Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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@Dynamo Frokane ...

I'm almost proud of you that you didn't call me a right winger...if you'd had a patreon I'd maybe even throw a dollar your way...

Though you using right winger, as a negative label on another member does disappoint me. (Also I swear you said you weren't using label mere moments ago? Was that a crack pipe dream? But who cares, no ones here to make friends right? *dies inside because still would very much love others to like me and not hate me for no reasons*

I suppose, I'll accept that answer and assume you wanted a discussion to make up your mind. My legit advice to you, is their hundreds of political forums or sub-reddits that will debate with you happily...Like seriously, not asking you to leave per say. But, stuff like this is how things get locked...^-^
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@SleepingSilence he is right wing and he debates what he considers to be left wing ideas wherever he sees them and I'm not even left wing. But I'm fairly convinced hes just making stuff up to criticize.

I remember you saying you were the only right leaning person on this site, I'm guessing you meant that as a joke or something.

And threads get locked when people start FLAMING that hasnt happened yet in either of these threads. So everything is fine.

But if you really have an issue with political threads then clearly I'm not the only person in off topic you need to talk to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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@Dynamo Frokane Oh boy. Not touching the easy stuff there.

I remember when I genuinely considered myself to be center, maybe even strong left leaning socially. All that glorious bullying and witch burning prosecution over years and many different people with all one ideal in mind, had something good come out of it I suppose. <.<

But yes, the forum has thousands of people, some who never post anything on here (for good reason and I commend them for having a stronger tolerance for b.s than me.) It was in fact, a joke.

You say flaming and everything is fine...you almost leave me no choice posting this...

You implied and called me creepy...Please, humor me and explain why that isn't flaming...(give me a good enough explanation, or at least say sorry. (don't even have to mean it.) Maybe I won't report it for the blatant flaming and personal attack that it is...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@SleepingSilence I think it was creepy and over familiar, do I think you're a creepy person? Not particularly.
You want to report me, go ahead, I'm not apologizing for pointing out something for what I think it was, nor shouldyou apologise or anyone report you or pugbutter for thinking I'm lying about jontron, and being 'scummy' and 'cowardly'.

And just for the record there are and were PLENTY of right wing and center right people posting here, you werent the only one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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@Dynamo Frokane Creepy how? (It wasn't. And not even remotely acceptable to say. It was a personal attack, not even subtle either, that was also hidden in a spot you think I wouldn't see it. Or else you'd post in the same place/thread.) And what the fuck even is over familiar? Is that the same thing as people who hate when they get compliments...that aren't "original enough."

Maybe I don't know them well, I don't see them getting complimented and who fucking cares what others have complimented them on...A compliment is a compliment...<.<

Or does that imply, I have to know them closely to say they'd be fun at a party. Dating must be a fucking complicated business, if you have to know someone before you can be nice to them. Isn't the first fucking compliment used on most politicians, is "you could have a beer with that guy?"

How do people make friends? How the fuck can anyone (actually) interpret "You made me laugh." As the equivalent to like asking for a picture of their family or something...<.<

Speaking of straw, that's how flimsy of an explanation that is.

Didn't even say scummy, and cowardly was a general post about general quality I dislike (no really, I dislike cowards in general) You've basically admitted that calling me creepy, was directed SOLELY AT ME. (once again, odd that it wasn't a direct post, @ but hidden away in a thread I wasn't currently present in huh? :3)

Don't apologize, just delete it and change everything. Ya know, for clarity sake. <3 <3 <3 <3

And fair enough I suppose...can't really contest that point. Nor did I, really.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@SleepingSilence alright you remove the coward bit and I'll change the post.

Then we dust our hands of this and stay the hell away from each other deal?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Dynamo Frokane Well me asking you to change it was being mildly sarcastic. But if you want me to change the word "coward" to describe an aspect of people I dislike which wasn't only directed at you. For you to not call me creepy for being nice to someone, which is fucking absurd. I may actually take you up on that offer.

