Meghan Johnson
The thud of her own feet hitting the ground was the only thing keeping Meghan company. Sometimes she would walk in a certain way so it would sound different, or play games with herself where she made sure to only step on certain things or cracks in the sidewalk. It kept her busy and stopped her from being bored senseless sometimes, but it never lasted very long. The sun was at it's peak in the sky and its rays were beaming down between the huge apartment buildings on either side of her onto Meghan's fair skin. If she had too guess she would say it was just past midday, the perfect time of the day. The sun being at it's height deterred some of the infected, forcing them into buildings or underground subway stations. She just had to be quiet enough to not draw any attention to herself and sometimes she could go a whole day without any incidents.Sometimes.
She winced as she heard her stomach groan. She hadn't eaten today, and all she had yesterday was a couple of snack bars she found on the floor in the street. Meghan pulled her bag over her shoulder, stopping in her tracks as she unzipped it and began digging around for something. A few seconds later she pulled out a tin of beans and a knife, jamming the knife in and twisting it until she could rip the lid open. She put the knife back and closed the bag, and immediately began using her fingers to scoop out the cold baked beans, eating them like it was the nicest meal she had ever eaten.
It took her about five minutes to walk to the other end of the block through the alley, walking in between huge buildings full of apartments. Just as she got there she finished the beans, throwing the empty can too her side. She climbed on a bin next too a fire escape and jumped off of it, grabbing the drop down ladder and pulling it down with her as she fell. She smiled to herself as she climbed up, stopping once she was up there to pull it back up. She walked over to the closest window and jammed her fingers under it as she had left it open just a crack, and pushed it all the way up.
Meghan didn't close it once she climbed through and stood on the other side. Instead she threw her bag over her shoulders once again and dropped it on the floor. It was a small apartment, the right half of the room was what used to be the living area, with a couch, an armchair and a TV. On the left there was a kitchen on the far side and closer too her on the left was two doors that lead to a bathroom and a bedroom. The front door which was opposite her was boarded shut with a small cabinet placed in front of it. It was dimly lit by natural light coming through the windows near the living area, with pillows and other things messily scattered about the floor and a dead fire sat in the middle of the room.
She sighed deeply to herself as she knelt down, pulling out a long rope and a scalpel out of her bag and walking over to the couch. Laying on the couch was a man snoring louder than she had ever heard anybody snore. He looked to be middle aged, underweight, with scraggy hair and a long face. He was laying on his back with nothing but a pair of boxer shorts on and some cloth stuffed in his mouth. Crimson red blood and cuts covered his body and there was a nasty infected gash on his right thigh. His ankles and wrists were both tied with zip-ties to keep his hands off her and stop him from fighting back. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she admired her handy work, remembering the night and how much joy it had brought her. She reached down, lifting his head and placing one end of the rope underneath and grabbing the other end.
She tied a noose around the mans neck and tightened it. The man must have been exhausted, because as she tied the noose around his neck and moved his head around to do it he didn't wake up or deviate from his usual snoring at all. She chuckled too herself as she noticed the bean juice had rubbed off on him, and quickly wiped the rest of it off onto the couch. Without a second thought, she took the scalpel and quickly stabbed it straight into his shoulder. "Wake up!" She said, though she didn't sound sinister enough as she twisted the scalpel inside his shoulder.
The main jolted awake with a muffled cry of pain, his eyes examining his surroundings as his breathing quickened. Blood started dripping out of the wound as she pulled the scalpel back out, smiling down at the man. "Good morning!" she said, looking down at him. "Now, I need you to do something very important for me. Stand up and walk over to the window". The man shook his head, saying something that was muffled by his gag. Meghan's smile suddenly faded.
She didn't turn away from the man, but began walking backwards towards her bag, keeping her eyes locked on him the entire time. She crouched down, reaching into the bag and taking out her rifle. She raised it, aiming it straight at him. "Move". She said simply, now sounding a bit more annoyed. The fatigued man slowly stood up, now nodding quickly, and started shuffling towards the window. She laughed as he did, looking down to see the zip-ties she had made his friend put on him before she killed him. Pathetic.
By the time he had gotten to the window and stopped, she had managed to walk over to the other side of the room and tie the other end of the rope to a study, strong looking metal pipe that was on their side of the wall, all the while making sure he didn't try anything, keeping her gun next too her. She tugged it hard, making sure it wouldn't break, before slowly walking up behind the man and using all her might to shove him through the still open window. Meghan heard him make a thud as he landed and climbed through after, just as the man had begun pulling himself back up. By this point tears were streaming down his face and he was talking constantly, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. She didn't care. She grabbed one of his cut covered arms and lifted him the rest of the way, shoving him towards the edge with a gun pressed against his back.
Meghan pressed the gun further into his back as he turned around to look at her. "Did I say you could look at me? Did I fucking say you could look in my direction?". He immediately turned around. "Good. Your learning". She sighed, knowing it meant nothing. The man did as he was told, though his please only got louder, and he cried more and more. Some of his cuts had reopened from his movement and were bleeding again. She ignored his cries, instead reaching up too run a soft finger over one of the cuts, admiring her work. She laughed softly and for a moment just stood there, looking.
No more than a minute later, without warning, Meghan used all of her strength to push him over the edge. She peered over, watching closely as he fell, then stopped and started swinging. She could hear him choking. Oh the sweet sweet sounds off suffering, of death.
She stayed in the apartment for another hour, collecting anything useful, cutting the rope once he was dead and putting it back in her bag. She left, climbing down the ladder and walking past his body without a care as she turned out of the alley and started walking down the sidewalk of a deserted street, off to wherever she would settle down next.