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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The chaos that had unfurled in front of Anders had him questioning the brilliance of the idea. The world spun from his blood loss, but thankfully it did stop bleeding. Seeing that his orginal idea was not working he swallowed before giving in. Stop chasing it and take me to a hospital...safely he licked his lips and wondered if he was going to survive this.

Hopefully he would be fine. He did not like keeping a record as far as most medical places knew he did not exist. The question was...would he be able to do the usual or if things would be more difficult.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Brandon heard the command and immediately obeyed, grappling between buildings while piggybacking the man. After a little while, they reached the hospital and Brandon walked inside and safely placed him on the bench. After placing him on the bench, the hypnosis started to fade away as he became himself again. Wondering why he was in a hospital, Brandon quickly left through the front door and began a quick and speedy run back home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The SHIELD doctor convinced Quake to let him run some tests on the prisoner in his lab. She agreed as long as he was kept pumped full of rage suppressants or whatever the doctor used earlier.

Maximilian and the doctor went to the lab. "So Doc got a name or shall I keep calling you Doc like the cartoon squirrel?" "Terrance." He hooked a machine up to Maximilian. "That will keep you like you are, doubt we need it, you don't seem to like to transform." The doctor pulled out a laptop and gave it to Maximilian. "As we agreed you get to look up any non-classified information about our world. "Seriously you still use this? I didn't realize how backwards this universe is." The doctor look confused. "Our minds directly interacted with the computers we had no need for a keyboard. We saw through our eyes, no need for a screen. Assume you use TVs too, just turn on the news." The doctor complied. A news report about the attack from the monster who lived underground. "My goddess. You haven't eradicated them yet? What is wrong with your society? You intentionally leave invaders alive to reinvade? You seriously need new management one that has the balls to do the right thing. Get me down there and I'll elminate them for free. Won't even need to Hulk out." He popped the claws on one hand. "These are the only weapons I need on those primitives. I was on the team on my world that destroyed them." He retracted his claws. "What you say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Brandon walked somberly through the neighborhood, almost on his way back home. He was exhausted, that brainwashing that man put him through had taken it's toll and he was ready to get back home to get some rest. He walked up to his apartment, opened up the door and got inside and got a soda, turned on the t.v and jumped onto the couch. He started rolling through the channels until he found the X-Men cartoon that he so enjoyed and began watching. The new X-Men cartoon was based off the merits of the real life X-Men, although some of their feats may or may not have been hyperbole. He watched as Wolverine and Cyclops battled Magneto in the new episode, then the doorbell rang.

Oh right, Amy must be over for her stuff. Brandon walked over to the door and saw Amy, who was looking as stunning as ever with her wavy scarlet locks.

"Hey. Bird-Brain. Watching cartoons for kids, aren't you?" Amy said. She was kind of grating but Brandon would never give up the company of such a pretty girl, even if she was mean as all hell. "You know none of that stuff actually happened, right?" Amy said.

"Hmm. Well it wouldn't be a good show if it was all fact and no fiction." Brandon retorted. "Your stuff is in the back, let me go get it for you." Brandon went into his room and got Amy's bag. When he picked it up, a Scarlet outfit dropped out of it. He looked behind him and Amy was standing there.

"Oh that...you weren't supposed to see that." Amy said. "This was my mothers. I got something I always wanted to show you." Brandon was kind of excited at that sentence. "Hey, get your head out of the gutter. This is what I wanted to show you." Amy took her hands and waved them in a circle, and a red glowing orb appeared in her hands. "I'm a witch" she said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Heir to Thunder

Prince Faen Lokison

The motel room was small and cramped, and not in the ‘oh, how quaint and cozy’ way either. If Faen had a cat, he wouldn’t have had enough room to swing it (which he would have. Faen hated cats). It was late afternoon; the blinds were pulled as far shut as he could get them – there wasn’t enough fabric to blind the whole window – and dust motes danced across the partially shaded room.

Faen, who had changed his suit for a simple blue hoodie and grey joggers, slouched uncomfortably in the rooms one, poorly designed chair, eyes fixed to the television screen, scanning the news for information on either Beta Ray Bill’s touchdown, or the appearance of what the media had begun to dub ‘The Onyx Hulk’. The Prince of Lies had a suspicious nature, and he wondered if it wouldn’t be a stretch if these two apparently separated events were governed by the realm of coincidence.

The only other occupant in the room, and the one taking up the most space, was Beta Ray Bill himself, laying unconscious upon the single bed, the tortured piece of Ikea furniture struggling to hold the weight of the alien visitor. It was the first time anyone either than Faen had been in that bed since he had rented the room. What a depressing statement about his love life that was. It was a task of near Herculean proportions, carrying that big slab of meat and muscle here. Yes, Faen had used a teleportation spell to get them here, but it didn’t stop Bill being heavy. The golden hammer which Bill had dropped had been left in the alley, as despite no end of effort on his part, Faen had been unable to wrench it from its place on the dirty alley ground. He remembered hearing stories that only those of worthy nature could life Thor’s hammer, so theorised that the same could be said for Bill’s weapon. Faen had no worries of it going missing. It wasn’t like there was an abundance of those with worthy souls living in New York.

The big alien began to rouse, smacking his equine lips as he returned from unconsciousness to the land of the living. Faen moved to his side and raised a glass of water to his lips, which Bill greedily gulped down, before turning a slow gaze upon his host.

“Not Loki at all,” he finally demurred. “Though created in his image. Kith or kin?” Faen’s relief at the bigger man’s markedly less violent reaction to his visage now was palpable. He wasn’t sure that he could best Bill in such tight confines, even weakened as he was. That, and the manager of the motel would have charged him a extortionate sum for any damages to the room.

“Son, actually, though the physical resemblance is all we share. I prefer to think that I take after my uncle in character. Faen is my name, or Prince Faen Lokison to give myself my full title.” Bill’s eyes widened at that, and he forced himself to sit up, the bed beneath him groaning in frustration as the alien shifted his considerable bulk.

“You’ve seen the Odinson! When? Where?” The questions were barked, an edge of mania to the clipped sentences. Faen again questioned just how safe it was to be this close to an unknown quantity like Bill, but resolved to keep his ground, and his courage, before answering.

“Ah, I should, ah, elucidate. I’ve never actually met ‘the Odinson’. Nobodies seen him in years, or Thor for that matter. I simply meant that I hope I’m closer to him in character, than I am to Loki. Honestly, I actually thought you were Thor returned to us when I first saw you falling from the sky… Incidentally, why were you falling?” It was one of those questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answering, but knew that it would chew away at him if he never got an answer to it. Just what – or who – was strong enough to damage a Thor-level being so badly that it could send him tail-spinning through the stratosphere?

Bill clamped his mouth shut tight, and gave every impression that he didn’t intend to answer. Faen hated being ignored – as the good Dr Strange and his manservant were beginning to learn – and was going to repeat himself, when the alien opened up, albeit grudgingly. “My falling, and the whereabouts of the current Thor, are inextricably linked.” This piqued Faen’s interests, and so he pulled his chair closer, leaning into the alien so he didn’t miss a scrap of information.

