Gamma Capuli 5, a planet straddling the borders of space controlled by Sakamoto Industries; A gigantic mining corporation intent on finding the most rare and precious of minerals to sell to the bigger and more military focused Corporations for use in building bigger, faster and deadlier star ships, and Omniwide Food Inc.; a far smaller corporation who deal in transporting food, medicine and general supplies to war-torn systems or to planets suffering disease outbreaks. Gamma Capuli 5 was a thriving farming planet, responsible for producing great quantities of food which it traded across the galaxy to make income. There were several rumours going around regarding this planet, hinting at vast reserves of platinum, titanium and other valuable ores under the planets surface. Both Sakamoto Industries and the Omniwide Food Inc. were obviously very interested in thisplanet and quite the different reasons, and as such, neither were standing down from claiming this planet for their own. Countless amounts of credits had been spent on hiring soldiers and purchasing star ships to try and drive the other corporation away. This had been going on for a good few weeks now and there was talk of the Galactic Superpowers getting involved to sort this mess out. Sooner or later, someone was going to have to back down.

Down on the planet's surface in the Aule Trade Hub, one of the main off-world transportation sites, a scruffy looking man was wobbling his way down one of the streets. He seemed to be drunk, with how often his hands were waving to keep balance and with the snaking and staggering back and forth. Any second it looked like his feet were going to stop working and he'd trip up and face plant the floor, but surprisingly, he continued to keep his footing and continued, albeit slowly, his way down the street. It was early evening, so the streets were slightly busier then normal due to everyone finishing their shifts for the day and heading home. A gorgeous orange glow was lighting up the west faces of the tall starport towers where countless vessels of all shapes and sizes were docking and taking off, bringing in and taking out food and rations and supplies. The sound of the ocean surrounding the trade hub could be heard mixed with the engines of the ships that flew overhead, most of them small personal craft of the farmers that worked the endless expanse of farmlands that covered the majority of the planet's surface.
Pausing his staggering about, the scruffy looking brown-haired drunk glanced skywards and smiled brightly at the orange glow and the sight of the ships flying about. ”... One day... Errma get me a boat... flying boat... BIG ONE!”, the man slurred, his voice rough and deep, spreading his arms as if he was showing off how big a fish he had caught. A couple of by-standers chuckled and shook their heads at the sight of the poor man. He must have looked pretty down on his luck to those two. It happened to everyone. Some people made it out here as farmers and others didn't. What's to say he hadn't got stranded here by other means? The space surrounding this planet was more often then not a huge conflict zone between the Sakamoto and Omniwide Food corporations. Lowering his arms down and glancing at the couple by-standers, the drunk huffed I disappointment before wobbling violent and staggering into the pair of them. ”Whoa, careful!”, one of them spoke up in surprise. ”Watch where you're going!”, the other rose his voice, seemingly agitated and tired from a long day at work.
The drunk eventually regained his footing with aid from the two nearby men and after bowing down and rubbing the back of his head, the drunk gave his apologies. ”... Terribly sorry...”, he slurred before wobbling off on his way, leaving the by-standers looking down at their attire and brushing themselves down with huffs of disapproval. As the drunk swung around a corner, his erratic and staggering footsteps soon righted themselves and the 'drunk' ended up walking normally, a smug grin on his face as he raised his right hand and opened his palm, a credit chip belonging to one of the by-standers sitting there. ”... Too easy. Time for a drink!”, he said aloud, proud of himself as he made his way towards the nearest bar.

Down on the planet's surface in the Aule Trade Hub, one of the main off-world transportation sites, a scruffy looking man was wobbling his way down one of the streets. He seemed to be drunk, with how often his hands were waving to keep balance and with the snaking and staggering back and forth. Any second it looked like his feet were going to stop working and he'd trip up and face plant the floor, but surprisingly, he continued to keep his footing and continued, albeit slowly, his way down the street. It was early evening, so the streets were slightly busier then normal due to everyone finishing their shifts for the day and heading home. A gorgeous orange glow was lighting up the west faces of the tall starport towers where countless vessels of all shapes and sizes were docking and taking off, bringing in and taking out food and rations and supplies. The sound of the ocean surrounding the trade hub could be heard mixed with the engines of the ships that flew overhead, most of them small personal craft of the farmers that worked the endless expanse of farmlands that covered the majority of the planet's surface.
Pausing his staggering about, the scruffy looking brown-haired drunk glanced skywards and smiled brightly at the orange glow and the sight of the ships flying about. ”... One day... Errma get me a boat... flying boat... BIG ONE!”, the man slurred, his voice rough and deep, spreading his arms as if he was showing off how big a fish he had caught. A couple of by-standers chuckled and shook their heads at the sight of the poor man. He must have looked pretty down on his luck to those two. It happened to everyone. Some people made it out here as farmers and others didn't. What's to say he hadn't got stranded here by other means? The space surrounding this planet was more often then not a huge conflict zone between the Sakamoto and Omniwide Food corporations. Lowering his arms down and glancing at the couple by-standers, the drunk huffed I disappointment before wobbling violent and staggering into the pair of them. ”Whoa, careful!”, one of them spoke up in surprise. ”Watch where you're going!”, the other rose his voice, seemingly agitated and tired from a long day at work.
The drunk eventually regained his footing with aid from the two nearby men and after bowing down and rubbing the back of his head, the drunk gave his apologies. ”... Terribly sorry...”, he slurred before wobbling off on his way, leaving the by-standers looking down at their attire and brushing themselves down with huffs of disapproval. As the drunk swung around a corner, his erratic and staggering footsteps soon righted themselves and the 'drunk' ended up walking normally, a smug grin on his face as he raised his right hand and opened his palm, a credit chip belonging to one of the by-standers sitting there. ”... Too easy. Time for a drink!”, he said aloud, proud of himself as he made his way towards the nearest bar.