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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chapter 1 Quest of Yavin 4

Manu was the strangest padawan to ever grace the halls of the grand temples. She was taken in when she was two and already even at that age gave off a ripple of force that was scary to many masters. Not because she had such power packed into that body of hers it was because she had not only the core of light inside of her but also darkness as well . Yoda who had taken the child in had spoken to many of the council members saying that she was a ying and yang meaning she was the one that was told of. But the masters had ignored this often and they treated her as if she was any child learning. Except she learned faster than most and already at six she created her go0lden lightsaber and was shockingly great with creatures and animals. She was often given the look as if she was a great monster as if she was something that other padawans and Jedi knights feared and they did because of what she could do. When she was four and she had a nightmare. The next morning the care taker came in to see the room was destroyed everything had been turned to adsh and the child was sleeping on the floor. Yoda had done a lot of one on one training with her as well with the force gift she was given making sure she could stabilize the ability she had. Once he knew she was able to control the two sides enough that it wouldn't lash out with no control he allowed her to tend classes with other padawans. But even then she was shunned away by many still. Often being alone or being in the creatures yard and grooming animals or just reading a book alone in her room. She was very skileld with a lightsaber at the age of tweleve and she finally became a full pledged padawan. But no master or knight took her in still feeling as if she was major danger to them or others even though she wasn't. She felt discouraged and often just went through her day the same way. Get up train, meditate, eat, meditate train and go to bed.

She was eating her morning oatmeal when she saw Master Cain coming over and smiled he was one of the rare masters that didn't see her as a monster or danger to the jedi. Infact he was a lot like a father to her and helped her with stern stances and some force abilties as well. She smiled as he sat with her and she smiled.

"Am I ever going to go out and see the world and experiance everything that i want to? I can feel in am meant to be out there Master Cain i can feel it in my bones, blood and force as well" she said sad that no one wanted her as a padawan. Cain smiled at the young human he saw a well that was untapped the possibilities for this young girl was endless and what she was meant to do was save the world she knew.

"I am sure when the time comes a master or knight will wish to be your guidance. And besides all good things come with time your extremely smart and funny and its about time someone gets you out of here anyway. I am starting to think you like our creatures more then the actually jedi or padawans" he teased rubbing her head. She was often found in the creatures yard wherre the jedi showed padawans and younglings creatures from all over the place. She often was found actually in the exbits at time freaking knights and masters out but no animal had ever attacked her even those that would easily and loved to kill a jedi never attacked her they merely treated her as their own. She had a strange ability with animals which made her the odd ball in many cases but she couldn;t care less.

"Hey they don't treat me like some stranger that they see every day. I mean yesterday I said hello to people that i knew and they all walked past me like i was a ghost or something they never seen before." she said and it hurt it hirt to be different but she never knew the reason why no one knew where she had came from. Only Yoda knew who her linage came from and he even never told her and all memeory of her exstaince was whiped from the arcives as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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--GAR Venator-class Star Destroyer "Krakatoa"--

The morning seemed to creep ever closer as Kiana and Canderous sat in orbit above the planet. They were in her private chamber, both sat naked on the bed, looking out of the viewport, Canderous holding her in his arms as the sun began to creep over the horizon. Kiana squinted as the light flared from finally breaking the horizon and she smiled "No matter how many times I see it... It's always so beautiful." she said.

"I can think of several prettier things." said Canderous as he kissed her neck.

"Alright, lover boy, you know we can't do anything like that." she smiled pushing him away.

"I know... But sometimes, I just can't help it." Kiana then turned around to him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They locked lips in a passionate embrace, before a beeping came from the computer. She immediately pushed him away, rolling off of him and onto the floor. "Poodoo!" she exclaimed. She looked around at the computer, knowing that it was from another Jedi. In any case, she needed to answer it and she couldn't be seen like this. She'd be exiled for sure. She desperately looked around, then looked at her wardrobe. "Into the wardrobe." she ordered. He shot up to his feet and rushed to the closet, before opening it. There was barely enough room for him to fit, with her small meditative shrine set up in it. He climbed in. She winced as he knocked over several things on his way into the closet and she closed it. She then didn't bother to get anything on before answering the call. "Yes?" she asked the computer as a hologram of her former Padawan appeared. Knight Krenax, a Shistavanen.

