Controller Er'locks.After becoming decommissioned, and thusly becoming deweaponized, Baebii's lethality with her Er'locks has been nullified. She has however learned that she can use her psionic esper abilities for other practical and very useful ways. She is able to link in to the communications systems of a vessel or vehicle and 'speak' with the computer systems and has been trained by Rouvenridas forces to become an efficient bridge Communications Officer with required knowledge for long and short range Void scanning and communications systems.
Instead of weapon storage in her Er'locks she is able to store languages, and, in fact has hundreds of languages stored for translation. And whether willing or not, she may 'patch-in' forcefully or not via her Er'locks by invading the base of a subjects skull and allow instant translation between multiple parties. Even without 'patching-in,' Baby can scan for a known language in her head and translate out loud or even speak back the language with her translation breather apparatus.

As a Controller she has psionic esper abilities, but they have been nerfed. But she has rejuvenated her empathic abilities via her Er'locks and can scan beings by swishing her protuberance back and forth near them and figure out basic emotions and possibly even detect surface lies or discrepancies in speech patterns. She is aided by the goggles of her translation apparatus.

But the wicked power she has rejuvenated in her Er'locks just recently is a form of psyche override. Up to five others, for now, she is able to 'patch-in' to them and control their bodily movements for a limited time. The easiest use for Baby to use this is when a subject is asleep or unconscious.
And if it comes down to it, she may use her Er'locks as martial arts weapons as multiple whips or grappling armaments.
Baebii is a powerful swimmer and diver. And equipped with her leggings and armwear she is able to propel herself much faster than olympian swimmers. She has a set of Er'locks that serve as an arcanitech 'gills' system that allows her to breath underwater. This is where she remains deadly as she may grapple another and hold them underwater until they lose their held breath.
She is very comfortable underwater and can keep her eyes open since she has a second set of eye coverings that serve as goggles and help her to see in within 30m of darkness in water. Right now she is working on transfering air to others via her Er'locks. With such little progress so far, she believes that she must upgrade her Er'locks and have them enchanted by an expert arcanitechnician.
Combat Manoeuvring/Field Combat Expertise:A Warrior through and through, Baby is actually more efficient as a Controller on the battlefield. But ever since her psionic esper abilities have been drained from her, her power as a communications relay is no longer there. She can however use her Er'locks as transmission signal boosters. But given a proper set up, she can play as the 'eye-in-the-sky' and co-ordinate troop movement and recognize hazards and potential pitfalls out in the field.
But this skill she holds back on for she only wants to be known as the Comm Officer and not a field Lieutenant... but sometimes she just cannot help but spout out some advice to the boarding team.