of their leader, Celeste spent a year in seclusion with one of her father's old friends, recovering from the traumatic events of that night and trying to figure out what exactly had turned her into Godzilla's feisty little sister. While researching her connection to the Zapotec god, she discovered that her transformation was more then merely a physical one and that the ritual had granted her abilities that she could only describe as being 'magic'. Her old love of exploration and discovery reawakened by what she had learned, Celeste set off on her own to work as a mercenary again, combining her new supernatural abilities and form with some classic tools of the trade to quickly make a name for herself as an adventurer for hire, taking on her father's old nickname as her handle to carry on his legacy.
Hero Type (Select one): Magitech
Power Level (Select one below): Street/City Level
Powers (Be Specific):
Blood Mage: Celeste's magic is a unique brand once practiced by arcanists in the Mesoamerican civilizations of old, a technique which she has given the somewhat morbid name of Blood Magic. In the Blood Mage practice, magic is performed by invoking the powers of "Gods" (most likely beings of incredibly magical power mistaken as such) using verbal spells and glyphs. Celeste named it Blood Magic because the catalyst for such magic involved a blood sacrifice or, for extremely devoted followers, a ritual binding one's flesh to a particular 'deity'. Having been bound to Cocijo by an accidental ritual, Celeste doesn't need to bleed or use verbal commands in order to use her brand of magic, though she can elect to bleed herself or others to strengthen her magic attacks.
Storm Spells: Cocijo being a Zapotec god of wind and lightning, Celeste has a decent inventory of spells in that domain, with wind spells that can grant her superhuman speed and agility, muffle her movements, or trip up pursuers. She also has the ability to channel electricity through her body without harm and has spells that can fire lightning in various forms (such as arced or ball lightning), and with varying lethality. She also has a small amount of utility spells reserved for small tasks like surveillance and observation, such as night vision and tripwire alarms. She can also use spells not associated with her deity, such as fire based powers, but she would need to bleed herself or someone else in order to use it.
A Particular Set of Skills: Being a mercenary adventurer, Celeste arms herself with a barrage of conventional weapons and tools in addition to her magic. She's highly proficient in most firearms and has an impressive arsenal which she tailors to suit her mission, though she is never without her favorite dual HK45 semiautomatic pistols and a small stash of various grenade types. Celeste is also well versed in CQC and stealth techniques should the need arise.
Resources: Large
Weaknesses: While she's a magical gun-loving reptile girl, most of what can hurt or kill a normal person will hurt and kill her too.
Supporting Characters:
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I plead the fifth
Alias: Rosa dos Ventos (Cardinal Rose)
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): 1a7b30
Character Alignment: Walking the Line
Identity: Known
Character Personality:
Adventure stops for no one, especially not this fiery mercenary. Daring, self-assured, and endlessly inventive, Celeste's endless fascination with the world and the secrets it holds has taken her on a globe trotting adventure to find the greatest treasures man has ever known. Seeking out hidden knowledge and powerful artifacts wherever she goes, Celeste is a one woman army, serving contracts and hunting down objects of great value for the highest bidder, and often times hoarding the most fascinating and valuable finds for her own personal collection. Her life is a solitary one with just a few acquaintances, though, an insecurity she tends to hide with a sense of humor and a fair amount of snark.

Quite tall and athletic, Celeste has a distinctly reptilian appearance courtesy of Mesoamerican magic, with forest green scaled skin, blue-green markings and feathering on her head, and bright orange eyes. She also has claws on her hands and feet as well as a tail. She doesn't have a specific outfit when she's dressed casually, though when she's on missions she can be counted on wearing her distinctive dark-colored armor-plated field jacket with a compass rose embossed on the breast pocket. Celeste also carries an old compass belonging to her father on a chain around her neck.
Origin Info/Details: Despite her Portuguese name and accent, Celeste actually hails from Lukatmeystan, a political unstable nation in the Levant that was, at the time of Celeste's birth, embroiled in a bloody civil war. She was barely a year old when she was sent to a refugee camp after apparently losing both her family and her home in a rebel attack. It was at that camp that she was discovered by a man named Martin de Rosa, a Portuguese-born mercenary and adventurer who led a band of semi-heroic soldiers and explorers for hire called the Red Tercios. Having recently lost his son in a military action in the region, he grew attached to the little girl without a home in his short time there and eventually decided to adopt her, bringing her away from her war-torn homeland and into a life of globetrotting adventure.
Celeste, as she would later be named, took to the life of a mercenary adventurer like a fish to water. Learning all the tools of the trade from her adopted father and the rest of the Red Tercios, Celeste was no slouch in a fight, it was clear that she had a romantic fascination with archeology and ancient treasures, and was always eager to come along on missions where the Tercios hunted ancient ruins or retrieved valuable artifacts. Life was good for the young Celeste, and she was looking forward to the day when she could be a fully fledged adventurer like her companions in the Red Tercios.
