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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

G M: Lord Wraith C O - G M ( S ): BlackSam3091 G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, Slice of Life T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements
"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them."
-Lois McMaster

N A V I G A T I O N:

P R E M I S E:

After nearly a month of heavy rain that has left meteorologists baffled at its cause, Crescent City is in a state of pandemonium. Flooding from both the coast and the internal rivers have stretched not only emergency services but also civilian volunteers to their limit as they fight back against the downpour. Numerous areas of the city have been evacuated as more and more people are driven from their homes by the seemingly never ceasing waters.

However there are those who have taken advantage of this situation. Evacuated areas are constantly being raided by criminals and those who have been driven by desperation to break the law in order to survive. Due to dealing with the natural crisis at hand, there’s few spare officers to deal with the rising crime wave. As such, numerous individuals have decided to stand up for the victims of the city while others have noticed how unnatural the rain besieging the city is and have begun to hunt for the cause of the torrential downfall.

G M N E W S & A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

February 27, 2017 - Thread is currently under construction. Until that is removed from the thread title, please refrain from posting in this thread. Any and all questions can be PM'd to me directly and an interest check will be posted at time of launch. Feel free to join the Discord Chat if you wish to discuss ideas or ongoing progress as well.
March 07, 2017 - The thread is now live, thank you everyone for your patience.
March 07, 2017 - P.R.C.U. (The Pacific Royal Collegiate and University) has been added to the Organizations Post. This may be useful to anyone considering a Hyperhuman character.

W E E K L Y D I S C U S S I O N:

WEEK 01: Obviously the storm swirling around Crescent City is occurring through unnatural means. What exactly do you think is causing it, or what do you hope is behind the storm? On the opposite end of the spectrum, is there one outcome that you would find disappointing? Or who/what do you think is least likely to be the culprit behind the storm.

WEEK 02: As the Secondary Plots are well underway, what drew you to the one you've decided to join in with? Alternatively, why did you decide to pursue a solo story with your character instead. What sort of plots are you hoping for in the next round and are there elements of Vigilance you feel are either under or over used in the plots?

WEEK 03: Relationships are a very important part of life. Often people are defined by the relationships they make and this is no clearer than in the way we portray relationships in fiction. Spider-Man is known by both his love interests and his rogues. Many of you opted to note that you'll be making friends, allies and enemies within the IC on your character sheets. So on that note, having seen most of the cast in action already and with one secondary plot concluded, who do you want to interact with? Is there anyone on the cast you think would be a great ally for your character? Anyone you think your character would be drawn to romantically? Or is there someone you think would ultimately clash with your character, maybe or a rival or ultimately a bitter enemy?

WEEK 04: As the first round of secondary plots are coming to an end, let's discuss antagonists. So far there hasn't been anything too serious in the RP but what are your thoughts on antagonists? What makes a good villain for you? Do you like them unhinged, do you like them cold and calculating? Do you prefer an NPC villain or one who is directly portrayed by another player? What's good about being bad?

WEEK 05: Last week, we talked about being bad. So this week lets talk about those darn goody-two-shoes types. Why are people drawn to being good? What exactly is it that makes playing a hero appealing, and what makes a good hero? How dark can a hero be while still being good and how light can a hero be before they're unbearable? What are some of the heroic archetypes you look to when designing your defenders of truth, justice and the American Way liberty?

WEEK 06: No Weekly Discussion

WEEK 07: A writers inspiration for character ideas can come from many places. Many times, we find our characters influenced by our experiences and preferences. Whether that be favourite published works or perhaps a situation you wish had turned out different. In character, even our characters have inspirations, Batman was inspired by Zorro (who no doubt influenced Bob Kane during his creation). What inspired you to make your character? Whether it be their personality, backstory or powers, this week's discussion is all about your influences.

P E N D I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S:

Wilder, Oscar as portrayed by Nightrunner

A P P L I C A T I O N S U N D E R R E V I E W:

No Applications Under Review At This Time

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S:

▼ 1 . 0 . 0 - C H A R A C T E R C R E A T I O N:

► 1 . 1 . 0 - As the GM, I reserve the right to deny, veto or otherwise reject any character application based on any number of factors that I find make the character unfit for this roleplay. This can include player history, perceived literacy, lack of understanding of the game's concept, unruly behavior in the iCheck/OOC or towards the GM, other players or simply a generally poor attitude. Other reasons for application denial will be listed in the following rules.

► 1 . 2 . 0 - All Character Sheets must be submitted to the GMs using the provided skeleton. Character Sheets which do not use the provided skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with the set standard. This code can be found provided below the rules. Please remember to change the capitalized 'HR' to 'hr' in order for the horizontal lines to work correctly.

► 1 . 2 . 1 - Incomplete or in progress sheets should not be posted in the OOC nor should they be posted in the character tab. Completed sheets ready for review are the only character sheets which should be posted in the OOC. If you need a place to store a work in progress sheet, you can create a PM with yourself or a Character Archive thread.

► 1 . 2 . 2 - Completed sheets are to be posted in the Out of Character Thread for review until approved. Once approved you may move your sheet into the Character Thread for storage. Once the sheet is put into the Character Thread it becomes a contract to between yourself and the GM, meaning this is the character you have signed on to play and you will not alter or change anything about the character without first gaining the GM's permission to amend the sheet.

► 1 . 3 . 0 - Character Sheet reviews will be provided to you via PM and each review will contain a verdict on the character's acceptance along with a list of reasoning why the character was accepted, conditionally accepted or out right denied. You will be allotted one appeal per review, up to a grand total of three reviews. If the sheet is not in the GM's liking after the thread review, it will be denied and you will not be allowed to apply again. These three reviews count towards different characters as well should you change characters after your first one was denied.

► 1 . 3 . 1 - Reviews will be sent to the player within 24 hours of a posted completed sheet. Please try to understand that in the event of numerous character sheets being submitted in the same day or due to obligations outside of Crestwood Hollow there may be the occasional delay in this process.

► 1 . 3 . 2 - In the event of a reasonable delay, any displays of impatience towards the GMs will result in an immediate dismissal of the application and thus a denial towards the player participating in the RP. As the players, the GMs have lives and obligations outside of the roleplay and may not always be able to respond in a rapid manner. Please have patience and a postivie attitude adn you will receive a response in a timely manner.

► 1 . 4 . 0 - You can create any superhuman mold you want with tact. All invincible superhumans or obvious imitations of DC or Marvel characters will be judged harshly. If you must make a 'monstrous' character/power, I advise you to make your character dual sided so they may blend with the regular people. Your abilities should also be a secret to anyone outside of the character’s circle of trust, remember people are afraid of what they don't understand and super powers are a new concept to the world. People will not be willing to accept them very quickly.

► 1 . 4 . 1 - In line with above rule, do not make your character well rounded, give them weaknesses and flaws. Limitations in their skills and abilities, reasons to make them need a team to support them. Additionally, give your character room to grow and develop. It's always fun to have a new power show up down the line, just give the GM a heads up first so it doesn't look like you're godmodding.

► 1 . 4 . 2 - Due to the in game statistics there’s limitations on the number of Celestial, Draoi and Venari characters. Augmented, Hyperhuman and Mundane characters have no such limitation in this regard however. At most there will only be two Celestial players at one point, a maximum of five Draoi players, a maximum of four Hellions and a maximum of three Venari.

► 1 . 4 . 3 - It is asked that you refrain from using animated/drawn images in your character sheets in order to reflect the tone of the RP. Characters and stories should also follow this tone but some 'Silver Age' silliness is encouraged in order to maintain a 'Comic Book' feel. The majority of the tone of the RP is however set to resemble a mix between the live action cinematic universes and television series such as Heroes.

► 1 . 5 . 0 - Character sheets will not be accepted until the GMs have had time to look over the CS thoroughly. This not only ensures that we the GMs have time to read through Character Sheets appropriately but also that you the Player are receiving proper critique as well as a solid community to interact with in the In Character Threads. We appreciate your patience with this.

► 1 . 6 . 0 - All Character Sheets must be submitted to the GMs in the provided or similarly laid out format. Character Sheets which do not use an organized skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with a standard. Displays of impatience towards acceptance will result in an immediate denial. The GMs have lives outside of roleplaying and may have their time restricted during the week and/or weekend. Have patience and a positive attitude and you will receive a response.

► 1 . 7 . 0 - Players are allowed one character to start. You allowed to create secondary characters after you make several posts. I just request that if you make multiple characters that you don’t have them constantly playing off each other.

► 1 . 8 . 0 - Failure to adhere to any of the character creation rules will lead to rejection of the application with a citation of the broken rule(s). Permission to re-apply will be given on a case by case basis depending on the rule(s) broken and the quality of the application. Critique will be given on Character Sheets which don't break any rules but aren't quite up to an acceptable standard. Please be willing to work with the GM in the event of this.​

▼ 2 . 0 . 0 - P L O T C R E A T I O N:

► 2 . 1 . 0 - As the GM, I reserve the right to deny, veto or otherwise reject any plot application based on any number of factors that I find make the plot unfit for this roleplay. This can include player history, perceived literacy, lack of understanding of the game's concept, unruly behavior in the IC/OOC or towards the GM, other players or simply a generally poor attitude. Other reasons for application denial will be listed in the following rules.

► 2 . 2 . 0 - All Plot Sheets must be submitted to the GMs using the provided skeleton. Plot Sheets which do not use the provided skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with the set standard. This code can be found provided below the rules. Please remember to change the capitalized 'HR' to 'hr' in order for the horizontal lines to work correctly.

► 2 . 2 . 1 - Incomplete or in progress sheets should not be posted in the OOC nor should they be posted in the character tab. As plot sheets contain details that you as the plot moderater will not want your players knowing, these sheets should only be submitted by private message to avoid 'Spoilers'.

► 2 . 2 . 2 - Completed sheets are to be submitted to the GM via private message for review until approved. Once approved the GM will add your plot submission to the OP at the beginning of the next arc. Once the sheet is accepted it becomes a contract to between yourself and the GM, meaning this is the plot you have signed on to play and you will not alter or change anything about the plot without first gaining the GM's permission to amend the sheet or act differently within the IC.

