The Old Empire of Oros
Ancient Empire of Yore, the Grand Kingdoms of Oros.

Banner of the Deified
The Banner of the Deified is a highly ancient banner of long since forgotten meaning. It's importance is immense, however, as it is the official standard for the ruling sorcerors of the Empire of Oros and their kind. It can be found throughout the world of Albion on numerous ruins from long since lost civilizations. The symbol itself seems to radiate some form of runic magic.
The people of Oros are referred to as Orosians. However those that rule the Empire of Oros are the mage-caste. As the Empire is an old and magically adept and highly established magical power since long into history, the mage-caste is an also highly established and in some cases immortal rulers of the people. These mages are called the
Deified. All nobles, generals, and otherwise high ranking officials are deified, ascended mages with impressive power.
Not all deified are loyal to the Phantom Monarch however, with few secluding themselves and inciting words of rebellion against the ruling mage-caste. Due to the religious status of the Phantom Monarch and the 14 Archdeities of the Empire, few people take to the streets to oppose the iron will of the Monarch.
The Ancient Empire of Oros is a long lasting bastion of magic and sorcery. Pioneering the arts of magic from long since lost ages, forgotten magic and forbidden alike live on amidsts the mage-caste of the empire. Kept in line by nothing other than superior power, the hierarchy of the mage-caste is an ever turbulent one, with mages constantly learning and adapting to each others' attempts to usurp and dethrone their opponent.
Few mages are exempt from this reality, and those few are only exempt on the simple basis of power and knowledge. Amongst the mage-caste are the deified, sorcerers whom have conquered knowledge so powerful that they shed their mortal shells and become incorporeal embodiments of magic in its raw form. These magicians rule and dominate the Empire's people however they will and guard their secrets incredibly closely.
The people themselves are numerous lot. Divided proportionately between cities and farmlands and heralds of an acceptant and tolerant culture, they're impressively devoted to their bored deified masters and serve them through whatever medium is required. They can sometimes behave strange when conversing with outsiders, appearing somewhat argumentative and manipulative. Some claim this to be the work of centuries of being ruled by an enigmatic and mysterious noble-caste whilst others say its the works of the Phantom Monarch.
The Empire of Oros has existed for several millenia under different banners and different names, but its rulers have been the same since their ascendance. First the Empire was a simple principality, but during the ascendance of the Phantom Monarch, it became something greater. He established the mage-caste and elevated the magicians of the populous. He created the magocractic kratocracy of the current empire and reigns over it as its several thousand year old ruler, doing with its people as he wills and reigning with an iron fist of unimaginable capacity.
The mages of the empire are granted significant privileges upon birth, often times taken from their families and instituted into specialized Insitutions ruled and administered by the Administrator, one of the 14 Archdeities. Under his influence the children are introduced into the elite world of the magi and taught what is necessary for them to know until they're 18, at which point they're released into the Empire to make of themselves whatever they can before succumbing to their peers.
The country is riddled with ancient ruins and magical orders which will allow devoted disciples of the magical arts unfathomable knowledge which may empower them or further their goals or aspirations. Magicians duel and fighting amongst themselves for the various roles in society and government, be it something as simple as a breadbaker to something else like a position of commander within the military.
Should the unfathomable happen and a mage ascends to deification, they are immediately made a noble and granted their own piece of land to govern. The Monarch holds onto sizable land so as to ensure that potential ascendants are granted their rightful piece of land should they ever become one of the deified.
The world of the Deified is no different from the kratocracy of regular mages, but is far more stagnant. The might of the weakest deified and the strongest mage is immense and since victories are uncertain, few deified ever aspire for greater ranks or positions when they ascend. But theoretically, if able, one is allowed to usurp the Phantom Monarch should they best him in a duel. No one has ever dared to challenge his will, however. As such, the Monarch is the ultimate authority in the nation, acting as despot and diligating tasks to the Archdeities to allievate their immense boredom due to suicide being strictly banned and heavily enforced.
