Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

14th May, 2029 - The outskirts of Daria

The Skits were on high alert as it should happen. A diversion team was sent to the other side of the city to make the alien forces focus on the wrong side of the city. Portal and a few non-powered persons were just biding their time, it had to be perfect. Otherwise the Occupation, as the alien's reign is refereed to now, would be too strong. Soon after the Occupation attacked Earth, concentration centers appeared in major cities not destroyed were built to keep humans that surrendered or that were captured. As soon as a prison would be created using an organic metal designated "OM" by scientists in the early days of the war, a huge fighting force would be stationed to keep it under alien control.

It is yet unknown what the Occupation's purpose is on Earth or what exactly do they need to capture humans for, as no one was able to liberate a prison from the aliens.
That is until tonight.

A month ago, a group formed out of the last remaining free humans and super powered persons that was based in Daria, started to harass Occupation forces with the scope of probing their defenses in the hopes of finding a way to liberate the prison that was built on the outskirts of Daria and eventually found a way.
A diversion team with a super powered leader with the ability to make shields out of energy would attack an Occupation patrol and while they would draw the Occupation's attention, another team led by Portal would break out the whole super powered block out of prison. The number of super powered persons was unknown yet so the escape plan was not formed and a little improvisation on Portal's part as she was the leader. If the plan worked, it would increase the chances of a successful rebellion tenfold. If it worked. The whole plan depended on the diversion team's success and the Occupation's response.

A hand touched Portal's shoulder and she turned around. A soldier, that would look 18 in his best days, looked at her with a face that betrayed his emotions before he spoke.

" Ma'am...I'm afraid. What if the plan doesn't work ? What if these...these...monsters killed everyone in the prison and we are walking straight into a trap ? I know that we've all volunteered to be on this mission but I don't want to die. " he was almost ready to cry right there and Portal shook her head. She knew the risks of the mission and knew that a year ago, the biggest fear that these kids she leads was finding a date or picking an university to attend at and now, they were about to enter a hornet's nest full of creatures, knowing they might not come back to whatever family they still had.
Portal looked the kid in the eye.

" Kid, I'm not going to lie to you saying that you'll all be going home tonight the same way you left. Nor will I lie when I say that before I let these uninvited guests to kill any of you, that they will have to pass through me. I've been in this game for some time now and I never lost someone in my protection and I'll be damned if I'll start to do so now. As soon as we reach the prison, remember the plan. You stay back and cover our exit while I go inside and teleport the prisoners outside. Stealth will be primordial to this part of the mission. Don't engage if not engaged and don't lose hope. We need to keep this quite. Got it ? " she said with a tone as strong as steel.
A chorus of whispered " Ma'am, yes Ma'am" was the reply Portal received and they continued walking.

Soon the prison was in sight. A big building made out of OM and surrounded by a wall of at least 6 meters in height. Skits could be seen patrolling on the wall and a Behemoth with another squad of Skits were exiting the prison and that was the moment the team was waiting for. Behemoths didn't work well together and that meant the south gate to the prison will be without its guard dog for a few minutes.
Portal looked at the kids and nodded. It was time for to go. Sniper rifle in hand she moved stealthy towards the gate taking cover between the long abandoned cars that littered the roads as a memento that this was once an urban center and not a battlefield.

The Skits were on alert but most of the fighting force was sent to deal with the diversion team so it was fairly easy for Portal to sneak inside the prison. Cleverly using her power to teleport inside the walls and then inside the building itself.
The walls looked alien for the lack of a better word. Some things were still unmistakable human as somehow even alien prisons had a layout that could be compared to human prisons and the best thing was that there were not guards inside the prison itself. None that could be seen at least and for that reason only, Portal had to move in silence and without triggering whatever kind of alarms that had to exist.
As she moved through the building something seemed odd, besides the complete silence. The sheer number of empty cells was amazing, too many looked as if someone lived there for some time and then they were dragged away.