► 2 . 3 . 0 - As the plot's author, you are expected to act as the moderator of the plot. Plot submissions are not for you to give the GM ideas to run, they are for you to pitch an idea that you'd be willing to moderate in the IC. In the event of a dropout, the GMs will step in to conclude the plot if necessary.

► 2 . 4 . 0 - Plot submissions should not be personal plots. This means your plot should be designed to accommodate at least a minimum of four people. The plot should not focus around your character, you're more than able to do that without submitting a plot to the GMs.

▼ 3 . 0 . 0 - O U T O F C H A R A C T E R:

► 3 . 1 . 0 - Respect the Game Masters. The GM's words are to be adhered, don't argue or disregard them unnecessarily. If a GM asks you to stop doing something please do it. Likewise if a GM asks you to change something in your post please do it. Failure to adhere to any GM or Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.

► 3 . 2 . 0 - Respect the other players. Constructive criticism is fine, but flaming or trying to run players off just because you don't like the way they do things is not okay. Remember, it's the GM's job, not yours, to point out if there's a problem. If you feel that there is a problem, then contact a GM directly.

► 3 . 3 . 0 - Likewise any quarrels will be dealt with by the GMs. Don't take them out in the OOC, arguments should be dealt with between the two parties through private messaging. If the involved parties truly can't solve their issues a GM can act as an arbiter upon request.

► 3 . 4 . 0 - No GIF Wars. This is a thread for discussion of the roleplay, its characters and plots. This is not a Spam Thread. Chat is allowed and encouraged but within reason, please try not to fill the OOC with numerous pages that have little to nothing to do with the roleplay itself. An active OOC generally means an active roleplay so feel free to chat up your fellow players about characters and events in the RP.

▼ 4 . 0 . 0 - I N C H A R A C T E R:

► 4 . 1 . 0 - Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon.

► 4 . 2 . 0 - You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character, not just yourself with the character's powers. The notes section of your CS has been provided for such a reason, use it to help yourself remain consistent in character portrayals.

► 4 . 3 . 0 - Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts however would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offenses will be called out.

► 4 . 4 . 0 - You are required to post at least once within ten (10) days after the GM Plot Post advances the RP. Extensions will only be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every ten days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP.

► 4 . 4 . 1 - In the event that you do miss the ten day deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP.

► 4 . 4 . 2 - If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.

► 4 . 5 . 0 - No God-Modding or metagaming. This refers to controlling or manipulating another player's character in way that is completely self-beneficial and not pre-approved by the other player. This also includes being untouchable against NPC characters as well as being all knowing. Keep your character humanized or risk being expelled from the RP.

► 4 . 6 . 0 - This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. There will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

► 4 . 6 . 1 - Player Character's are not to be killed without permission nor that player's supporting cast members. It is fine to kill nameless NPC's, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization by their creator except in the event of a GM event.

► 4 . 7 . 0 - Plots should not be completed in one or two posts. Your character should not be able to stop an entire robbery by themselves or put out a city block on fire with relative ease. That said obviously different power levels do apply so if you do manage to put out the fire, solve the cause of it. If you stop the robbery find out who hired the gang or what their motives were. If all else fails do some character development or show us some ‘Slice of Life’ moments for you character if you do solve a plot quickly.

▼ 5 . 0 . 0 - S E X U A L C O N T E N T:

► 5 . 1 . 0 - This is an open world RP and I realize that relationships are a part of this. While I have no problem with this I do want it kept a specific way to avoid breaking any rules. As part of RPG's rule, mature content is forbidden on the forums. You may however use the standard fade-to-black technique if you desire and that will be fine, just keep it PG-13/14A (May contain: violence, coarse language and/or sexually suggestive scenes.) both leading and following up. I implore you to keep within the age restrictions set up already by administration. As such, let’s keep it simple, ages 14-17 can have relationships with each other and likewise for 18-22. Obviously there's some grey area in there and I'd understand 16-18 should also be a range but please just use your common sense if you're going to seek a relationship within the RP. You have been warned of my expectations on this matter and should you fail to follow through you will be asked to leave the roleplay and reported for breaking site rules.

▼ 6 . 0 . 0 - C O M M I T M E N T & C O N S I S T E N C Y:

► 6 . 1 . 0 - If you join this RP, if you take the time to submit an application, I'm putting my faith in you that you'll be committed to it and that the character you play will be consistent with the one in the agreed upon CS. Personally, I have a hard time with this sometimes and I understand that things just happen. That said I’m referring to suddenly giving a character new powers with no explanation or completely changing their backstory in order to add new skills. I’m okay with changes but I’d like a heads-up first so perhaps we can work a more natural way towards these things happening. In terms of commitment, dropping out of the RP randomly for whatever reason is a pain or a GM. Simply put, it wastes my time along with the other players. If you do not think you can join and you're sure something will come up, do not join. Tendency to not care about an RP after a while? Don't join. Simple as that. I will work with you when it comes to bumps in the road. If you think you're going to be out for a couple of days, that's fine. I'll find a way to excuse you from the story or play your character. However, please let the group known as far in advance as possible. If you're going on a trip, tell me something. Do not leave me wondering where you are. Let me know so I can keep things going. I will work around you if you work with me when you can.

F . A . Q .:

Is this an original universe superhero RP?
Yes it is.

Can I make an original character?
Yes, in fact that would be preferable to adapting a character original conceived for another RP. However there is no penalty for re-using a character and it won't slow or affect your acceptance. I just prefer fresh ideas.

Do real world locations exist?
Simply yes, while Crescent City itself is a fictitious version of a real city, it is still set inside the very real state of New Hampshire and country known as the United States of America. Real world cities such as New York, San Francisco, all exist with no changes outside of the technological advancements made in the lore.

How many players are you looking for?
My original intention is to have an always open RP keeping in mind that players tend to come and go. That said if at any one time, the player counts gets over 20 I will temporarily close acceptances until I have inactive players to remove from the roster.

What kind of powers am I allowed to use?
The ideal powersets will be those which allow the character to affect the world around them. I encourage a variable level of powersets, don't try to be at the top of your game, nor necessarily just learning about your powers. I encourage you to write a character whose abilities have room to grow and develop for these are often the most engaging story lines.

Can my character use magic, be a vampire/werewolf/god/alien etc?
The short answer is yes, the longer answer is yes but it must fit within the defined lore. Magic characters could be either a Draoi, Venari or Hellion depending on how magic is used. Vampires and Werewolves both would be Hellions while aliens and gods would more likely be classified under Celestial, though the latter might be a Hellion pending on how they are written.

Can I have more than one character?
It is requested that you start with one character and make several posts before creating another. That said the answer is yes just not immediately.

Can my character be bad/evil?
As VIGILANCE provides an open world environment, your character may be of whatever alignment that you wish. That said, if you plan to wreak havoc upon the city, you will need to submit a plot to a GM for approval first. If you simply wish to rob a store you may go ahead or if you wish to team up with another evil character’s plot then you need to ask the player in charge of it. Likewise good players are free to roam the city and stop petty crime but if you wish to stop a crime ring you need to submit a plot or join a plot that otherwise satisfies your needs.

Can my secondary character be evil?
See the above point.

Can I create a new faction?
Yes, definitely. While I have tried to populate the world the best I can, there's nothing stopping you from creating a new gang, organization or company as needed. If it is fleshed out enough I will add it to the corresponding section.

Can I create a new race?
Short answer is no, longer answer is that both the Hellion and Celestial faction are basically blank slates with the Celestials having much more leniency. As Celestial is a catch all term for all aliens, they aren't of a defined appearance. Likewise, Hellion is a catch all for supernatural creatures, I do prefer however if Hellions are based on myths, legends and folklore.

What's the plot going to be like?
There is going to be multiple plots at all time. The GM will provide the primary over arcing plot which will firstly follow recovering the city before working into a much larger plot. However there will be numerous secondary plots going on at all time. To begin with the GM has provided a couple however after the first ‘chapter’, secondary plots will be able to be player submitted. If a player submitted plot is approved it will be posted in that section detailing how many players the submitter is looking for a general summary of that plot. These plots will be able to range in variety as they are up to you the player to design.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

L O C A L H I S T O R I C A L T I M E L I N E:

1783 – In the year of 1783, Sir Eduard De La Cruz and his ship the Paraíso became shipwrecked along the coast of what would eventually become Del Norte County, California. Managing to make it to shore along with his crew and most of his provisions, Sir Eduard refused to give up the duties bestowed upon him by the king. Moving forward with what they could the former crew of the Paraíso set up a settlement eventually forming alliances with the locals and making contact with other Spanish Colonization efforts to move forward with the construction of a mission. Expanding a presidio off the monastery, the settlement named after the ship which carried Sir Eduard and the crew to the New World eventually grew into a full pueblo. This pueblo would of course endure the ages going on to become the city of Los Paraíso.

1849 – Shortly after becoming a state in the young country of the United States of America, the fever of the California Gold Rush brought prospective prospectors north of Los Paraíso where they began to search for gold among the mountainous range known as the Demon’s Teeth. As more ‘Forty-Niners’ came, another settlement was built at the base of the mountains. These ‘Forty-Niners’ were led by William Murdoch, who became the growing town’s first mayor naming it Kilbride after his ancestral home. However the name became eerily accurate when William's son, Alastair murdered his own bride on their wedding night. The incident brought shame to the Murdoch name while the other two founding families, Faulkner and Fitzroy went on to be incredible successful in the city. Legend holds that Alastair tried to bury his bride in the bog outside of town, but her spirit lived on returning to torture the younger Murdoch and supposedly drove him to insanity.

1852 – In the year of 1852, the mines in Kilbride began to bring more people to the North of California. Travel was made easier with the construction of the a port on the local peninsula. Built between both Kilbride and Los Paraíso, the port made it easy for travellers to venture north towards the mines or south into the thriving city of Los Paraíso.

1876 – With growing populations in both Kilbride and Los Paraíso, the area around Crescent Bay began to expand. To the South of Kilbride, a new settlement broke ground. Named Lilith, it was named after a group of superstitious workers pointed out the large variety and population of snakes in the area.