Viceroys and Nobles are given supreme autonomy, as the entire meaning of deification is to rid yourself or mortal shackles and ascend to a whole new plane of power. This leads to Viceroys and Nobles pursuing personal tasks both foreign and domestic. This can be anything from raiding parties to trade deals, potententially even war can be waged without the Monarch's authorization. If a war is waged, however, or any foreign matter is pursued, the subject is expected to deal with it on their own. The Monarch will only intervene in the case that he deems it beneficial, or if the enemy intervened with the Empire as a whole, instead of the one who declared the raid or invasion.
As such Viceroys are also entitled to all land which they conquer under the authority of the Arcane Laws written by the Monarch.
The Empire of Oros is a finacially struggling nation when experienced by its people and citizens, but its cities are kept in fine splendor and its nobles are rich beyond imagining. Most of this can be attested to the simple matter of magic playing a part in the matter. Secret and sometimes forgotten transmutation processes ensure that established mage-caste bloodlines continue to dominate and the Archdeities are lords of some of the most powerful transmutation magics known to the inhabitants of the island.
The Phantom Monarch refuses to assist the populace in their financial strife, and they accept his will. As such it is difficult to get by with money to spend on quality commodeties and recreational products, but the people manage through devotion and zealotry.
Various deified, otherwise referred to as nobles, often utilize their vast riches to manipulate and use the people. This can include anything from luring them into hedonistic rituals, slavery, or quite simply life syphoning them to ensure continued immortality for the ascended.
More established deified, such as the archdeities, do not have to result to crude methods such as bribery or trickery, they take what they want and the people let them. Their selfish grips are looked upon as sacreligious and undefiable, their arcane manifestations the very embodiment of their faith.
What is a lost son or daughter if we have the blessing of the Archdeities?Religion:
The people of Oros worship the Deified and are as such enthralled to all members of the mage-caste. The mage-caste being anyone born with magical potency. This faith arose first during the Ascendency, when the Phantom Monarch transcended his mortal coil and gained arcane form. The faith is known as the Khaardom, and its believers are known as Khaarites.
Several small cabals of different continental faiths exist in the underworld of Oros, but the deified could not care any less. To them the people do not matter. The Phantom Monarch seems to disagree with this common consensus made by majority of the Deified. As such he ensures that the people continue worshipping his kind and ensure easy of living for the mage-caste.
The land of Oros is a very mountainous, rocky, and otherwise difficult to traverse landscape. Due to this the native population managed to sculpt vast terraces, hanging gardens, and various other marvels of ancient engineering into the rocks and mountains. The land is therefore occupied by a vast array of hanging gardens, terrace farms, and mountain cities.
The only exception to this rule are the coasts which are riddled with small and large fishing villages and cities. Ports and cities are kept, guarded, controlled, and maintained by the nobles and their private retinues. Nobles are ranked as barons, counts, dukes, and viceroys. Viceroys then answer to the Monarch.
Local marble supplies also lead to highly majestic cities and monuments erected over the course of the Empire's history.
The demographics are split between several of the prevalent races of Albion. As such there's a large human demographic, with elves living in smaller, but still sizable, communities. Due to various Archdeities, or otherwise referred to as Viceroys, and their hedonistic urges and interests, they collect a sizable amount of foreign specimen and introduce them into the population.
This is done through either tribute, demand, or outright war. The Deified and especially the Archdeities operate and move as per strange logics.
Notable Locations:
LASTOR - The Capital City of the Empire of Oros through ancestry, this city has always been the seat of imperial dominance since the dawn of the Ascendancy. Initially the first established city of Oros, it has become a sprawling metropolis over the course of time. It stretches all across the mountain ranges of the Awoken Mountains and reaches as far as into the valley between the foot of the Awoken Mountains and the Oror Mountain range. The capital is located centrally on the island of Greater Oros and is home to the vast complex that is the Imperial Palace, which occupies most of the summit of the Awakened Mountain.
NOLON - Another city built around yet another mountain, this city is located on the neighbouring island of Lesser Oros. As per the general theme, this city is an equally marvelous one to the rest of the largest cities of the nation. It is home to the personal palaces of 12 of the 14 archdeities and they rule their respective viceroyalties and tend to their personal urges here. The city is also home to the Order of the Monarch, an elite military retinue under the direct authority of the Monarch. Their purpose is to directly deal and enforce law upon the deified, and are as such highly powerful Mage-Knights. The true nature behind these warriors is not fully known, but they're not members of the Deified. Some liken them to dolls made of flesh, proposed organic constructs.