@Dynamo Frokane Edit: (Hope you like cat pictures. Deleted my section, now you basically have to delete all your post for it to not be a target. I'd suggest maybe a doggo pic. :D)

As for 'leaving you alone' I feel like I've heard this argument before. '>.>'

If you could somehow explain why you ACTUALLY dislike me and would assume I'm creepy merely for being nice. In PM's with me, I'm seriously always willing to make amends with people who I fought with in the past. But, you'd rather never see me in your vicinity. Which is honestly more ironic, because you started talking behind my back the moment I reappeared. Agreeing to disagree, seems quite impossible from someone that would do that. So we're not exactly even here. -.-

Maybe look for other places to post divisive topics? Anywhere else? There's so many places that would give you better discussions...Like a legit suggestion. Whether followed or not...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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I do think JonTron is a racist. I don't think he hates black people though, those are two different things. I think he attributes things to race that are not attributable to race. That's what racism means really.

And I will not watch Jon tron videos now. I also didn't watch them before. Never was my cup of tea.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Vilageidiotx I don't even know what I'm doing here anymore...but I want to ask you something then. (I'm bored okay? -.-)

Do you personally go out of your way, to not watch, support or do anything that involves people you find did questionable things? Like music, videos, art and writing...Maybe businesses/brands too?

Do you not watch Disney movies, because Walt Disney himself was Anti-Semitic? For example. Maybe avoid most music altogether. (because man, oh man. Some artists are legit scum bags.) I suppose this could go on forever, but I just wanted to know if that's what you do...

And on a slightly less serious topic...Do you have anyone on youtube you LIKE watching? Being serious, it seems fewer and fewer youtubers exist now that do entertainment as a profession. Everyone left is a shallow husk of what they used to be. And just nobody seems funny or interesting anymore, beside a very select handful of people. (though this is literally the first time this sank in as deep as it has. Why all the good comedic people have left? I understand why now...completely.)

Also a legit shame you won't be able to give him a chance, I actually also didn't like his brand of humor at first. Seemed a bit childish. But gave him a legit try, watched more than one or two videos. And I think why he has a fan base in the first place, is just how much effort he puts into a single joke. Putting in effort for humor really is hard to find nowadays. Least imo, it is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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@Vilageidiotx I don't even know what I'm doing here anymore...but I want to ask you something then. (I'm bored okay? -.-)

Do you personally go out of your way, to not watch, support or do anything that involves people you find did questionable things? Like music, videos, art and writing...Maybe businesses/brands too?

Do you not watch Disney movies, because Walt Disney himself was Anti-Semitic? For example. Maybe avoid most music altogether. (because man, oh man. Some artists are legit scum bags.) I suppose this could go on forever, but I just wanted to know if that's what you do...

And on a slightly less serious topic...Do you have anyone on youtube you LIKE watching? Being serious, it seems fewer and fewer youtubers exist now that do entertainment as a profession. Everyone left is a shallow husk of what they used to be. And just nobody seems funny or interesting anymore, beside a very select handful of people. (though this is literally the first time this sank in as deep as it has. Why all the good comedic people have left? I understand why now...completely.)

Also a legit shame you won't be able to give him a chance, I actually also didn't like his brand of humor at first. Seemed a bit childish. But gave him a legit try, watched more than one or two videos. And I think why he has a fan base in the first place, is just how much effort he puts into a single joke. Putting in effort for humor really is hard to find nowadays. Least imo, it is.

I won't buy clothes from wal-mart because i've had so much rip in the past.

No, I generally don't get involved in boycotts. I commented as I did because I always find it funny how so many big boycotts happen with things I don't really care about to begin with. Happened with Chic-fil-a too. I have played with boycotts in the past, but like you said, being truly serious about it would mean boycotting so many things that my life would become a fucking disaster. I'm not against the idea personally though. If people want to boycott stuff, that is their business. I thought that was supposed to be the perk of market forces after all, that you could vote with your dollar and all that.

As for Jon Tron, I never watched his videos for the simple reason that I never watched his videos. I think I seen the one about lion king actually, and it was okay, but I didn't really follow up. I do watch Critikal videos occasionally, and Dunkey. Also CharlieWinsmore back when he did stuff. But yeh, youtube isn't very priority for me. Just looking back at my history, in the last couple of days it's mostly just shit I watched embedded in other websites, a few music videos, and this thing.