1893 – In 1893, tragedy befell Lilith as a fire consumed the town burning most of it to the ground. Hundreds of lives were lost as the center of the town was consumed almost immediately by the blaze. The cause of the fire remained a mystery and to this day is a favourite subject among historians who love to debate the cause of the fire.

1900 – The mines in Kilbride see a revival only instead of gold, oil and coal were found causing Kilbride to shift in industry as it became a producer of power for the cities along the coast. Going through a sort of ‘Industrial Revolution’, Kilbride saw a spike in population as the new coal mines and factories brought an influx of workers to the city along with struggling citizens of what was left of New Lilith.

1908 – With a surplus of industry in the area, ground was broken on yet another town known as Jethrull. Based on supplying lumber from the nearby Whispering Woods, Jethrull and Kilbride began to consolidate business together in order to increase production to benefit the Crescent Bay Area.

1913 – The remains of Lilith are taken on as a pet project of a British architect by the name of Winston Standford looking to make a name for himself. With funds donated by the founding families, Standford used the Gothic revival moment as his muse. Crafting the city into a towering monolith of stone over the next decade. Standford lobbied for the city to be renamed to reflect its new lease on lease on life. Dubbed New Lilith, the city would expand to the coast, growing to rival both Kilbride and Los Paraíso. Despite the expansion and growth however, the original area occupied by the city would remain known as simply Lilith.

1930 – As the film industry began to take off and the Los Angeles area known as Hollywood became more expensive, smaller filmmakers and studios began to look elsewhere for places to set up shop. Many of these found a home in settlement south of New Lilith, the area that had become known as Los Paraíso. While Los Paraíso would never become Hollywood, it would become a home to many successful small film companies along with wineries.

1939 – A small fishing community begins to flourish on the island just off the coast from the peninsula of Pointe Bordeaux. In conjunction with the port, a lighthouse is constructed on the island leading to the community name of New Alexandria. During this process, a bridge is constructed to connected the island and mainland for ease of material transportation. In keeping with the theme, the bridge is dubbed Alexander.

1942 – The attack on Pearl Harbor led to a military presence within the Crescent Bay Area. An air base was constructed to the south of New Lilith. Industry began to further flourish in both Jethrull and Kilbride as several factories were quickly converted to produce weapons and munitions. Film facilities in Los Paraíso were used to create and distribute numerous propaganda films and other forms of media to help rally potential troops to enter the war.

1947 – Following the end of the second World War, the air base was left abandoned however with the leftover population from the war, a new city was born from the air base. Houses and business soon began to flourish in the area and Larissa was born.

1963 – With the spread of population across the Crescent Bay Area, enforcing the laws becomes difficult for the local authorities. Taking advantage of this, a man by the name of Roman Locke unites the various gangs roaming the Bay Area to create his own mafia. Slowly over the next twenty years, Locke begins to assert total control over the city, lining the pockets of officials and law enforcement alike.

1967 – Like the rest of the world, the Crescent City Bay Area is plunged into a period of darkness during the Dark Eclipse. Though the community rallies together, a massive crime wave sweeps the city, leaving it reeling in the wake of the Dark Eclipse.

1970 – In the wake of the Dark Eclipse, the groundwork was laid to consolidate the Crescent Bay Area. The numerous communities were put into three defined districts, the Point, Eden and Orlaith. These three areas however still operated independently instead of acting as one mega-city.

1985 – In the midst of a blackout that swept the city during the spring of 1985, a major gang leader was apprehended by a group of vigilantes. To many local historians, this marked the origin of the vigilante group that would become known as the Mavericks.

1992 – The three districts had grown so much that property line debates had become an issue slowing down the local courts. As such, a proposition was made to combine the three under one banner. This vote was held in each city’s town hall and has the highest recorded turnout of eligible voters. Despite the vote winning, it was by a narrow majority and is often regarded as a controversial decision. Although the city was officially named Crescent City, the original urban divisions still hang onto their individual names for the most part but the government, athletic teams and emergency services have been joined under the Crescent City banner.

1994 – In the wake of Crescent City’s consolidation, the Mavericks finally gain the upperhand against the Locke Mafia and topple the empire. Locke is killed in the final outcome, leaving a major vacuum in the city’s underworld. Various crime families step in to grab their piece of the pie but the Mavericks remain vigilant, keeping crime for the most part, at bay.

2003 – Vigilante activity is made illegal with new bylaws strictly enforcing this decision. Any remaining vigilantes are forced to hang up their masks due to the threat of a lifetime behind bars or fear of being shot on sight by those they used to regard as allies.

2012 – A Hyperhuman attack on central Crescent City leaves the local police department outgunned and overwhelmed. As a result, another Hyperhuman decided to take the law into his own hands, ignoring the city’s bylaws. Due to the property damage and loss of civilian life at the hands of the Hyperhumans, the bureau of Hyperhuman Enforcement, Logistics and Protection was forced to order a Hyperhuman Intervention Task force to use lethal force. The deaths of the Hyperhumans served as a warning for anyone considering using their powers within Crescent City.

2015 – A joint operation with local industrial giant, Michaels Industries brings the Crescent City Police Department to the forefront of law enforcement. Armed with robotic K-9 Units and Synthetic Officers, the CCPD is able to combat any threat that faces the city.

PRESENT – The city is currently in the middle of a mayoral election and tensions are running high due both to the rising crime rates and the current natural disasters. Poverty has begun to set in as the fluctuating economy has caused many layoffs in conjecture with many new automated systems reducing the number of laborers required to run many of Crescent City’s facilities.

W O R L D H I S T O R Y:

V I S I T A N T || 2630 - 300 BCE

While the Earth was still young, celestial visitors arrived to observe the primitive civilizations. Landing in the region known as modern Africa, these ‘aliens’ made contact with humanity, their advanced technology and inhuman appearance led their worship as gods. It was through celestial technology that pyramids such as the ones in Egypt and Mesoamerica were constructed. However as the celestials taught humanity, so humanity learned that the celestials were far from gods. Rebelling against the hand that had fed them, humanity sought to become their own masters once again and the celestials were forced to leave. While some technology was left behind, all hard evidence of there having once been alien life on Earth has been lost to the sands of time.

G E N E S I S || 200 BCE - 70 CE

In the beginning there was an Abyss. A dark void that occupied all time and space but then the Light appeared. With the appearance of the Light, a seed was planted within the Abyss, a seed which began to grow and flourish giving birth to a great tree. Within this tree flowed the very essence to life and upon its branches grew many blossoms. Within each blossom there was a universe, filled with numerous worlds. Some branches grew strong, supporting new growth while other branches were stunted, swallowed by the Abyss where they slowly died before breaking off from the tree and disappearing forever.

Our world was born within the middle of several flourishing blossoms. Surrounding by numerous universes filled with life of their own, our universe became known as Midyeden. The intersection at the tip of the branch, Earth was visited by many strange beings as they travelled from universe to universe across the Tree of Life and Death.

Eventually a mankind would seek the secrets of the Tree as they wondered where these beings they called ‘gods’ came from. Like so many other travellers, eventually a lone Druid found a vein belonging to the great Tree. Allowing their curiosity to get the better of them, the Druid ventured into the vein and found themselves at the center of the Tree of Life and Death. Filled with awe and wonder, they explored the Tree, drinking from its sap and gaining knowledge no man before them had ever known. It was in that moment that they first learned of magical force known as the Vis. Taking a Seed of Life with him, the Druid escaped the Tree and returned to Midyeden. Once home, the Druid planted the Seed and tended to it for the rest of his life. The Seed grew into the mighty White Oak, providing Midyeden with an anchor to Tree of Life and Death allowing magic to flow into the world. With their knowledge from the sap, the Druid instructed his people in how to harness and use the magic from the Tree.

Though the Druid lived many years beyond the expectations of their people, the Tree could not protect them from the sword and they were cut down in their sleep. But death could not hold the Druid as they escaped the Abyss, anchoring their spirit to Midyeden. Even in death the Druid proved to be a teacher and they taught their pupils how they too could escape death. Living as shades and spirits, the Druid and their students continue to pass their knowledge on to those who seek the knowledge of the Tree of Life and Death.

P E R S E C U T I O N || 790 - 1693 CE

During the dawn of the Viking Age, one particular longboat found its way to Ireland. Landing on the Northern coast, the raiders forged their way inland before encountering a group of Draoi. Engaging the Draoi sect in combat, the raiders were driven back by the Draoi’s mastering of the Vis. Returning after dark, the raiders slaughtered the Draoi in their sleep, except for one. Intending to learn the origin the Draoi’s powers the raiders began to torture and interrogate the Draoi. Their attempts ultimately proved futile as the Draoi used the Vis to resist their efforts, simply laughing in their faces and claiming his power came from within.Taking the Draoi’s words literally, the raiders gutted the man, and under instruction from their Godi, drained the blood into several vessels. Using the Draoi’s blood to write, the shaman began to inscribe runes into the ground before filling the letters with the blood. Nothing appeared to happen until the runes suddenly glowed, activating as the Godi spoke the name of each character. It was in this moment the Venari were first born and the feud between Venari and Draoi was created.

Eventually, the Venari spread beyond the raiders’ crew, making its way into the Germanic forests were a group of knights decided to lay out a code to follow. The Venari were formed under the premise of destroying threats too great for any normal man to face alone and as such the hunt of the Draoi began. Through the years, the Venari were employed by the Spanish Inquisition, the Pope and even Witch Hunters in America. But eventually the world turned on them as well when it seemed the Draoi had been eliminated. The Witch Hunters say no place for magic of any kind and to that end every user of the Vis was hunted down and slaughtered.

C A T A L Y S T || 1967 - 1984 CE

On October 18, 1967, Earth was hit with an immense Coronal Mass Ejection. During a total Lunar Eclipse, the sun emitted a massive interplanetary CME which doused the entire globe with high energy particles causing the largest and brightest occurrence of the aurorae ever recorded. Unfortunately this also brought a geomagnetic storm which ravaged Earth’s electrical transmission lines, causing power outages on a global scale. It was on this day that the Earth nearly stood still, sitting in total darkness for nearly ten minutes before back up systems began to re-activate. Numerous regions around the globe were left in the dark well beyond that. Cities were powerless for nearly a week while some rural areas were forced to survive for nearly a month without power. This event left a death toll numbering in the tens of thousands becoming known as the Dark Eclipse.

