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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago



Powered people always existed. Since the beginning of time there were super-powered heroes and villains. There are many theories on why people developed superpowers. Some called it evolution, others a mistake and some even said that it was the hand of God but everyone agrees on the fact that there are both a blessing and a curse on humanity.

In the year 2026, the best and most well known heroes of the world gathered together and formed " The Collective ". The world largest group of heroes. Villains soon formed their own group to counter The Collective, called " The Dozen ".
The world was safe until the year 2028 until a deadly virus hit humanity, targeting only super powered humans. Nothing worked against the virus as it was always adapting to anything medics tried. Even heroes/villains with healing abilities got infected and soon died like the rest. The Plague that hit humanity diminished the number of super powered people to a very small number. Only 1% of people that got infected with the Plague survived the contact with the virus and became immune.

In October 5th the year 2028, Earth was invaded. Aliens attacked and without super powered persons to defend humanity, they won the war against humanity and enslaved it. The few super powered persons left on Earth were soon hunted down. Using a collar that disable their powers even super powered persons were enslaved.

The start of the story

The RP will start inside a slave prison where the characters will be freed by (my) character (I say my character due to her power for now, but if someone with a better power comes along, I'll let that person take the role of freeing our characters). The location of the story ? A city in America that doesn't exist called Daria.

Our characters will form up to become The Resistance. Beside the usual super powered fights, there will be a little "resource managing" spin, where our characters will have to vote on how will they spend their RP (resource points).
Examples of RP usage : making new homes for freed slaves, building a lab in order to study alien weaponry etc.

Also. Our character will come from different backgrounds (heroes and villains). I will require for every character to have a "nemesis", that will be played by another roleplayer. Basically, everyone will have an enemy they will hate but that they will have to learn how to work together. The nemesis of each character is yours to choose from persons that will join the RP.

Note : There will be no characters that "walk the line". You are above it or under it. Of course, your character can be a hero like The Punisher that kills bad guys but is in general a good person, that would make him/her/hir a villain, even tho' he/she is a good person.

History of the War (WIP)

Alien Database(WIP)



1. Standard guild rules apply.
2. The language in IC doesn't matter much but in OCC, keep it clean.
3. Anything is allowed (as romance) until cloths go off, then either fade to black or go in PM.
4. An equal number of Heroes and Villains is required.
5. Powers that are not allowed in the RP :
  • No reality warping powers
  • Immortality powers (no aging,super fast healing(like Wolverine) etc)
  • Shapeshifting (this is mostly allowed but with heavy restrictions)
  • No time-traveling/changing abilities
  • More to come if needed.

6. CS will first be posted in OCC then moved, upon approval, onto CS section.
7. Mention people in your posts !


Heroes : @Timemaster as Portal
@FantasyKitten as Dream-scape
@KabenSaal as Ignis
@LostDestiny as Annabelle Costello
@Afro Samurai as Andre Briggs

Villains : @GeneralNox as The Kineticist
@Infamous Empath as The Infamous
@BlackPanther as The Host
@Silentsniper211 as Ollie
@dabombjk as The Red Demon

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GeneralNox
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GeneralNox All Will Be One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So, I'll start the ball here. Was thinking of a villain that did the whole hulk thing, of a scientist who transforms into a beast, called Xenohulk.


Just read the updated rules. That will teach me to jump the gun. No transformation powers XD
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@GeneralNox You can change into a beast but as I said. There will have to be a lot of limitations.

@FantasyChic@Orange Juice@Infamous Empath@Silentsniper211

Everyone. I've updated the rules and the CS too (forgot to add Age and gender to it, sorry). As soon as I have time, I'll start writing a history for the war (how we lost it, how aliens won it...how aliens look etc).

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GeneralNox
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GeneralNox All Will Be One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Decided I'll be a villain, but wait for others to post stuff up, and build an anti-thesis to someone.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

my villain's seduction ability doesnt have anything to do with powers. just wanted to clarify that in case you thought it did @Timemaster

i will post a rough draft of my villain CS first, and change to hero if needbe

I also like your character's ability @FantasyKitten. ive only seen something like that once, in a supernatural TV show, but i cant remember which one. Messengers maybe?

EDIT: or was it Misfits?