She got her chance when she was seventeen years old, when an anonymous corporate donor hired the Red Tercios to hunt down and locate a treasure in an ancient Zapotec temple dedicated to Cocijo, the god of wind and thunder, thought to have been lost or destroyed centuries ago. It was tradition for anyone seeking to officially join their number to take charge of a mission to prove their worth, and nearly everyone agreed that this search for a long lost temple would be perfect for Celeste. Indeed, Celeste took command in a whirlwind of action and immediately set out with the Red Tercios to hunt down the temple. Braving inclement weather and unfriendly locals, Celeste managed to hunt down the temple, a task that a seasoned Tercio could have done in a week, within a fortnight. Martin de Rosa could not have been more proud.
Too eager to wait until the next day to explore, Celeste decided to sneak into the temple at midnight while the group was camped outside and see if she could find the treasure on her own. Being the natural archeologist that she was, Celeste easily discovered the valuable treasure, a feathered serpent carved from moonstone, and turned to leave, only to walk straight into a gun barrel. The gun belonged to one of the temporary hands that her father hired for the trip, a man she only knew as Uragiru, who demanded that she hand over the statue so he can claim the full reward for himself. At the same time, Martin de Rosa, who had secretly followed her inside as well, leaped out of the shadows and grabbed hold of Uragiru's arm.
Celeste up froze helplessly from shock as the two men struggled, and before she could even think of how to react, a shot rang out. Blood splattered over Celeste and the altar behind her as her adopted father slumped to the ground. Stepping backwards in shock and terror, she inadvertently place a hand on the raised stone platform the statue was resting on, not realizing that the stone platform was in fact an altar imbued with some of the ancient Cocijo's power, or that her father's blood had inadvertently activated it. Celeste screamed as the ancient magic shot through her body, her skin burning with white-hot intensity and her form contorting as the magic mutated her into a more reptillian form. Blinded by pain, she stumbled forward and slashed blindly at the stunned Uragiru's face with the claws growing on her hand, hearing him scream just before she passed out.
With the Red Tercios more or less disbanded by the sudden death of their leader, Celeste spent a year in seclusion with one of her father's old friends, recovering from the traumatic events of that night and trying to figure out what exactly had turned her into Godzilla's feisty little sister. While researching her connection to the Zapotec god, she discovered that her transformation was more then merely a physical one and that the ritual had granted her abilities that she could only describe as being 'magic'. Her old love of exploration and discovery reawakened by what she had learned, Celeste set off on her own to work as a mercenary again, combining her new supernatural abilities and form with some classic tools of the trade to quickly make a name for herself as an adventurer for hire, taking on her father's old nickname as her handle to carry on his legacy.
Hero Type (Select one): Magitech
Power Level (Select one below): Street/City Level
Powers (Be Specific):
Blood Mage: Celeste's magic is a unique brand once practiced by arcanists in the Mesoamerican civilizations of old, a technique which she has given the somewhat morbid name of Blood Magic. In the Blood Mage practice, magic is performed by invoking the powers of "Gods" (most likely beings of incredibly magical power mistaken as such) using verbal spells and glyphs. Celeste named it Blood Magic because the catalyst for such magic involved a blood sacrifice or, for extremely devoted followers, a ritual binding one's flesh to a particular 'deity'. Having been bound to Cocijo by an accidental ritual, Celeste doesn't need to bleed or use verbal commands in order to use her brand of magic, though she can elect to bleed herself or others to strengthen her magic attacks.
Storm Spells: Cocijo being a Zapotec god of wind and lightning, Celeste has a decent inventory of spells in that domain, with wind spells that can grant her superhuman speed and agility, muffle her movements, or trip up pursuers. She also has the ability to channel electricity through her body without harm and has spells that can fire lightning in various forms (such as arced or ball lightning), and with varying lethality. She also has a small amount of utility spells reserved for small tasks like surveillance and observation, such as night vision and tripwire alarms. She can also use spells not associated with her deity, such as fire based powers, but she would need to bleed herself or someone else in order to use it.
A Particular Set of Skills: Being a mercenary adventurer, Celeste arms herself with a barrage of conventional weapons and tools in addition to her magic. She's highly proficient in most firearms and has an impressive arsenal which she tailors to suit her mission, though she is never without her favorite dual HK45 semiautomatic pistols and a small stash of various grenade types. Celeste is also well versed in CQC and stealth techniques should the need arise.
Height: 6 ft. 11
Weight: Yeah, ask the gun toting lizard with blood magic how fat she is. Brilliant idea, Sherlock.
Strength Level: Peak Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 MPH, higher with magic
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Peak Human
Agility: 5X
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Mastered
Weight: Yeah, ask the gun toting lizard with blood magic how fat she is. Brilliant idea, Sherlock.
Strength Level: Peak Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 MPH, higher with magic
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Peak Human
Agility: 5X
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Mastered
Resources: Large
Weaknesses: While she's a magical gun-loving reptile girl, most of what can hurt or kill a normal person will hurt and kill her too.
Supporting Characters:
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I plead the fifth
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