KOOR - A coastal city on the western coast of Lesser Oros, this city is the largest naval port in the Empire and houses 45% of the total ships in the vast and powerful Orosian navy maintained and organized by the Redeemer, one of the Archdeities. The Redeemer also maintains the city and rules it from his palace located in teh central districts of Koor. The ports are highly advanced considering their ancient origins. Through leverage systems and various other arcane mechanisms the dock yards of Koor can house upwards of 80 different military vessels along the walls that stretch outwards into the ocean to protect against oncoming besiegers.
BOVOS - Bovos, often referred to as the Fortress of Knowledge, is one of three personal archives for the Phantom Monarch and his most trusted servants. The citadel is maintained and guarded by the Order of the Monarch and is home to one of the largest spell archives in the known world. The citadel, which holds grave resemblance to an oversized obelisk, is held up high above the ground by powerful magical currents leading it to be regarded as one of the twelve wonders of Oros.
Personalities of Note:
The MONARCH - Commonly referred to by foreigners as the Phantom Monarch, he is the first ascended of his kind and the supreme authority of Oros. He is seen as the patron of domination. His magics have rarely been observed but are rumored and spoken of in myths and legends as cataclysmic. If these are stretches or exaggerations is something few archdeities, and even fewer people, wish to test.
The GAMEMAKER - One of the stranger Archdeities, the Gamemaker, is an ingenius and popular individual both amongst his own kind and amongst the people. He is seen as the patron of games and genius. His popularity stems for his creation of various games which the Archdeities participate in to alleviate boredom. Few of his games include chess, roleplay, and dueling. Needless to say, each of these games have their own twists to make it more interesting for the deified and any onlookers. Chess is played with mortal pieces, roleplays are played with mortal avatars, and dueling is played by manipulating the body of mortals. His games have become incredibly well known both domestically and foreign and all cities of the Empire stand testament to his influence via the construction of immense colosseums capable of housing each of his games.
The ADMINISTRATOR - An often overlooked archdeity, the Administrator is regarded as the most important amongst the twelve due to his maintenance of organization and his tutelage of aspiring mages. He is seen as the patron of education and order. The Administrator is one of the most knowledgable of his kind, but is also highly manipulative and cunning. Needless to say there is a vast amount of things that he hasn't taught his many hundreds of thousands of students.
The REDEEMER - The Redeemer is a highly militant archdeity and holds the position of patron of war amongst the pantheon. His palace attests to his military obsessions and his position within the Khaarite faith. As he commands the entirety of the naval forces unless the Monarch attests, he has managed to shape the navy into a powerful force to be reckoned with, patrolling the seas with enough mages to prove a huge obstacle to any on-coming seafarers. He is sometimes referred to as the Sculptor, justification for this name may be fined in the fact that he personally designed every vessel in the Orosian navy and is the main designer for standard armour and equippment supplied by the Empire to its professional retinues.
The SPEAKER - Most likely the first Archdeity that any foreigner will ever see, the Speaker is the Monarch's prime diplomat and ambassador. He deals with foreign relations and trade deals outside of the nation's borders. A charismatic and surprisingly loyal subject to the Monarch, the Speaker is often regarded with skepticism and is seen as a patron deity of intrigue due to his suspicius behaviours.
The TWICE-BORN - Amongst even the Archdeities, some personalities are stranger than others. One of the most extreme examples of lunacy generated over the course of their immortality is that of the Twice-Born. Being second to ascend, the Twice-Born has lived for a very long time, far longer than any normal human could possibly fathom enduring. In order to cope with his long solitude, the Twice-Born began to converse with himself. This eventually escalated to the extreme case that it is today, namely the Twice-Born and his Collective Conscious. Seen as the Patron deity of Twins, the Twice-Born is host to a whole battery of seperate personalities with various different morals and ideologies. His knowledge has been seperated amongst these personalities, with each having a unique specialization.
