Look at this motherfucker. That winning gaze. That powerful mustache. That right there is a Berlingtoner. That's right, the same fucking revolutionary stock as Bernie-motherfucking-Sanders.
I mean, fuck. You can shake this negroes hand and be like, "You damn fine, brother." and he'd be, "Fuck yeah I know."
The two of you can go sit at some Town Hall talking over the assumption that what presently exists is neccesary to exist is the acid that corrodes visionary thinking and you'd come out woke as fuck right now. Hell yeah achieve high material standard in municipal organization to seek a balance between human and ecological needs. That's my fucking talk.
Fuck yea we're going to have to work out the leftist movement in the post-modern world and fix the issues attending to proper organization that stems from the apathy towards structure in this post-structuralist, spontaneously independent revolutionary environment. No brother to himself and all that yo, we're all part of the same community and we should organize as such to manage our own resources.