However the aftermath of the Dark Eclipse reached far further than anyone could have ever anticipated. The resulting effect of the high energy particles is a mutation appearing in one person of every million people. While public knowledge of the mutation remains vague, selected sects in the scientific community are aware of it and have dubbed the emergence of the mutation ‘Viriumosis’. In more common jargon, the possession of a mutation is referred to as the ‘Hype-Factor’ or ‘Hype-Gene’. Collectively, these mutants are referred to as ‘Hyperhumans’.

E M E R G E N C E || 1985 - 1999 CE

As the Cold War came to a close, humanity’s attention was turned to a new threat. One that was already in their homes, teaching their children and running their governments. As word of Hyperhumans became public knowledge a perpetual state of fear and paranoia took hold of the world. Neighbor was turned against neighbor and mother against child as humanity’s pattern of fearing that which they didn’t understand continued.

Propaganda against Hyperhumans was widespread especially in North America. Laws were passed that prohibited Hyperhumans from positions of authority on suspicion of using their abilities to gain an advantage. Athletes and other competition driven professions were heavily screened. Although there were those who chose to use Hyperhumans to their own advantage and more than one man or woman desperate to make a living allowed themselves to be drawn into the shadier side of things.

Activism and social conscious was pushed to an all time high during this period as people fought to be treated as equals no matter their colour, sexuality and abilities. Technology took leaps and bounds during this period as Hyperhumans with more subtle abilities were able to integrate into society and excel through their education and in their careers.

V I G I L A N C E || 2000 CE - Present

Due to the emergence of Hyperhumans during the late 80’s, technology advanced at a rapid rate. The majority of Earth’s power is based upon nuclear fusion with coal based energy completely phased out greatly reducing the amount of pollution present in Earth’s atmosphere. Roughly sixty-five percent of power is supplied by nuclear fusion while other clean energy make up the remaining thirty-five percent. Solar power makes up the majority of the secondary energy sources clocking in at twenty-five percent while wind makes up only five percent. The last five percent of energy sources is mixed between nuclear fission, hydroelectric and geothermal power.

Other advances in technology are rather notable among society. As of 2010, three dimensional screens or holographic displays have become commonplace among consumer homes while the self-driving car has been made available to the public market as of 2015. Despite the original fear of Hyperhumans, advances in both law and peace keeping technology has thus far kept any major superpowered crime at bay. Robotic K9 units along with autonomous patrol cars and synthetic officers have become the standard especially among large cities.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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S E T T I N G:

A large tri-city metropolitan center, the Crescent City Triad is made up of the three districts of the Point, Eden and Orlaith. A diverse city, Crescent City is home to numerous ethnicities and cultures which extend from its long history. The city’s crime rates have been low in the past but have been on a steady increase over the last five years. The Crescent City Triad has a Mediterranean climate that is sometimes classified, owing to its high rainfall, as an oceanic climate. It is one of the wettest places in California: the annual rainfall is 67 in (1,700 mm). The wettest months are from October to March; the wettest month is December with 11 inches (280 mm) and the driest month is July with less than 0.5 in (13 mm). The average high and low temperatures in January are 54 °F (12 °C) and 41 °F (5 °C). The average high and low temperatures in August are 66 °F (19 °C) and 51 °F (11 °C). Average number of days below 32 °F (0 °C) is 15 days. The highest temperature recorded in the Crescent City Triad was 93 °F (34 °C), observed on 24 September 1964, 1 June 1970, and 10 October 1991. The lowest temperature on record was 19 °F (−7 °C) on 21 December 1990. The maximum monthly precipitation was 31.25 inches (794 mm) in November 1973. The maximum 24-hour precipitation was 7.73 inches (196 mm) on 9 January 1995. The highest snowfall recorded for any period in 24 hours was 6.0 inches (15 cm) occurring on 6 January 1972.

Additionally, the topography of the sea floor surrounding Crescent City has the effect of focusing tsunamis. According to researchers at Humboldt State University and the University of Southern California, the city experienced tsunami conditions 31 times between the years 1933 and 2008. Although many of these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as "the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.

P O P U L A T I O N:

◼ City: 339, 298
◼ Urban: 5,164,739
◼ Metro: 5,251,647

A R E A:

◼ City: 51.73 sq mi
◼ Land: 35.89 sq. mi
◼ Water: 40.36 sq. mi
◼ Urban: 1,115.65 sq. mi
◼ Metro: 6,047.52 sq. mi

D E M O G R A P H I C S:

57.5% White (53.3% non-Hispanic white)
29.3% Black or African American
4.3% Asian American (1.2% Indian, 0.8% Chinese, 0.7% Vietnamese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Filipino, 0.1% Pakistani, 0.1% Japanese)
2.6% two or more races
1.4% some other race
0.5% Native American
<0.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

I N D U S T R Y:

Agriculture (Predominately Wine and Tobacco)
Manufacturing (Textiles, Chemicals, Electrical Equipment, Pulp and Paper Products)
Finance (Banking and Finance Industry)
Technology (Information and Biotechnology, Software Engineering)
Research (Research and Development, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Robotics)
Environmental Sciences, Genetics and others)

T H E P O I N T D I S T R I C T:

◼ 01. New Alexandria: A small fishing community sitting across the harbour from the rest of the city, New Alexandria is remote and often forgotten about as demonstrated by the abandoned Rhodes lighthouse which sits on the edge of the island borough run down and ignored since the end of the Cold War. In an effort to inject life into the district, the city built Grimm University on the Eastern end of the island, breaking ground in 1998. This brought new life into both New Alexandria and Pointe Bordeaux.

01.1 - The Sound: Originally part of the fishery wharves, around ten years back, the Sound was created by a young philanthropist looking to invest new life into the borough and introduce more housing for college students. As such many of the older buildings were tore down and new apartments and condominiums were put in their place. Many restaurants and upscale clubs have sprung up in the area over the past decade catering specifically to the young college crowd.

01.2 - Grimm University: Grimm University is one of the world's forth most leading universities in archaeology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and linguistics. However this is far from all that the university offers. It also has an extensive medical program, forensic sciences and recently opened a law school. Each year the University brings in thousands of new students as well as welcoming back the returning populace. The University itself is located to the south of the Sound. Grimm is one of the easiest locations to find in New Alexandria due to its easily recognizable Neo-Gothic inspired architecture. High towers and menacing arches only add to the atmosphere of this school.

01.3 - The Wharves: Situated on New Alexandria's Eastern point, the Wharves dot the edge of the island laying in the shadow of the Alexander Bridge. Sagging structures and faded wooden buildings line the coast above the rough cliffs that have been slowly eroded by the tide throughout the decade. Abandoned fisheries sit between the warehouses with the occasional sailor still trying to make a living off the old industry. Possibly one of the highest crime areas in all of Crescent City, the Docks are used by anyone from the local gangs to the De Vitis for hideouts, heists, deals and even executions. Small apartment buildings and a few residential neighborhoods dot the Western edge of the district. Home to both commercial and private docking, the Wharves most often see freighters and private vessels come in and out of the docks each day opposed to the commercial vessels which dock in New Lilith's Harbour. The Wharves are used as hideouts by some of the cities more notorious gangs and can be dangerous after dark due to gang territory disputes.

◼ 02. Pointe Bordeaux: Located on a peninsula sitting in Crescent Bay, Pointe Bordeaux is a thriving colourful borough. Known as the ‘Neon City’ to locals and tourists alike, the borough shares a lot of influence from both Miami and New Orleans, having a thriving club and night scene. To many, Pointe Bordeaux is an escape, a break from the stress that life often brings as they get lost in the clubs along the coast. The borough makes most of its money officially on tourism, however it thrives on drug money from the cartels of the South. Rampant with crime, if you go missing in Pointe Bordeaux, no one bothers to look for you. Among Pointe Bordeaux's more notable attractions are Club Nevermind; a popular hangout spot for older students from New Alexandria. However the La Petite Mort also gets its fair share of traffic for very different reasons.

02.1 - Milk Street: Once home to the city's milk bottling factory, the Milk Street has become known as something of a 'hipster' neighborhood with old factories converted into clubs and dive-bar concert halls. A common alternative for students and young people to the Sound, the Milk District offers a completely different feel much more down to earth. Due to its slight distance from the center of the city and the old bottling factory, it serves as an ideal location for music festivals for alternative and indie artists.

02.2 - Little Santiago (A.K.A. Lil'Santiago or Poor Lil'Santiago): Sitting near the North Western edge of the borough, Little Santiago is an ethnic district with a distinct Caribbean flair. There's also a notable Spanish influence mostly apparent in the district distinct housing style. Many cultural events are celebrated in the streets of Little Santiago and live music can also be heard down every block as the smells of the Caribbean waft through the air.

02.3 - Lonely Hearts Club: Found just East of Little Santiago, the Lonely Hearts Club has a lot of draw for what it lacks in appeal. Flashing neon signs of 'Girls, Girls Girls', 'NUDE' and 'XXX' cover nearly every commercial space in the neighborhood and the street corners are never empty. Filled with the washed up and washed out, the Lonely Hearts Club is home to many small pubs, strip joints, casinos and brothels. Alcoholics stumble from dive bars, along the sidewalk as they make their way to their next drink, drug addicts sit in allies, half conscious with needles still pressed into their arms. Most people are advised to steer clear of the neighborhood unless they want their pockets lightened.

02.4 - Gagniez: Modeled after the famous Las Vegas Strip, the Gagniez is home to all manner of hotels, clubs and casinos at which you can try your luck. However luck isn't the only thing that's available to try in Gagniez. Those with more carnal desires can find their urges sated to the East near the Lonely Hearts Club. In all of Crescent City, Gagniez is the pot that has more hands dipped into it than any other as nearly every major crimelord has a share of its spoils. Gagniez is located in the North Eastern side of Pointe Bordeaux near the border of the Industrial Lane making it a favourite past time for shift workers.