“Thor had not just passed beyond the ken of man, but that too of the Gods. Even vigilant Heimdall could do no more than guess at the Storm-Gods location. There were stories of course. Tales of the Thunderer travelling into the deep, unknown, unexplored reaches of dark space. Of a golden-haired woman who wielded lightning and journeyed across strange dimensions. A pilgrim to far off places who, along her long sojourn, helped the helpless and punished the wicked. And while these fables may have been no more than rumours and falsehoods, they gave us hope that one day Thor would return to us.”

“Then, eventually, the stories started to change. They began to tell tales of a God gone mad, a typhoon of devastation given form. Rumours of free worlds falling to a tyrant with hammer in hand, of once peaceful peoples being enslaved by raiders led by a silver-helmed warrioress, of lands being pillaged and strip-mined for all their valuable resources, then left as barren husks. It was impossible, we all said, for these new songs of horror to be about our friend Thor. Eventually Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg, those brave Warriors Three, set off on a quest to establish the veracity of those claims. To my knowledge, they have not been seen alive since. They needn’t have left though, like a bad penny, Thor eventually returned home.”

“Imagine the Asgardian’s surprise when, after her long absence, she came, trailing lightning and cosmic storms, resplendent in her effulgence. Now picture their surprise when she sundered the walls of their home, and led an army of reavers and ravagers into the breech. Imagine the horror as they realised their greatest champion had abandoned them to join rapists and pillagers. Think of the gut-wrenching terror they would have felt when Mjolnir was raised in wrath above them, smiting mighty warriors and innocent children alike into the hard-packed dirt. Now imagine all that happening during the Odinsleep, when Asgard’s defenders are at their most hard-pressed. The destruction was … immense.”
Bill fell silent then, his eyes glazing over, lost in whatever horrors his memories held for him. Faen had never seen the home of the Asgardian’s, but he had seen old recordings of Thor’s battles upon earth. The devastation that could follow one of her battles was impressive, and that was when Thor was on the side of angels. If she truly had turned her back on what she once stood for, then he shuddered to think of the chaos she could cause.

Though that did raise the question of just why Thor, once a paragon of the good and the just, would seemingly change her allegiances and attack those she once protected, once allied herself with. Without ever having met the God of Tricks, it sounded like one of Loki’s schemes to Faen.

“Without trying to sound callous, are you sure it was Thor who attacked. It doesn’t sound like her and …” He peeled off when Bill rounded on him, his gaze on fire, gnarled fist shooting out to grip Faen around the throat, cutting off his air supply in a not-all-that-surprising titan grip.

“SPEAK NOT OF THOSE THINGS YOU KNOW NAUGHT, SPAWN OF LOKI!” He spat, fury evident in every syllable as his grip tightened. A normal humans spine would have shattered already. As it was Faen felt like his head was going to pop off his neck like a bottle rocket, his face already turned a violent purple. “I have fought beside Thor many times, once counting her amongst the closest of my allies! I would recognise her anywhere! The insults you lay upon my honour by questioning my judgement our forgivable, but the insults you offer to the spirits of the dead Asgardian’s who fell at Thor’s hands by doubting the identity of their killer is near-beyond forgiveness!” Black spots were swimming in the Prince of Lies eyes when Bill finally released his grip, letting the half-breed fall to a painful heap on the floor. Several moments of coughing and spluttering followed, before Faen finally managed to pull himself back up onto his stool. Bill had returned to his prone position on the bed, and a distinctive red liquid had begun to pool underneath his back, no doubt already staining the sheets. The Lokison found himself unable to concern himself with the berating he would no doubt receive from the motel manager, realising that Bill’s outburst had conspired to open the eldritch sutures – Faen didn’t know a lot about healing magic, but he knew a little bit – that he had stitched into his back wound.

“Is it sore?” He asked gently. Bill glared at him for a moment, before sighing deeply and closing his eyes.

“I have felt worse pains, son of Loki. But yes. It is sore. A sore reminder of the treachery of Thor. A sore reminder of all those friends I have disappointed. Let down. Hogun. Fandral … The Lady Sif.” He fell silent once more, mulling over dark thoughts. Faen would have liked to leave him in peace, recognising a tortured soul when he seen one – it took one to know one – but the story wasn’t done, and Faen had a feeling he knew where it was going.

“Bill, I hate to pressure you, but you still haven’t told me why you’ve come to earth.” The alien opened his eyes once more, and for half a moment Faen could have sworn those red orbs were moist with unshed tears. They were gone in a heartbeat though, and with a grunt Bill continued with his story.

“The battle for Asgard went poorly. Thor was too powerful, and his allies to numerous. In their desperation, Asgard called for aid. I alone answered the call.” Faen wondered if they had called to earth. The relationship between Midgard and the home of the Gods had been icy for a few years now, and even if the Asgardian’s had found someone to send their missive to, he doubted anyone in the world would have responded. It wasn’t like they had an Avengers to send to the rescue anymore. “With Stormbreaker in hand, I duelled Thor amongst the stars above the shining city, testing my hammer against the might of Mjolnir. I do not know why the power of the hammer remains with a host who is so obviously unworthy of it, but remain it does.

“We were near evenly matched, though in the end I threw down my enemy, and in so doing forced her to flee, though not before she left me with a painful reminder of our encounter. The rest of her forces were quick to follow her craven example, and so Asgard was saved.”

“In the aftermath, before even the dead had been counted, I and the surviving warriors of Asgard formed a war-council. We all realised that Thor, while beaten, was not done, though would look to strike at a less well-defended prize before trying her might against the city of the Gods once more”

“Earth” Faen gasped.

“Exactly our thoughts.” Admitted Bill with a grunt, though gave Faen an annoyed glance that, if Faen was any expert on alien facial expressions, said ‘who’s telling the story here’. “Midgard, we decided, was ill-prepared to face an assault of the calibre that Thor could bring to bear, and so I volunteered to travel here, to warn you’re defenders, and bolster your guardians.”

“Little did I know it was a trap. Thor and her reavers waited for me, in the slipstream between worlds. She struck hard, and struck fast, the blows, as you have seen, were nearly fatal. By little more than luck I survived, and with little more than fury I countered, before I fell to earth. I upset her supply train with my last blow, no slowing her armies advance, though for how long, I cannot say. Her army will be here in earnest in little more than days. Her scouts are here already, probing at your planets meagre defences.”

Faen took some umbrage at that last comment – he counted himself as one of those meagre defences, after all – though decided to brush it off. Bill seemed like a brusque fellow, and he’d already found out once today how limited his patience was. Instead the Prince of Lies decided to focus on what he thought was truly most pressing with Bill’s statement.

“What was that about scouts! Where? And more to the point, how on earth would you even know! All you’ve done since getting here is bleed all over my bed!” For a moment the alien turned his gaze away in what Faen liked to think was shame at his own poor efforts at being a guest.

