Goddesses don't speak in whispers.
T h e y s c r e a m.
≺⟡≻ [ Availability: O P E N * .:::. C L O S E D ] ≺⟡≻
* Restricted *

Hello, and welcome.
Due to my distaste for these intro things and for the sake of brevity I'll just jump to the quick of it and list off a few factoids about me.
- I'm 26.
- I'm female.
- I am located in the US (CST).
- I have 10+ years roleplay experience.
- I work from home (and as such should be reachable at any time of day).
- Despite my blunt nature I'm a friendly sort and like to have conversations and form friendships with my partners.

That is why to you, dear reader, I put forth this proposition. That is, as opposed to baiting with a plot synopsis of a preconceived story or suggested character pairing we instead derive characters and/or stories from a prompt (either from an image, short snippet of text, and/or song lyrics). I will post several options to examine below and interested parties may send me a private message with their ideas. It is my desire that in addition to this we might also begin our stories in the crux of a high tension scene of some sort, so that we might better employ that impulsiveness previously mentioned (think of various films that begin with an action sequence and later backtrack to better introduce characters and answer questions). I can understand how this may be confusing to some, so if my intention is unclear please ask for a better explanation and I will do my best to provide it.
Additionally, I would like to encourage both short term and long term stories, so if you're inspired by any of these prompts but only for a single scene or don't want to be bothered with a prolonged story then please toss me your idea and we can discuss it further.

- Rated M for Mature: Partners must be 18+. All my stories have potential for graphic content (sexual & violent, sometimes together), a possibility for warped/bittersweet/dark romance (not a big fan of fluff, give me the gritty), adult language, dark themes, drug use, etc.
- Post Length: While quality is desirable over quantity, it's also extremely rare for me to write anything less than 3 paragraphs so a partner on the same wavelength is optimal.
- Communication: This is crucial for me, and ideally would include the use of off-site messengers (Kik, Discord, Skype, etc). While PMs are fine I dislike how the waiting around for a response slows everything down. The roleplay itself will still take place on-site.
- Collaboration: Regardless of the length of the roleplay we are still writing it together and I expect my partner to put in equal effort to move the story along. I refuse to carry the narrative alone.
- Restrictions & Limitations: I'm fairly open minded about many taboo subjects and the worst that can happen is you message me with your suggestions and I say no. Though as a fair warning, I am not interested in any sort of furry scenarios and will refuse those outright.
- Character Sheets: These are not necessary in most cases, the only exception being characters in a possible combat-heavy story (like something set in DCU/MCU).

- Genres & Themes: I like dark stories with Machiavellian characters, complex motives, and shades of gray morals.
For settings I tend toward:- Urban fantasy/supernatural (modern vampires, witches, demons, werewolves etc)
- Gothic horror (modern or classic Victorian era)
- Select DC/Marvel
- Classic fantasy (pseudo-medieval era, though with minimal magic)
- Character Types: I favor rather defiant and independent characters, femme fatales and anti-heroes are always fun. It's very rare that I will take on a wilting flower or wholly submissive type.
- Dislikes: Genre-wise I stay away from anime, slice of life, high sci-fi (with few exceptions).
Additionally, If I have to baby a partner's character I will get tired of it very quickly, so it goes without saying with my predilection towards strong characters that my partner also offer up a strong character who can roll with the punches and give them back just as well. - What I Like in a Partner: Patience, creativity, open-mindedness, willing to portray multiple characters when necessary.
- Character Reference Images: I am a visual person, so I do make use of real-life images for characters, no illustrations or anime (I will make an exception for realistic fantasy illustrations in high-fantasy story settings).
- Fandoms: I don't tend toward fandoms but if I do it's usually with original characters set in an established world. The only exception to this would be something based on DC Comics or Marvel Comics where I am more open to playing Canon characters.
- Genders: I am female and will always favor a female as my primary character in a story, but I do also employ male characters as secondaries or in supporting roles.
- Romance/Sexual Situations: I welcome romance but with some stipulations. MxF is my default, FxF needs to have quite the compelling story behind it to persuade me, and MxM is not on the table simply because I have no interest in it. I don't "fade to black" or skip sex scenes, with few exceptions, but I do like to pay consideration to my partner's comfort, so this can be discussed.
Now with all that said, if interested please send me a private message, but bear in mind my openings for new partners are limited so I may be rather selective.