I'll be postin' soonish, myself. Bardeck has some wounds too, but he wouldn't announce it usually lol.
Just remembered that Brona has a bite wound on her shoulder. I'm down for a collab if anyone would like to heal her.
Mega-Collab sounds good to me! Here be the pad, I'll let someone else start it off, as I'm currently revising for an exam tomorrow. Huzzah. :(
Meeeeeerp! When would be a good chance for my dood to get some action in?
@POOHEAD189 I'm pretty certain that his character Malakaus isn't apart of our group.
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>
Well I feel silly![]()
Shoulda thought for a moment lol.
Before valen could even think of what to do a Dremora Churl stood in front of him, a sick bloody smile upon his face.
The brute was easily about 7 and half foot tall, covered in thick plate metal armour