“I know they are here because I can feel them trying to claim Stormbreaker – which you left behind for them to pick at like curs over a rotting carcass, I must note – for themselves. They think if they can lift my hammer they will have power to rival their own dread mistress. The imbeciles are focused on fools quest, though one that is going to end presently, for I feel a need to have a reckoning with their ilk.” The big alien began to push himself from the bed, only to spasm in pain and fall back. He growled in annoyance, and was about to go for a second effort, when Faen placed a palm on his broad chest and pushed him back.

“Probably best if you stay where you are old man. I think it unlikely you could force a reckoning with a pride of mildly-annoying kitties right now, and we’ll need you at your best for when Thor does arrive. Leave the lackeys to me.” Bill’s eyes widened in surprise once more, though thankfully he stopped trying to leverage himself up from the bed. Faen got up from his chair, and with a single utterance and a wave of his hand, his casual clothing disappeared to be replaced with a suit of light armour and long coat that seemed vaguely Asgardian, coloured in green and gold. His father’s colours.

“You would serve on the frontlines of your own world’s defence? Mayhap there is some distinction between you and your father after all, Lokison.”

Faen turned back to the alien and gave him a wink and a smirk. “That’s just what I’ve been trying to tell you. I’m a super-hero” He wondered if that looked as confident as he’d hoped, or if the rising panic building in his chest was making itself known on his features. He’d never faced a real super-powered threat yet, hardly had to match wits with a foe more dangerous than a corner store mugger armed with a handgun. Was he really up to the task of stopping a force of intergalactic raiders led by a mad-God?

Only time would tell.

“Don’t wait up Billy.”

He turned to face the shadowed corner of the room and held both hands up together towards the wall, thumbs tucked in and touching one another, before folding his right hand out and muttering the proper incantation, “Umberostium.” Without waiting for a good bye from his new alien friend – the term friend her being used lightly – he stepped into the shadows and was gone.

“You gentlemen really shouldn’t play with things you find in the street. You just don’t know where it could have been.”

Not counting one quick stop to pick up some goodies, Faen had made good time to the alley way where he had left Stormbreaker. The incantation of Umberostium was a shadow-walking spell, a crude method of transportation, allowing one to travel vast distances using the dark places of the world. It sure beat rush hour traffic, and let a man get from A to B in record time. Seeing his foes, who had gathered round Bill’s hammer and were each trying to wrench the unresisting metal from the alley floor, he half wondered if he shouldn’t have dragged his heels on the way over.

The group of four were – save one notable exception – ugly in the extreme, though each in their own particular idiom. One seemed to be a bird-man-skeleton hybrid, garbed in armour of Egyptian styling, a tarnished gold helm sitting upon it’s beaked skull, long-bones boasting tattered strips of decaying flesh jutting from its back in a crude approximation of wings.

The second was a gray-green ghoul, twice the size of a man, heavily muscled, and featuring two too many pairs of arms. Gore-stained tusks protruded from its monstrously oversized mouth, while it’s small, buggy eyes emanated nothing but violence and stupidity. Each of its six ham-sized fists were encased in iron gauntlets, and Faen could only shudder to think how hard that mountain of meat could hit.

A Dökkálfar, better known as a Dark Elf, was the only member of the group from a species Faen recognised, a lithe female with a predilection or knives, if the four baldrics bristling with sharp metal and dull hilts adorning her skimpy leather-looking armour was anything to go by, and judging by the fluid, graceful way she turned to face him, she probably knew how to use them.

The final member of the group was the least human looking. It moved on all fours, looking akin to a giant dog, it’s shoulders easily reaching Faen’s chest, four giant paws ending in long talons. It’s long canine muzzle was filled with razor sharp teeth, deep set eye sockets blazing with red wisps of fire. Two pairs of long, curved horns curled from behind it’s ears, much like a rams, and it’s back was covered in course quills, each about a foot long and oozing a green pus that smelt like trash left out in the sun for too long. A long, whip like tailed whished at its back, and Faen realised with a start that it featured a sickle like blade at the end of its length. Everything about the damn thing seemed to be designed to kill.


The group were staring at him now, the bird-Skeleton dropping to its haunches and pulling a wicked looking khopesh from a sheathe at its back, the six-armed bruiser cracking its knuckles menacingly, the Dökkálfar edging to the back of the group while palming a knife, and the hell-hound lowered itself while snarling a warning.

“Now I know how this is supposed to go down, the first meeting between you intergalactic invaders and me, a bonafide costumed superhero, but I have a proposal for you all. Why don’t we skip the epic battle, and instead I take you all to this lovely little coffee place I know about downtown. It’s only five minutes walk away, and I’m not lying when I say they make the best banana muffins in the world. And birdy, you really look like you need the potassium.” The skeleton-bird’s head crooked as if saying ‘who, me?’, and Faen was certain that he spotted the Dökkálfar break a smile. He couldn’t believe it, was this working? Was he actually going to be able to talk them into submission?

“So how ‘bout it guys? Calm, reasoned discourse doesn’t sound so bad huh? Surely a hell of a lot better than us all trying to kill one another?” For half a second no one spoke, no one moved. Faen was congratulating himself on a job well done, thinking that this hero gig wasn’t going to be so hard after all. Of course, you know what they say about counting your chickens before they’re hatched, and true to form it was the boney-bird that showed the truth of that. With an eardrum-shattering shriek it leapt into the air, grotesque wings pumping to power it into the air as it raised its khopesh. The hound was right behind it, leaping forwards with a blood-wrenching howl, the six-armed behemoth charging right on its heels. The Dökkálfar stayed where she was, though raised her knife, no doubt ready to hurl it at whatever soft squishy flesh Faen was foolish enough to show.

The Prince of Lies was momentarily frozen to the spot, fear rooting him in place. What, you think you’d do better in his position? He’d never dealt with anything of this magnitude before, and for a second he had no idea what to do. Just a second, mind. Then he remembered who he was. He was Prince Faen Lokison, and he had the blood of warrior Jotuns, never mind that of the God of Trickery, running through his veins. He knew what he was going to do.

He was going to fight.

“Ok, then, plan B I guess. Looks like its HAMMER TIME! His right hand flickered up, in the direction of the swooping bird-man. A speck of dust flew out of his sleeve, jumping across the space between him and his foe, ballooning in shape and twisting into the shape of a 23lb sledgehammer, a handy piece he had borrowed from a local industrial supplier on his way to the alley from the motel. The heavy tool spun end over end, picking up speed as it flew, until it was no more than a blur, before it’s heavy metal head thundered into the bird-skeleton’s helmet. With a desultory squawk the monster fell from the sky to hit the dirty with a thump, getting itself tangled up with the hell hound in the process. Thank Thor for that one boys, Faen thought to himself, because I got that one straight out of his playbook.

Still, he was going to have to come up with something better than that if he wanted to survive this encounter, glancing at the still charging behemoth, and the smirking Dökkálfar who was taking careful aim with her throwing knife.

“Ok hero, what now?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Anders found himself getting fixed up after sweet talking a few people. A half hour later he was at the front desk gently sweet talking the person at the desk to delete his file and that he had already paid. Honestly if he ever got sick and lost his voice he would be in trouble. He turned and walked out a bandage wrapped firmly around his arm and his hands slipped into his pockets. He wondered briefly where that metal bird man went but quickly brushed it from his mind.