I will say that I don't see youtube has having changed in terms of comedy. Perhaps it isn't that the comedic people have all left, but rather some have left to be replaced by others and you haven't grown new attachments? That's more old age than politics. It's like how I caught myself the other day watching old clips of Reno 911 and realized it was the same sort of shit I made fun of my parents about with them watching The Andy Griffith show reruns.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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If you could somehow explain why you ACTUALLY dislike me

No I'm done talking now, especially about this, I wont indirectly make any more comments about your posts, you dont have to worry.

Maybe look for other places to post divisive topics? Anywhere else? There's so many places that would give you better discussions...Like a legit suggestion. Whether followed or not...

This is really starting to annoy me, you keep going on like I'm the only person posting 'divisive' topics and that they are all shit shows by their inception.

This Mass Effect discussion was actually rather civil until Ace of Hearts and pugbutter had a minor spat, and the JonTron thread only blew up because your post was so damn aggressive, you came out the gate SWINGING at anyone who called JonTron a racist when literally no one said that.

Just the hot topics displayed here...*eye rolls*

For starters, Wouldn't this be more appropriate in spam? -.-

If you want words to have any fucking meaning at all, you have to give them some standards.

Are these 100% accurate? Who knows? But calling somebody racist, (Aka meaning, Evil for thinking they are superior to another race.)
Maybe instead of fucking horseshit identity politics, people could not assume the worst intentions of someone they hardly know? (And don't seem to care about in the first place.)

I don't care how bad it looks and how politically incorrect this seems...if it IS the truth. It shouldn't fucking matter...


Can people have a little fucking common sense and just think before they throw their labels of the day on others? What if someone called you racist? How would that make you feel?

Maybe they have genuine concern (of this stranger you don't know/never met in your life)...but if you really had that. You'd talk to the person, privately and ask them straight up.

Otherwise, probably not and move the fuck on, and let people worry about real problems and not make up phantom ones.

When you posted this which was filled with highly aggressive and confrontational language no one had called you racist, no one had even called JonTron a racist, my opening post was NOT agressive, this post WAS.

This is what leads to getting threads locked, politics are fine as long as everyone can discuss them calmly, and you can cherry pick but most people can debate and discuss, so no there is no reason to post on another site. But if my political threads really bother you, then with no snarkyness, you can just ignore these threads, you dont seem to like them. A legit suggestion whether followed or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


<Snipped quote by SleepingSilence>

I won't buy clothes from wal-mart because i've had so much rip in the past.

No, I generally don't get involved in boycotts. I commented as I did because I always find it funny how so many big boycotts happen with things I don't really care about to begin with. Happened with Chic-fil-a too. I have played with boycotts in the past, but like you said, being truly serious about it would mean boycotting so many things that my life would become a fucking disaster. I'm not against the idea personally though. If people want to boycott stuff, that is their business. I thought that was supposed to be the perk of market forces after all, that you could vote with your dollar and all that.

As for Jon Tron, I never watched his videos for the simple reason that I never watched his videos. I think I seen the one about lion king actually, and it was okay, but I didn't really follow up. I do watch Critikal videos occasionally, and Dunkey. Also CharlieWinsmore back when he did stuff. But yeh, youtube isn't very priority for me. Just looking back at my history, in the last couple of days it's mostly just shit I watched embedded in other websites, a few music videos, and this thing.

I will say that I don't see youtube has having changed in terms of comedy. Perhaps it isn't that the comedic people have all left, but rather some have left to be replaced by others and you haven't grown new attachments? That's more old age than politics. It's like how I caught myself the other day watching old clips of Reno 911 and realized it was the same sort of shit I made fun of my parents about with them watching The Andy Griffith show reruns.

Well that seems reasonable enough. :P

Sure it's there right. As childish as it seems when either political side does it. But I don't do them, mainly because boycotts usually end up getting the exact opposite done. (Aka backfire.)
Like chic-fil-a for instance. There is something/an idea that actually does more good. A 'buycott' actually spending money to somebody that did something good and you want to support. Those don't backfire and make people overnight millionaires...