The MAKER - A highly egocentric archdeity, the Maker is also very skilled in the arts of the crafts and runic magic. As a mage-smith, the Maker spends most of his time amidst his Forge-Citadel surrounding the Bavorr Volcano south of the Empire's capital. What he has created, or what goes on in his fortress, is largely a mystery to most Orosians, even a select few Archdeities known of what he creates at the request of the Monarch. He is a patron of blacksmithing and mystery, also of spellcrafting and rune-making.
The TRAITOR - The Traitor is one of the deified that rebelled and is presently plotting to overthrow the Monarch, or at least make him realize the wrong doing of his subjects. Largely erased from the world, the Traitor moves in the shadows and maneuvers in the darkness to try and spread his message. The stubborn nature of the Orosian peoples are however his greatest obstacle and only few rebels have allied with him over his many months of effort. The Phantom Monarch has excommunicated the Traitor and expunged him from any known history.
The READER - One of the Monarch's foremost aides, the Reader is a twentythree-year-old mage-woman recently graduated from The Administrator's magical insitutions. Her skills were lackluster, but through the ever-watching gaze of the benevolent overlord, their Phantom Monarch, she was gifted a new chance and has since managed to struggle her way to the inner sanctums of their enigmatic despot. Her duties are to entertain her God-King and ensure that his spell archives are not desecrated. She ends up spending most of her time keeping millenia-old books from decaying.
The LORD - The Lord is the greatest Archdeity amongst the 14, second only to the Monarch, and is respected and thought of as highly as that status accomodates. The Lord is seen as the Patron of the City, the people, and their regents. At his tips is unfathomable power and his skills and capabilities were what became the basis for the Order of the Monarch and their training regimen. The Lord accepted this cooperation and in return gained the largest Viceroyalty; that of Othros. The Lord is a highly active political entity amongst the Empire and takes no rests inbetween diplomatic meetings or various other political rendezvous. Sometimes scorned by his kinsmen as the Lapdog of the Monarch, though only rumours linger in the air, as his scorn and wrath is uncomparable. Few dare speak ill of him today.
The MASTER - The Master is the mastermind behind the inconcievably large and extensive slave trade that brews amidsts the Empire of Oros. As a de facto slave empire, the nobility pay dearly and extensively for their slaves. Being the first to capitalize on the Deified and their growing hunger for power and slaves, the Master established the
Black Circle, the biggest black market group for slave and slave trade in the Empire. Seen as a fallen archdeity, he is the patron of crime and criminality in the eyes of the people. The Deified do not care for this characterization.
The CABAL - The Cabal is the leader of the inner sanctum of the Black Circle. Co-ruler of the Black Circle, the Cabal is its foremost public figure, furthering the grips of the slavers through mysticism and trickery. Often referred to as the One of a Thousand faces, the Cabal is capable of disguising himself as many different faces and many different people. Some even argue that he is capable of doing this, but on a larger scale, masquerading as several different people at once. His purpose amongst the Black Circle is to extend its reach, to ensure that those Deified whom are quite simply too weak to dominate their own subjects are not without slaves which they can utilize for whatever the Deified may desire. Due to his purpose and role, the Cabal is the Patron Deity of Heresy and Heretical belief amongst the Orosian people.
The PEACEBRINGER - A rather solitary individual, the Peacebringer is the Monarch's foremost peacekeeper and personal military advisor. Whilst not technically an ascended, the Peacekeeper shares many of the qualities found amidst the ascended's lower tiers. He acts as the Grand Master for the Order of the Monarch and directs all peacetime law enforcement efforts in stead of the Monarch. He employs sometimes questionable tactics and enforcement methods, seeking rather to obliterate criminality as opposed to simply eliminating it. During wartime he instead takes to the thick of it and leads his fabled band of elites from the front with immense magics and capable swordsmanship. His strategies once again focusing on precision and swift attacks as opposed to broad and flamboyant bombardments to eliminate his enemies. Equipped with personally crafted rune-plate directly from the Maker's personal forge, the Peacebringer is further enforced by the might of magically infused plate armour.