"Mast-WOAH!" he covered his eyes. "Master, can you please put something on?" She smiled as she leaned down and grabbed a long cloth, before covering herself with it. Excellent, now he was shook up and it would be difficult for him to read her emotions. She was so glad that it wasn't Master Yoda, he wouldn't have winced.

"Better?" she asked.

"Slightly..." he replied with a look of mild contempt. "Master-" But before he could go further, she cut him off.

"None of this Master business, you have completed the Trials, you are free to refer to me as Kiana from now on." she said with a smile.

"You are still a Master of the Jedi Order and I will refer to you as such." he replied. He then took a deep breath and composed himself. "Master Yoda has sent you a summons. He says that it is of the utmost urgency. Something which affects all of us." he said. Kiana kept her smile, but died a little inside as she suspected that Yoda had found out.

"I will be there as soon as possible." she replied, before bowing to him. "So, tell me, have you a new apprentice?" she asked.

"No. I was offered a few, including... Manu..." he said. "I am hopeful that young Kupak will be ready for padawanship soon. He is talented for a boy his age." he said.

"I do feel sorry for that young one. She has something in her... Something I haven't felt since..." she shook her head. "I just hope Master Yoda finds her a suitable master soon. At this point, I believe that only he or Master Plo-Koon would be capable of molding her into a Jedi." she said. She then felt a twinge of something in the force. "Anyway, I need to go now. Don't want to keep Master Yoda waiting." she said hurridly. "Bye." and immediately shut off the feed, moments before Canderous lost his balance and came tumbling out of the closet. Kiana walked over to him, lying in a daze on the floor and leaned over him. "What am I ever going to do with you?" she asked.

"Love me... Feed me... Never, ever leave me..." he groaned. She got down on her knee's leaning over to give him a kiss, upside-down.

"Now get up. You heard what he said, I need to see Master Yoda and it's entirely possible that we're rumbled." she smiled, walking her fingers across his face. "If we are, we may need to blast our way out of here."

"Really?" he asked.

"Just get dressed." she said, throwing his Duraplast breastplate at him.


--Jedi Temple, Council Room--

Kiana walked, confidently in. Canderous was outside of the door, rifle in hand and stood to attention. He watched the Temple guard as they stared at him. He was only permitted here as long as he was under Kiana's orders. Kiana was surprised to see only Master Yoda.

"Greetings, Master Kiana." he said in his high, gravelly voice. She got down on her knee and bowed to him.

"Master." she responded.

"Wonder, do you? Why here you have come?" He asked.

"Indeed... Master..." she responded. She surpressed her feelings.

"Afraid, are you?" He asked.

"Fear is a path to the Dark Side... I have no wish to walk that path again." She replied.

"Good..." he smiled, before looking out of the window. "Good... A mission, I have for you. Difficult it will be. Only you, no other, walk this path can. Only one, with full view of the Dark Side may I trust." Kiana was now slightly confused, but she was at least happy not to be getting Exiled.

"Anything, Master. I am at your service."

"Training... A padawan needs."

"Taking on a new Padawan so soon?" she asked. "Surely Krenax would be more suited, he is in desperate need of a Padawan."

"Intimately with the Dark Side of the force, Krenax is unfamiliar with." Yoda shook his head. "Maru, your new apprentice is." he said.

"No..." She got up. "No, master, please do not ask this of me, I sense something within that child an old presence something that harkens back to my days as a Nightsister." He looked at her.

"Why you were chosen, your history has determined. More mindful will you be of where your student goes." Kiana looked him dead in the eye. She knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Very well, Master Yoda, I shall do as you have asked." she then bowed again as she left. She met Canderous outside.

"So?" he asked.

"I have a new Padawan." she replied.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

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Cain took Manu to the force room where young padawans and masters and knights could go and train in their force abilities and how to control it. Cain smiled as he stood on the other side of the room as Manu stood across from him her eyes closed letting the imense amount of force that circled her to guide her footsteps and stances as well as power behind the force she would use.