A muffled cry was like a drum in that silence and when Portal heard it, she rushed as quietly as she could towards it. A girl that looked in her early twenties was inside a cell, rags was what she were on her and she looked as if she didn't ate in a few days. Portal slowly approached and kept her voice low as she said :
" Hey ! Hey, you ! "

To say that the girl was startled would've been an understatement but as she saw Portal, her eyes gleamed of hope.

" Miss ! You're human ! My God ! A HUMAN !"

" Keep that voice down before you draw the whole alien invasion our heads and tell me, where are the others ? There should be thousands of humans here."

" They've...they've been taken a few days ago. There aren't many left here. I'm the last one on this wing. Haven't ate in three days. "

" Taken? Taken where? " she knew it was useless to ask the woman that but she had to try.

" I don't know. A group of those, spider-like creatures came and shot them with that green thing and they were taken. One by one. One by one. " and then the woman started repeating "One by one" like a mantra again and again and again. Portal shook her head and knew that this woman was beyond saving. A wound can be healed but this woman was broken and nothing could be done with her but at least maybe she knew where the important prisoners were kept.

" Do you know where they keep the super powered persons? "
The woman simply pointed in a direction and then began to look at the wall and continued to say her mantra.

Portal had to move fast, the diversion team can withstand only so much after all. She followed the woman's direction and soon discovered the important cells. As before, there were only a few cells that had humans inside. Some she recognized while some were a mystery. As soon as she approached a cell, a loud alarm started ringing and the whole building started to vibrate.
" Fuck. There goes my silent exit. " thought Portal.

She rose her voice as for all to hear her and said :

" I'm Portal and I'm getting you out. Everyone pass your hands through the bars and I'll teleport each and everyone of you outside of the cell. Move fast, we are about to get hit by a major shitstorm. " as she talked her eyes fell on a human with a collar on his neck. Recognition hit her like a hammer, her boyfriend before the war started. He disappeared after the war started and she thought that he died but he was here with a collar on his neck. She shook her head, it was not the time for questions. She waited for everyone to put their hands through the bars, touched them one by one and teleported them outside the cells.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyKitten
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FantasyKitten The Quiet Plotter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tamria sat in the back corner of her cell. She chose the floor over the thin stale mattress that this prison called a bed. She had lost track of how long she had been here. The days had turned to weeks and after that she had reverted into her own mind. Half eaten meal trays sat in the corner of her room, the food far too preserved to rot. Soft humming sounds escaped her mouth at times, but no one else could get anything else out of her. The others didn't know her name, or what she could do, nothing except that she must be alive because the guards kept feeding her.

She was daydreaming her way through a forest of fairy-tales when the alarm sounded, startling her awake. She was quick to scamper under the itchy woolen blanket that had been provided. She often found that pretending to be asleep was the best to receive minimal attention from the guards. They would poke her to make sure she was alive and leave her food by the bars, if they chose to feed them that day.
A voice rose above the alarm. It sounded human. Tamria crawled towards the bars, her knees scraping along the concrete floor, her ears ringing and her head spinning. She collapsed against the bars as everything went black.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GeneralNox
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GeneralNox All Will Be One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ken Vector had been asleep when the alarm started blaring. After all, there was nothing to do in this hellhole other than sleep a broken sleep, eat the food not worthy of a dog, plot impossible escapes, or exercise in what little space he had. Admittedly he was surrounded by other cells, and could have spoken with the other inhabitants, but he looked at them all with disdain. Why bother himself with the plebiscite inferiors. They were beneath him, as were these monstrosities. Anything so weak and insignificant to rely on numbers did not deserve to be considered as intelligent life.