Name : Daren McDonnell
Alias : The Infamous (main alias), AKA The Widowmaker, The Warlord, The WorldWeaver, The Irishman (any variation of those)
Age : early thirties
Gender : Male
Allegiance : Villain
Image :

Will write the rest after work

Written Description ( optional )(can be used instead of Image) :
Power Set (only one power per character) :
Background story (where was your character born ? How did he become a hero/villain ? How was he caught ?) :
Nemesis (the alias and username) :
Nemesis's story (how did they meet ? who won ? etc. This should be coordinated with the player that is your nemesis
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyKitten
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FantasyKitten The Quiet Plotter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name : Tamria Lucas
Alias : Dream-scape
Age : 26
Gender : Female
Allegiance : Hero

Written Description: Lavender hair rested against her shoulder blades, her matching purple eyes staring into space. Her slender frame showed signs of undernourishment and her skin seemed to glow faintly like moonlight. She was soft spoken and often lost in her own world, forgetting the simple things like to eat or sleep. Her clothing choices were light and flowy dresses, nothing constricting and it was rare to see shoes on her feet.

Power Set (only one power per character) : Illusionist- Can create illusions ranging from basic to advanced based on the time spent and concentration required each. "Unrealistic" Illusions are easily broken. Manipulation of illusions required constant concentration (eg, To have an illusionary bird fly around, requires Tamria to be concentrating on only it). Unsustainable illusions (Those not currently being concentrated on) will cease to exist once interacted with (eg, someone touches an illusionary brick wall, it fells like air and fades to nothing). If the Illusion is being focused on, it appears real to anyone unsuspecting that it may be an illusion. (Eg, Concentrating on a brick wall illusion, It looks and feels exactly like a brick wall to a human, but if a villain suspecting it is an illusion hit is, it would quickly fade to nothing).

Background story (where was your character born ? How did he become a hero/villain ? How was he caught ?) : Born in Southern California, Tamria's childhood was sheltered. Her parents kept her mostly locked inside her house. They told her that she was gifted and that there were people who might wish her harm. She was home schooled and struggled to control her powers, often creating illusions subconsciously. Her parents struggled to understand her powers, choosing to place more and more restrictions on her until their daughter had shriveled away to a shell of a human. She barely spoke, left her room or ate, choosing instead to live in a world she had created inside her mind. It wasn't until she was well into her late teens that her parents lightened their restrictions under advice from Tamria's therapist. Unfortunately her years of social isolation made it difficult for her to return to normal society.
It was only 6 months after her parents accepted her for who she was and allowed her to leave the house that the sickness hit. There is not much from that time period she remembers, all she knows is that everything was dark for a long time and then eventually she got better.
After this time, Tamria grew in confidence, convinced that there was a reason she survived. Preferring to work with other heroes in a supporting role, she struggled on her own.

Nemesis (the alias and username) : ( To be Decided )
Nemesis's story (how did they meet ? who won ? etc. This should be coordinated with the player that is your nemesis) : (To be decided)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Infamous Empath Not much to look at for now. I'll wait for an update.

@FantasyKitten Looks nice. I suggest (just a suggestion, nothing else) to make her either older or make that 6 months period bigger, so that she could actually start her life a hero and have a nemesis and all that.

Also. You forgot about a small thing. How did she got caught by the aliens ?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How villainous does a villain need to be? For the sake of balance I'd be up for playing a villain who is more like a rogue - as in like no killing people but robbing banks and stuff like that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy.And yet people act as if there is some ideal order in the world, some Rightness in the universe, by which it may be judged

Name : Elis Saal
Alias : Ignis
Age : 31
Gender : Female
Allegiance : Hero [in the strictest sense of the world. She's NG]
Image :
Written Description:

Elis has two resoundingly different appearances, one for when she is out and about in her normal guise, and one when she is patrolling the city as a Hero! Of sorts, at least. More like, a person that generally stops people being dicks with other people, more than a hero.

When normally active, Elis has short black hair, and wears a subtle, unintrusive latex suit, covering her from neck to toe, and with only her head exposed, under whatever clothes she decides to wear for the day, so it is only generally her hands and occasionally her neck that is obviously latexed. She wears a pair of glasses, totally fake but for the show. Through these, her blue eyes can be seen, and her face has a soft, perfect look to it, as if she spends several hours a day in front of a mirror applying moisturizer and makeup for the perfect complexion. She has ample breasts, and a lithe frame, something that would make her generally attractive for a few people, until they found the reason for why she wore the suit, at least, the reason she claimed.

In her hero form, Elis changes so much she is barely recognisable. Ditching the latex for a deep red halterneck corset, a very short pair of pants, and some incredibly vibrant pair of red ballet heels, she shows off a great deal of her flawless skin, and flants a firey pattern on everything she wears. This, along with her name, clues everyone in to her powers immediately, and so they can work to counter her, and take advantage of the fact that she is so obviously putting her powerset on show. Another large change is the colour of her hair and eyes, taking a very sharp nose-dive to a pure white, and removing the need for any sort of mask. Her hair also stands on end, spiky as if gelled into a mohawk. She wears a flashy pair of gauntlets that look very high-tech and are clearly the source of her power.