His walking found Anders going past an alleyway he normally wouldn't for his route home and put of the corner of his eye he saw quite an interesting spectical. In fact at first he walked past it before back tracking and staring into the alleyway at the five individuals there. "What the hell" his right hand curled around a poker chip in his pocket as his eyes took in the....individuals. His voice is what he practiced most, but considering those in front of him he better use his other ability.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After brandishing the bone claws Terrance wanted to know more. "What else can you do without Hulking out?" Maximilian began to grow suspicious. He cut his arm and it healed near instantaneously. "I knew it. You are from the Howlett family. Your blood could save countless.... Maximilian was beginning to be reminded of the assholes who turned him into the Hulk. He interrupted the doctor. "Show me your abilities." Terrance admitted to not having any. "Then you better watch what you say. No Homo inferior will experiment on me again, the last one I left alive as a warning he's dead now, but he would have begged to die if he could have after having all five appendages ripped off, his eyes gauged out, his ears ripped off, and his tongue burnt off. I want hesitate to do the same to you. The only people my blood is saving will be the ones who are Inhuman or Homo superior." The doctor backed away. "I believe we are done for now. The guards will escort you back."

After Maximilian left Terrance contacted Quake. "My enthusiasm has put the prisoner in a less cooperative and threatening mood. For the moment he has been returned to the module. You may want to see about getting a Mutant or Inhuman doctor to run any further tests deemed necessary. Also I suggest a telepath to probe his mind." Daisy agreed and called upon one from the Psi Corps. The telepath probed deep what she saw and felt drove her insane causing her to lash out and telepathically murder every human within her limited reach. Quake was forced to put her down. "What the hell did you do to her?" "I did nothing. She felt what I feel at all times. She was not strong enough to handle it. She was awoken to the true nature of Homo inferior and she did what every Homo superior on my planet was eventually forced into doing. They bred war and injustice with every breath they took. The Hulk is proof of the monstrosity of the Inferiors, they captured and experimented on me to turn me into a biological weapon of mass destruction, then they took control of my body and unleashed me on my kind. The fact I have not unleashed it on them is you because you clearly hold some form rank over them. That would never have occurred on my world. I would like to know more before I pass judgment on the Inferiors of this world."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucy Storm (Jacket)

@The Kid Lantern

The sun had risen over New Attilan, awakening many of the Inhumans dwelling within the safety of the city who had not already awoken earlier that day. Among those who had awoken before the rising of the sun was Lucida, along with her father, her mother and other members of the royal family. She looked at the two, smiling a somewhat sympathetic smile. Their age was catching up to them, although it was amazing to think this given how active the two were. Her mother, Crystal, served as a member of the council, advising and aiding the king, Ahura. meanwhile, her father, one of the few Non-Inhumans allowed to not only enter, but live in the city, helped in the education and training of Inhumans with pyrokinetic or heat based abilities. He also helped in advising regarding matters of the outside world.

Lucida watched over the proceedings in silence. Having spent her entire life in the confines of the city she was eager for the conclusion of this meeting and it showed. She smiled as her parents spoke. Her father advocated the importance in a revitalization in the relationship between the Inhumans and the outside world. Her mother followed by advising she be allowed to participate in a sort of outreach program, perhaps by attending Empire State University. Ahura listened calmly, quietly mulling over the idea. He was already taking part in the UN as the leader of the Inhuman nation. Still, apart from that, there was rarely communication with the outside world. Still, in the recent news, if the isolationism of the nation, or the movement of the city to a more hidden location from it's previous home near the Statue of Liberty, wasn't bad enough... There had apparently been reports of a rise in Inhuman related crime.

The proceedings went one, and Lucida began to worry that Ahura would deny the request. That is, until he turned to her. Crystal and Johnny looked at her as well. Although typically an uncommon occurrence, she was being asked her thoughts on the situation. In all honesty, she was unsure of what she could really say to allow him to see her side. The king always seemed to have his mind made up. Always keeping the well-being of the inhabitants of their great home at heart, he made the best decisions possible for them.

"Speak child." He finally addressed her.

"Yes my king." She swallowed, nervous for the first time today. "I believe that it is important to develop connections with the outside world. If the Inhumans are to thrive and surpass the limits of those before us we must learn to change with the world around us." She spoke openly, partially reciting much of the lessons she'd learned from her parents over the course of her admittedly short life. "As an Inhuman, and member of the Inhuman Royal Family, who better to set an example of who we truly are and what we stand for?"

"Do you believe that I, the king, am not fit despite my ventures?" Ahura questioned the young woman calmly.

"I believe you would be perfect, far above myself." Lucida had to choose her words carefully. While many here were her family, there were also those who were not, and those who stuck obstinately to the old ways. "However, you as our king and leader put the city and the people before anything else. Obviously, I would always put my people first, however, I could also interact in the outside world in more than a political way. I could do things that those in power, those who would work against us, would limit you from doing." She finished, Crystal and Johnny smiling beside her as Ahura peered down from his throne.

"Very well." The king of the Inhumans finally spoke after a long silence. Ahura and those who'd rallied with her cheered, silent though they were, as those opposing the plan made their disdain audibly clear. To them this was madness, though they'd never oppose the final word of their king.

"I will make you proud my king."

"I'm sure you will young Lucida. Now be on your way. We have further business to discuss."

"Of course!" Lucida smiled brightly as she hopped to her feet, Johnny and Crystal sharing a nod before he rose himself to escort her out.

"After the meeting finishes I'll be coming with you to visit an old friend of mine." Johnny whispered to her. "So be ready." He finished before shutting the door behind her.

Lucida jumped for joy before running off. She had to pack. It was the one downside of the plan. She'd also need to stop living in the city for a while. She could visit on occasion, but regular travel to and from could prove dangerous. Luckily, they would be making arrangements for her to live on the ESU campus. Johnny and Crystal had prepared her for this though, and she wasn't going to waver in her decision.

It had been about 2 hours since Lucida's departure from the meeting. She had packed up what she needed. Crystal had begun making arrangements for living and money as well as the shipping of her daughter's things to her room. Johnny meanwhile had decided to call and leave a message for his old friend, as it had appeared he wasn't home at the time of the call. His voice had lost much of it's youthful charisma, though his vocabulary had not, evidently in the message. If Ben, the original Thing, managed to play it it would go as follows:

Hey tall, bright and ugly. Guess who? *small chuckle* You are just about one of the only people I can fathom still having a landline, you know that? *Sigh and pause* Look, I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to be stopping by. I want you to meet Lucida. You know... My daughter... Yeah I know I never really explained that one. It's a long story. *slightly longer laugh* Anyway, we're gonna head down there because she's going to ESU and she'll be staying there so I wanted her to have somebody kinda nearby to go to if she ever needed anything and couldn't make it home or whatever. You better wait for us. *Cut*

The years had gone by and despite intermittent contact Johnny hadn't actually seen Ben in a while, let alone updating him on the inner working of his and Crystal's life. Maybe this time around they could focus on catching up, even if it wasn't for long. Even so, Johnny was as tenacious as ever, not even bother to wait for an answer before nudging Lucida with a small smile before they took off.

