The unconditionally good go to one place when they die. The unconditionally evil, to a different place. The woeful suicides go here.
Welcome to a world that blends and blurs timelines and dimensions. Deific Samurai fight alongside hardboiled Vietnam War veterans, heroes from alternate timelines, clone warriors from the 23rd century, and living machines from another planet.
This world is ruled by a god with their own mysterious agendas. This god is far from omniscient, but borderline omnipotent. This god, which calls itself the Rim, is neither good nor evil, but is simply, in the grand scheme of things, fair.
Four species rule this world: Humanity, in all their creative despair; the Ve'Lar, oldest of interstellar races, their bodies both simple and complex at once, parallel to their psyche and social order; Areiaion, massive worms of pure electromagnetic gel, that must coat themselves in metal to protect their soft bodies; the Skinwalkers, abominations of flesh and gore, that subsist by slaughtering other creatures and inhabiting their bodies.
A special organization, serving as judge, jury, and executioner, called the Traveler's Guild, gives its members endless authority, to judge and carry out sentences as they see fit. The most famous of these is a team k own as the Tyrant Trio, its members titled The Peacemaker, The Gunslinger, and The Cartographer, respectably.
This is a world filled with advanced magic and ancient cosmic sciences, arcane to all but the most skilled and talented.
This world is near its end, a dying universe beseiged by an unspeakable evil. This evil has destroyed all but the most essential leaders of the Traveler's Guild.
You are a new recruit, a free radical, powerful, naive, full of potential.
Claim your glory, Traveler.
Welcome to a world that blends and blurs timelines and dimensions. Deific Samurai fight alongside hardboiled Vietnam War veterans, heroes from alternate timelines, clone warriors from the 23rd century, and living machines from another planet.
This world is ruled by a god with their own mysterious agendas. This god is far from omniscient, but borderline omnipotent. This god, which calls itself the Rim, is neither good nor evil, but is simply, in the grand scheme of things, fair.
Four species rule this world: Humanity, in all their creative despair; the Ve'Lar, oldest of interstellar races, their bodies both simple and complex at once, parallel to their psyche and social order; Areiaion, massive worms of pure electromagnetic gel, that must coat themselves in metal to protect their soft bodies; the Skinwalkers, abominations of flesh and gore, that subsist by slaughtering other creatures and inhabiting their bodies.
A special organization, serving as judge, jury, and executioner, called the Traveler's Guild, gives its members endless authority, to judge and carry out sentences as they see fit. The most famous of these is a team k own as the Tyrant Trio, its members titled The Peacemaker, The Gunslinger, and The Cartographer, respectably.
This is a world filled with advanced magic and ancient cosmic sciences, arcane to all but the most skilled and talented.
This world is near its end, a dying universe beseiged by an unspeakable evil. This evil has destroyed all but the most essential leaders of the Traveler's Guild.
You are a new recruit, a free radical, powerful, naive, full of potential.
Claim your glory, Traveler.