Power Set: Bio-Electrokinesis: Ignis naturally generates a much higher Electromagnetic Field than most humans, and can use this to her advantage, making the super powers from her own body. Ignis' main power is, despite the fire natured name and motiff, electrokinesis. She can only control the electricity that she produces herself, but she can use this to her advantage, throwing lightning bolts around, and uterlizing it to have an electromagnetic powerset. Originally used so she could actually wear the hellish Ballet Boots without tripping, she has since become accustomed to them, and now can uterlize it for lifting metal objects, and launching them and hypersonic velocity. This bio-electricity renders her immune to practically everything electrical based, as she simply absorbs the energy. It also allows her to gain a degree of super reflexes and strength by charging her nervous system and muscular system, but this negates her manifestation while she is using it, and her powers can only sustain overcharging one system at a time. The same is said about her healing powers, which negate the rest of her powers while being active. She can also charge her electromagnetic powers into a compressed ball and then release a pulse to fry everything remotely electronic in the surrounding area.

Background story: Ignis, born Eliane Saal - but much preferring Elis - was not one who looked to the horizon for anything. Life, was just life. She had a distinct inability to work, socially, so had few friends, and didn't get along with her parents because she didn't really know how to get along with them, and they simply brushed her off as being weird when she was nine, so she decided that humans were not worth the effort. But, what she did have, was an abundance of drive and talent in online forums, spinning out many different guises to fill the days, weeks and months of apathy between school.

However, one day, she blew up her room's light-bulb by touching the switch. It made her jump, but she passed it off as a dicky fuse, a theory that was then proven false when she blew up her computer as well by touching that. Through secret trial and error, hidden at the bottom of her room away from anything electrical and with several metal objects, she found her that her everything were electrical. And, that she couldn't be shocked either - which she discovered by sticking her tongue on a piece of metal she was touching - which led to an awkward question. How the hell was she going to tell her parents that she had suddenly become some sort of, lightning girl? And if she couldn't turn it off, how was she going to do anything in this world of increasing electrical reliance. In five minutes she had a whole list of things that would be destroyed by her touching them, and with her growing interest and skill with all manner of electronic engineering, this was going to suck, a lot. So, instead, she ran to the bathroom and pulled on the rubber gloves used for cleaning. That sorted her hands, but there was the rest of her that was a problem, so she stole out of the house, and went to a certain, shop, she knew. There she bought herself a catsuit in a skin-colour, and spent the next hour fighting to get it on before finally succeeding and returning home. Her parents didn't really care, she was always weird, and her school didn't care either.

So, over the next few years, she went everywhere in it, but also avoided people to reduce the risk of accidents, while working on a book in her spare time over a new computer she got. It was quite ironic, being about a girl who had suddenly gained powers she had no idea what to do with, but she changed details up enough that nobody knew it was her she was referring to. However, just before she managed to get it published, Bad Things happened, and she had to leave her town for somewhere else. Somewhere far away from her town. So, she ran to the city
of Daria. Having some terrible luck, she managed to get herself in a situation where she was about to be mugged, only to be saved by some caped crusader. Without really thinking, she spilled the beans on the whole electrical powers thing, and luckily, the man was kind enough to help her out with getting in under control. Something that she desperately needed because she was becoming a true wiz in her engineering hobby, and wearing latex all the time was kind of awkward to work with.

While, through extensive testing and training, it became clear her touch-to-shock would never go away, she did manage to throw a few lightning bolts, which was always cool. Drunk on the power of lightning, she created her own costume and took to the streets. But, she was kind of bad at creating costumes, so it looked, less noble hero, more something out of a late night Japanese Hentai. Even so, it was pretty liberating, for her, giving her a new and rather nutty impression of herself, making her much more, socially alive than she ever felt was possible. So she became much more of a Deva than she ever thought was possible, through several iterations of her costume, and even some evolution of her powers. She was a girl who was in love with being a superpowered woman, in love with the freedom, if she didn't really get around to heroing all that often. She more did what she wanted to do and stopped anyone who was being an asshole if she was in the general area.

However, a few years into this liberation, the world suddenly caught a cold, and Heroes dropped like flies. Elis was one of the very few that managed to survive, and she had no idea how she managed that, but it was as if fortune smiled upon her. That didn't last long, as aliens invaded and smashed the crap out of humanity. Unable to fight them down on Earth, with her powers, Elis decided to get herself caught by the hunters, and see what she could do when they took her back to their home. What kind of manipulation she could do to make their power supplies go boom. Sabotage was the best way to win when you couldn't brute-force it, after all.

