Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Pink was surprised how brave Faira is, or maybe it was just reckless luck. From his stand point he thought her attack on the giant's hand would fail. He was ready to follow her in buy another giant grabbed Faira.

"Let go of her!" Pink shouted as he threw his keyblade at the gaint's hand causing it to release Faira.

He tried to run over to her but Faira was alead engulfed in a pool of darkness. Pink was mad now, he found his keyblade and charged at the giant. He was closing in at it's feet when another tower of shadow creatures came rushing out of the ground. Pink took this opportunity and jumped on top of it riding it straight up towards the giant's head. Once at the top Pink leaped off the tower towards the head.

"This is for Faira!" he shoused at the gaint. Striking its face multiple times before the tower he was riding came back around and smashed Pink into a pool of darkness which swallowed him immediately.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Crusader Recruit Kupori

Hearing a thud, Kupori's head turned when Pink landed their them; He was here, too?! Instincts pushing her, Kupori swung her keyblade forward and slashed through one of the shadows trying to take advantage of her not paying attention; Such an obvious moment of weakness was but a trap to her. "Don't do anything stupid!" Kupori shouted at Pink irritably, not wanting him getting more hurt than he already was. Though, judging by the fact the small fry were retreating, and everything around them was getting bigger and nastier, this wasn't going to go very well.

Noticing Gale as he approached, she found a small smile crossing her face. He had followed, too; But just like Pink, he had one of those Keyblades. They had all decided to follow after her, and while she was mad at them for their carelessness, she noted that with those weapons they were meant to fight just as much as she was; They were her comrades in arms now, to be respected as much as a Crusader. Maybe some of them would even join and learn some discipline once this was over. At Gale's words, Kupori nodded confidently. "Everything will be fine--"

She stopped talking as she watched the building completely sink into the darkness. Horror crossed her mind; What if they'd been in there?! D-Did that darkness, that slowly pooled up around the area, kill? She hesitantly looked downwards, but quickly looked back up at the giant beasts that were even scarier.

Witnessing Faira's bravery, a small amount of respect was earned as her keyblade appeared; Though, as she was snatched by another one of those giants, her eyes focused. Pink had already began assaulting it; What that moron didn't account for was the fact the one she had struck would now hit him. If she didn't do something, he'd end up getting crushed.

Kupori didn't know if she could kill it, but she had to distract it with everything she had.

Springing into action, Kupori ran past Pink and leaped upwards, stabbing her keyblade into the giant's leg. The blade in it's entirety dug into the monster, and Kupori, being the light and currently overly determined Moogle she was, managed to pull herself up and balance on the guard of her keyblade, at least until she noticed the giant bringing a hand down to attack her. Though scared, Kupori jumped; Using her wings and fluttering in place momentarily as the hand reached where it had been struck; And then she dropped, landing on top of it.

Running up the arm, Kupori had no weapon now; Or at least, she thought she didn't. With a bright flash of light, Kupori's keyblade appeared back in her hand; Causing her to smirk. "That's useful!" She exclaimed, continuing to climb the monster's arm; Almost losing balance as it began to shift. The beast swung it towards one of the few buildings not sunken into the darkness; The speed launching Kupori as the giant's arm smashed into the building, causing it to begin to fall.

Coughing and gripping her stomach in pain from how she landed, she slowly managed to stand up. Her keyblade danging in one hand at her side, while she looked off into the darkness that filled her home... And the only spot of light left in that direction.

A red-haired man, farther down from where the group had been fighting, was currently combating a large number of medium height shadows with odd armored helmets; Their movements were quick, but his were perfection, as he dodged, weaved, and managed to continuously strike them away. "FATHER!" Kupori shouted, loud, and terrified. She witnessed her father momentarily pause, looking in her direction. Though she was never sure if he saw her or not, she knew she had at least momentarily locked with his eyes.

But then he was struck by one of the shadows.

This distraction allowed for the large shadow to rise above the falling building, before swinging a mighty fist, straight at the small Moogle, who currently was screaming towards her now injured father who was being overtaken by the shadows. As the fist collided with her small body, everything went black. She was promptly knocked off the building, and sent plummeting towards the ground, tears falling from her face until she fell into the darkness, which promptly swallowed her whole.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Assistant Magi Gale

"Hope is what keeps us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost." - Gale

Gale watched in both worry and admiration at the others fighting off the darkness with their keyblades. Gale was weaker and less agile compared to everybody else but he swore he would fight even if it seems hopeless since Hope can never die as long as held onto it. Suddenly the smaller shadows pooled into pools of inky darkness which caused him to feel fear again as he had hoped to at least deal with them and then what came next chilled him to his bone, giant shadows as tall as buildings came into view.