"That man..." Crystal spoke softly as she watched the two leave, noting Johnny's choice to go without the use of one of the many Inhuman air crafts.

Roughly an hour or so had passed since Johnny and Lucida left the confines of New Attilan. They'd spent time flying in piece, talking, and observing as they flew overhead. Lucida was amazed by many of the things she saw. She was not so sheltered that she knew nothing of the outside world, but many of the things they passed she was seeing for the first time. Still, they didn't have much time to waste. Johnny looked around for a moment as they traveled New York now, until he motioned for her to descend. He landed first, the flames extinguishing as he touched down, Lucida quickly following. Despite the oddity of two humans coated in flames descending from the sky, nobody said or did anything. It was clear this was a neighborhood housing a former superhero.

"This is the place?" Lucida asked as she looked around while they walked up to the front door.

"I'm pretty sure. I mean... I'm old, but I'm not losing it just yet." Johnny replied as he rang the bell. He'd assumed that his message had been received and Ben would be there waiting for him and Lucida. Just need to play the waiting game for right now.

"If you say so dad." Lucida smiled, chuckling lightly at the lack of a plan her father seemed to have. It was always an interesting contrast to the amazing hero he had once been, the hero she'd watched various recording of, the hero she'd admired for so long. Even just a few months ago, before her training had began for her venture into the outside world, preparation in case they'd succeeded in their efforts to get her out, she'd have looked with even more admiration than she did now. And she still admired him, but the comparison was who he was now to who he used to be weighed on her mind. She loved her father, but she felt more like she'd need to protect him now, rather than be protected by him. And so, standing there with him, she waited.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Heir to Thunder

Prince Faen Lokison

Interacting with: @BlackPanther

The behemoth pounded down the alleyway, each footfall like a miniature earthquake, rocking the surrounding streets and buildings with titanic force, nearby car alarms going haywire. Now mere yards from Faen, it threw itself into the air, all six of its meaty fists raised, ready to come crashing down with all the crushing force of a freak rockslide. He smashed downwards, bellowing a war cry, and Faen …

Faen melted into a cloud of grey-green moths, his form melting into hundreds and hundreds of winged insects, scattering like a maelstrom around the six-armed fighter, who grunted in confusion, casting around wildly for the Asgardian mage. The Hellhound, which had managed to disentangle itself from the bird-skeleton, pawed forwards to sniff at the ground where Faen had been standing.

“What the Hel?” Hissed the Dökkálfar, just as surprised by the turn of events as her sturdier companion.

“Yes, I can’t say I’m all that impressed myself.” Came Faen’s voice from by her shoulder. The Dark Elf’s eyes widened in surprise, but quick as a whip she spun around and away, bringing her knife to bear in a backwards defensive grip, dropping to the balls of her feet, ready to fight or flee.

“They were supposed to be butterflies,” the Prince of Lies continued conversationally, brow furrowed in annoyance. “Oh well, better luck next time, eh? Anyway, the real pay-off is the bit that happens afterwards. Observe!” The half-breed clicked his fingers with a resounding crack, the army of moths that had been flurrying around the behemoth and the Hellhound spurring into action, winging their way towards the six-armed giant and alighting on his form, who glanced at them sceptically, as if to say ‘really? You’re attacking me with magical insects? Really?’ The faintly mocking expression faded as the moths began to merge into each other, their lines blurring as they slowly dissolved into a thin, membranous blob, forming a second skin over the monsters own. He grunted first in surprise, then roared in rage, then finally cried in fear, as he realised that try as he might, he could not break out of the moth-mold. The noise was cut off when the gelatinous blob enveloped his face and mouth.

The behemoths allies and Faen alike looked on in horror at the spectacle. It was a spell of his own devising, but he hadn’t expected it to be so frightfully effective. Definitely not a trick to use at parties then.

“Gross” He conceded. A stillness fell over the combatants then, as the invaders realised that Faen wasn’t going to be quite the pushover they expected. The momentary calm ended when a blonde man, an unfortunate civilian by the looks of him, walked past the alley mouth. Instead of taking one glance at the combatants and high-tailing it as fast as he could in the opposite direction, the fool stood there and gawped, pushing his hands into his pocket while he did so. No doubt going for his phone to try and film the spectacle.

“No witnesses,” the Dökkálfar spat at the Hellhound, which threw itself at the newcomer, pouncing in a gnashing fury of teeth and claws, ready to eviscerate him were he stood.

“Run, you bloody lackwit!” Faen shouted at the civilian, though his attention was suddenly grabbed by his own predicament, coming in the form of the Dark Elf woman hurling herself at him knife-first. Faen's greatest weakness and fear combined, angry women with pointy things.

Suddenly he really wished he'd let Beta Ray Bill handle this after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Anders watched the hell hound run at him and pulled out the poker chip. He held it with two fingers and in a moment it started to flow a deep purple before he threw it at the creature. The chip smacked the hound in the muzzle before glowing brighter. Anders dodged out of the way and ended up deeper in the alleyway before clasping his hands over his ears. He seemed silly for a moment before the chip exploded in a cloud of purple. The hound yelped and shook its head blinking.

Anders straightened then grinned. "Hurt didn't it you weird looking dog" the dog growled and turned to face him. It now sported a large wound from the poker chip and did not seem happy about it. And we felt his pockets and then looked around before running and grabbing a brick. It started to flow and he stared at the hound. "I'm guessing if a poker chip did that..a brick to your muzzle will hurt worse" the hound growled and Anders wondered how bad a dog bite from this thing would hurt if he missed. He mentally added buying a bag of poker chips to his things to do before lobbing the brick at the dog.

The brick missed the dog but landed by its feet. The canine looked at it before starting to move. The brick then exploded. A rather large explosion that, due to the position of the canine, caused the hound to fly forward from the force of it. A rather singed hell hound smacked into the wall. Anders seemed momentarily frozen by sheer amazement at what he managed to accomplish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago


It was the Sunday after the first true test of Jacob's powers. He'd agreed to sleep in his great uncle's basement since there was a chance his powers activated in his sleep. And because he'd already ripped up part of the floors in the bottom level of the three story bachelor pad. Ben had married decades earlier but it didn't last. To protect the one woman he cared for he pushed her away. To protect Jacob, he's keeping him close. Not unlike his pal, Johnny Storm, and his adopted daughter. Ben had already spoken to Johnny the night before on the phone, the city of the Inhumans gets incredible reception. He was expecting them but didn't say a word to the all new Thing. The door buzzer rang in the Brooklyn home, and introductions were made. The young girl met Ben and got a taste of the old rivalry between her adopted father and the rock covered man when the two of them began trading insults.

