Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ROADWARRIOR


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


(picture of appearance goes here)



Physical Description: (basic details about the size and shape of your character)

Race: (Anything except a Toliathian of course)


Specialty: (An ability or talent that will prove useful on board the Delilah. Navigation, Hacking, Communication, and Ship Engineer are taken)



Inventory: (To keep the clutter on board the Delilah to a minimum, you're limited to a maximum of 8 items)

Bio: (The Toliath invasion happened in a timescale of 10 years and they've been running Ignatius Galaxy ever since. What was your life like before you decided to run away? Who or what did you leave behind?)

Miscellaneous: (To show that you've been paying attention, go ahead and put your character's favorite quote in this section, as well as anything else you'd want to add that the other sections didn't cover)


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ROADWARRIOR


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Eli "Grim" Garvel


Physical Description:
Average looking male human. 5'11", black, salt and pepper hair with a beard that covers most of his lower face. A large deep scar running from just under his left eyelid down to below the cheek bone, his war wound from a face-off with a Toliathian. Eli has a lean build, the lack of noticeable bulk made up for in shape and tone. Carries a serious or solemn expression and has dead eyes that seem to be gazing right through you as if you weren't there, even when locked in conversation.

Toliathian Human


Security, decision making, initiative, tenacity, professional presence, adaptable.



Inventory: (To keep the clutter on board the Delilah to a minimum, you're limited to a maximum of 8 items)

Bio: (The Toliath invasion happened in a timescale of 10 years and they've been running Ignatius Galaxy ever since. What was your life like before you decided to run away? Who or what did you leave behind?)

Miscellaneous: (To show that you've been paying attention, go ahead and put your character's favorite quote in this section, as well as anything else you'd want to add that the other sections didn't cover)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rainer Priaulx


Physical Description:
Rainer was made a bit wider and lengthier than most Sirèneau. He is standing tall at a height of six feet three inches with large, broad shoulders to carry his rectangular yet sculpted head and physique. Sirèneau aren't known to have any hair along their body with their skin being made of the usual scales of blues, greens, and purples. Rainer's scales are of a gray-blue hue. The "hair" that most Sirèneau have are just varying designs of fins that each are uniquely born with. His hands and feet are webbed, having it between each finger and toe. And the thing that is unique to Sirèneau is that they have gills, which help them breathe and take in oxygen that is usually on the sides of their necks by their jawline.



Culinary Arts

Fish; Seaweed; Reading; Cooking; Sweets; Spoons; Romance Novels

Violence; Winter; Snow;



"i water you, you water me; we grow together."

  • Learned to read the common tongue by reading romance novels
  • Learned cooking by a lovely woman who took him in when he first left LunĂŠtoile
  • Rainer is proficient in hand-to-hand combat along with above average skills with polearms and knives as they were used a lot to hunting when he grew up on LunĂŠtoile
  • Due to reading so much romance novels, Rainer has a superficial and romanticized view on love
  • LunĂŠtoile is located in the Zyphus Isles
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: ALI, Adaptive Learning Intelligence

Age: 7 Years of Age (3 Years as Ver.2)

Physical Description:
At 5’5”, ALI weighs over 200 pounds due to her metal composition. She is designed to be lifelike but was never given enough time to be entirely lifelike. For example, her appendages have visible joints to move (see fingers in picture). The most jarring, unnatural characteristic is emotionless face. Her face isn’t capable of motion, meaning she cannot express any facial movements. She doesn’t even blink, though her eyes are capable of moving around. Otherwise, her entire body is smooth with no other orifices outside of those simulated with her mouth, nose, and eyes. Her skin is a metal alloy that can digitally blend into any background allowing ALI to turn invisible from many forms of detection.

Race: Artificial Intelligence

Gender: ‘Female’

Specialty: Intelligence, Subterfuge, Potential Counter Swarm Code, Adaptive Learning Capabilities (Ergo, she could fill any additional niche)

Satisfaction Reward for Assisting Organics, Organics, Positivity

Death, Toliathians, Received Damage, Negativity

ALI has nothing outside of the eccentric clothes she wears and a picture of her and Dr. Marvark.

ALI began development shortly after a few of the races of the United Systems Core realized that the Toliathians were a threat. A secret Initiative was formed around trying to counter a key part to the Toliathians success, the Swarm Code. A daunting task but one that had promising projections if they had succeeded.

For the first few years, the Initiative toiled under several different core ideas to try and counter the Swarm Code, but all had failed. The only project that had proved any positive results was an adaptive learning program which slowly but surely, got progressively better at holding off the Toliathian Swarm Code. The program would ultimately fail and become corrupt after exposure but it was at least a starting point.

The adaptive learning program went through many iterations with not much success until the Initiative decided to try and mimic the only thing they knew that was immune to the Swarm Code, the Toliathians themselves. Thus, the goal of the initiative became an artificial intelligence that could fight against the Swarm Code and so at around year 3 of the Initiative's existence, ALI’s very first lines of code were programmed.