Gale trembled for a moment before steeling his nerves and prepareing to fight which was a few moments behind everybody else, but it seemed everybody else's action made him unnoticed by the giant shadows. He started to climb up the building next to the giant shadow as he had a plan. A stupid plan but it's better then nothing.

As he climbed up he watched everybody else get overwhelmed by the darkness. A claw grabbed Faira from behind and sinking her down into the darkness, "Faira!" He cried out in horror. Pink let out a yell as well. After jumping up onto another roof he looked down at Pink which as he did he sees him get hit directly by the tower and he landed onto the pool of Darkness being swallowed whole. "Pink!" Gale cried out in desperation for a reply. It didn't happen. As he reached the final roof of the building where Gale stood head level to the giant shadow. As he scanned the area he seen Kupori doing the same thing as he did, but the shadow swung it large arm at her and seeing her fall as the building collapsed, Gale gasped and let out a weak mumble, "Kupori..." Gale eyes felt heavy with upcoming tears and worry but he affirmed himself, Kupori or his mother wouldn't have had him lay down and die, he will die fighting.

The giant shadow looked pleased with itself as it knocked down the final of the keyblade user that can fight but he will give it a hell of a time. Gale gripped his keyblade tightly and prepared to run. Finally after a long moment of catching his breath he dashed to the edge of the roof and jumped with his Keyblade held aloft for the shadows to see. As Gale fell he struck the Giant shadow squarely in the face dazing it from the force; Gale's arms screamed from the force itself but he didn't care. He did his final gambit and it would seem it wasn't enough as he was falling into the darkness like a shooting star in the night sky. Gale expected the darkness to be hard but it wasn't, it didn't feel like anything he has felt before. It felt consuming, void of any warmth nor chill, it felt like consuming nothingness but yet he didn't feel like falling; he felt like he was floating. But his mind started to fade into unconsciousness but his heart kept beating and even resonated warmth among the void.

It would seem he'd be a star in the darkness. He'd hope he could guide others to a better fate. Or fall into the light. The Darkness doesn't last forever. He will last longer than the night. He knew he will. He knew the other Keyblade wielders will as well he knew it in his heart.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Darkness was broken first not by sight, but by sound. A rough voice called out into the void, “Man over board!”

“Men,” a second voice corrected.

A third, hissing rasp drawled a final contradiction, “Children.”

Into view drifted a ship, in many ways similar to an old fashioned sailing vessel like anyone might recognize. The key difference being that it floated not on top of water, but through an expansive void, propelled by rocket thrusters from the back. The sails shimmered like gold in sunlight, and billowed outward as if a wind blew behind them. In fact, what was behind the sails was more nothingness, except for a single, pure beam of white light coming from the very stern of the ship. The source of the light couldn't be made out from this distance.

The ship pulled up close to where the children floated in the void, and unkind hands pulled them onto the deck. They were held tight, and surrounded by a motley crew of bizarre creatures, many holding weapons, and all leering at them unpleasantly. They were gathered near the middle of three masts, and looking above them they could see how the beam of light from the back hit a rough crystal that was suspended in the air behind the sails. The crystal diffused the beam, spreading the light so that it spilled across the sails.

If they were indeed looking up, they would also spy a face looking down at them. A man, not really all that much older than the oldest of the key bearers, was leaning his elbows on the railing from the upper deck, his chin resting in his hands lazily as he smiled at the ship’s catch.

“Vell,” he said, not to anyone in particular it seemed, “Ze key drive seems to vork. And three drifters from vun world, vhat a catch.” His voice was high and delicate, but for some reason this made his bearing all the more unnerving surrounded by this rough sort of person. He appeared to be just the sort of thin, delicate person who should be at the mercy of a group of pirates, rather than leading them.

“Take zhem to ze brig vith ze ozzers, Lord Vull shall vish to see zhem.” The pirates moved to obey. Faira tried to wrench away, but the insectile being holding her arms increased the pressure from his pincers, and she almost felt the sharp tips pierce her skin. She stopped struggling, but her scowl remained defiant.

