Anybody working on cool posts?

Haven't started Conata vs. Vitrum yet. I have to analyse a scientific paper on evolutionary computation being used to adjust for human grammar for a presentation tomorrow.
Anybody working on cool posts?
Anybody working on cool posts?
<Snipped quote by Cyclone>
I have ~~plans~~ to make a Metera story that features societal worldbuilding without a bunch of semi-independent sections for once. Just one continuous drama that kind of gets the vibe across. Needless to say, that means I've had to actually plot something for once, which is pretty daunting. WE'RE GONNA HAVE INSTITUTIONALISED RELIGION, THOUGH. IT'S GONNA HAPPEN.
In progress, though? Whisper is rambling around Galbar trying to accomplish something constructive with her life. The planet isn't kind and she's getting a little depressed.
Think a run-in with our cheerful haiku friend Aihtiraq might cheer up the poor girl?
Aihtiraq and his reverse-haiqus indeed like to make people happy.
Is the Whisper you're talking about the same as the Diaphane Whisper change-eater though? Would she try to chomp on Aihtiraq? xD
Related to world-building, @Cyclone, how accessible are the Winds of Change as a source of magic for mortals? What quirks or requirements are involved in magic powered by the Winds of Change?
-It'd be useful for alchemy as a catalyst for almost everything and for acting as an agent to enable transmutations
I have to admit that I feel like I joined this game a bit too late to really be anything more then some minor bit player at best... My choice of domain and god didn't exactly help either...
Don't get me wrong; I love this kind of Rp and the idea behind it... This is honestly the greatest thing I've ever seen! I just... feel like I showed up to the party to late to really do anything amazing...
@Bright_Ops Does that mean you no longer want to partake in the RP? Or is it a plea to somebody, anybody, 'help me Obi Wan Khonobi, you're my only hope'?