Name: Boris
Age: 32
Race: Human

Like this but holding an instrument...and occasionally hitting someone with it.

Rejecting the Boros, Boris has become chaotic. Something that has also taken its toll on his mind. He can be accurately described as unstable and loud. If you try to take away his music, 'violent' can be added to this list. He can be conversed with, but he generally won't stop making music.
Boris has left the Boros legion for eventually "gaining the insight" that the Boros are overly zealous. Driven to the border of insanity by the legion's constant persecution, Boris --though barely-- managed to save his skin by joining the Rakdos. The terror of an army chasing him did leave its impact however as it caused him to develop an alternate persona with a lust for carnage and death. Switching between his normal personality and this persona, Boris lives in constant paranoia.
Turning to music to drown out his urges and thoughts, Boris quickly became dependant on the music. His first few battles after were rather unpleasant. Without music to preserve his mind, Boris quickly turned into a shivering ball of anguish. In a sober moment, he realized he could help himself in this regard. With this realization, Boris started making his own music, which, mixed with the melody of steel and screams, forms his solace.

Rank within guild:
2 - Specializing in riling up crowds with his music, he manages to make the already aggressive Rakdos members even more aggresive and wild. He's earned some recognition as a fighter, but since Rakdos isn't too interested in keeping order, who knows what these ranks even means?

Colours: True Rakdos (Red/Black)

Additional information:
-Without his music, Boris is likely to once more turn into a quivering mess. He has however found peace in the din of battle, so depending on the ferocity of battle he might function witout music.
-Boris can often be heard playing several kinds of music. Occasionally one might even hear him play one song while singing another.
-While in the legion he was an experienced hieromancer* but after his mind broke he found himself unable to use white magic. He does retain the knowledge however.
*Chain magic and magic chains, for an example; Suppression Bonds
Age: 32
Race: Human

Like this but holding an instrument...and occasionally hitting someone with it.

Rejecting the Boros, Boris has become chaotic. Something that has also taken its toll on his mind. He can be accurately described as unstable and loud. If you try to take away his music, 'violent' can be added to this list. He can be conversed with, but he generally won't stop making music.
Boris has left the Boros legion for eventually "gaining the insight" that the Boros are overly zealous. Driven to the border of insanity by the legion's constant persecution, Boris --though barely-- managed to save his skin by joining the Rakdos. The terror of an army chasing him did leave its impact however as it caused him to develop an alternate persona with a lust for carnage and death. Switching between his normal personality and this persona, Boris lives in constant paranoia.
Turning to music to drown out his urges and thoughts, Boris quickly became dependant on the music. His first few battles after were rather unpleasant. Without music to preserve his mind, Boris quickly turned into a shivering ball of anguish. In a sober moment, he realized he could help himself in this regard. With this realization, Boris started making his own music, which, mixed with the melody of steel and screams, forms his solace.

Rank within guild:
2 - Specializing in riling up crowds with his music, he manages to make the already aggressive Rakdos members even more aggresive and wild. He's earned some recognition as a fighter, but since Rakdos isn't too interested in keeping order, who knows what these ranks even means?
-Aurelia (Boros guildmaster) - Aurelia, involved as she is with her underlings, had not failed to notice Boris' betrayal. No one betrays the legion, thus by doing so, Boris obtained her ire. She wants him dead and Boris wouldn't mind seeing her dead either.
-Several other Boros guild members - Being heavily indoctrinated extremists, most Boros members who've known him also wish him dead for his betrayal
-Several other Boros guild members - Being heavily indoctrinated extremists, most Boros members who've known him also wish him dead for his betrayal

Colours: True Rakdos (Red/Black)
3 - Abandon Reason
3 - Mardu Runemark
3 - Incite War
3 - Rally the Forces
2 - Rakdos Charm
2 - Terminate
2 - Rush of Vitality
3 - Mardu Runemark
3 - Incite War
3 - Rally the Forces
2 - Rakdos Charm
2 - Terminate
2 - Rush of Vitality

Additional information:
-Without his music, Boris is likely to once more turn into a quivering mess. He has however found peace in the din of battle, so depending on the ferocity of battle he might function witout music.
-Boris can often be heard playing several kinds of music. Occasionally one might even hear him play one song while singing another.
-While in the legion he was an experienced hieromancer* but after his mind broke he found himself unable to use white magic. He does retain the knowledge however.
*Chain magic and magic chains, for an example; Suppression Bonds