Downstairs Jacob was oddly laying on the opened up ground, some smaller rocks covering parts of his body. Almost as if he's become one with the rock formations in the Earth itself. He could hear his blue eyed uncle upstairs talking to somebody but he was still in his suit, well the pants of it anyway. Jacob was also quite dirty. He decided to just wait it out rather than embarrass himself. That's when he barely made out Ben saying...

"Yeah, he's down there now. Believe it or not he took down an old creature of Mole Man's yesterday. Probably still asleep. Watch out for all the rocks too, kid's still workin' out the kinks..."

"Crap." Jacob thought. "Somebody's coming down here, I have no idea who... I'm half dressed, dirty, and surrounded by... rocks..."

The young girl came down the stairs. To her surprise Jacob was completely covered in stone armor and doing push-ups.

"Ninety eight! Ninety nine!" he said semi-loudly before glancing over like a doofus, "Oh, HEY! Didn't see you there. Um... who ARE you?" the rock man asked.

@Demon Shinobi

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucy Storm (Jacket)

@The Kid Lantern

Lucida looked down at the stone man on the floor. She tilted her head to the side a bit a little confused. Given how loud he'd been when she entered the basement one would have thought she'd have hear him at least moving from upstairs. Perhaps it was her own negligence. Or maybe she'd just been too caught up in the hilarity of the rivalry between her father and apparent new uncle.

"Lucida Amaquelin Storm. Member of the Inhuman Royal Family." She finally answered, a tad bit more formal than one might expect, with a small chuckle. She'd been preparing to live in society for quite some time, but old habits, like introducing herself, title and all, would probably take some time to get used to. Well, it wasn't like there was anybody who would freak out here. Unless this, Thing... "Oooooh... Now I get it." She couldn't help but speak aloud before realizing what she'd just said. A light blush appeared on her cheeks. "Um..." She cleared her throat and shook her head.

"Right! So!" She seemed to pause for dramatic effect as she took a few steps forward and held her hand out. "I'm you're new best friend." She said wanting to see if he would indeed accept the gesture or hold back out of some odd male bravado or whatever. Maybe he'd think she wouldn't be strong enough to help him out. "Wait..." She paused looking over the ground and then him, and then the ground again. "Are you like Uncle Benny," Yes, she'd just met him and she was opting to refer to him as Uncle Benny, "or can you come out of that?" She asked referring to the armor. The latter would have made more sense now that she looked at the face, which bore no real human like facial features like that of the original Thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

"... can you come out of that?" the new girl asked.

Jacob had stopped doing pushups after she approached with her hand out for a greeting. But when she inquired about his rock form she put her hand back down. The young man was never that great with the ladies and just sat on the ground in his stone form for a few more moments before standing up. He dissipated the armor and it turned back into a pile of rock and stone at their feet. He hadn't taken a shower in about thirty-seven hours, and went toe to toe with one of Mole Man's remaining underground creatures still alive after all these years. The stone understandably comes with a bit of dirt, added to the sweat, had Jacob looking pretty rough. And smelling even worse.

"You probably wanna stand back, I need to take a shower before I do anything else today..." Jacob commented grabbing a dirty shirt and throwing it on.

"My name's Jacob by the way. Wasn't trying to be rude, I just wasn't expecting company... Did you say your name was Lucida STORM? As in Johnny Storm?" Jacob asked, "You wanna come back upstairs?" he asked another question motioning towards the stairs.

From the look of her attire, Jacob could only imagine what powers she had. He'd heard of Inhumans before, but didn't know much about their royal family or politics.


Jacob had got a shower. And he'd met the aged Human Torch, who he thought was hilarious. The two of them were in Ben's kitchen dining room area with a bunch of Chinese food boxes with the original Thing and Lucy as well. The two founding Fantastic Four members reminisced about old adventures, and a flat screen was on one of the walls playing the evening Channel 4 News. A breaking news report caught everyone's attention when the anchorwoman claimed Atlantis was attacking out of the Atlantic Ocean down by the boardwalk in Coney Island. Authorities were on the scene but the Atlantians advanced weaponry is too much for them.

"...where have all the heroes gone?" the anchorwoman asked the viewers, "They could really use some help down there!"

Ben and Johnny looked at each other. Then at Jacob and Lucy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Heir to Thunder

Prince Faen Lokison

Interacting with: @BlackPanther

Sharp steel tore through the air, uncomfortably close to Faen’s face, and if it hadn’t been for his half-breed enhanced speed and reflexes he would have been wearing a knife shaped hat by now.

“Hey, watch the goods lady! Crime enough that you’re invading our planet, but if you were to damage these good looks, well that would be unforgivable!” He didn’t even know why he was talking, he was so damn terrified. Somehow the words still sounded even and calm, all while his heart was beating a tattoo and his back was swimming in cold sweat.

Somehow it worked in his favour, and the Dökkálfar halted her ‘kill-Faen-frenzy’ for a moment, relaxing slightly to give him another quizzical scan, her doe eyes trailing him from head to toe. It was slightly uncomfortable, but it gave him time to catch his breath, and begin to try and formulate a plan. Nothing was springing to mind, mores the pity.

“Hmm, you are an attractive male. I’d heard that all you Midgardians were pink, fleshy weaklings, but you have a spark of fire in your eyes. Perhaps if you surrender Thor will allow me to keep you as a pet.” There was a soft tug at the dark-elf’s lips, and Faen was getting the distinct impression that she was teasing him. Still, as offers went, it was a flattering one. Far better than being shish-kabobed, anyway.

“Well, to be fair I’m only half-urrkhHH! He was interrupted mid-witty comment as the Dökkálfar exploded towards him, flinging herself through the air and twisting mid leap so that her booted foot hammered into Faen’s face. He hadn’t seen it coming, and took it all on the chin.

He really needed to take some boxing lessons or something, he realised as he hit the dirt.

Elsewhere the hound struggled slowly back to its feet, but was so groggy and slow to act that it was obvious that Ander’s brick attack had knocked the fight out of it for now. Ander’s moment of amazement proved that it may become his undoing though, as the bird-skeleton, which had managed to get back into the fight, soared towards him, it’s taloned feet gripping onto the mutant’s shoulders like a hawk snatching a rabbit. With powerful wingbeats, the monster climbed into the air, in seconds it was as high as the tops of the nearby buildings. It screeched in victory as it gained altitude, obviously meaning to drop Anders from a great height, and thereby killing him.

Back in the alleyway, the cocoon around the behemoth was beginning to crack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago



In retrospect freezing in amazement was not the right choice in a battle. Anders was snapped out of it as soon as he felt talons close on his shoulders. Instantly his life flashed and he had to force himself to calm down. His brain started thinking through what he could do and this resulted in a fairly bad idea. He moved his hands and held onto the angles of the bird cursing his lack of length.

Anders inhaled before he squeezed as hard as he could. It was enough to get the bird's attention and grab him lifting him up to meet the eyeless gaze. A grin curved onto his face. "You don't want to drop me."

