"Of course there’s a choice, you can always die."
"Does it come in black?"
//STATS:◼ HEIGHT | 5’8
◼ WEIGHT | 124lbs
◼ BUILD | Willowy
◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown
◼ EYE COLOR | Teal
//DESCRIPTION:Wealth suits Jacqueline, she has a lofty demeanor, good posture and a self-assured confidence rare for her age, rarer still for her position; few would guess how meager her own wealth truly is. Even so, her style is far from opulent, a simple near colourless wardrobe elegant only for its quality and tailoring. She’s tall for a woman, with a face too humorless for her youth, leading most people to suspect it far greater than it truly is. Her mid-length hair is always pulled back, revealing a pair small gold hoop earrings which, aside from her pendant, are the only jewelry she wears.
"My father’s death was the greatest day of my life."
The Glasse family consists of a long line of Draoi, going back generations with wealth and status to match. But Draoi live long lives, and competition among rivals is nothing compared to that within such a large family. The fall of the Glasse’ began only a few days after Jacqueline’s birth, a distant cousin took advantage of her mother’s weakened state and killed her. An eruption of chaos and in-fighting began, and in the end Jacqueline’s grieving father and newly bonded Draoi brother fled with her from Scotland to America. They had no plan but found themselves relatively comfortable in Maine, albeit without wealth or allies, and hunted by Venari, Constantine’s Guard, and family alike. Both father and brother limited their use of the Vis, and lived as mundanes. Jacqueline went to school as any normal child, and was never shown so much as a page of study by the Draoi. After nine years they were found by Jacqueline’s father’s father, her Grandfather Glasse. The family's infighting had ended, and only a handful remained. Jacqueline and her brother were meant to return to Scotland with their grandfather for further training, both being young and having potential. Her father had aged greatly with years of distance from magic, and was unlikely to regain his grasp on the Vis. Instead he was left with more than his share of the family fortune, which to the best of Jacqueline’s knowledge he drank and gambled with.
There was a good deal of catching up to do for Jacqueline, who had previously spent her free hours drawing and dressing dolls, she was tasked with reading stacks of books nearly as tall as she was. She took to the work well, and thrived in the new and old home of Scotland. But for her brother it was an unwelcome return to old memories that still hurt, and he stumbled. Young as he was, he’d never even had time to properly train with the Vis since becoming a Draoi. He failed regularly, and each time he failed he’d leave the estate without a word and remain absent for days. Once he simply didn’t return. It was a month before Jacqueline’s eleventh birthday and she was too preoccupied with that that entailed to fret as her grandfather did. They found him after three weeks, in a hospital already dead with lightning-like scars covering his body. He’d been found outside a bar with no personal objects. “Your brother was a fool,” her grandfather had warned as they stood over her brother’s dead body “it does nothing to live in the past. You will do better.”
The next death in Jacqueline’s life came barely a fortnight later. Venari had seen the body too, and recognized the markings for what they where; wild and un-channeled Vis. It took two to kill her grandfather, and he took one down with him, she had felt some pride in that before realizing her own plans had died with him. An initiate with no teacher would not be accepted to partake in the ritual. The only option was to return to her father, and abandon everything else.
It was then Aude found her. Jacqueline Aude, an old friend of her grandmother was how she introduced herself, and Jacqueline’s namesake. And so the younger Jacqueline moved to the south of France instead of Maine and became a full initiate of the Draoi. Her grandfather’s estate was left to the last cockroaches in the Glasse’ family; crawling out of the woodwork the devour that was left of the generations worth of wealth until there was nothing. Five years of study, the young Jacqueline did not dwell on her brother’s death, nor her grandfather’s murder.
A vote wasn’t needed for Jacqueline’s ritual. Someone had found her father, barely Draoi, unable to use the Vis that ran through his blood. It had been half a lifetime since she’d seen her father, and he may as well have been a stranger. She was the third to drink from the sacrifice, the blood long cooled by the time it touched her lips.
Since becoming a Draoi, both Jacquelines have been working on refining her use of the Vis, with very little success. A month before the storms began in Crescent city, Aude enrolled the younger Jacqueline in the Grimm city linguistics program, under the pretense study and being back in the country where she spent her childhood would aid with her focus.
▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:
"It’s empowering in a way, to be alone with nothing left to lose."
Ultimately, Jacqueline wants most to restore her family’s wealth and name among the Draoi. Her actions in doing so however, are severely limited- having only been accepted to join to Draoi as homage to what the Glasse family had once been. Without any wealth to call her own, she is expected to be the last of the line. For now she works mostly as a ward to her mentor Jacqueline Aude, generally doing her dirty work. While not privy to exactly what Aude is scheming, she was sent to Crescent city under the pretense of attending Grimm University, only to spend the bulk of her time campaigning for a man she'd never heard of.
▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
"My brother died because he lost his pocket-watch in a card game, I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to avoid gambling.”
//ABILITIES:◼ Vis | Jacqueline is largely still learning her own limits when it comes to manipulating the Vis to her will. Nox powers, particularly kinetic and thermal manipulations, come to her almost easily while the Lux side of magic eludes her completely.
- Gravitation: Kinetic energy either attracts or repels an object to Jacqueline's conduit.
- Thermal: Over very short distances, Jacqueline's conduit either absorbs or dispenses great amounts of thermal energy causing the system to freeze or com-bust respectively.
//SKILLS:◼ Bilingual | Since the age of 11 Jacqueline has mostly lived in France with her mentor, where she has picked up both the language and accent.
//LIMITATIONS:◼ Conduit | Jacqueline knows better than most of her own kind not to even think of the Vis without a conduit on hand.
◼ Indentured| As freely as she spends money, Jacqueline knows she has none of her own. More importantly she is without allies save for Aude. It is one bridge she cannot afford to burn however much she may want to.
//WEAKNESSES:◼ Confidence of Youth | Even for a young Draoi, Jacqueline is prideful. Worse still is how easily wounded that pride is, and her visceral reaction to it. Her impatience and haste to anger when paired with undisciplined magic make for an unfortunate combination.
◼ Undisciplined Power | Tuning out the outside world to channel the Vis is one thing, but mastering her own emotions is another. There is no finesse or delicacy to Jacqueline's magic, it is unleashed in torrents more often than not, and despite all her years of study does not always perform in the way she intends.
//SUPPORTING CAST:▼ ALLIES◼ Jacqueline Aude |
Jacqueline Glasse’ namesake, mentor, and general adoptive parent. She trained the younger Jacqueline, was the one that made her an initiate, and likely the sole reason she was allowed to partake in the bonding ritual at all. Aude now uses her to monitor Crescent city. ◼ Blanche Vallen |
More a minder than a servant or butler, Blanche has look after Jacqueline since she was 11 and was sent along to continue that care in America after leaving France. It is hard to tell which of the Jacqueline’s she is loyal to. Speaks no English. ▼ FRIENDS◼ TBD | Test
▼ ENEMIES◼ Rodger Clement | Jaqueline’s academic counselor, constantly hounding her for consistently dropping grades and skipping exams due to her ‘extracurricular’ activities.
//STOMPING GROUNDS◼ The Spires | Jacqueline has been put to the task of joining the Armand de la Cruz mayoral campaign.
◼ Albatross Cove | The location of Aude's apartment, where Jacqueline is currently living.
◼ Grimm University | Jacqueline has barely even seen the campus, which is odd enough considering it was supposedly the reason she came to the city. She is enrolled in and failing the linguistics program.
The only object from the Glasse family Jacqueline is in possession of, or so Aude told her when she gifted it on the completion of her ritual. It is worn with a gold chain around her neck acts as her conduit.