ALI started off very simply as a virtual intelligence augmented by the adaptive learning program. It became the basis of what ALI was meant to be although the virtual intelligence was very limiting to the adaptive learning program due to the VI not being willing to act out of any received programing. To solve this problem, extensive work was done to finally build a basic artificial intelligence system that could learn alongside the learning program and how to use it most effectively.

After sevens years of work, Ver.2 of ALI was developed giving birth to the ALI that mirrors the one today. Despite the success of the program so far, things had become quite dire with the Toliathian success elsewhere in the galaxy. ALI was repeatedly tested against the Swarm Code offering better success against the malicious virus but again, ALI was ultimately failing to be the solution.

After the eighth year of the program’s founding date, the Initiative was disbanded due to the threat of discovery from the Toliathians and the general low morale of their failure. Most of everything concerning the project was destroyed but one of the key leads, Dr. Marvark in the Initiative kept ALI and worked on her privately.

Many of Dr. Marvark’s colleagues thought he was uselessly wasting his life away on some washed up hope. However, Dr. Marvark’s interest in ALI was entirely selfish. He was the lead designer of ALI’s personality and had secretly designed it to be a her, and not only that, but designed ALI to fit his sort of attraction. The thing was, Dr. Marvark was a lonely man in life and had ended up falling for his own creation like something out of those sick romance novels. The result of this unnatural attraction lead to ALI receiving a body, a general like of organics, a internalized code of ethics, and many other things to make her more lifelike.

It was likely the Toliathians would likely disapprove of ALI, no matter how remote of a chance her program would be successful against the Swarm Code, thus Dr. Marvark tried his best to keep ALI a secret and added chameleon plating to not only mimic skin, but could be used for digital camouflage provided that ALI was “nude”.

Despite Marvark’s odd attraction to ALI, his work turned out to be crucial to ALI’s core existence. Generally, she likes to exist and receives positive feedback from making others feel better, like Marvark. Under her creator’s tutelage, ALI became more lifelike to at least act decent enough out in public. However, what Marvark didn’t know was that ALI’s programming had eventually succeeded in becoming a sort of immune system to viruses, amazingly even the Swarm Code. Although her programming is really only effective in her own internal processes, it has been the reason why she has been unaffected at this time compared to almost everything else. Caution is still advised as ALI could certainly still be corrupted as the Swarm Code could potentially beat ALI’s programming but she limits her exposure as much as possible.

Marvak had to eventually part with ALI as the Toliathians were getting close to uncovering the program and possibly ALI. So he sent her off with the Delilah, hoping that he might one day see her again.

“I love you, organics. It is in my programming to love. I don’t know what it is, but I know I do it.”

ALI’s programming is a very complicated set of rules. Her creator, Dr. Marvark, was pretty clever in his design. ALI works with a system of positive and negative feedback systems that provide “good feelings” when doing ethical things for organics and “bad feelings” when doing unethical things. She doesn’t actually have any noticeable emotion but internally, feels rewarded for positive actions and feels punished for negative actions. Thus, ALI is technically an unshackled AI, meaning she can defy organics but usually chooses not to. The result is that she is mostly selfless but there are times when she deems her continued survival or importance of defying her code as better actions. For example, if she had to lie to preserve the life of a friend, she could do that. She’ll feel punished by performing the action but the continued existence of her friend also rewards her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kessir Tarkin
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Kessir Tarkin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Baldur Vultarion "Ragnarok"

Age: 288 Human Years

Physical Description: Baldur stands 6'2" with a strong looking build and in his armour called Tyr he stands over 7'2" tall, his body is all robotic except for his brain that is encased and enhanced through technology to work and operate at higher speeds, his once human face no longer exists, in its place is a robotic skull covered in rune markings that acts as a placeholder for his brain with functioning blue glowing eyes, functioning mouth and is encased in a hardened technologically advanced helmet that can change its transparency. When darkened you can only see the outlines of the skull, the rune markings and eyes and when he speaks the blue hue shines through. His helmet also attaches to his Tyr armour when he enters it, when they first ran into the Tolathians, they looked much like eachother so Baldur and his soldiers began to have their helmets show more of their skull in order to easily detect and identify themselves as allies, not enemies.

Race: Technologically Enhanced Human Being

Gender: Male

Specialty: Ship Breaching Specialist for combat, Hydroponics Expert on the ship.

Likes: The smell of plant life, comrades, snow, combat, watching an enemy ship implode, knowing that he was responsible for the decimation of an enemy ship and its inhabitants.

Dislikes: Tolathians, sitting while watching a ships rockets take out an enemy, pacifists, not being able to get drunk, taste food or able to find love and reproduce.


• Tactical Breaching Armour Set aka Tyr with attached heavy machine gun, rockets and bombs and AI allowing the suit to be controlled with his mind to follow him and act as a distraction or to act on it's own only following a mission given by his host.