As they were dragged, the captain started calling more commands from his place on the upper deck, “Set sail for Mustafar!”

The children were dragged(or, in Kupori’s case, carried) off toward a hatch and down a steep set of stairs. Faira almost tripped from trying to yank her feet away from the shadowy, clawed hands that reached out from between the board steps. Her captor hissed in her ear, “They like you, wonder why? Maybe we’ll feed you to them.”

“The last ones I’ve run into didn’t manage to take a bite!”

He laughed and squeezed her arm until she cried out in pain. Now they reached a series cages worked into the walls of the hull. They were all iron bars and big locks, and Faira could see inside. The one that they shoved the quartet into had only one occupant, and for a horrifying moment, Faira took him for something long dead. She was almost more horrified when she saw that the thing was moving.

The pirates left them in the cage with the half dead thing, and no sooner had the hatch above closed than the shadow creatures started to creep around. They kept their distance, as if conflicted, but the children could see their glowing yellow eyes peering at them intently.

“What is this place?” Faira murmured, looking down at where that last squeeze had drawn blood that was seeping slowly into the sleeve of her shirt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


While Kupori had been out cold for the entirety of the group's arrival, she was having her own situation in her mind. Unlike the appearing ship outside in the actual void, Kupori simply drifted through the void that was her mind. a dark, empty place that made the real version seem more appealing. As she drifted along, her eyes slowly opened to a voice; Not any of the men the others were dealing with; But an old, somewhat more carefree one.

"Luzzu, old boy, can you hear me, po?" It questioned, the voice ringing in Kupori's head, and allowing her to awaken within her mind. Glancing about, her first thoughts were about the fact the others were gone, and she was alone. But she quickly got sidetracked by the mentioning of her father by this voice seemingly in her head. "Y-You know my father? Ku-po?" She questioned, not feeling the pain from her attacks in this place. She felt like she might've been dead, honestly. If this was death, she had a feeling she'd be suffering for a very long time.

"Goodness! This has never happened before!" The voice exclaimed, seeming overly excited, but soon after the voice died down a bit. "But, if trying to contact Luzzu led me here, that can only mean he's not able to be reached. Who might you be, po?"

"Kupori.. Crusader Luzzu is my father." She answered, not truly understanding what was happening. She cringed as the voice raised it's voice in shock, with a dramatic "What?!"

"That's fantastic, po! I've always wanted to speak directly with you! Your father has told me much over the years..."

Kupori's expression changed, regardless of the voice being unable to see it. "You knew my father--" Pausing, she shook her head, dismissing the simple stuff, "-- Wait! Th-That's not important! Those shadows, the city! Everything got swallowed up! Father... Wh-What happened to him?!"

"Swallowed up and shadows, po...?" The voice pondered, carefully. "Then, your father, and everything else..."

"I-It's gone. I was fighting those creatures, with this keyblade thing, with some of the others, but--"

Kupori cringed again as she was cut off.

"You have a KEYBLADE, POPOPO?!" The voice loud, and shocked, expressed. "I can't believe that, po! Such a fact, your father would surely be proud of you... Where are you now?"

"Inside some kind of black place. There's nothing here." Kupori responded, more confused than ever.

"I should have figured. It was easy to contact you due to you being asleep. I'd have a much harder time if you were already awake! But, if that's the case, that means you need to wake up! You're alive, popopo!" The voice was quick to shove Kupori in this direction, as he shouted, "You need to wake up! We can talk again some other time, this I promise, Kupo!"

"But, who are you?" Kupori questioned, but blinked and quickly asked another. "And did you just say 'kupo'?"

"Call me a friend, Kupori. We'll meet, when the time is right. But for now, you must push on for your sake!"

After being dismissed, Kupori's eyes narrowed as the void around her started glowing brightly. She was waking up.


Within their cage, Kupori, who had been carelessly tossed in like a unloved toy, slowly stirred awake after a minute or so. The moogle girl slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, and began to look around, noticing their predicament. "Wh-What happened?" She stuttered, overflowing with emotions at the moment. She was ready to cry due to the fact her world, friends, and family were gone; She was scared of the weird thing in the cage with them, and the shadows that loomed outside their cage. She was confused why they were locked up; She was wondering where the hell they were.

