Before I get into it, I am a Jewish person and I like the idea of Wolfenstein though only in the areas that you are killing and stopping Nazi's and nothing else. I have only played half of The New Order and played the original years ago alongside Doom. I don't plan on to drop any spoilers in the RP but it may happen due to human error, blah, blah, blah.
You don't have to have played Wolfenstein: The New Order to be apart of this RP. Why did does not matter is because the plot is dealing with a different threat than that of the last boss of the game itself? (I am half way through the game itself but that is beside the point) However, you have to be 18+ and be OK with the ideas of violence/gore/torture, nudity/sexual themes, Nazi's, depressing themes and the idea that the Nazi's won the war and that everything is now a Nazi based world. (Shudders at the mere thought.)
We don't have to use this plot and you we can come up with something else, but my character is most likely set and the theme has to remain as Wolfenstein.
The year is 1960 and the Nazi's had somehow won the war, all resistance was removed from the world and all those involved were sent to some of the harshest prisons the Nazi's had every had or made, the main one being in Berlin. Thanks to the technological advances the Nazi had managed to make the atom bomb first, they managed to make robots/drones/mechanical beasts that were only seen in sci-fi, develop weapons such lasers and were able to make vehicles that were stronger and had abilities that made them hard to spot on maps, radars, etc among other things. The Nazi made cities quickly via making everything out of a certain type of concrete. The Nazi's had the world in their hands that were thought to last forever.
The Dirty pair consists of an ex-Nazi high ranking soldier [Hilda GothBèrg] and whatever my partner wants to use as a character. Doctor Lanzo Krüger and Engèl Schwarz are the targets for our RP, both of them having done some of the cruelest things to the human stock that still have their lives as well as those who had lost it during the war. These two SS Nazi members plan on using the Science they have to harness and use the supernatural to advance their own goals and plunge the world into despair (Becuase they are crazy or just bored, I haven't decided yet). The duo known as the dirty Pair each have their own goals but these goals have them working together to stop the two from causing madness while dealing blows to the Nazi Overlords. On top of that, an All Female SS Division will be on the Dirty Pairs ass time to time.
The All-Female Divison are sadistic huntresses/dominatrix's (Throwback to Wolfenstein 2009, haven't played it, though.) They plan to end you before you cause too much damage to the Nazi Empire, cause an uprising via the prisoners, prevent you from planning and enacting murders/assassinations, and finally to capture and torture the pair or at least one of them to death. The Dirty Pair will experience supernatural goings on time to time as well thanks to Doctor Lanzo Krüger messy experiments. Mainly hallucinations and maybe some real supernatural shit too. There is some other shit I may or may not cover, depending on how the RP goes.
Time to time I will be writing some speech parts in Germen via Google Translate just so it can immerse us players, more. I will make sure I have it in English so you understand as well and I will be doing word for word since Google Translate is stupid and broken. I don't speak German other than knowing a few words such as Wunderbar, Mein, Kampf, Nein, Granate, etc.
If interested PM me with the PM title "Der Tod kommt zu allen Nazis"
Before I get into it, I am a Jewish person and I like the idea of Wolfenstein though only in the areas that you are killing and stopping Nazi's and nothing else. I have only played half of The New Order and played the original years ago alongside Doom. I don't plan on to drop any spoilers in the RP but it may happen due to human error, blah, blah, blah.
You don't have to have played Wolfenstein: The New Order to be apart of this RP. Why did does not matter is because the plot is dealing with a different threat than that of the last boss of the game itself? (I am half way through the game itself but that is beside the point) However, you have to be 18+ and be OK with the ideas of violence/gore/torture, nudity/sexual themes, Nazi's, depressing themes and the idea that the Nazi's won the war and that everything is now a Nazi based world. (Shudders at the mere thought.)
We don't have to use this plot and you we can come up with something else, but my character is most likely set and the theme has to remain as Wolfenstein.
The year is 1960 and the Nazi's had somehow won the war, all resistance was removed from the world and all those involved were sent to some of the harshest prisons the Nazi's had every had or made, the main one being in Berlin. Thanks to the technological advances the Nazi had managed to make the atom bomb first, they managed to make robots/drones/mechanical beasts that were only seen in sci-fi, develop weapons such lasers and were able to make vehicles that were stronger and had abilities that made them hard to spot on maps, radars, etc among other things. The Nazi made cities quickly via making everything out of a certain type of concrete. The Nazi's had the world in their hands that were thought to last forever.
The Dirty pair consists of an ex-Nazi high ranking soldier [Hilda GothBèrg] and whatever my partner wants to use as a character. Doctor Lanzo Krüger and Engèl Schwarz are the targets for our RP, both of them having done some of the cruelest things to the human stock that still have their lives as well as those who had lost it during the war. These two SS Nazi members plan on using the Science they have to harness and use the supernatural to advance their own goals and plunge the world into despair (Becuase they are crazy or just bored, I haven't decided yet). The duo known as the dirty Pair each have their own goals but these goals have them working together to stop the two from causing madness while dealing blows to the Nazi Overlords. On top of that, an All Female SS Division will be on the Dirty Pairs ass time to time.
The All-Female Divison are sadistic huntresses/dominatrix's (Throwback to Wolfenstein 2009, haven't played it, though.) They plan to end you before you cause too much damage to the Nazi Empire, cause an uprising via the prisoners, prevent you from planning and enacting murders/assassinations, and finally to capture and torture the pair or at least one of them to death. The Dirty Pair will experience supernatural goings on time to time as well thanks to Doctor Lanzo Krüger messy experiments. Mainly hallucinations and maybe some real supernatural shit too. There is some other shit I may or may not cover, depending on how the RP goes.
Time to time I will be writing some speech parts in Germen via Google Translate just so it can immerse us players, more. I will make sure I have it in English so you understand as well and I will be doing word for word since Google Translate is stupid and broken. I don't speak German other than knowing a few words such as Wunderbar, Mein, Kampf, Nein, Granate, etc.
If interested PM me with the PM title "Der Tod kommt zu allen Nazis"