Not one of his best ones, but I suppose I understand when you hear controversy of someone you barely know anything from, the thought of "Well guess I dodged a bullet." Can't really say much about that. (*likes another meme youtube video* I swear this past week has been full of them. o.o)

Well I believe comedy in general has changed. I'd love someone to make a Blazing Saddles of today. It straight up wouldn't happen...and honestly it really does seem like comedy has changed everywhere. New cartoons aren't even nearly as funny, nostalgia not withstanding. But that may be just because of the whole. "People who watched cartoons are now making the new cartoons, so they don't have as much experience." But seriously, most super comedic youtubers were chased off the internet. The ones that were more outrageous in past, stopped for fear of backlash or just ran out of actual ideas and became stale. And a lot of new stuff that took it's place, pales in comparison. There is still good stuff, it's just not as common to find anymore. There's probably plenty more political channels than ever before...so there's that. <.<
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Dynamo Frokane Well to be honest, that suggestion can apply to everyone. All it takes is to look at any thread on this forum, the most likely spot you'll see someone coming out of left field and calling them an asshole, is in politics. And I don't wish to see it and neither does anyone else for that matter. "A minor spat". If everyone stopped posting toxic shit like this, maybe there wouldn't be any "minor spats" to being with.

And unless I'm mistaken, you are one of the most frequent posters of this stuff, it's not exactly hard to prove. I mean hell there's literally two political postings in row from you. And since all the Jon post was, is speculation, why couldn't of it just been one post in your OTHER political thread? (rhetorical question)

My post wasn't aggressive at all, it was detailed and the only one displaying links to evidence. Because I got sick of hearing about it. I never said somebody called me racist, you seem to take everything literal as possible...when I don't think it's particularly hard to differentiate the figurative speech. I'm sick of this vagueness...what exactly was so aggressive? Individual quotes. If it's what you highlighted. That's just wrong. For example...

"Maybe they have genuine concern (of this stranger you don't know/never met in your life)" That itself, um yeah...that's about as ironic and clear cut to me as possible, not really aggressive, more like "Come on now, really?". It's not accusing anyone directly and even if it was, it's not even very extremely worded. Just factual. It's the equivalent of calling somebody fat online, WILL somehow help them lose weight.

No, people can't just "have a discussion" you just admitted someone fought in your's previously (as "minor" as it was). This was up for a day, before you called me creepy. Completely baseless and personal. (not exactly on par with me saying flip flopping is a cowardly political tactic.) The other thread was locked because two people were harassing someone who never even replied/did anything to provoke such toxic behavior. (among other things.)

I can't ignore them if say, two people directly reply to me, with @ or going into my visitor messages out of nowhere and decide to treat me like shit. You know just a "hypothetical observation". And I'm not the only one who fights. As you clearly admitted. It's not me that's a problem. Not even really you, that's a problem. It's divisive threads that are a problem...

But if you actually leave me alone, I will respect that. Doesn't mean I expect you to never post on my threads. (Like please, would still love to see goofy adventures of your friends.) Vice versa really. Trying to section off the site, like were two siblings drawing a line in the middle of the shared room is immature and kiddy shit. Just don't make any personal remarks when we happen to be in the same thread. (that goes for me as well.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@SleepingSilence Do you want me to give you a list of all the political threads that haven't been started by me?

You are mistaken, either post proof that most political threads are started by me, or don't assert that.

And I should also point out none of my off topic threads have ever been locked.

EDIT: Actually I had a dating thread nearly a year ago that got locked, but that had nothing to do with politics.

Whether or not you posted evidence links in the jontron thread doesn't change that the tone of your post was aggressive, if you cant see that then I cant debate that any further.

Yes people CAN just have a discussion 2 out of 8 people posting in a thread having a spat doesn't mean that EVERYONE is incapable of having a discussion. You are right people dont like arguments but people DO like to discuss politics, and if everyone really hated these threads as much as you insinuate then no one would be posting in them (including you).

These threads are fine, the problem is on the individual who starts or contributes to unhelpful bickering and aggression. Anything can be divisive, its how people go about that discourse to what matters.