The only relief she found was that all of them were here. She stayed sat down, simply trying to process the information of what was happening. She soon began to question it. "What is THAT thing?!" Kupori exclaimed at the half-dead appearing individual, almost considering trying to whack it with her keyblade! She tried to stand up, but a large amount of pain shot through her, bringing her to her knees with a squeal of a grunt. Everything that had happened took a toll on her; She was in a lot of pain. She hadn't expected it when attempting to stand, and now she was regretting it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Assistant Magi Gale

"Hope is a waking dream." - Gale

While Gale's body lacked the strength it needed to fight; his heart carried a flame that would take a great tide of darkness to snuff out. Gale floated in the dark abyss of the spaces between spaces like a star, but unlike a star he could hear the gruff voice of a man yelling out to another. A few more voices sounded out like echoes in the darkness, Gale feebly opened his eyes, he expected darkness with only the yellow eyes of those shadows being the light. Instead what he saw drew breath out of his lungs; it was a giant boat with golden sails, sailing in the darkness like a shooting star, it was a marvelous sight to behold.

When the ship sailed near them, Gale didn't know what he expected but the harsh grip of burly hands and other appendages he couldn't quite figure out who they belonged to. Gale's eyes adusjusted from the inky blackness of the abyss and got a closer look at the crew of the ship, there were humans and others strange creatures that didn't coincide with any descriptions from the thousands of words from books he's trying to recount from his time as a Magi, they were completely alien to him, and that send a chill down his spine. Even the beauty of the ship couldn't help him calm down. As he looked at the strange crew he seen the others from Sunrise City made onto to the ship, Faira was the only making any attempts to escape, while Gale was awake and shivering in his boots, he couldn't help but he pretified and be helplessly dragged by the burly hand of one crewmen.

Suddenly an accented voice spoke up and Gale looked up at them, a young man not many years older than himself, stood above them on the higher level of the ship looking at them with ill intent, Gale thought the man would've been a helper not a captain, but Gale kept that thought to himself. After a command by the young captain the pirates started to drag the Keyblade wielders down to the hull of the ship. Gale in a weak attempts tried to pull away from the strong hands, but it was no use, he was far too weak to overpower the pirate and was helpless dragged away.

Gale was dragged down with the others he tried to think of a way to get out, he briefly considered pulling out his keyblade and fighting but there were too many of them for him and Faira to take out by themselves. So Gale just slumped in the man's hands weakly as he no other solution then wait till everybody was up and awake.

Suddenly a pained noise from Faira made him move suddenly, " Faira?" Gale said with worry in his voice. But before he could get an answer Gale was thrown into a caged room with the others. Gale landed on his face, his world was spinning for a few moments but suddenly when he hear the voice and grunt of Kupori did he try to focus on what's happening around them. "Kupori...?" Gale weakly spoke. Suddenly his sight focused and he seen the yellow eyes in the darkness. "W-what!?" Gale shot right up and took a step back. "D-do we have to fight...to get out?" Gale questioned as he tried to widen his stance to get ready to fight. But when his eyes scanned the others he sees Kupori in pain but standing, worry raised in his heart at it beats faster. "K-kupori a-are you okay...?" Gale weakly and timidly asked the moogle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sonus stayed quiet as he sat in the corner of the cell. He had been thinking when he had seen other people starting to get shoved in with him. He stayed quiet, watching and listening. He'd heard more than enough from them. He stood and walked from the shadows in the back to stomp forward and punch the cell bars. "Shut up." he said, turning around. "We will have to take the ship. Our only chance at any of us to get out of here and find out what happened to our homes. You may be the strangest looking people I ever seen but I know we'll have to work together to get our freedom back." He walked back to his corner in silence. "When they come to give us food, we attack." He disappeared back to the shadows to continue his silence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ears twitching at the sound of Gale's voice, Kupori turned her head, smiling and showing confidence she was lacking a bit of on the inside. "Hey, don't-- Don't worry about me. I'm fine." She said, managing to actually stand. She was, if anything, proud: Even if she looked beaten down, and in this case, was beaten down, she didn't want to show weakness to those around her. Doing so would make her less dependable in their eyes; She didn't want them thinking she wouldn't always be there for them.