◼ 03. Crestwood Hollow: Crestwood Hollow is a small borough originally founded in the 1864, and is home to the Murdoch Mental Hospital. Settled alongside the Whispering Woods, the city is home to a large rural area, boasting a very fruitful agricultural industry. The largest export of the city is the 'Golden Delicious' apple. Beyond the district lies a densely populated forest of oak, maple and cherry trees. This contributes to several lumber mills in the area that provide a secondary industry to the borough. The port is often a thriving hub of life with new ships visiting each day. Several fisheries dot the piers but have fallen upon hard times in latter years due to over-fishing in the Atlantic. Numerous recreational boats fill the docks and full warehouses litter the boardwalks.

03.1 - North City: Located against the North Western border of Crestwood Hollow, North City sits against the thick treeline of the Whisper Woods. Just inside the woods are a series of deep ravines which sit below craggy cliffs and small creeks which make their way from Calder Lake to the coast and into the pacific. North City is the wealthiest area in the Point, with upper class homes styled after Edwardian influences lining its residential area. Mather Memorial Highschool makes its home here, providing an institute of learning to the surrounding area.

◼ 04. Jethrull:Jethrull centers around the Sigma Tower, a colossal, narrow sky scraper that juts out to challenge the mountain peaks to the east of it. Further to the East, the district becomes steadily more wooden and festive, a lumberjack site stretching the edge of the city just beyond the boarders of a gondola line that winds up the mountain toward a winter resort - a main source of wealth for Jethrull. Back down in the city proper, toward the West end, is considerable retail land, with two major malls and a few large high streets, filled with chains and independents and locals all mashed together. To the North lies the main residential area, housing and streets and a few small parks dotted around, while between here and the business area closer to the Sigma Tower lie several blocks filled with apartments and condominiums. Along the Southern edge of the district is a shared industrial sector which is where Jethrull and Kilbride meet.

04.1 - Power District: The most northern region of Crescent City, the Power District sits in the shadow of the Demon’s Teeth Mountains. At the base of these mountains is a Hydro-Electric Dam which uses the current supplied by the Angel’s Tears Waterfall to produce power for the city. The Angel Tear’s Waterfall flow into a basin which is then filtered through the dam and flow into the Clyde River which empties into Calder Lake in the Industrial District. Fossil fuel plants, nuclear and hydro-electric all line the Power District as it pumps the city’s life blood through its power lines. Abandoned steam plants sit empty along the city’s edge creating an eerie ghost neighborhood.

04.2 - Industrial District: Built along either side of Clyde River as it flows to Calder Lake on the Southern edge of the district, the Industrial District is the source of about seventy percent of employment in Kilbride. Coal mines and oil refineries along with numerous factories that prepare goods to ship to all of North America dot the district along with sleazy motels and rundown apartments. To the east of the Industrial districts is the Demon’s Mouth quarry where most of the city’s mineral wealth comes from.

T H E E D E N D I S T R I C T:

◼ 05. Kilbride: Affectionately referred to as the ‘City of Hephaestus’, Kilbride is known for its factories and the heavy layer of smoke, smog and steam that tends to hang over the city’s northern edges. The factories run all year round, while the power district continuously pumps out power to the entire city. In its oldest and richest region, Kilbride sports a distinct Edwardian architectural style, a style that contrasts with New Lilith’s Gothic stonework and Los Paraíso’s villas. This style is the district’s dominant look although other architectural styles persist. The district is almost like the rings of a great oak tree with the buildings towards the old mines being among the oldest in the city and then slowly becoming newer as they expand towards the other two urban centers. The styles of the 80’s, 70’s and 60’s are all well alive through the Narrows and Rows. Old subway tunnels run beneath the city constructed in the long abandoned mines. These tunnels are reinforced with steel and brick while leaking steam pipes and power lines run along the ceiling beneath the busy roads above. These steam pipes used to provide heat and power to a majority of the city but now lay abandoned venting half-heartedly into the city adding to the constant smog hovering over the district and an ominous hiss in the quiet of the night.

05.1 - The Narrows: The Narrows are the North East End of the city. Known for being the low end of one of the poorer districts in Kilbride, the Narrows are an older district with shacks and slums lining the edge against the Whispering Woods and small older homes as you go back into the city. As you come towards the Rows, the setting of the Narrows moves closer to lower middle class while remaining apparent these areas are still poorer than the rest of the city.

05.2 - The Rows: The Rows are part of the urban center of Crescent City. Not as new as some of the other areas of the city, it’s much better off than the Narrows. A distinct middle class area, the Rows are also one of the oldest parts of the city being the original site of much of Kilbride’s construction having been built around a central graveyard known as the Drybones Graveyard. This graveyard holds many empty graves for those lost in the mines so many years ago along with numerous ones for those lost in the Lilith fire. The Rows also has several upper class neighborhoods, as well as various businesses and two local colleges. One of which is an Arts and Performing College where as the other is based around the Skilled Trades. One of the local elementary schools, Sandstone Elementary is located in this district. Just outside Kilbride, the mountains house a large resort which is a huge hit with locals and tourists alike. Providing off road activities through most of the year, in the winter the mountain is covered in a mixture of natural and artificial snow to attract skiers and snowboarders alike. The mountains also contain ancient ruins of some sort of stone ring not unlike that of Stonehenge, it's a rather popular place for both tourists and teenagers a like. The 'Stone Ring' or as it is also commonly referred to as, the 'Lover's Ring' has seen its fair share of nudity and proposals.

◼ 06. Shasta Basin Built at the delta of the Clyde River, Shasta Basin is a small neighborhood built entirely on the water in the shadow of both New Lilith and Pointe Bordeaux. Home primarily to dock workers and fishermen, the area is known for being rougher than those it borders with a relatively high crime rate.

◼ 07. New Lilith: New Lilith is a towering monument to progress, a city literally caught between moving forward and in the echoes of times gone by. Skyscrapers stand side by side with elegant buildings adorned with spires and other Gothic influences. Gargoyles hang over ledges, keeping a close watch over the city below as other intricate works of stone catch the eye and attention of those who walk the manicured streets. New Lilith boosts some of the best masons in all of North America and as such the city's fine craftsmanship is one of its primary draws. This attributes to New Lilith's booming tourism industry which brings people from all over to the city nearly all year round.

07.1 - Tower District: Directly to the South of the Little Italy, the Tower district is made up of fairly modern buildings primarily skyscrapers which consist of offices, apartments and condos such as Caito Enterprises Incorporated. Primarily a financial district, the Tower district is home to numerous banks including an ancient mint which dates back to the days of the gold rush. The tower district is also home to numerous clubs which means there's not a time of day when the Tower District isn't crawling with people as men and women of all ages come to blow off steam when the sun goes down losing themselves in the melodies of one of the city's talented DJs. Aside from hopping clubs, the Tower District is also home to numerous upper class restaurants all of which serve the very finest in dining. One such establishment is the Circus Maximus Casino and Raceway.

07.2 - Little Italy: Located in Northern central New Lilith, Little Italy is an ethnic district with a strong Italian influence. Home to the notorious De Vitis Family Crime Syndicate, nothing happens in Little Italy without their say or knowledge. Numerous Italian style restaurants can be found in this area along with a towering Roman Catholic Cathedral known as St. Francis’ Cathedral. Despite being a church, the building is more often than not used by De Vitis to orchestrate plans between the syndicate.

07.3 - The Bazaar:In addition to the historical downtown is the Bazaar district which is several blocks of historical buildings converted into novelty and specialty stores such as The Lamp. Many of these buildings also offer apartments above the stores which can be quite pricey but often some of the nicest apartments in the city especially for the history buffs. The Bazaar is always the ending point of any historical tour through New Lilith is almost always guaranteed to be busy with tourists looking for the perfect keepsake to bring home. The Bazaar is also home to New Lilith's 'Pub Crawl' a street lined with numerous pubs and bars many themed to the city's history such as the Stein and Cauldron, the Cold Adder or Lady Absynthe.

◼ 08. Lilith The original city is found to the East of New Lilith. While most of Lilith was destroyed by a fire in 1893, the town was restored and grew from there. Buildings made entirely of stone were constructed in the downtown of the city as a defiant act daring fire to strike a second time. Now Lilith is looked upon as a historical monument and great care is taken to keep this part of the city looking pristine every year for tourist season.

08.1 - The Spires: The Spires is the oldest area of the city consisting of an ancient City Hall made out of carved stone making it very difficult to retrofit as time went on and technology developed. That aside, the building itself is one of the most durable buildings in all of New Lilith. In addition to the City Hall, the Spires is made up of a historical downtown and is one of the focal points in tourism as people look at the older buildings. Accompanying this is the New Lilith Public Library which is nearly as old as the City Hall itself and the Hobbes University of Law. The University's administrative building was one of New Lilith's original schools, it has been upgraded and expanded since as well as the University as a whole receiving various wings added on. The school occupies a good portion of the central city now.

08.2 - East City: While not as old as the downtown, East City is comprised of older homes, the oldest of which date back to the forties and the newest of which date back to the seventies. Amidst these homes is the Calvin Elementary School and the Abramson Secondary School, not to mention the older convenience stores which dot the corners of the streets. You can occasionally find a more modern building or store in the area but it's rare since the city tries to protect its 'historical' buildings.

◼ 09. Albatross Cove Like Shasta Basin, Albatross Cove is built on the water, unlike the Basin however, the Cove is home to luxury condominiums and apartments along with yacht clubs and other high brow establishments. Sharing borders with New Lilith and Paradise on the Water, the area is home to many wealthy retirees who want nothing more than to watch the sunset along the water each and every night.

09.1 - Crescent City Harbour:The city’s harbour, the Harbour district sees both cruise liners and freighters in and out of its docks every day. The area also hosts the public docks where yachts and sailing boats are held when not in use. A heavy traffic area, the Harbour is always bustling with activity even in the dead of night. It’s also almost as crime rich as the Docks as the constant activity keeps away the prying eyes of law enforcement.

◼ 10. Larissa A city originally built around a World War II airbase, Larissa soon found other financial avenues as the wine industry began to grow and flourish. However, Larissa eventually became home to one of North America's most powerful organized crime families, the enigmatic Roman Locke. Larissa has a thriving manufacturing industry exporting and importing numerous materials on a daily basis. A leader in technological research, the city is quickly growing to be the a focal point towards the future.