It was only natural, that with an ego and his sense of self importance, he was grumpy and irritable to be woken up early.
"Which one of you imbecilic simpletons roused me prematurely!?"
Ken was left slightly shocked when he saw a human standing before the cell, ushering him to hurry.
"I don't need your assistance, wench. I can manage this on my own!"
She hurried on, and as he watched, zapped the others out of their cells. He would never admit it, but he was slightly impressed. Only slightly.
"Okay, fine. Get me out of here you insufferable curr. Only reason you would risk this venture is because you need our powers. You cannot afford to leave any of us behind."
He stuck his hands through the bars.
"Do it, bit..."
He didn't get to finish his sentence before he was teleported out of his own personal hell of a cell, and into the hallway, cutting his sentence off as nausea roiled over him.
"Not getting used to that..."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Torture wasn't a regular part of the aliens repertoire. But it may well have been, doing nothing day in, day out for years on end was basically torture in and of itself. He ran his hand through his hair, he'd lost count how long it'd been since he was captured. He could hardly remember his friends faces, let alone those of the people in the cells nearby who he'd converse with day in day out about the same old reminiscent stuff.

The alarm sent a look of confusion rather than one of joy or shock across Joe's face. In all his time in the prison he'd never once heard an alarm be tripped. He rose from his seated position, rubbing his wrist and stretching his legs ever so slightly. He was surprised to see a familiar face was their defacto rescuer.
"Well, well, well if it isn't Portal actually rescuing Falcon from a prison rather than trying - and failing might I add - to put him in one." He grinned, sticking his hands through the bars with an air of confidence.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tinkering was hard without her powers, or tools, or the right materials, and the chance that Aliens could come by at any moment and see you were tinkering and then stab you in the urethra because fuck you human. But she still managed to pull it off, because she was awesome like that, and that is how she was found when the alarm went off, using some strip of metal that could be called a screwdriver with a great deal of imagination to work on something with the appearance of a lot of metal bits thrown together and compressed into a shape. What shape, exactly, was still up for debate, but it was definitely a shape.

So when Portal came in and asked everyone to stick their hands through the prison bars, Elis instead passed through her newest and greatest machine. It was the culmination of the very reason she had invaded this place. And this, was going to be glorious.
"Put this on the outer wall of the prison and charge it with eight point three gigawatts of electricity. Then your escape plan will become a fair bit easier than it is right now. Or it will blow up, I've not yet had the luxury of testing it's full capabilities"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Red Demon

The Red Demon had sat quietly in his cell for the duration of his stay, neither plotting or aspiring to escape but simply recollecting on past events. He had been recently captured not once but twice, never before tasting defeat on such a level which nearly destroyed him. He vowed to never let this happen again, and what happens? Aliens. Freaking aliens invade and capture him. The universe basically just gave him the biggest middle finger, in his mind and opinion. He knew he would escape if he waited patiently and not caused a ruckus, giving them any reason to hurt or torture him. So far his plan worked, the aliens seemed to leave him alone most of the time, which allowed to better understand them as he watched them everyday when they passed the cells on this block not caring about what they were doing and what they saw. Something that kept him motivated as well was the fact that Annabella, who was known as Therma, was here as well. His nemesis, his old friend, his.......well it did not matter anymore because he was a villain and she was a hero end of story. He could for the life of him though get her out of his mind which pissed him off severely. Against his better thinking, he decided to taunt her while they were on this ship while he could. One because yes it was fun for him to make fun of the person who finally caught him. Two, and not that he would ever admit it, but he knew her quite well. He knew that at first she would stay strong but she needed some form of motivation. So he taunted her, trying to make sure she stayed energized and motivated until he could find a way to free them....no him. Just himself. He often mentally corrected himself at times like these.

The next series of events went by quite suddenly much to his suprise. Alarms started sounding, a new person who seemed human arrived, and started teleporting people in cells out. He did not like accepting someones help who was a stranger to him but never the less he needed out. He touched the collar that was strapped around his neck and sighed. Being unable to use his powers was a sort of drag, but he felt like he really wanted to hit something, oddly enough, so he did not mind at the moment.