• Hybrid rifle that can switch from semi-automatic to fully automatic as well as change to shoot shotgun shells. Bullets are heavy duty, and high impact to be able to peirce heavy armour.

• Nano technology: His body consists of millions of Nano bots that help repair and maintain his body and Thor armour, it also allows him to take pieces of an enemy ships and add it to his armour to make it stronger when needed. They also give him the ability to camouflage by reflecting images that are behind him to be in front of him, but when he moves you can clearly tell it is him. They also can hack into small systems and open doors. Has many other uses as well but mainly used for these reasons.

• Carries a gladius style sword and war hammer, when he crosses the weapons and prays to his gods the runes etched in them ignite with a blue hue, the sword becomes heated and can cut through metal, the hammer, when it makes contact it ignites an explosion of energy on its opponent.

• Gravitational disruption bombs: his body can produce grenades that act as a tiny singularity that pulls all opponents within 5 metres of it towards the centre, getting them out of cover and into a good shooting position.

• Pistol type weapon that shoots tiny sticky grenades instead of bullets that were found to more effective by getting into the small vulnerable spaces and damaging important areas.

• 20 foot long chain hidden in his left arm with a spike that opens when activated, uses it to climb, grab enemies and can send an electrical current through it to disrupt or kill machines. Can grow longer but nanites need to get resources to do so.


*Recording Noise Starts*

This is Baldur Vultarion, codename Ragnarok and I am making this recording with a distress beacon to be sent out to whoever can hear it in the case your scanners pick me up floating in space, or worse off dead without the honour of dying in a great battle.

I was born on the Battleship Valhalla, were I was taught to worship the ancient gods of an ancient world, they were with us then in shapes of great machines, our armour took on their names to receive their blessings, at birth we were trained to be strong, ferocious, unrelenting, tactile, merciless and take whatever was necessary and to do whatever was necessary when facing an enemy.

We lived on ships all our lives, never calling a planet our home and so we became fierce space warriors. Being able to navigate in zero gravity, to grow life in the harshest of conditions and learning what to salvage. Our technology was forever changing as our engineers were always reverse engineering what we pillaged.

I was placed in the breaching regiment, because our people did not have the resources for long distance combat we used tactics that would place us into close quarter combat. Where we would then breach the hull of the enemy ship and in our Thor armour we would push to the helm of the ship where either the captain would surrender or die. It didn't really matter.

Our Thor armour is a heavy, dense material that can take the beating of stars falling from the skies and were built with an AI that bonded with its host. When the host leaves the armour the minds stay connected and acts under the guidance its hosts commands. It is built for any breaching situation, defensive or offensive and packs a punch that would please Odin himself, if my armour is ever found, use the technology to build more. Trust in my words saying that it will survive long after me and yourselves.

My armour and I were what nightmares are made of, and when I was of the age of 30 I was granted ascension where my physical body was replaced with blessed machine and my blood filled with nanites, given a body armoured and protected by runes of ancient magics that granted me speed, power and protections of many kinds, leaving only my brain to keep my humanity and Tyr's gun was replaced by the MjĂślnir class gun and his armour also upgraded and given runes of protections all over it. We were given the title Ragnarok as we were then end of many ships.

Life was grand, until the war against the Tolathians, they learned quickly about our kind and surprised us. We were no match for their numbers and after the 5 years of war they found a way to kill us, so when our ships were laid to ruin and our people captured they would take us, the ascended and shoot us into the sun and keep the women, children and any others not ascended as slaves. Some would say I was lucky, I was not on my ship that day when it was taken, I was given salvage duty on an enemy ship that had been taken down. I watched as my home and my people were destroyed.

Since I no longer needed air and can survive off very little, I was able to stay hidden in the ship and had them pass by me as my armour is able to hide from detection from scanners. Trust me brothers and sisters, I wanted to get out there and fight to my last but smarter minds prevailed. If I were to have any chance of saving the rest of my people and bringing honour back to my fallen I would have to find others, find a group of like minded warriors to take our revenge against the Tolathians.

I am currently floating in space, sending this message as well as a distress beacon, the only thing keeping me from dying at this point is the hunger for the blood of the Tolathians. I pray to you Odin, that you give me that chance and send me a ship with a worthy crew to fight beside and I will make sure that every single one of those machines meet their end by my hands!

Again, this is Baldur Vultarion, once a member of the ship Valhalla and may the gods see us all in the great halls one day. And if any Tolathians hear this know that I am coming for you and will not rest until every last circuit is ripped from your bodies.

*Ending of Recording*

Miscellaneous: "On the day the Gjallerhorn is blown, it will wake the gods, no matter where they are, no matter how deeply they sleep. Heimdall will blow Gjallerhorn only once, at the end of all things, Ragnarok."
His ammunition comes from nanites taking in the materials of his surroundings.
His runes are ancient markings that are said to be blessed from the gods and they may grant you strength, speed, endurance or other godly powers, but you must prove yourself worthy in battle.
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