Everybody has been told the dangers of drugs. Take some crack and end up on the streets, all whacked out. Smoke some marijuana and you’ll become a non-productive member of society, a lay about, a couch potato. And we all have seen the disastrous effects of meth in those infamous mugshots. However, somewhere along the Drug-Free Zone pledges and silicone wristbands, someone forgot to mention the dangers of a new strain of crystal alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone getting into the water supply of Jefferson Memorial High.
It’s a little anticlimactic to find out that the first actual undead zombie in existence was Mrs. Rochester, an old lady with short-cropped gray hair and a bad reputation among the students. Considering she was already very angry as an almost-retired high school teacher, Mrs. Rochester made an even angrier walking human flesh enthusiast. It’s pretty safe to assume that no one made it out alive after all of Mrs. Rochester’s second period was infected. Like a virus, zombism spread from person to person until all of humanity had fallen.
A year later, in 2017, it’s a struggle to stay alive for most humans. There’s the whole zombie thing to watch out for, but fleeing from pissed off degenerates and cannibals is also an integral part of surviving the zombie apocalypse.
Say no to drugs, kids.
Destin, Florida. A large tourist attraction, main attraction of the Crestview-Fort Walton Beach- Destin, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. It’s known for its white sand and “emerald” ocean – well, was known for. Now it’s a large gap to be avoided – filled to the brim with zombie tourists, blood splattered beaches, and the occasional shark attracted by the smell. It’s a Dead Zone, where being bitten is almost a guarantee.
When the break out happened, it was pretty damn convenient for the frenzies to get their hands on flesh since there was such a large concentration of it there. The zombies from the city branched out and bit everything in the Okaloosa-Walton radius. It’s simultaneously hilarious and terrifying when a tourist in an ugly red Hawaiian shirt and dried sunscreen-slathered arms comes grabbing for your head. Destin was a get out quick area, where there was no time to grab supplies or to make peace with the situation. Everyone got into their cars and drove as far away to the boonies as possible.
Destin, Florida may be a Dead Zone, but it’s also a treasure chest for the brave and resilient. It’s a mine of supplies to be had, surrounded by zombies and certain death.
Perhaps driven by desperation, or maybe misplaced courage, a few have attempted to ransack the area of its precious goods, and none have succeeded. Until, maybe, now.
This roleplay is your typical Zombie Apocalypse story, taking place in mainly Florida. It will start off in Destin Commons, Florida (since I’m familiar with the area). Each roleplayer will be playing a character that finds themselves in Wheelwood, a suburban neighborhood located near Destin Commons. Maybe they were travelling with another character, or they were alone, but somehow, they all ended up there with the idea of raiding Destin of its supplies.
The characters will band together to survive all the while trying to seek a safe haven untouched by zombies.
Basic Expectations
- This will be a realistic roleplay, so real face claims will be used only
- Characters should have depth to them
- Roleplayers must be courteous and respectful to everyone especially me at all times
- I think this goes without saying, but this will be a gore-y-ish rp
Posting Expectations
- This is a high-casual/advanced RP
- Good grammar and writing required
- Posts to be at least three paragraphs at minimum
- Quality over Quantity