As that half-dead... Thing, told them to shut up, Kupori's temper flared up, hands clenching into fists. Though, before she could fuss with him and express her irritation towards his sudden words, as he continued to speak, she simply crossed her arms, glaring in his direction as he went to sulk in the shadows like a weirdo. But as she processed his words, she began to realize what he was saying. "Wait, we're on a ship?" She questioned, looking about. She'd never been on a ship before! How weird. Just where were they, anyways? "But we were in the middle of Sunrise City, getting pummeled...! How did we end up on a ship?" She questioned, confused due to being out cold since being knocked off that building. This was, to say the least, confusing.

"Wait, if we're here, then some of the others could be too, right?!" Kupori shot out another question, running up to one of the cage's sides, almost falling due to the pain it caused, but managing to reach her goal, gripping the bars. She didn't see anything but those stupid shadows; But... If she could've made it, then Father could have, too! And Gatta! They had to be here somewhere...! But if they weren't locked down here, then where would they be? As of the moment, Kupori was in complete denial that her father, and best friend, were possibly dead. That just... Wasn't possible, in her mind, at the moment.

And for everyone's sake, including the ship's crew, some people in that cage might consider it better to leave her that way. But at the same time, others might just as easily want to crush her denial and force her eyes open to their current reality of her situation.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

There's the briefest of flashes, he's in a chair, surrounded by apparatus and a bright light shines in his face. A voice from behind the light asks him, "Are you ready, *****??" Everything goes dark.

He was back in the darkness, but not alone as he had been. In front of him was a fair haired young man, thin and with a thoughtful face. His hair was well kept, and his clothes neat. He looked at Pink, partly curious but mostly confused.

"This can't be right..." His voice trailed off with a chuckle. A shadowy, clawed hand wrapped around the young man's wrist. He looked backward at something Pink couldn't see and addressed it, "Patience, I'm coming."

He looked back at Pink, more critically than ever. "Well, good luck, I suppose." He took a step backward, and the darkness swallowed him.

Pink finally showed signs of life since he got on board. First it was a little grunting from weird dream he was having, but with the commotion from the others Pink finally opened his eyes.

"Where are we?" he asked trying to get up but his body refused and only gave him pain ares ares response. He heard someone say shut up and tried looking around until he found some dead looking guy. "Hey buddy, I think if you wanted us to work with you, maybe the first thing you shouldn't say is shut up."

Taking another look around Pink figured out they were in a cage and the Moogle and the other guy who was with them when the shadow creatures attacked. The Moogle looked hurt, and yet still willing to fight.

"So why wait for them to bring us food when we could just break out now?" Pink asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Faira had her arms crossed, one hand caressing her wounded arm protectively, as she glared at the creature. “Seems to me you only just decided you had a chance after we got here. Maybe be nicer to us.”

At Kupori's confusion, she gave a fleeting explanation, “We were just floating in the darkness, the ship sailed right through the air and they picked us up. It's crewed by monsters, worse than that one,” she pointed at their fellow prisoner.

When Pink suggested they break out immediately, she beamed at him, “There's my Pink Disaster,” Pink seemed to be the only one in the cage that Faira wasn't annoyed with. “I ain't waiting to be let out, those monsters, and those shadows can kiss my butt. I just need…” she waved her hand, shaking it out to sort of snap her elbow as it extended. On the third try, she found the warmth, the light you could feel, and her keyblade materialized. She smiled at it and stroked the blade affectionately, then got to work.

Faira jammed the blade between the bars of the gate and the bars of the cage wall. She meant to lever it open, and threw her weight behind it, but the lock clicked open as soon as the key touched the gate, and she ended up falling forward and sprawling on the floor just outside of the cage.

The shadow creatures, much like the ones they had encountered back home, only these ones were taller and meaner looking, hesitated for only a moment before lunging forward to pile on her as she was struggling to push herself up with her injured arm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Pink smiled at Faira's response to his question, at least someone definitely knows how to lighten the mood. When he saw Faira materialize and unlock the cage (even though it wasn't her original plan) Pink pulled himself off the ground so he could see what was gonna happen next.

When he basically sitting up he saw Faira sprawl to floor outside the cage. Shadow creatures were surrounding her, and Pink wasn't get let them get her this time. Even though his body refused to move he made it get up and hurry over to Faira. His keyblade already materialized and he was standing over her in a semi decent fighting stance. The creatures were definitely bigger than before but it didn't matter to him.

When one of the creatures lunged forward Pink smacked it away with his keyblade. Just after that his body was already trying to give out, for it still hasn't recovered from their last encounter with show creatures. But Pink still stood ready to take on more just to defend Faira.