10.1 - City Dionysia: Situated in the heart of the Larissa, the City Dionysia district is one of the oldest parts of Larissa but also one of the most constantly updated. A great deal of money is poured into the district every year to keep it looking fresh and welcoming to tourists. Every autumn, the district holds a Dionysia Wine Festival which attracts thousands of visitors. As such most of the winter months are spent repairing and maintaining the downtown for when tourist season comes again. Many different fine dining establishments line the streets of the City Dionysia, almost all of which serve local wines. The majority of these establishments serve Greek cuisine or a Greek inspired menu but it is possible to simply find a good steak.

10.2 - Somerset: Sitting directly above the Lower East Side, Somerset or the Upper East Side, and was home to Roman Locke's criminal empire. The area has a distinct European influence specifically Italian as many fine eateries line its streets hiding backroom deals and white collar crime. Tall skyscrapers tower over the streets below running the city's finances and utilities which allowed Locke to keep all of Larissa in the palm of his hand.

10.4 - Lower East Side: The Lower East End is the roughest side of town. Sitting to the East of the Sound and the Wharf, it's a crime ridden district filled with petty theft, drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes. Unfortunately many low income families end up living in this area due to the cheap housing. Due to the proximity to the Sound, many students end up living in the Lower East Side, those who flunk out often end up walking the streets addicted to numerous drugs or extorted in front of a camera in a rundown apartment.

T H E O R L A I T H D I S T R I C T:

◼ 11. Paradise on the Water Paradise on the Water has homes which range from six figures to nearly ten. The ultimate beach houses to quaint little cottages. Though the town is notably quieter than the city it neighbours, Paradise on the Water still has its fair share of noise. Home to Paradise Beaches and the city's harbour, the town sees a fair bit of travel and has a rather consistent population not taking into consideration those who use the available time shares and cottages in the area. Often many people who live on the Water prefer to venture up to Paradise Valley for food instead of into the City. Just beyond this neighborhood to the east is Paradise Valley. The area which is famous for two things, one Paradise Falls, the massive waterfalls which is made up of six different mountain rivers which run together and flows over Old Stone Mountain’s south side only to break off into two rivers again at the base of the waterfalls' basin, and two, damn good wine. Paradise Valley is one of the most fertile farming lands in all of North America, if not the world. It gets the perfect amount of sun and rain at just the right time all year. As such the Valley is home to many farms, orchards and vineyards. Most of which are very well off.

◼ 11.1 South Beach Directly south of the Overtown is the South Beach. Upper end high rises and condominiums dot the horizon of the South Beach leading out to sandy white beaches on the edge of the city's southern seaboard. Home to an ever growing real estate market, the South Beach is popular area with newcomers and retirees alike.

◼ 11.2 North Beach Sitting directly west of the Olympus neighborhood, North Beach is home to numerous hotels and condominiums overlooking the Western seaboard. Much of the real estate in this district is owned by Raul de Vitis and is used for housing his business quests. As such, crime in the North Beach area is higher than the South, especially in terms of violent crimes.

◼ 11.3 OvertownThe Overtown neighborhood is home to several technology and research facilities in its southern edge before becoming middle class housing towards the Northern edge. Housing prices tend to soar along the Western edge as it boarders the Olympus neighborhood. Overtown is home to the legendary Veritas Marketing and Legal known for getting numerous publically convicted criminals acquitted after retrial. The headquarters for Chimera Cosmetics is also located here known for their cutting edge beauty treatments such as pigment alterations and iris injections for altering skin and eye colour respectively.

◼ 11.4 Olympus The wealthiest neighborhood in all of Paradise on the Water, the Olympus District sits directly East of the North Beach neighborhood and runs North alongside Overtown ending at the foothills before Albatross Cove.

◼ 12. Los ParadisoSpanning a long history, Los Paraíso is a diverse city and home to numerous ethnicities and cultures. The city spans over a large area, consisting of the major city of Los Paraíso, or Paradise City and a smaller rural community known as Paradise Valley. Paradise Valley lies two miles to the South of the main city and is home to Paradise Falls, one of the largest natural waterfalls in the world. Two rivers run off these falls, the first of which is the Dorado Rapids which runs along the Eastern edge of Paradise on the Water, before flowing west into the Pacific. Paradise on the Water is Los Paraíso’s southernmost and richest district while the second river, the Del Vida River divides the Paradise Valley from the city and continues to flow due South. This span is crossed by a giant suspension bridge known as the Tower Bridge due to the giant turrets which rise up on either side of it. It's an impressive sight even to those who live in Los Paraíso and has been featured in many movies. The city's architecture ranges from styles as old as the 1920's to modern and futuristic styles that look like they belong in one of Paradise Hill's science fiction movies.

12.1 - Studio Strip: This is where Paradise Hills was made, the Studio Strip is home almost every major film study in the world. The most famous of these studios, is Studio 11 which is famous for big blockbuster flicks focusing on heroes. Each block is filled with warehouses, trailers and offices of some of the biggest names in the industry. No matter what time of day it is, no matter the weather there's always guaranteed to be people lined around the block just waiting to get a glimpse of their favourite star. In the event of injuries on set or of any sort, there is an emergency clinic which can handle most major injuries. Though anything overly serious is airlifted to one of the other hospitals in Paradise City. In addition to the studios there’s the Entertainment Strip. The Strip in Los Paraíso is home to all manner of hotels, clubs and casinos at which you can try your luck. The most famous of these is the Colosseum Hotel and Casino rumored to be owned by none other than the Del Fierro crime family. The Strip is run by more than a few 'former' mafia bosses, and is often heavy with law enforcement. Within the Strip is the Avenue Rouge which is home to numerous strip clubs and brothels, essentially Crescent City’s own 'Red Light District'. The Strip couldn’t be missed thanks change from classic lighting of the rest of the city to the neon lighting of the strip.

12.2 - Paradise Hills: Paradise Hills or the ‘Diamond Neighbourhood’ is one of the wealthiest areas in all of Crescent City. Paradise Hills is filled with eccentric billionaires who line the streets with cars most people can't afford the tires for. The houses, or rather mansions here sometimes take up more than a couple blocks of land. Paradise Hills also houses its own private hospital along with numerous private schools for the children of the rich and famous. There's always paparazzi around this neighbourhood at the very least. Towards the interior of the city is Conquistador University, one of the top arts schools in all of North America.

◼ 13. Longhorn The unofficial name for the area is 'Taurus City'. A name that, nowadays, is used more as a quip than anything, though its origins are shrouded in a dark history. A large community and thriving city, Longhorn City runs along both Orlaith valley and the Desert of the Dry Bones. A large farming community surrounds the city from the South and the East and is home to many different ranches and other agricultural homesteads. Originally named for the surrounding bountiful herds of wild longhorn cattle-- seemingly abandoned by an earlier settlement (of which there are no records, something not uncommon for the time period), --the city itself is now known for the oil which it harvests from the desert and its large exports of fuel as well as good ol'American monster longhorn steaks, which could put even a Texas Cowboy steak to chame. Founded in the early 1900s by nomads looking for a place to settle down, Longhorn City gained its well-deserved name from the original "Bone Gorge" after the townsfolk of the original settlement were able to live off of nothing but the crop of the land and meat from the cattle when trade was sparse around the time of 1914-1920's. The name also stemmed from the discovery of a Native American burial site, littered with entire skeletons of the longhorn's arranged in a meaning of offering. Nowadays, the city is a towering monument to man's progress in the area as it rises above the desert. A very wealthy city, many of its restaurants are famous for their homemade barbecue recipes. While the North end of the city is filled with industry and low income housing, the center is very wealthy with the East and West making up middle class, the South is very wealthy.

13.1 - Mount Nysa: The Mount Nysa region lies to the south Eastern edge of the city. Despite being slightly elevated compared to the rest of the city, it's still however only a mountain in name only. This area is covered in vineyards and is known for being the city's wine country. Millions of bottles of Dionysia wine is shipped out of Mount Nysa each and every year with a majority of it staying local for the Dionysia Wine Festival. Furthermore all of Longhorn's agriculture can be found here including the tobacco industry and its plantations.

13.2 - The Greek Quarter: In the late fifties, an influx of Greek immigrants moved into this area and turned the land into fertile farm land. As such it's now a rural community which is a stark departure from the neoclassical and modernist architecture of the rest of Orlaith. At the center of the Greek Quarter is the Farmer's Market which is exactly what its name suggests, a market run by the farmers of Crescent City. The area consists of both permanent and semi-permanent structures which are removed when the season passes. During the summer and harvest months, the Market is filled with stalls of fresh fruit, vegetables, homemade pastries and numerous other ideas. As well the area is occupied by flea markets and tradesmen peddling their wares. Butcher shops can be found nearby and there's always livestock or pets for sale. In the winter, the area occupied from the stalls is turned into several large ice rinks allowing for public skating or hockey games. These ice rinks are sustained by several freezing units in order to ensure the ice actually stays frozen amid California’s mild winters. The city erects bleachers to ensure the public can watch and someone is always serving coffee, apple cider, tea or hot chocolate on site.

N O T A B L E A R E A S:

◼ a. The Rhodes Lighthouse Remote and often forgotten about, the Rhodes Lighthouse was built during the second World War. Falling out of use at the end of, the Rhodes Lighthouse, has long believed to be haunted by the New Alexandria community. Starting in the early 90's, sightings of lights and alleged ghosts moving around in the lighthouse became common. In the year 2000, the lighthouse was purchased by the Michaels' Foundation in an effort to preserve the historic monument.

◼ b. The Whispering Woods Located North West of Crestwood Hollow and Jethrull, the Whispering Woods got their names from the noise the wind makes when it blows through the trees. Sounding like a whisper, the woods are considering to be something of a modern mystery due to the phenomenon. Thought to be home to some ancient creature, the woods are regarded as eerie by most and have recently come under protection from logging.

◼ c. The Demon's Teeth A mountain range located to the North of Old Stone Mountain, the Demon's Teeth are part of the Cascade Mountain Range. Their name comes from the way the mountains look like a mouth reaching towards the sky. Scientists have discovered some volcanic activity beneath the range, but it lies far too dormant to be of any concern to the people of Crescent City.