And yes I hold the mass effect discussion was overall productive, to only focus on 2 people going back forth a bit undermines all the productive discussion that everyone else took part in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Dynamo Frokane Not really. :D

Aside from the two in row I mentioned. I'm too lazy to do so. :D

I'd argue that's more of a forum thing. :D

It's okay...really wasn't my point. :D

A counter vs just repeating the same with no additional evidence would be nice. But I think I'd rather go for my daily walk then continue this. :D

I dunno about that...I think there's an entire section of people that literally loathe talking about politics. I'm becoming one of them. And I was bored...clearly the real reason most people post in here instead of RPing on the Rping forum. :D

Disagree. Nothing on this forum discussing politics ever stayed civil. But clearly at an impasse. :D

I don't even remotely look forward to the next fight that's bound to take place. And shit my face is stuck like this. :D

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Well that seems reasonable enough. :P

Sure it's there right. As childish as it seems when either political side does it. But I don't do them, mainly because boycotts usually end up getting the exact opposite done. (Aka backfire.)
Like chic-fil-a for instance. There is something/an idea that actually does more good. A 'buycott' actually spending money to somebody that did something good and you want to support. Those don't backfire and make people overnight millionaires...

Not one of his best ones, but I suppose I understand when you hear controversy of someone you barely know anything from, the thought of "Well guess I dodged a bullet." Can't really say much about that. (*likes another meme youtube video* I swear this past week has been full of them. o.o)

Well I believe comedy in general has changed. I'd love someone to make a Blazing Saddles of today. It straight up wouldn't happen...and honestly it really does seem like comedy has changed everywhere. New cartoons aren't even nearly as funny, nostalgia not withstanding. But that may be just because of the whole. "People who watched cartoons are now making the new cartoons, so they don't have as much experience." But seriously, most super comedic youtubers were chased off the internet. The ones that were more outrageous in past, stopped for fear of backlash or just ran out of actual ideas and became stale. And a lot of new stuff that took it's place, pales in comparison. There is still good stuff, it's just not as common to find anymore. There's probably plenty more political channels than ever before...so there's that. <.<

Yeh, to me this totally sounds like nostalgia. Actually, if anything, I think youtube now is edgier than it used to be. It is true that hollywood comedy isn't impressive, but i think that's more a lack of talented directors like used to exist way way back, and it's exchanged for more talent in other fields. And I really don't think political correctness has anything to do with it. If anything, political correctness just produces more material to be subversive about.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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<Snipped quote by SleepingSilence>
It is true that hollywood comedy isn't impressive, but i think that's more a lack of talented directors like used to exist way way back

I think this gives me an excuse to post some video essays on comedy in film.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Vilageidiotx Fair enough. I guess it sort of is just by simple definition that my discussion does sort of boil down too "back in meh day." I dunno, I just think talent has been lost and growing stale for a while now. I don't think Political Correctness necessarily is the ONLY reason. Maybe arguably not the biggest influence. But something in me just feels the way culture is now. That the new "funny" people just aren't bothering for a multitude of reasons. I mean that's one reason stand up comedy is dying in younger circles, people can't take jokes and don't want to offend and these people will grow up as the next generation of artists, musicians, comedians and such?

But that's beside the point. I just want to be able have something to watch again dammit. >.>
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

I think this gives me an excuse to post some video essays on comedy in film.

Oh, forgot one:

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Vilageidiotx Fair enough. I guess it sort of is just by simple definition that my discussion does sort of boil down too "back in meh day." I dunno, I just think talent has been lost and growing stale for a while now. I don't think Political Correctness necessarily is the ONLY reason. Maybe arguably not the biggest influence. But something in me just feels the way culture is now. That the new "funny" people just aren't bothering for a multitude of reasons. I mean that's one reason stand up comedy is dying in younger circles, people can't take jokes and don't want to offend and these people will grow up as the next generation of artists, musicians, comedians and such?

But that's beside the point. I just want to be able have something to watch again dammit. >.>

I really think this "Young people can't take a joke" thing is super overblown. There are a few people who get offended and it is blown out of proportion. That was true back in the day too. My great grandma walked out on Blazing Saddles, incidentally, because it offended her.

That Chapelle special on Netflix garnered some controversy, but it's still highly rated and being watched the fuck out of.
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