Cain called out "Today we will do push and see how well you do" he said as he stood in his strongest stance which was imsensly strong and grounded well and against a normal padawan at her age a force push couldn't move. But she wasn't like other padawans and he wanted to see how hard she could push it.

"Now close your eyes and let the force shove out against me. I'm no fragile flower" he said ready for the hit. She nodded as she stood her eyes closed relaxed and listening and waiting before she shifted and with one hard blast of the force she had slammed Cain right off his feet and slamming into the room wall making amassive dent into it as he groaned slightly. manu eyes snapped open.

"Master Cain I'm so sorry are you alright?" she asked in panic not wanting to be the reason he got hurt. Cain bellowed out a loud and thunderous laugh "Oh that was amazing haven't felt that in years. Matches master yodas Force push almost" he beamed getting up and shook himself out and then said.

"Alright now its your turn to take a force push. Remember what Yoda taught you last time about stances?" her asked as she nodded getting in her grounded stand ready for the push. He nodded before slamming his own force into her sending her skidding back slightly only a few feet. Compared to other padawans that would have been knocked right off their feet as she grunted before the push ended as she blinked.

"Whoa" she said and beamed happily as Cain chuckled gently as Manu giggled jumping up and down like a happy young padawan that she was with no master yes but she would live. They hear the door open to see the female Jedi master come in.

"Master Kiana" she bowed slightly to the older Jedi as Cain smirked gently "what brings you to the force room?" he asked as he cracked his back looking at the large dent in the wall still shocked at the small girls power behind the force she weilded. No one had ever seen her use dark force abilties yet those where things that she was taught never to use so she never dared to learn such dangerous skills. Unaware all those in her bloodline before her had seen and used the dark side before and had harnessed it with the light itself to make a ying and yang force that she now weilded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Clemel Halcyon was busy meditating in his quarters in the Jedi temple when his comlink beeped. Or, as everyone there was concerned, Ranu Durgo was busy meditating when his comlink beeped. Clemel had managed to get a manufactured identity into the jedi archives, a suitably unremarkable padawan whose master was killed behind enemy lines and who only recently managed to run the Separatist blockade around the planet they were on to return to Coruscant. Here he waited to complete the final stage of his trials, facing the dark side and not turning, something he had done several times before in the line of duty.

He had showed up a few weeks ago, quickly installing his fake ID into the archives which couldn't be accessed remotely, and even underwent cosmetic surgery to keep them from recognizing him. The unremarkable nature of his fake ID's life and the fact that it was also a member of the Halcyon bloodline, though with no close Jedi relatives, meant that the lack of memories of him wouldn't surprise the others, and they wouldn't be surprised that he couldn't move things with his mind. The only reason he was chosen for this assignment is that he was the only current Jedi trained member of the force, and therefore the only one that might fit in while under cover.

He checked the comlink. R3 had just processed an update in the archives. It seemed that the mysterious padawan everyone was afraid of, Manu, had finally gotten a master. When the Chancellor had asked them to keep a close eye on the youngling during their investigation into the possibility of Jedi joining Count Dooku, he had been surprised, but assumed that Intelligence had flagged her for some reason. Now that she had a master, though, and one that was assigned to the military, he might have to get himself transferred under her master's command to keep an eye on her. Maybe he could convince them that going into battle was a suitable final test, or that he had already completed it by fighting with the resistance?

He got up to talk to one of the masters about the possibility of finishing his trials.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As Kiana approached the force room, she stopped outside and let out a sigh, she was afraid. She knew it wasn't good to feel such things, but she did. Canderous put his hand on her shoulder "Look up, General. You never know, she may become greater than you." Juana looked at him.

"That's what I am afraid of." She steeled herself, putting on her best game-face. Walking into the room, she smiled as the child looked at her. "Greetings, young one." She began, before looking at the dent in the wall and then to the master. "I have come on behalf of Master Yoda. I am afraid to say that Master Yoda has deemed that Maru would learn more under my tutaladge." She said to him, she then looked down at Mary. "I apologise if you'd rather stay with Master Cain, but the matter is out of my hands. This is Canderous." She motioned to the Clone.