Bolds means looking for and some will have a plots but we don't have to use them.

Played the original one and watched a lets play of Doom 2016, I don't have an Xbox One yet.

"I know why *I'm* doin' this. Do you?"
The events of Dead Space 1-3 have been over for around 20 years now, Issac has settled down with Ellie and had a child. Though they have a family the horror is not over for them. The three of them were on their way to the vessel known as Vulse which is a research facility [Doughnut shaped ship] which needs many engineers. Issac being an engineer and his daughter also being an engineer thought it would be a good place to go. The vessel was known for great research though stories of a sinister side did pop up time to time. Much of the research has helped mankind but what sort of price had to be paid to get such results? The short time on Vulse was fairly normal, father and daughter bonded more as they did their job as a team, and Ellie had a job elsewhere.
It had only been about three weeks before things went wrong. At first, the people who ran the vessel stated it was an internal system problem the vessel was having. Later on, some people went missing which a statement was issued saying some people's jobs were terminated and were no longer on the station. Following that sound noises and activities started to happen all over the place, engineers needed to be on the job nearly 24 hours a day. Something was causing damage to the ship, following that engineers started to go missing or were found dead in the most horrible of ways. The higher ups climbed those who went missing died on the job due to the non-stop work they had to put in to maintain the ship.
Issac was not falling for whatever was being said, things did not add up and so while his daughter covered for her he went off to see what he could dig up. Ellie helped him as she worked in that area since coming to the Vulse. The Vulse is located in a different system which has hardly any life in it. However, some places had human life on it who tried to start civilizations or vessels which stopped for whatever reasons they had. As the Issac and Ellie dig for info the vessel/research facility begins to fall, unknown creatures begin to escape and cause major damage to the ship and cause the number of deaths to skyrocket to dangerous levels. Engineers began to disappear, people who caught on began to try to escape. Some people did escape but the rest were unlucky as the pods went into lock down meaning they were stuck on board.
The higher ups were very well protected and would be safe for a time before they had to leave via VIP escape pods. During the deaths of many innocent people, Issac and Ellie learned the truth, however, things had already gone to shit. The Necromorphs were crawling all over the vessel, Issac and Ellie had to relive this nightmare once more. What was worse was that their daughter was somewhere on the ship, the two would not leave until they found her. So they have their thing happening if we choose to go OCxOC They will have the subplot as we will be meeting up with one or both of them unless Issac or Ellie is played by you. The main plot will be altered during the RP as new things are learned and new goals have to be done to move on. One thing will remain, they will want to survive until the very end and stop whatever is happening.
We will be hopping from the Vulse to a nearby planet and to even other nearby powered and none powered ship like in Dead Space 3. Some of the ships are not important but they may find things to help them survive or continue on. Both OCxOC will be new to this and so won't know how to deal with such a problem.The OC you will play does not have to be an engineer, however, it only makes sense for an engineer to wear the suit so you won't have one like it.
We don't have to use this idea, but whatever happens, I would be playing the daughter of Issac Clarke [She has a CS already made]. You can be the man himself, Ellie or an OC. It has been a while since I seen Dead Space 1-3 but things would have moved on so background on the games is not needed. I may have to watch lets play once more, I could play it but I feel that would take longer since when I do play games drama happens.
-DaughterxElliexIssac (I could double if you want)
-DaughterxEllie/IssacxOC (Could double up or both double up)
I own Dead Space 1, 2, & 3 but they are on my to-play list as I have 20-26 other X-Box games [7 Wii U games as well and 1 low-end PC game] to play before it but I have watched let's plays of the game itself. I brought Dead Space because it was cheap and the fact many horror games are getting canceled these days. I will be rewatching the Let's Plays to refresh myself on the two characters in Dead Space. Even if they aren't used they are still important and will be encountered often. You don't need to know anything about the games if you want to have a go as this does not relate to much to the original three games. There will be links and even references but they can be ignored, if they are important I will say why.

Singles or doubles, all races are pickable. The RP will most likely happen between Mass Effect 1 and 2 or Between Mass Effect 2 and 3. Though I have no plot [There is one but it is not mine] at the moment it won't be the same as the main games, however, it might be touched upon here and there.
Mass Effect: Operation Ghost is the title of the RP, I am allowed to use it since I asked to before hand.