'Not again... Never again..." Pink thought to himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sonus sighed, his voice echoing slightly from the shadow he sat in. "If we wait for them to bring us food, we won't have to..." He sighed, looking up. Nobody was listening. "Just need what, a way to unlock the-" he went silent as he saw the giant key appear in her hand. He looked at his own hand, feeling as if he could do the same. He vaguely remembered it from the strange dream he'd had before waking on the deck here. He watched, half-stunned as she opened the door and fell to the ground.

Sonus frowned as he leapt out behind Faira and Pink. He didn't care they summoned weapons, only that he had a chance to fight. He grabbed one by the head and began pummelling it before letting out a primal roar. He stopped for a second, smiling. With a spark of realization, he held out his hand. "From Halloweentown, I come in search of family and friends. And now, creatures of shadows, your lives will end." His keyblade appeared in his hand as he began hacking and slashing, hoping to kill as many as possible. It felt good. His main focus at the moment, however, was to get rid of the ones on top of the girl and prevent more from taking their places.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Faira pulled herself up and joined the fight, but the creatures couldn't withstand the onslaught of five keyblade wielders, and it was over in moments.

She was breathing heavily, and only just realized how exhausted she was from everything that had been happening. It still seemed to be the same day. "I'm really starting to regret looking for trouble this morning. What even are these things? Just looking at them makes me...."

A voice could be heard from the top of the stairs giving a rough command. "Go on down there lad, make sure the Heartless haven't hurt our guests."

Someone mounted the steps, and Faira rushed to hide by the wall next to the stairs before they came into view.

It was a boy, around their age and only the second human they'd seen since being pulled from the darkness. He wore clothes a bit too big for him, and had his hair in an undercut, with a braided tail off the back. His eyes first came onto the empty cage, and his mouth opened in surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
Avatar of Rockin Strings

Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The creatures were gone. Sonus breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Faira and the others, making sure they all appeared virtually unharmed. "Let's get out of here. I'm sure we all have unanswered questions." He began walking towards the stairs.

Sonus heard the voice and froze, getting an answer for what he had asked when he had first arrived here. "Heartless." he said, looking at his keyblade. "They destroyed my home." He looked at the boy and began running at him, only to leap over his head and continue up the stairs. "You will tell me what you know about the heartless!" he yelled, attempting to swing at the man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Assistant Magi Gale

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." - Gale

So much has happened in a few short moments. Gale could barely keep up with the whole thing. kupori responded to his worries, the strange monster man in the cage with them finally spoke up, Pink and Faira agreed to a plan to escape; which they got out by Faira using her Keyblade as a Key, which he admitted he didn't consider was possible, due to the large size of the Keyblade. Suddenly The Shadows came out of the darkness and attacked. Gale ran out of the cage and got ready to fight.

The group took care of the shadows quickly enough, Gale had a difficult time taking care of a pair of the bigger and armored Shadows but he ultimately beat them although he has a few cuts and scraped from their fast kicking and spinning. Suddenly voices can be heard from the top of the stairs. And next was the appearance of a boy not that much older then themselves walked down and looked in shock at them being able to escape. They spoke of the Heartless. Is that what this ship calls those Shadows? Now that he think about it, they were emblems on those lanky shadows that looked like a crossed out heart, so maybe there were more with that emblem. Gale has been calling them shadows this entire time since they are like walking shadows in a physical plane. Now that he think about none of the Heartless in Sunrise City had those Emblems, maybe that means something important or terrible. The lack of information was making him anxious and worried. There's so many things that could be answered if he knew the origins of the heartless or their goal. But he doubted these brutes running the ship knows anything important.

Suddenly Gale was brought back to reality by a scream. When he looked up the strange looking teen that wasn't part of the original group attacked the new arrival. Gale was unable to respond as he was shock by the sudden attack. Although he wanted answer too, he would never attack anyone for it, it wasn't the Magi way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The young man ducked as Sonus flew over his head in an impressive vertical leap. He looked up the stairs after him, then turned to survey the hold. Strangely, he cracked a grin at the key bearers.

"Y'know, I was thinking about letting you guys out, and now no one can blame me for it."

"Are you just trying to avoid getting thrown off when we take over the ship?" Faira asked as she strode past him to look up the stairs.