◼ d. Old Stone Mountain The tallest mountain in the Demon's Teeth, Old Stone Mountain casts its long shadow over Crescent City and is home to numerous quarries and mines at its base which provides a livelihood to Kilbride and Jethrull.

◼ e. Angel Tears Waterfall A large waterfall found on Old Stone Mountain. The Angel Tears Waterfall flows down the mountain into the Clyde River before resting in the Calder Lake and continuing its journey to the Pacific. A popular gathering spot for the youth of Crescent City, the waterfall also attracts millions of tourists every year.

◼ f. The Hanging Tree A large white oak located in the center of New Lilith, the Hanging Tree has stood almost as long as Lilith itself having been used to carry out the final sentences for many criminals. The tree is believed to be tainted but is regarded as a piece of Crescent City history and as such protected from harm and well taken care of.

◼ g. Deadman's Bog Located along the South Western edge of New Lilith, the Langlands Moss Bog or 'Deadman's Bog' an ancient peat moss bog. Rundown boardwalks provide a nature walk for anyone brave enough to venture into the bog. The bog itself however holds more secrets than its given credit for. The nature of the bog allows it to perfect perserve its victims as it sucks them down beneath the surface and as such the bog is a favourite dumping spot for the local crimelords with Roman Locke and Raul de Vitis being most infamous for using the bog to dispose of their problems.

◼ h. Desert of Dry Bones: The Desert of the Dry Bones stretches from Texas, through New Mexico and all the way into California providing a rugged but direct route for smuggling. A large dry sandy area, it's home to very little due to it's brutal climate. Scorching hot days and freezing cold nights. Many bodies have been found dead in the desert whether killed by the elements or dumped there never to be seen again. Those that do dwell in the desert are the remaining members of an ancient Navajo Tribe who seldom make contact with Crescent City or any other modern establishment due to fear of the modern world corrupting traditions.​

◼ i. Sugar BeachNamed for its crystal white sand, Sugar Beach is a favourite location of numerous tourists. Always alive with activity such as surfers, sun tanners and swimmers, the beach is lined with numerous shops and restaurants along with several hotels and condominiums that tower behind the shoreline.

◼ j. Orlaith Valley Orlatih Valley is Longhorn's agricultural region and as a result provides for the majority of Crescent City. Boasting a very fruitful agricultural industry, numerous farms, ranches and other plantations fill its lands. The largest export of the valley is the Golden Delicious Apple. Beyond the valley lies densely populated forests of oak, maple and cherry trees. This contributes to several lumber mills in the area that provide another industry to the city.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

H O M O G E N E R A:

There’s an estimated one Hyperhuman per every million humans on Earth. This number is expected to double within the next ten years due to the dominance of the Hyperhuman gene. As a result, the growth of the Hyperhuman population is expected to inflate exponentially over the next century and by the dawn of twenty second century, Hyperhumans will be the dominant race on Earth.

In contrast to this growing number, the Draoi are estimated to number only one for every ten million humans on Earth. This is because the Draoi are slowly dying out due in part to their systematic elimination at the hands of the Venari along with their own thirst for power which has drove them to turn on one another. Yet the Draoi do live on, and thanks to their long lifespans may see a resurgence in their order, if this does not happen they are expected to be extinct by the end of the millennia.

Like the Draoi, the Venari's numbers are struggling. Due to the advances of technology, the services of a monster hunter have been rarely needed and Hellions have become increasingly rare in the last couple centuries. As a result, the materials to create new Venari are scarce and the order has been dying since the betrayal of the Witch Hunters in 1693.

Opposed to the Homo Magni and Hyperhumans whose populations can be tracked, Celestials visit Earth and leave at various intervals. At any one given time it is expected that there is one Celestial per every billion humans on Earth. That said this number can fluctuate and can never truly be fully determined due to Celestials being highly difficult to isolate and track. Hellions are in a similar boat and the actual number of Hellions residing on Earth is near impossible to track.

Augmented individuals currently make up less than one percent of the world population due to the cost and relevant newness of the procedures. Mundanes on the other hand make up the majority of the world's population,
numbering well over nine billion with the majority completely unaware of any extra-normal individuals leaving among them outside of Hyperhumans and Augmented. The Homo Magni, Celesitals and Hellions are next to unknown to most folks and most prefer to keep it that way.

01. H O M O M A G N I
01.1 - Draoi: The Draoi have deep Celtic roots, originating in ancient Ireland when a druid found himself lost in a state of purgatory between life and death. This state of purgatory was known as the Tree of Life and Death, a mystical abyss which connects every realm, timeline and reality through its numerous branches. It was here that the First of the Draoi drank the sap from the Tree of Life and Death and in doing so, found the soul of another entering its body. The sap of the Tree contained the souls of an ancient race known as the Alfar. These Alfar were the ancient arborists who tended to the Tree in its infancy belonging to the first realm. However as the Tree grew, their realm eventually died and the leaves which contained it fell into the abyss becoming part of the tree itself. Due to this, the souls of the Alfar were channeled into the sap of the Tree, waiting for one day when someone would tap the power of the Tree.

As the soul of the Alfar entered the body of the Draoi, ancient arcane knowledge was passed onto him. Knowledge of the working of the Tree but most importantly knowledge of the Vis. The Vis is a mystical energy which flows through not only Earth but the entire Tree of Life and Death. Invisible, unseen and full of untapped potential, it can be wielded by disciplined individuals, those who can close their minds to the distractions of the world and allow the Vis to flow through them. Given various names across different cultures, the Vis can be harnessed by many different means and even stored within enchanted items and materials. The power of the Vis is balanced into the Lux and the Nox. The Lux side of the Vis deals in the power to heal and shield one's body, where the Nox deals in manipulating the forces of nature against one's enemies.

Draoi are not born, they are made by partaking in the ancient rituals. A proud tradition, Draoi often come from a long lineage and more often than not belong to very wealthy families. When a child reaches the age of eleven, they enter the order under the title of Initiate. For the next five years, the Initiate is expected to study and learn everything they can about Draoi history, its traditions and most importantly study the notes and lessons that experienced Draoi and Elders have passed down on how to best manipulate the Vis. At the age of sixteen, the Initiate should they have proven their worth and dedication, are allowed to perform the Rite of Passage. In times immemorial, the Initiates were permitted to drink from the Sap of the Tree of Life and Death. The method of obtaining the sap however has been lost to history and instead the Draoi now grow their numbers through sacrifice. The ruling council will determine the weakest among them, and he will be sacrificed. The Alfar within him, shattered and spread among the Initiates as they drink from his blood. The Alfar fragment will then bound with the human soul, changing the Initiate into a Draoi.

While Hyperhumans tend to primarily be limited to a single defined set of powers, Draoi are able to constantly learn and adapt their powers. Each Draoi generates a large amount of current that when channelled through a conductive metal can be manipulated to a variety of effects. This current also acts similar to a magnetic polarity granting Draoi a sort of sixth sense attraction to each other as they are literally attracted towards other Draoi. Items made of conductive metals are more susceptible to the effects of magic and especially transformation based magic. Magic works on a similar principle to electrical current, attacking at a molecular scale, it directly affects its targets at an atomic level. This makes magic incredibly hard to defend against except through the use of counter magic.

The Draoi can't unleash their powers directly without damaging their bodies, and as such must channel the Vis through external objects such as wands, rings and other items which often have a personal tie to the person. These objects are referred to as Conduits and each conduit must at least have a core of a conductive metal. The Vis can only be channeled through a conductive metal due to manifesting as pure energy before exploding into the Draoi's desired effect. Like electricity and other forms of energy, some metals work better than others in conducting the Vis. Precious metals such as gold and silver are often the most desired among Draoi. Additionally, while most Draoi only rely on one Conduit there are those who train to wield two simultaneously. This particular practice can take years to master and is often only found among very dedicated Draoi. The Draoi also create enchanted items, small metallic conduits which hold within a single magical effect. A clasp which enables a Draoi to float, or a breastplate that protects the wearer are both examples of possible enchantments. Alchemy and potion making are also possible, the Vis is released into a potion so long as a Conduit is used to stir the mixture whereas alchemy requires metal embedded with magic to melt into the elixir.

Duels between Draoi are vicious and brutal. Upon defeat the winner will strip the loser of the Alfar soul within them, absorbing the loser’s powers to boost their own. Due to this, Draoi are actually unlikely to train their own children due to likelihood of child and parent eventually turning on one another. Furthermore, the Draoi don't have a human lifespan. Their lifespan is expanded each time a Draoi absorbs the powers of another. The absorption of the Alfar soul does not kill the original host but it does leave them powerless and return them to a Mundane state.

Initially mistaken as Gods in ancient times, the Draoi took advantage of this and exerted their dominance over the people of the day. However as time went on, the Draoi were eventually persecuted and hunted down, most notably by the Spanish Inquisition and during the Salem Witch Trials.

01.2 - Venari: The Venari were created when a Scandinavian raiding party came across a Draoi sect in Northern Ireland. Initially, the Draoi proved to be too strong a force for the raiders to defeat and they were driven back. Returning at night, the raiders silently killed every Draoi in the settlement, save for one who they brutally interrogated. Though their interrogation proved fruitless, a shaman among them, a Godi did manage to isolate a clue from the Draoi’s final words. Using the blood of the Draoi as a way to channel the Vis within it, the Godi shaped it into runes manipulating the Vis on the ground before the raiders. From there he began to mix the blood with ink in order to tattoo the power onto his companions.

This method spread among the Scandinavian population but a dedicated few formed the original Venari. Charging into battle, their various runes lending them the power of the Vis. The blood of the Draoi was essentially a blank slate and the shape and meaning of the rune would draw out the power of the Vis to invoke a desired effect.

As time went on, the secrets of the Godi made its way into the Black Forest in Germany where a group of knights were overwhelmed against a dragon. Returning to the village at night, the knights abducted the village seer, taking her blood and invoking the Godi’s ritual. As a practicing Draoi, the seer’s blood proved viable for the desired effect and the Knight’s were finally able to take down the dragon. Taking what they could from the beast, the Knights forged new armor out of the beast’s hide but more importantly learned that the blood of the dragon contained within it the Vis to manipulate fire. This proved to be valuable knowledge, as the Knights continued to hunt down monsters, learning their blood contained power within it.