The GIANT - Titanic in stature and commanding an impressive aura, the Giant is amongst the largest of his kind and highly respected due to his imposing stature amongst mortal men and women. Wielder of capable battle magics and impressive diplomatic sense, the Giant is patron deity of strenght and respect. The Giant is given the unbelievable privilege of being the chosen Regent of the Empire, acting as the ruling entity in the rare cases where the Monarch seems to disappear for a not-to-lenghty period of time.
The Empire is home to thousands of orders and guilds, and dozens of state-owned institutions. The most influential are the Administratory and the Stargazer's Guild.
The ADMINISTRATORY - The Empire's foremost educational institution, the Administratory introduces the magically gifted to the world of magic and prepares them for the difficulties in society which are to come when they graduate. The Administratory is maintained by the Administrator and the insitution owns all academies and schools across the Empire.
The STARGAZER'S GUILD - A highly prestigious mage-exclusive order, the Stargazer's Guild centers its ideals around the exploration of the cosmos and the Astral Magics beyond our world. It is commonly believed that Astral Magic is the source behind ascension. Originally created by the Traitor, the Guild has since lost any origin story ever since his betrayal. The current Master of the Guild is
Astros Luprico, a highly successful writer on Cosmic Interpretation.
The Empire of Oros was once a militarily-focused nation, but since the ascendancy might and power took a wholly different interpretation. The Monarch saw no need of massive, lumbering forces and instead put all faith in the newly founded mage-caste. As such the only professional standing forces are those with magical capacity. Warriors of the Order of the Monarch are a half-exception to this rule. They are trained extensively in both magic and swordsmanship and share all the boons of such a background.
The Empire of Oros operates few standing military forces beyond those of the Monarch's personal military order and the various personal retinues of the Viceroys and the other deified nobles. Instead they put all faith in their ancient and powerful magic, utilizing vast swarms of peasant levies to accomodate the highly powerful Deified generals and their regular mage underlings in their battlefield exploits.
The Empire of Oros and its magical masters have always taught that mages are born for domination. That they are the rightful rulers of all that is before them. As a result, commanders and generals of the military employ high-casualty swarm tactics to paralyze and immobalize an enemy force before then engaging them with their full magical potency. Individuality is a massive aspect of being a deified and many of the deified have different military strategies and employ different war doctrines. The Administrator prefers well planned ambushes, the Redeemer employs shock and awe, often opening up battles with extensive arcane bombardments for no other purpose than to frighten the enemy. The Gamemaker is an interesting person, of course. He prefers to have fun over winning the battle, leading him to seldom gain command of an army.
But the common aspect of all strategies is the importance of mages. It is generally believed, and the belief is maintained through centuries of military tradition, that a well equipped and well supplied mage is a hundred fold more useful than a hundred well equipped and well supplied soldiers. The Empire does issue a vast number of levies state-owned equippment, but it is of low quality and cannot compare to the Warmages and their plate armours.
Troop Total:
A total of 25 000 professional soldiers are employed at all times by the state, namely the Monarch. Viceroys and nobles expend their own riches to maintain and supply their own private militaries, and the Redeemer has to spend his own riches to supply the expansive troop requirements and maintenance costs of the fleet. He is aided in this task by the Speaker and the Reader's personal contacts.
The 25 000 professional soldiers of the Empire are split amongst three military orders. There's the
Order of the Monarch, the absolute military elite, second only to the most powerful of Deified mages. Their numbers are estimated at 5,000. Then there's the
Imperial Order. The Imperial Order relates to law enforcement of the Monarch's personal territories and lands. Due to the Empire owning the largest amount of land in the Empire, he requires a massive amount of enforcement to come along with it. Thankfully few rebellious movements are active and the law usually extends to petty things like infighting and murder amongst the rabble. The Imperial Order is capable of transforming from a law enforcing organization to a military force rapidly, and is therefore entrusted with peace-time law enforcement. The Imperial Order has an estimated 15,000 soldiers.
The Zero Order, a form of covert order of assasins and secret police take the reigns of law enforcement during war time. Their numbers are the fewest of the three, numbering at a humble 3,500 across the entire Empire, but their arcane teachings aid them in their impossible task of bringing peace during war time.