Sonus had taken a swing at a fat man with a metal arm and leg. A scimitar had flipped out of his arm to replace his hand, and he used it to block Sonus's keyblade and push him back down the stairs a step or two.

"Cargo's escaped!" He shouted over his shoulder, as he swung his bladed arm at Sonus again. He turned his attention back into the stairwell and called down it, "Boy! I'll have you… oof!"

Faira had run up the stairs and aimed a jab with her key blade into his gut. He nearly fell backwards, but recovered on his mechanical leg. Other pirates, less human than him, we're gathering around the hatch to the stairs.

"You have the best plans," she growled at Sonus, grabbing him by the arm and retreating a few steps.

A thickset creature with a face on his belly and a small, tentacled being on his head followed them down, blocking the way up as his mates piled around behind him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Assistant Magi Gale

"The birds of hope are everywhere, listen to them sing." - Gale

Gale misunderstood the strange monster like youth's intention, he was simply jumping behind the new teen. Soon enough a large man missing an eye, hand, and leg walked down to the prison room and blocked Sonus' attacks and after yelling a warning to the rest of the crew Faira jabbed her keyblade into his large gut. Suddenly two more strange aliens made their way down and got ready to attack.

Gale felt useless, how he can expect to battle, the more experienced, and physically stroner pirates? He could barely deal with the mindless shadows. But suddenly when he looked at Faira's keyblade in a attempt to gather his wits and courage, he remembered that the girl was able to unlock the door by using a light from the keyblade. This reminded him of magic from his mother's large collection of magical theories and the possibility to cast magic with the right conduit.

Gale Summoned his keyblade and studied it for a moment as he remembered his studies, the book has said to look deep within his soul and release the inner strength from within to unleash powerful spells. Gale closed his eyes and focused deep within himself and within matters of seconds he was surrounded by a soft breeze that wasn't there before, suddenly Gale opened his eyes and he lifted his keyblade above his head, as he did so a ball of light shined from the tip of the blade and when the blade reached the highest point of Gale reach, a sudden powerful updraft enveloped the room and any item that wasn't nailed down to the ground was sent flying and anybody that wasn't focused on Gale would be sent off balanced or even flying with the sudden gust of wind if they were small; and after the spell was cast the room has become windy since it had nowhere else to go.

Gale was surprised by what he has just done. He is the first Spell casting Magi in centuries! Gale was too shock to be properly excited. But if he was he would be jumping and screaming in joy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sonus was surprised when the man's hand became a sword. He continued attacking, though the man blocked every swing. Faira grabbed his arm and pulled him down the stairs. He followed, despite the fact he didn't want to, as two more beings stepped down the stairs. He was about to attack again when he noticed a light behind him. One of the others was using some sort of magic. He nodded and jumped beside the other guy, despite the strong breeze. He aimed his own keyblade at one of the men and focused the energy into a fire spell. It left his weapon but fizzled out in a few inches. "I guess I need more practice." he said to himself. He leapt back across the room to swing at the an on the right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Pink was almost lost with everything going on. First he was glad that him and some others could protect Faira, but now there was some boy who was gonna help them get out even though they did that all on their own. And now they were fighting pirates also to cap it off someone was casting a wind spell (or something similar.) Pink was still too hurt to do much, he was barley able to fight off the heartless from earlier. Now the sudden gust off wind in the room was putting him off balance and he eventually (despite trying not to) fell to the ground.

He'll just have to sit this fight out till his body heals. He hoped though the others can do well without him. "You guys got this!" he called out while on the ground hoping to boost moral, although it seems the pirates have a numbers advantage over the keyblade wielders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Faira glared at Pink through what could only be described as a gale force wind, but she didn't have time to berate him. The wind was creating a chaos in the ship's hold, some of the smaller aliens, and Kupori were thrown around in the air. Faira caught her as she flew by, and struggled against the wind toward the stairs, where the pirates who had managed to keep their feet were retreating.

She struck out at one of their retreating backs, and blocked the exit of the arachnoid pirate who had hurt her arm. He crawled on the wall, clinging to it against the howling indoor storm, and snapped at her as he went over her head into the stairwell. She blocked his claw with her keyblade, and followed after him, dropping Kupori on the stairs where the wind wasn't as bad.

Not all of the pirates had made it out of the hold, and Faira managed to note that the boy the had surprised earlier was mingled among them, though he seemed to be retreating toward the back of the group.

Faira moved forward and struck the nearest pirate.
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