"CC008, at your service, sir." He said, standing to attention, bowing to the Jedi Master.

"I know it is unorthodox for a Clone to be here, but he is here for at my request. Ever since Krenax ascended to Knight, I have felt comfortable with having his council." She then bent down to the Youngling. "I have had several Padawans. I will not lie to you, I will do my best to make you into a Jedi, but it will not be easy. You will falter, you will cry, you will undergo great suffering. But at the end of it, you will be a proud member of our order. You can ask Knight Krenax and you will be able to ask Knight Peltin and Master Plo-Koon." She got up. Master Cain, is there anything you would like to say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Dozzy Mu'vunna, or "The Night" as people called her walked over to where "Ranu Durgo" sat in the library. He was accessing data on lightsaber forms and downloading it to his pad as a distraction while R3 used forged master credentials that exploited the same backdoor as he had used five years ago to crossreference Jedi communications with known Sepratists and sympathizers. He had been running the same search off and on for two weeks and only had a few possible leads.

The black-haired woman waited a few seconds for him to look up, then cleared her throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Clemel, "I didn't realize you needed to talk to me."

"Its ok." she replied. "I've come to deliver some good news. Master Yoda has decided to turn you final test over to me, and grant your request. I am to escort you back to Sacora, where we will bust through the blockade and aid the resistance there."

"But I didn't think we could spare the ships to break the blockade." he replied. "Did you found a smuggler willing to bring us in?"

"Not exactly." she replied. "We'll need to hitch a ride with Master Kiana, who will be in the area. If she is unwilling to risk her troops, though, we'll take a captured YT1300 I requisitioned and run the blockade ourselves. The shields and turrets were enhanced by the last owner, so I'm sure we will make it. Meet me at landing field 7 in one hour. I'll arrange The rest with Master Kiara." With that she got up and walked away.

Clemel logged out of the console and motioned to R3. "Come on." he said. "I need to get my stuff. Code 7." That was the code to notify Intelligence to set up the second half of his cover by paying the remnants of a certain resistance cell to pretend he was once one of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

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Cain laughed and shrugged his shoulder "thank goodness someone is crazy enough to be deemed worthy of being her mentor. I can only take so much" he teased as he was merely teasing as he grinned at the small girl that was beaming with joy and bouncing up and down like she couldn't stop herself. Manu knew the trials of the jedi was hard and rough and would make her cry and doubt herself. But so did growing up as a normal person. its all normal and she knew it so she wouldn't let herself get scared too easily.

"YAY" she beamed happily twirling around still bouncing happily. Cain smirked gently and grinend at the master "have the best of luck with her. She's a wild one and loves to get into trouble when people are not looking" he called the best peice of advice as Manu whined after him.

"Master Cain no why would you sell me out like that?" she exclaimed like ampouting child who's fun got ruined but grinend anyway to the master before her "I won;t let you down." she beamed happily, she could care kess right now about the hardships she would face everything that came at them, stress, tears, anger doubt! She knew it would all happen eventually and she knew there was no escape from it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kiana watched the bubbly ball of attitude and funlovingness and almost felt regret that she was going to have to mold that all out of her, much like her rebelious streak had been molded out of her by Master Plo-Koon. This was going to be one of her more difficult ones. Krenax was already harshly tempered by the time he became a Padawan-Learner, emotionally balanced and almost ready to take on the trials there and then. Kiana bent down and took Manu's hands in her own. "The first lesson I will teach you is the most important lesson any Youngling can learn. Temperament is everything. Your happy attitude is enjoyable for some to be around, but beware that these feelings, like all, can be used to serve the Dark Side of the force. Your first lesson is to learn to be silent and observe, to let go of your childishness and take your first step into a larger world. Then, and only then, can you truly begin your path towards being a Jedi. You may be amazed at what you can learn by being silent and simply allowing the world to unfold around you, rather than demanding the world allow you to unfold around it." she said, her face emotionless. She then got up, letting go of Manu's hand. "Thank you, Master Cain." she said, bowing to him. "Come." she said, as she exitted the chamber. Canderous following suit with the bow and exit.