As the Venari order continued to grow, a caste system was developed. Among these castes were the Scribes, the men and women responsible for applying and maintaining the tattoos which gave the Venari their powers. The scribes would experiment and learn which blood would give what effect and while some variations were found among certain species of Hellions, Draoi blood remained the most versatile and desirable. While Hellion blood could only grant the traits which the beast itself contained, Draoi blood acted as a blank slate and took on the properties of the rune instead of the other way around.

A Guild Master was always in charge of the order, although he was not a sole commander, instead acting as a head of a council. The council was made up of the eldest and most experience among the Venari, former scribes and hunters alike who had spent their time in the field and were looked to as authorities.

The Hunters were the backbone of the Venari, leaving the fortress in the Black Forest to go out and seek work, kill monsters and return with new resources for the scribes. Often accompanying these Hunters were the lowest caste of the Venari, the Apprentices, young men and women who have yet to receive their initiation ink. An apprentice serves by the side of a hunter until they have reached the age of sixteen, upon this date the Hunter appears before the council and either gives his support to the apprentice joining the order or suggests that the apprentice be returned to their parents. If the Hunter does vouch for his apprentice, the apprentice will then spend two years serving the council as an Interned before the council decides whether the Interned would serve the order best as a Hunter or a Scribe.

Without their tattoos, Venari are essentially powerless. The only limit to the amount of tattoos a Venari can cover themselves with is the amount of space on their body. If the tattoo fades or is damaged in anyway, it will fail to work. Only a Scribe can repair or apply a Venari Rune tattoo, and as such a Venari rarely works alone.

While the Venari primarily acted as sellswords, travelling town to town to sell their services in exchange for ridding the populace of Hellions, throughout history they have been aligned with greater causes. During the crusades, the Pope brought Venari hunters along in order to give the illusion to the other Knights that the enemy was in fact demonic in nature. The Spanish Inquisition used the Venari to hunt and seek out Draoi and in America, the Venari were used to hunt witches during the Salem Witch Trials. These alliances have only ever been temporary, often ending with the allied faction turning on the Venari. This has been especially true in the case of the Spanish Inquisition and the Witch Hunters, the latter of which essentially wiped out what few Venari were left.

02. - H O M O S A P I E N S:
02.1 - Augmented: In 2014, a breakthrough was made in the field of bio-mechanical science. As a result of this breakthrough, prosthetics took a major leap forward, becoming fully operating mechanical limbs. As a result of these advances, many prosthetics are considered even better than the body parts one is born with. Those dubbed the Augmented are humans with these bio-mechanic, prosthetics, graftings and implants. Originally a procedure reserved for those in need, the process has become privatized and widespread allowing anyone with enough money to undergo the procedure or anyone desperate enough to put themselves under the knife in a dark alley. Augmentations can affect any part of the body, from isolated organs, to muscle tissue to entire limbs. There have been many debates as to at what point a person is no longer recognized as augmented but as a machine.

The most common augmentations are those of the limb and spine, in order to create the illusion of a superhuman physique. However, some people adapt their brains to receive information via download while others boost their senses to function at a higher level. Most recently, some career disciplines have begun testing for mandatory augmentation. Physically demanding disciplines could benefit from having augmented men to do the workload of two men in order to save on costs, while other disciplines such as firefighting or law enforcement would benefit from the increased safety of their officers. Likewise, the military has already deployed sanctioned augmented troops into enemy territory.

While durable, the augmentations are far from perfect and many are still vulnerable to electrical attack. The source of the augmentations definitely determines the quality of both the parts themselves and of the graft. The body can still reject the augmentations which can be extremely painful to the host, if not resulting in their death. Most augmentations are designed to maintain a human appearance, however some have begun requesting a more ‘robotic’ appearance creating a sub-culture within the Augmented.

02.2 - Hyperhuman: Hyperhumans are humans who have undergone Viriumosis thus leading to the creation of a ‘Hype-Gene’ and development of extranormal abilities. Viriumosis occurs when the high energy particles create an insertion and add one or more extra nucleotides into the host DNA. As insertions in the coding region of a gene may alter splicing of the mRNA, or cause a shift in the reading frame, this almost always leads to a significant alteration in the gene product. These alterations lead to a wide variety of effects which are often looked upon as super-human abilities.

While Viriumosis was only able to occur in the individuals who were alive during the Dark Eclipse, the Hype-Gene is able to be passed along through reproduction. This is a cumulative result of high energy particles stored within the donating parent's chromosomes. A portion of these particles are replicated and passed along to through genetic material resulting in the offspring going through Viriumosis in utero. Naturally this leads to the creation of the 'Hype-Gene' in the offspring allowing them to display abilities akin to those of their parent(s).

That said, a human born without a 'Hype-Gene' will not display Hyperhuman abilities unless subjected to Viriumosis. However due to the constraints of technology, there is no way to artificially replicate the process which created the ‘Hype-Gene’.

The 'Hype-Gene' isn't exclusively carried within either sex but is a dominant gene within both ensuring that the child of a Hyperhuman will indeed be one themselves. Due to a lack of willing subjects, there are no studies as to whether powers levels are greater or equal within children who have two Hyperhuman parents compared to those who only have one. Hyperhuman abilities are incredibly diverse and more often than not allow the host to accomplish superhuman abilities. When a Hyperhuman is born, they have an unlimited potential as to what abilities they will develop. Hyperhuman abilities are not predetermined by parents but instead are developed during puberty in the majority of hosts. However those who go through trauma at a younger age may prematurely develop their abilities. Environment and circumstance surrounding the time of ability development will contribute to determining the host’s abilities. Due to the nature of Viriumosis, Hyperhuman abilities are closely linked to Earth’s Electromagnetic Spheres and could be considered to be powered through it.

The more of these 'Hyperhumans' that are in close proximity, the weaker they become as they fight to draw from the same EM spheres. Many of these 'Hyperhumans' live their lives without knowing about their abilities, a few odd occurrences happening in times of heightened adrenaline. But there are the few who learn to embrace their nature and use their abilities to accomplish extraordinary feats.

02.3 - Mundane: The Mundane are humans who don’t have any enhancements about them at all. These are the true homo-sapiens, the ‘Average Joes’ in the world. The term ‘Mundane’ comes from a Draoi origin but has since been adopted by the Venari, and more recently both Hyperhumans and the Augmented. Mundanes possess no special abilities, however that has not stopped them from being the majority of the human population on Earth, spreading from corner to corner and developing massive cities and infrastructure.

Though limited, a Mundane can train and hone their body to accomplish fairly notable feats. In fact these feats are often more highly praised due to the Mundane’s lack of any notable abilities.

03. O T H E R
03.1 - Celestial: Perhaps the rarest of all super powered individuals are the Extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials are more often than not visitors to Earth for other planets, solar systems or galaxies. Rarely have more than one Extraterrestial appeared on Earth at the same time, and most often they blend into society by suppressing their alien nature much in the same way that a Hyperhuman or Magni might hide themselves. Due to very few being available to study and more life beyond Earth than most are willing to admit, the Extraterrestrials are very unpredictable in what form they may appear in or take. Most often the abilities displayed by Extraterrestrials are merely natural adaptations to their native environments but some like Hyperhumans or Magni are in fact a different genetic structure. Furthermore, some Extraterrestrials rely upon their technology which at times can be more advanced or very different than those found on Earth. It's not uncommon for some of this technology to be found abandoned or even salvaged from crash sites before ending up in human hands.

03.2 - Hellion: The name Hellion is a catch all term used by the Venari to describe any creature or sentient that comes from another realm and enters Earth through the Tree of Life and Death. As such, Hellions come in all shapes and sizes and generally are the basis to many of Earth’s cryptozoology mysteries. Sentient Hellions have been considered rather dangerous, and specific breeds such as Lycanthropes, Vampyrs and Daemons have even been able to appear human in order to avoid death at the hands of the Venari.

No one is quite sure how the Hellions end up on Earth, but almost all of them have a wanton need to either destroy or feed. Both of which are almost always fatal to any humans around them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As I stated already. Very much interested in this. I already have three concepts for characters. Just need to pick and finalize the one I like best.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Lord Wraith Quick question. Are we allowed to join the ranks of the police and other factions? I had an idea for the Cold Case Detective in this, just wondering if I can run with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Lord Wraith Quick question. Are we allowed to join the ranks of the police and other factions? I had an idea for the Cold Case Detective in this, just wondering if I can run with it.

You most definitely can!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've not read the whole of the OOC but so far I'm very interested. I'll hopefully have an app completed by tomorrow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I've not read the whole of the OOC but so far I'm very interested. I'll hopefully have an app completed by tomorrow.

Looking forward to it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm actually going a different route with this character than what I normally do. I'm really excited to see it play out
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I'm actually going a different route with this character than what I normally do. I'm really excited to see it play out

Excited to see what you're cooking up!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Hillan Stop that!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I haven't gone 100% through the OOC, but just seeing the amount of sheer content makes me very intrested in this.
@Lord Wraith

I do have a question though. Is it possible to have a celestial (Alien) that doesn't necessarily have powers, but uses the advancement of their technology give them abilities? Like Batman or Ironman type, but actually having a valid excuse than just "I'm a Uber smarty pants" or "My Mommy and Daddy being rich so I buy all this high speed stuff."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I haven't gone 100% through the OOC, but just seeing the amount of sheer content makes me very intrested in this.
@Lord Wraith

I do have a question though. Is it possible to have a celestial (Alien) that doesn't necessarily have powers, but uses the advancement of their technology give them abilities? Like Batman or Ironman type, but actually having a valid excuse than just "I'm a Uber smarty pants" or "My Mommy and Daddy being rich so I buy all this high speed stuff."

Definitely possible. You could also have a human who has gained Celestial Tech as well. There are a number of possibilities that can make this happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

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You know I'm in. Just deciding how to approach this, character-wise.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sisyphus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm in as well, just gotta nail down what kind of character I want to play.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I'm in as well, just gotta nail down what kind of character I want to play.

Happy to hear it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 28 days ago

It might just be the time for the return of the fabulous Tanya Lamont.

Or maybe I'll make a dude for once.
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