The Army is a small but professional elite maintained and trained exclusively by the Monarch's personal resources and advisors. There are a much larger, active military force in the Empire all-together, but each noble is independent and operate independently. As such no noble is entitled to any of the others' resources or retinues. This also applies to the Monarch, although his military force is a far more elite force than the average noble retinue.
During war time the Empire calls upon the might of a seemingly endless tide of peasantry and non-mage rabble to swarm the enemy. As long as they can march and run they're eligible for the masss levying of the populace.
Exceptional military orders within the Empire are the
Order of the Monarch, the
Personal Warmages of the Redeemer, the
Firespitters of the Maker, and the
Order of Cosmocrats maintained and supplied by the Gamemaker.
The Navy is also a private military, although the task of maintaining it is an honour granted by the Monarch. Should the Monarch choose anyone other than the Redeemer to ensure the wellbeing of the Navy, he would be forced to gift all navy assets to the individual that the Monarch thought better suited for the task.
The Navy consists of finely crafted and aesthetically impressive vessels made for the only task of war. Each ship is maintained and manned by an accompanying force of 20 skilled mages and a whole horde of levies during war time. During peace time each vessel can make due with a skeleton crew of 40 mages to intercept and combat local privateers.
The ships are equipped with bows and hordes of arrows, swords and shields, and various substances which can be useful to set aflame enemy vessels. The mages are usually the center of all combat efforts made even at sea, but vials and barrels of sealed oil make up for the nightmarish occation should all mages be killed in battle.
Although it's usually wasted effort. When all mages on a ship die and there're still commoners on board, they strangely turn rogue immensely quickly. It is a well recorded issue and the strategists of the Redeemer's own inner circle work extensively to solve the issue.
The Zero Order acts as spies and assasins during peacetime, and secret police during wartime. Whilst they act as the Monarch's eyes and ears during quiet times, the Imperial Order does the law enforcement in the Monarch's personal realm.
There are various detachments and splinter-orders of the Imperial Order and the Zero Order, these orders serve as a more specialized military organization as opposed to the more general military force of their ancestral order.
One of these splinter groups are the
Royal Earthshakers. Often referred to by foreigners as the Empire of Oros' response to siege warfare, the Royal Earthshakers, whilst few in number, are a specialized military order focusing solely on earth-related war magic. This lead them to being the official siege mages when there is no mage powerful enough, or knowledgable enough, to properly use earthshattering magic. Due to their small numbers they can prove quite difficult to transport from one place to another, though, but their effectiveness in battle is unquestioned.
The Zero Order's splinter group is known as the
Sacreligious. The Sacreligious are an incredibly small and secret order of extremely potent assasins whom answer only to the direct voice of the Monarch. Through his will and his arcane words they manifest his design. They are the shapers of the Monarch's world and they ensure that the nation does not collapse due to rebellious trouble makers.
+ Immense Power - The Mages of Oros and even more so the Deified are immensely powerful. Potentially even the greatest mages on the continent of Albion.
+ God-King - The Phantom Monarch is worshipped as a god by his people, as such tolerance of the Deified and their manipulation of the people is largely overshadowed.
+ Incorporeal Masters - The ascended, the Deified, are mages of immense power whom have unlocked some kind of secret about magic. In doing so they ascended their mortal coil and were reborn in arcane form and with it they gain immortality at the cost of mortal life.
- Illogical Despots - The rulers and nobles of the Empire of Oros are old and faulty, they lack the typical logic found in compassionate and sympathetic mortal beings. With time their minds degraded and now only a strange interpretation of logic remains in the Orosians' selfish masters.
- Lawful Divide - The Empire is divided amongst the Deified, with the Archdeities ruling as viceroys over their lesser noble subjects. This leads to a divided empire with each Archdeity having their own military and resources.
- Strange Populous - The Orosian people are... Strange, to say the least. They wander mindlessly and do their tasks in monotonous manner. They're stubborn and intolerant, and extensively zealous. But they're a weak people and eat far too little for their work load.