"So, what now, General?" he asked.

"Now?" Kiana looked at Manu. "Now, I have an excellent knowledge of your ability with the Force, but I want to see how good you are at logic. Follow me, I have a special test in the Archives." she said to the young padawan as she began to make her way towards the Library, the Clone and padawan in tow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

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If the master hontestly thought she was as easy as othewr paddaans to turn her emotions off the master was in for a surprise as she wouldn't ever change even when trying the hardest she could make the darkest momment light up in a laughter and the hour of doom to that of sunshine. it was a gift she had learned adn what was it called positivity and sometimes yes emotions where not always good but positivity and never doubt was something Jedi would always have and it's something she was given and born with. so like it or not it was never going to leave the girl and it might be the reason she lived through her life. "happiness while yes is not always good at moments they are gine for momments when needed. I am sure you have had toime of great joy and great sorrow in your life master. And showing it is never bad its when you let it manifest that it turns into something that could be used against you" she said in a very wise tone. She might not seem like she was smart but she was far smarter then she let on which they would learn as well. The only problem she had was an actual fight against people that actually wanted her dead could scare her and that when kindness and sweetness of the girl went out the window and the force took over and thats when....trouble always happened.

"I'm good with logic not a master of it like the clone is or a master jedi but I know how to win a fight with limited material and rescoures. Learning 101 with battles you make everything a weapon a twig to a rock to a blaster to a lightsaber. All things even the mind and soul and engery one holds can be used as a large weapon against any force" she said shurgging her shoulders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kiana listened to the child talk about her knowledge of emotion. "Do not presume you know all, my new Padawan, for such hubris is the undoing of many new Padawans. Remember that a decision made, unclouded by emotion, will never be regretted." She had personal experience with such a regret after her rash actions got her first padawan killed during the Hyperspace war. She then listened to her talk about her combat training. "Indeed, such tactics are fruitful to be aware of, but remember that the greatest victory is a battle un-fought. Many outsiders see us as the heroic Knights of the Republic, swinging in, lightsabers ablaze and thwarting evil. You will come to appreciate that, most of a Jedi's life is very dull, sitting in meditation for days on end, helping the Chroniclers to orginize the Archives, settling minor disputes on worlds that you have been assigned to." She smiled as she remembered the sprawling fields of Aldaraan, that she had been assigned to for a while. "Master Cain taught you how to fight. I intend to teach you how to be a Jedi." They continued to walk through the halls, bowing to people on the way past. Canderous looked down at Manu.

"So, you fight with everything and anything?" he asked. "You know how to shoot straight?"

"Clone, do not put idea's of combat into her head." Kiana frowned at him. Canderous was taken aback, he knew that she had to appear unfeeling towards him, but he had told her multiple times that he did not like her using the C word to address him.

"Yes, general, sorry general." He replied, standing to attention. She was annoyed with him for talking about Combat when she was trying to get her mind anywhere but there. She continued to walk. As they reached the Library, she took the girl over to a computer and sat her down, Canderous remaining outside the Library, walking back and forth in the same 20 meter line, a standard patrol maneuver in a place like this. The Temple-Guardians stared at him, he took no notice of the white-robed beings, although they did give him the creeps. Inside, Kiana pressed a few buttons, before a small hologram of a person appeared in front of them.

"This is a simple test of judgement." Kiana said to her "There are no wrong answers, as they will only indicate what direction I should take my training in." she said. The hologram of the man suddenly changed to become 2 men, dressed in simple farming-clothes.

The first one spoke up "Master Jedi, I am Ben Dansen, a farmer from just across the ways, this man is Henry Masterson, a business rival. Last week, several of his Bantha broke loose and and into my Meyluran patch. They destroyed hundreds of credits of produce and broke my fense. Now, Masterson has paid me 200 credits, but that's not even enough to cover just the fense." The second man scoffed. I am Henry Masterson, owner of the Masterson Ranch over the ways. Yes, that is not in doubt and I, like the good businessman and neighbour, paid Mr Dansen the sum of the produce lost, which I In fact, I offered to repair the fense myself for estimated take to fix his fense, which I offered to do for 50 credits, a more than fair sum, considering that any other carpenter will charge 500 credits just for the resources. I just so happen to have a surplus of the materials to fix the fense." the first one looked angrily at the second. "Well of course you would, you just want into my field to get dirt samples. We both know you've been after my fertiliser formula for years." he seethed angrily.