The bird stared at him, but kept the grip loose enough for him to talk...thank god. Anders shrugged. "In fact you'd much rather take me back there safely" the bird seemed to pause before going back to the alley and gently putting Anders down. He rubbed his throat before looking at the bird. "Good now...you want to protect me from those friends of yours" the bird screeched causing Anders to slip his hands into his pockets and look at Faen. He watched the women...whom he was guessing was some form of elf and found himself looking back at Faen. "Need some help?" the bird was still standing in front of Anders and seemed to be still under his control.

It seemed focusing on his voice paid off a bit. He would be lying if he said he wasn't proud of himself. After all he could have easily just died by being dropped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Riri Williams head of Stark Industries stood in front the crowd of investors, paparazzi and soon to be future clientele. She cleared her throat and some into the microphone that she held in her hands. "Welcome everyone I'm glad you could make it here today. The purpose of this meeting is rather simple, but then again for some of our workers it's always simple isn't it?" The crowd chuckled at her remark she looked at a nearby camera kmowing that her protégée intern would be watching from his lab. She wanted to sigh it was originally him that was suppose to do this unveiling on his latest invention but the words he told her when she asked were 'I prefer to gain the spotlight when I earn it'. He's always so hard on himself she never understands why. The boy was a genius a lot like her mentor actually in fact if it weren't for his last name you'd think they were one in he same. "Ladies and gentleman for years the hunt for cleaner for affordable source of energy has baffled the world. Even now on our modern day age where technology has reached new almost unimaginable heights the source needed to propel and power those heights was something of a mystery. From fossil fuels, solar energy to even plasma and nuclear energy all of them could never make the long lasting impact that we at Stark Industries had hoped for. That's why today I would like to say we have may have finally solved that mystery. Ladies and gentleman it is my pleasure to show you. The D-Ark!" As she unveiled his latest invention the inventor himself was watching from his lab.

Sparks and the sounds of wielding blended into the background along with the online remixes and the muffled words of Riri's speech. Julius Von Doom lifted the wielding mask off his face the air felt good against his sweat covered forehead. He watched as the head of the company and his boss sell it on the latest invention. The D-Ark thought the appearance is based off Tony Starks Ark reactor it's use and function we're actually completely different. The Ark reactor was meant to be used on a large scale, from companies to even a small town or city if pushed right. His D-Ark was made for a more convient line, from car batteries and appartments to small businesses using components found in the atmosphere and in some degree the pollution in the atmosphere as well it could creat a finite supply of renewable clean energy while at the same time clearing the atmosphere of toxins. Killing two birds with one stone. "It seems that Madame Riri is trying to increased your workload Young Master." His AI stated while walking to him and a refurbished Doombot. The bot had platter in his hands with refreshments. "It wouldn't be Riri if she didn't try to keep me here Herald." He sighed taking one of the glasses on the tray and took a sip. Herald looked at around at his creators workspace "Though really sir aside from your personal projects when are you going to have some time for yourself?" The assistant asked concerned. "You know me Herald. There never is no free time for a Doom." He said pulling his mask back on and began wielding. He had to finish this new set of designs and test them out. He had to be better he had too.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grec
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Grec Is 1,000,000 years old

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Brandon and Amy had gone down to Coney Island, to test their powers on some games and hopefully have a good time. Brandon walked up the game where you had to throw balls at cups, and Amy casted one of her luck hexes out of sight of the man running the game. Brandon hit all balls against all the cups, and won a Iron Man doll and a Hulk doll. Brandon gave one of the dolls to Amy and they had a laugh, then walked off to get hotdogs and soda. They walked up to the end of the pier and started chowing down.

"Ha, that was fun." Brandon said. He wasn't just saying it this time around, he didn't know how fun it would be to have another friend with powers.

"Haha yeah, we should do this again sometime." Amy said to Brandon. Amy leaned against Brandon and watched the orange sky shift above them.

"AHHHH" Suddenly, some people started screaming from the beach. The pair looked down and saw figures coming out from the Atlantic sea, they were locked in battle against some cops with advanced weaponry and were easily defeating the cops.

"Let's do something about this" Brandon said to Amy. He took out the Amulet and donned his Darkhawk persona, and the pair headed for the beach for battle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucy Storm (Jacket)

@The Kid Lantern

The choice of food had been quite interesting for Lucida as she had only had chinese food from the outside world a few times. Johnny had sneaked it in on more than one occasion so to her this was a treat. And to think... She'd be able to get this whenever she wanted! It wasn't like money would be much of a issue. She was ecstatic, smiling brightly as the meal progressed.

"So, tall and ugly here decides we need the Hulk. But old Brucey wasn't trying to turn." Johnny and Ben had been telling stories for their meal continued. "He starts insulting the guy. Let me remind you, he's trying to get out the friggin Hulk."

"Was it that bad of a situation."

"Oh it was bad alright sweetheart. Definitely more than any of the four, big blue eyes included, could handle."

"So, he finally gets him to change." Johnny continued. "But instead of going at the bad guys Hulk starts chasing Ben instead."

"I don't think they wanna..."

"No Hulk's trying to smash the big orange oaf like You called Hulk's mama ugly!" Johnny said in his best, most hilarious, impression of the Hulk, prompting a big laugh from Lucida.

The laughter came to a stop, however, when the television shifted to a breaking announcement. Lucida stopped and stared at the screen. Innocent people were being hurt. The fact that it was by Atlantians wouldn't matter. People would still find a reason to blame Inhumans or even mutants, categorizing any and all "freaks" as one problem plaguing the planet. It amazed her that people could cheer for the likes of Captain America, the original, Ironman, Thor and so many more, but condemn other beings such as those of her kind and mutants for merely existing. Still, she felt there could possibly be a time when humanity could come together. Johnny and Ben looked at her and Jacob.

"I believe now is as good a time as any for us to show each other and the world what we're made of." Lucida rose to her feet, her face growing into a confident smirk.

"Hey Ben... Bet Lucy takes out more Atlantians than Jacob."

"Oh yeah? I bet Jacob takes out whoevers leadin those bozos."

Got Lucy. Show them who's boss!" Johnny cheered as Lucy rushed for the door.

"Don't let me down kid! Earn your sleepin space! Ben added towards his own champion of sorts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Quake was pulled away becuase of the Atlantean invasion. "I don't care what heroes in training are in the area. They are going to bungle this. Get as many squads as possible there now." She turns back to Maximilian. "If you are here for a clean start, SHIELD is your best bet. You have one chance to prove it, put down those Atlantean bastards. You are not to transform into the Hulk under any circumstance. Doing so without authorization will make you an enemy of SHIELD." She pulled out a uniform. "If I can't do a mission without Hulking out, then I have failed." Maximilian strips out of his torn up clothes and puts on the uniform. "That should..." Maximilian cut her off. "Doesn't matter what is capable of, I can handle anything wearing anything."

Quake escorts him to a table. A holographic display pops up. "This is the immediate area, and this is the closest populated area. We are not to far we picked up from there. "What specialists do you have in the area? What are there powers?" "SHIELD agents are on the way. We are the closest. Most agents do not have powers, of the agents here only I do. There are some heroes in training, a geokinetic, the others are thermal & darkforce manipulators. Then there some old timers a man made of rock and a pyrokinetic. The old timers are retired and the fathers of two of the heroes in training." Maximilian rolled his eyes. "Great. Gonna have to give them a wide birth, don't need them getting in the way."