Nemesis (the alias and username) : tbd
Nemesis's story :
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Orange Juice A character's villainousness is determined by his actions.

Think it something like this :

0% = biggest evil ever
100% = biggest hero ever

anything over 50% is considered a hero. 90% hero would mean that he was in the business of saving people for 5-10 years already and never killed anyone and never did bad things. For heroes is easy for baddies things are like this :

40%-49% : Bank robbers, thieves and anything that doesn't kill civilians etc is here
39%-20% : Punisher style hero (is a good guy but kills bad guys)
19%-1% : Criminal masterminds. Villains that would kill a whole city only to kill a hero
0% : Villains that not only already killed cities but if the aliens wouldn't have invaded they would've blown up Earth to prove they are the baddest of them all (none of our characters will be at 0% because they would've been too dangerous to be left alive)

@KabenSaal Hmm...nice character and nice writing (I LOVED the part on how she got captured). There is only a problem. Her powerset. While of course, it looks wonderful put and all that, there are a few problems :
1. There is basically no limitation on that power. She can use it for how much time she wants or it takes some time before she can gather the necessary energy to throw lightnings etc.
2. You have a powerset within a powerset (the super strength/reflexes thing). Remove it or idk...write a limitation on that thing. Something like...she cannot use other powers while having super strength (not even the reflexes thing) or maybe make it so that it takes a lot of time to gather enough power to use those sub-powers ( think it like an Ultimate move if you'd like). Those are only suggestions of course.

Anyway, overall your character is great. I'm waiting for an update but I'm excited to see her in action :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


So I added in the part were only super strength or reflexes. But, as for a limit, she is limited. She can't control electricity not made from her own body, which means she has a natural limit. All people have electrical impulses in their body, her's is just several orders of magnitude higher, which grants her her powers. Overuse can tax the organs that rely on the charge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@KabenSaal Hmm...ok. It looks good and you gave me a compelling argument. Works for me. Accepted.

@Orange Juice@FantasyKitten Accepted. Move'em over. Great job on the characters !
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Timemaster That's it fully finished! Thanks for the accept!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's up Fantastic, I'll get a character sheet up ASAP!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@GeneralNox@Infamous Empath Still waiting on the two of you :)

@Orange JuiceOur characters have competitive powers if you think about it. Your character is super fast, while mine can teleport. Two super persons that have abilities that "fight" each other could be a good match.

So. Do you wanna be my nemesis ? :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Timemaster sounds good to me! I'm on the bus right now but if you want to shoot me a pm about the nemesis story thing I'll reply when I can!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

yeah i was waiting like GenNox was. As villains, its kinda hard for us to make a powerset and bio when only one hero has made an approved CS and that hero already has a nemesis. Like you and your nemesis, i want my nemesis and my character to have similar or contrary powers, and a believable history. thats why im waiting. however, im going through all of the other unapproved hero CS up there to see if i can figure something out. i really want my character to have the right power since i wont be able to change it or add to it. my main villain i use in most RPs has like a hundred abilities so i dont really have to worry about that :P

EDITION: So i was looking at both heroes powers and i think the illusionist's power would be the best one to counter. While she can make something appear like its there when it's really not, maybe my character can do the opposite, make things that are there invisible. The only other powers I'd be interested in would be empathy (obviously), phasing, and pyrokenesis (even tho that has no heroic opposite). The phasing could be useful if The Infamous and the Illusionist ever worked together (Team I2 XD); she could put up a fake wall and i could walk through the real wall...our enemy runs after me and smacks right into the real wall! lol. of course, if the Flash TV show is scientifically accurate, then super speed/phasing/time travel/portaling/invisibility is all basically abilities of the same powerset.

Decisions, decisions... im thinking of going with invisibility... besides, it's another "I" word :P

EDITION 2: aww, i love playing 0% Infamous...but I'll start him at 1% and gradually grow him to be more of a hero. maybe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Infamous Empath Nemesis's powerset don't have to be oposite with the hero's/villain's powerset. Think Flash and Savitar or Batman and Joker or hmm... Arrow and that guy that was super strong from season 3 or 4 or Daredevil and The Punisher.

Their personalities usually go against each other or simply how they work.

@Orange Juice I'll PM you as soon as the show I'm watching ends. There are the semifinals right now and I'm hooked as they say. It will be pretty late for me, idk about you. It's 9:38 PM here.
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