"So, what do you do?" Kiana asked her. "Mr Masterson has offered to fix all of the damages at cost, but Mr Dansen demands a third party do it." Kiana then left Manu to quickly mull over the situation as she spotted the one that they called "The Night" talking with a Padawan. There was something about that woman that she didn't trust.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The young girl smiled looking at the two holograms and frowned hearing their claims. Okay so one had their fense and crops destroyed and the other offered to pay for some of the damange and rebuild the fense for a good amount of money in return. Something didn't seem right about that bargin,

"In this particular case I would say have a third party do it. The reason is if Henry was truly sorry about what had happened he would have first paid for all the damage and not some as well as rebuilt the fence with no additional factors. Now lets say that Henry can build a fence that would withstand the animals he had if they gotten loose again and was sincerely sorry about the mess then i would say Henry would be a fair choice in action. But since in this particular case we do have a factor that they are rivals and there is a bitterness between the two. I would say to keep both sides happy and no more fights to break out have a third party do it so both sides are happy and everyone can be peaceful once more" she said though she knew each side had different outcomes she thought it be best in the rivals case that a third party should do it so no fighting would break out between the two. She was smart when it came to trying to keep peace she knew not all factos resulted in peace but for right now a third party would indeed help both sides keep a nuetral peace with each other. Most padawns would have gone with henry because he was the most generous and while generousty is nice it can be used for selfish gain as well which is something she knew well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@mattmanganon"Master Kiara," the Night said, walking over to her after noticing that the person she was looking for had just entered the library with Manu, who was apparently her new padawan. "I was just about to go look for you." She watched as Padawan Durgo left with his droid, then continued. "Master Yoda is sending me to Sacora with Padawan Durgo for his final trial. Because your ship's hyperdrive is so much faster, and I heard you were going to travel to a nearby system, I will need to travel with you. If you don't wish to try and break the CIS blockade with only a single ship, I understand. They could have significant forces in-system, with the strategic mineral resources on the planet. I have requisitioned a smuggler ship from the Coruscant Security Agency, though, and will be able to run the blockade with it when we arrive."


Clemel went back to his room and grabbed his few possessions, stuffing them into a backpack. He made sure to take anything that could break his cover. A few minutes later, R3 notified him that the CSA would prepare the selected resistance group, one that had lost all but two members a week ago, to pretend that he was a member of their group. Of course, all R3 really said was "Code 7 executed. Preparation underway." in case anyone else could understand him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As Manu answered, the Computer responded. "And who is going to pay for this third party?" asked Mr Masterson "It is completely unfair that I be asked to pay 10x as much for some oaf to do in a week what I can do myself in a day." The hologram berated her. "If he wants a contractor, he can pay for it himself." The other hologram looked angrily on "Like Thunder i'm paying for it. It was your animals that broke my fence in the first place, you should pay for it." Mr Masterson looked back at him. "May I remind you of the Agricultural laws? A party cannot be held responsible for the actions of their animals, should they break free from a paddock that is up to or beyond Agricultural standards, as set by the admissions board. And I have a certificate from the admissions board saying that my paddocks are right up to code"