As soon as they were over the area they jumped from the VTOL and engaged the Atlanteans.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Heir to Thunder

Prince Faen Lokison

Interacting with: @BlackPanther

Faen half climbed, half rolled back onto his feet, just in time to see a glinting knife come arking in towards his face. He managed to block it, but just barely, and only through sheer luck, his kneejerk reaction of throwing both arms over his face saving his life, the blade careening off the golden vambraces that were strapped to his arms. It probably would have looked a lot more impressive if he hadn’t shrieked like a girl while doing so. Not that the Dökkálfar gave him much time to dwell on that, as she was quick to press forward her advantage, coming at the half-breed in a hail of blows, spinning and twisting like a ballerina, feet, knees, fists, elbows and knives licking out in a constant barrage that Faen was – just – able to dodge for the moment, though it was only a matter of time until he stopped getting so lucky. He doubted the Dark Elf was the kind to forgo a kill wound if she got the chance for one.

Need a plan, a strategy, a trick! Anything to level the playing field. He was so busy trying not to get killed that he really couldn’t spare any thought for the unfortunate civilian who had happened upon this epic battle between good and evil, so for all Faen knew the man was already dead, half-mulched in the Hellhound’s stomach. Imagine his surprise then, when instead of having become puppy-chow, the next he seen of the man he was standing with his hands in pockets, looking as casual as if he was at a wedding reception for his best friend – that best friend apparently being the bird creature who had so recently tried to bisect the Prince of Lies – and as nonchalantly as you like asked Faen if he ‘needed some help.’ Faen decided that he hated that man. Hated him very much indeed.

“Oh, no, I’m fine, just dandy,” Faen muttered through clenched teeth while using a trash can lid to try and beat away the Dark Elfs searching knife-thrusts. He finally managed to knock the knife from his assailant’s grip, before throwing the lid at her face, which she handily dodged by cartwheeling away, coming to a graceful stop with another knife in hand. Where, for the love of God, was she getting all these from? Now that he had some space, he could properly respond to the blonde civilian – who Faen was starting to seriously doubt was a joe-regular civilian. OF COURSE I NEED HELP, YOU DAMNED IMBECILE!

Of course with Faen’s luck that help would be a long time coming, as at that moment the Behemoth shattered moth-moulds hold, grey sludge and shattered slivers of insect wings bursting in all directions. The six-armed giant roared aloud, shaking his fists at the skies, though whether it was in triumph or rage, Faen really couldn’t say. All he could think was that, right in that moment, he’d really rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else, really.

“Balls” He groaned, certain that the Behemoth’s next move would be to splatter him into the pavement. He couldn’t imagine the big guy was going to be too friendly towards his would-be captor. Fortunately – and Faen really hated himself for thinking like this – the monster instead fixed its attention on the closest person too it, who in this instance was the blonde civilian. With a snarl the huge invader stomped towards the human, pausing only briefly as the bird-creature slammed its axe down upon its allies’ shoulder. The blow had little effect, well, beyond the Behemoth casually slapped the bonebird aside, the avian being thrown from its feet by the shocking force to smash out of the alley and into the street. The giant continued its slow advance, grinning at the blonde civilian, gore stained tusks protruding out at odd angles.

Back to Faen’s more immediate concerns, the Dökkálfar had renewed her attack, slashing a knife out at his eyes, which he narrowly avoided, just to discover that attack had been a feint, and her real assault came in the form of a straight kick to the solar plexus. The air whooshed from Faen’s lungs as he was sent sprawling backwards, to collapse coughing and spluttering in a garbage heap, the filled-to-overflowing stinking refuse sacks providing a surprisingly comfortable landing. Not a great ego booster though, he had to admit.

“Well, it’s been interesting human, but all things come to a close. This is yours.” The Dökkálfar paced towards him, spinning the razor-sharp knife between her fingers casually. She raised the blade above him, ready to come plunging down, ready to end his life. Between coughs he managed to life up a finger, the universally accepted sign for ‘one second, please’. Or at least he hoped it was universally accepted. Would be incredibly annoying to find out that Dark Elves had a different gesture for it, or even worse, one finger in the air being some kind of insult. Luckily she seemed to get the message, and paused a moment, a moment which he filled with more wheezing and coughing. “Haste now human, I don’t have ...” She was cut off by Faen hurling a bag of garbage at her. With lightning swiftness, she ducked to the side, at the same time cutting through the bag with her knife, waste and rubbish spilling out in a partial-liquidised glop.

The Dark Elf sneered her disgust, before looking back towards Faen had been lying, only to find that the half-breed was gone. The invader looked surprised only for a second, before her face hardened.

“Sloppy human, you’ve used this trick already.” And so saying she reversed the grip on her knife and slammed it behind her. She was rewarded by the hefty, meaty resistance that spoke of metal entering flesh, and a pained exhalation of air, a slight oof sound, like air escaping a balloon. She twisted slowly, to see the Prince of Lies doubled over, her knife hilt deep in his belly. A killing stroke, no doubt about it. A slow death, yes, but a death nonetheless. She was momentarily saddened by this. The man had fought well, if unorthodoxly, and so it seemed an injustice for him to suffer such an ignoble end. Still, he was her enemy she told herself, and so he had to die. The form of his passing was regretful, but still necessary.

“You fought bravely, Midgardian. If Valhalla still accepts your kind, I have no doubts that its doors will be open to you.” She pulled yet another knife from a hidden sheathe as Faen fell to the dirt, panting uncontrollably as his blood pooled around him. She knelt close to him and held the blade up to his eyes. “I can ease your passing, if you so wish? A gut wound is no way to die. A slit throat would be far gentler, and swifter.” The wounded half breed eyed up the blade dispassionately before gesturing for the Dökkálfar to come in closer. She was momentarily suspicious, before deciding that he obviously had some desperate last words to pass on, and wanted to make sure she heard them. She decided that since she had killed him, the least she could do was listen. She leant in.

“What about this trick?” He whispered, the tiniest of grins worming across his features.

Confusion gripped her, what kind of last words were these? Then that familiar suspicion resurfaced, wait, trick. What trick? Then, finally, horror. He’d lain a trap, and she’d fallen for it. She shot back to her feet, spinning, certain he’d snuck up on her again. She was right, on both accounts, the Faen-shaped fist rocketing into her face being pretty good confirmation of that fact. The blow cracked into her aquiline nose, part-Jotun enhanced strength making up for his lack of technique, knocking her unconscious to fall exactly where the dying-Faen was. Or had been. The injured party was gone now.

“Illusion based body doubles. Very useful for the impromptu ménage à trois. Or faking your death, I guess, but that’s not nearly as fun.” The half-breed tapped the Dark Elf with his foot to make sure she was really out. She was. He turned his attention back to the rest of the fight while shaking out his fist and blowing on the stung knuckles. No one ever tells you just how much it hurts to punch someone in the nose.
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