"Not as easy when Laws start coming into it, is it?" Kiana asked. "You need to remember that every world will have their own local laws, beyond those set by the Senate." She then looked up as Night approached her and at this point, was a little too distracted to listen to Manu's next answer, 5 minutes she had had the Padawan and already had forgotten that she was now the one to look for. After all, it had been quite some time since Kiana had had an upstart Padawan. Listening to Night's questions, she thought for a bit. "Well, the planet Sacora is rather well defended. I am afraid that one ship will not be enough to break through." she sighed. Plans were currently being worked on, but they couldn't be put into action until Master Mundi's campaign in the Eison Cluster was finished. "Yes, we were going to be going to the 4th moon of Yavin on a survay mission. Nothing fancy, but there are a large number of ancient temples on the surface that could be used by the Seperatists as a base to spy on several of our supply lines. My ship is due to leave in the morning. If you wish, we could easily drop you off on the way. Although, I have questions. Specifically, who is going to fly this ship of yours and what are you going to do if they don't buy your credentials? One Venator against their blockade isn't going to last long."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@mattmanganon"Our credentials place us as agents of a Hutt Lord out of Nar Shadaa. Intelligence says that they've been selling local Republic Sympathizers as slaves in exchange for extra muscle at the mines, where the ionization causes most droids to malfunction. If that doesn't work, we'll execute a hard burn for the surface. The shields and turrets should buy us enough time to land."

"I've flown a Jedi fighter in combat and am certified on most models of freighter, though I admit having an actual combat pilot that has flown a freighter or shuttle in combat situations would be better."

"Would you be willing to loan us one of your clones that's a combat pilot? Purhaps a squadron or two of troops if yo can spare them? if so I would be grateful."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kiana looked at the woman. She knew that this was all probably on the level, but she still couldn't quite trust her. "I can't spare a pilot. Clones all look the same and they'd know what to be looking for... I can point you in the direction of an old... Acquaintance. I'd call him a friend, except he'd rather see me and our entire order go up in flames, but I think he means well." she smiled, before giving her a small data-slate. It had the picture of a large Reptavian by the name of Inuel Kai with a report that said that his ship was currently docked on the planet. "He'll get you past the blockade and through the mission in one piece. If you tell him you've got your own ship, he'll be more likely to say yes. Last time I worked with him, he got really angry that his ship got damaged."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princess of God
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Princess of God

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As the two chattwed the young padawan was talking with the holograms and smiled as she nodded as she came up with a peaceful way to do as she wished to do. She nodded as th simulation ended "finished" she beamed happily as she had done a third party as she had said that would be paid by those willing to aid the man as well as to make sure that the fence that was made would be strong enough to deal with unwanted attention. though yes the man would have to pay around 80 for the repairs and upgrades as well. She smiled looking at the two talking and wondering why they were talking to each other. So she took the time to spin around in the chair and close her eyes to relax. She didn't like hearing others talking all the time it could be boring to her to listen to. She looked at the others and streched out her back and looked at the two now as she waited to know what was going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Inuel and Renny sat in a cantina in CoCo Town, a district of commerce within Coruscant. Inuel was nursing a Juma, whilst Renny was tinkering with something on the table. Inuel stared at the loose wires and screws, whilst his young slave's nimble hands danced across it to try and get the device working. "Just give up, that hunk of junk will never work." Inuel grunted.

"Says you, beaky." Renny replied as he grabbed the back of the device and stuck it back together. "Done!" he said, before turning over the device to reveal a datapad. he pushed the power button and waited... And waited... Until he slammed it back on the table.

"If you want a datapad, I'll buy you one." Inuel said, staring at him.

"1) I am not going to buy when I have a perfectly good one right here if I can just get the PIECE OF POODOO TO WORK!!!" he slammed it against the table again.

"You're shouting, and you found it in the trash, how do you know it's going to work again?" But Renny took no notice.

"And 2) with what money? We've got enough to feed us for a few weeks, if we buy nothing but food. Hell, that Juma's costing us a day's food. We're going to need a crapton of creds soon or we and Sleepy are sunk." he slammed his own head on the table.

"What can I say, War is bad for business... Unless you're a war profiteer." Inuel downed the rest of the drink and wiped his beak. "We need to get away from Civilization. I bet Korrsh will have work for us." he said.

"You don't get it, we don't have the fuel to get to Nar Shaadaa, we barely have enough fuel to get us to the Mid-rim."

"Well, we'll have to do the unthinkable, won't we?" he asked, staring into the cup to see if there was any drops he was missing.

"Get an honest job?" asked Renny. "Well don't look at me, i'm to young to work."

"Damn child labour laws." grunted Inuel. "Well Sleepy has a good tractor beam on her, we'll have to do Tug work." Renny threw his head back.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, but that's boring. Can't we just rob someone?" At that point, Renny's head was engulfed by the entirety of Inuels large hand.

"Do you want the cops investigating us?" he growled before leaning in close "Remember, they don't recognize slave contracts and I have no other legal rights to you." he whispered. "So, unless you want to wind up in Coruscants shittiest orphanage, you'll remember not to annoy the filth." Renny nodded underneath the giant hand. Luckily, they were in CoCo Town and almost nobody spoke basic, being a mostly non-humanoid district. He got up and began walking out, having already paid for the drink. "Come on, we'll get back to Sleepy and send our credentials to the Docking Authorities."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Dozzy Mu'vuna approached the docking bay where she was told to the pilot would be. There was a ship here, but she wasn't sure what to make of it. Well, she did have her own ship, so that didn't really matter. "Pride of Vrikal" was an old smuggler ship that was named after a type of large feline common to outer rim planets. Hopefully it would prove to have fangs of its own should they go into battle.

Remembering that she had told the Padawan to meet her at the ship, she called him to inform him that she would be a little late, and to have him look up local mercenaries that could come with them. With funds being as tight as they were, they would need to skimp on quality or quality one. They just needed to decide whether carrying a few skilled fighters or many lower skill fighter would be better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Inuel and Renny were riding the lift up to the dock that housed Sleepy. Inuel was leaning against the wall of the lift whilst Renny was watching the numbers whizz by. Soon, the lift reached its destination and they exitted into a large hangar, housing a number of ships in their size-range. Other large transports and tugs. Inuel saw someone stood over by Sleepy, on the prow of the Consular-Class, was a large decal of a Rancor on its front, hugging a pillow, arted by one of Inuels former ship-mates.

The ship was rather large, but due to it being a civilian model of the more heavily armed military model, she was only equipped with a pai with a pair of Light-Turbo-laser located in the middle on both dorsal and ventral sides. Each of these main-batteries was also equipped with a smaller AA-gun. Although not entirely legal as they were registered as a merchant-vessel and any form of Turbo-Laser was barred on non-military vessels, exceptions had been made due to an agreement between the Hutts and the Republic to allow the GAR to use their hyperspace lanes in return for allowing their ships to go unmolested. As he was in service to Korrsh the Hutt, he was able to just slip people a couple of creds and make things ok.

"She may not look like much, but she's fast and she's comfortable, if you're looking for a private cruise." he said to them.

"Kai Shipping Co. at your service." Renny said, saluting. Inuel quickly patted him on the head in a Please ignore him, he's only a child fashion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kiana bowed to the woman as she left, keeping an eye on her. She turned around to her Padawan and adopted her stoic attitude. "Thank you for your patience and cooperation in the test." she said, before looking at the answer. She had found a peaceful solution, but neither party was entirely happy. That was ok, because as she had said before, the test was specifically designed to have no perfect answer, just a look into the mindset of the Padawan. "Come, I have other things I wish to learn from you, as have you things you must learn from me." she said to the Padawan. They began walking towards a testing room, on the way, Kiana was holding up a datapad and looking at items on it, asking her Padawan to tell her what they were. "Remember, do not "Think" the answer "Know" the answer. As Master Yoda once told me, do or do not, there is no try." she said as they walked, with Manu guessing them all correctly, at one point telling her one before it even showed up on the screen.

As they arrived at the training room, Canderous was just about to set up his patrol when Kiana stopped him. "No, you'll be helping us." she said to him. "Manu here will have faced many Jedi in her time, i'm curious how she will fair against an opponent with such a vastly different form of fighting." she said. "If that is acceptable to you, Manu." They walked into the room to reveal a rather that it was rather large. "Commander, you are allowed to use any weapon on a stun-setting." she said to him.

"Y... Yes ma'am." he replied. "Are you sure you want me to fight her?" he asked "I mean, she's only a kid."

"Commander, may I remind you that you are the same age as her." Kiana stated. Canderous opened his mouth, then shut it again as she was correct. Although physically in was in his mid-20's, he was, in actuality, only 12 years old.
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