The Red Demon grabbed the bars on his cell, and was suddenly transported out of his cell and into the hallway. He laughed slightly, seeing everyones confused or angry or happy faces, realizing he was about to embark on a fun adventure. Then he hunched over and nearly puked.

"F***ing teleports"

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Annabelle never allowed herself to get our of shape or practice, she was not going to rot in here, one day she would get the opportunity to bolt. She was sure of it, though she was slowly losing her will to fight. The only thing that kept her going was knowing Kyle or rather The Red Demon was somewhere near her, constantly badgering her about various things such as the fact that she too got caught or many other things. This allowed her to remained active, despite her starving body screaming at her to stop. When the alarm was tripped she had been taking a break, meditating, clearing her mind of everything and simply focusing on her mind, body, and soul. She had almost perfected the art of meditating in the time she had been in here, able to easily block out the outside world, the fact that the alarm was tripped and managed to get through her little trance surprised her.

She stood and headed for the bars of her cell trying to see the cause of the alarm being tripped. It was then that she heard a voice instructing them to put their hands through the bars. She was hesitant at first but after a moment she complied. Rolling her eyes at the words of another in a cell near her. His pride was going to cost him one day and calling this woman who risked her life to save them a wench, she wanted to punch the guy in the face with a heated fist. Though clearly that would have to wait for the collar to come off, if it ever did. She was teleported out of her cell and felt sick. She shook her head and steadied herself before the feeling went away. She looked toward where she heard Kyle's voice and chuckled a little.

"What's the matter Demon, can handle a little nausea?" She teased, though she knew if she had anything in her body to throw up she would have done so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silence, It was a comfortable peacefulness that some prisons had, besides the occasional of screaming and strange noises as they dragged someone off from their cell it wasn't a bad place to sit down and think. Not including, of course, the fact that Ollie was lying on the stone cold ground. He hated the mattress; he always felt that using it meant that the aliens had won. Ollie understood it was vain, but when a person has not seen the light of day in what seemed like months, you have to take every win you could get, well at least until he could get out of this wretched place. Not to mention the irregular timings and how much he received, He was confident that he wouldn't even give it half a star on trip advisor. The only thought that would stop him tearing it down was the damn collar on his neck.

Ollie was mid-thought when the alarm tripped. He would've jumped with joy if he had not been so damn tired, had one of his contacts finally come to retrieve him from this place of torment? "Thankyou, Miss Portal," he said extending his hands through the bars; "I do believe that in this type of facility a 'shitstorm' as you refer to it as Would be an understatement." He teleported through And fell to one knee for a second, before partially regaining his strength. The method of teleportation seemed different to that of his own, though he certainly preferred his approach it was interesting to gain knowledge of over methods. He looked around seeing the other superpowered beings; It certainly was going to be an exciting day. "So then Miss Portal, in which direction will we be running from this so called shitstorm?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Quinton paced back and forth inside the cell. His taut, defined frame didn't befall one who, had he not been restrained, would fly into a rage and freeze over this entire prison. Alarm snares didn't bother him so much as the questions which ran through his head:

Why now?

Who is this woman?

All of his pondering was in some way beside the matter. All importance fell upon the fact that he was free, and soon he would see the world again; perhaps he would even return to Cabrini-Green, amass a militia! Defeat the infidels! Take over th--okay, maybe a bit too zealous. Nonetheless, he was transported out of his cell and there he stood, sights pinned on others mere inches to a few feet away from him--all, he presumed, were powered. This block was where they kept all the creeps like himself. Well, now they were all free from their cells, but how were they going to get out of a prison infested with the same aliens who captured and brought them here in the first place? Time to wait and see.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"If I Ever Leave This World Alive"

Eleven Days Ago...

The roguishly handsome form of The Infamous D'ren Connor McDonnell shimmered into visibility on a bar stool beside his ex-girlfriend, a blond with telekinetic powers. He took the glass of whiskey she slid his way. Kassandra Stirling didn't even look at him, but he never took his eyes off her as he sipped the beverage.

"I've been livin' in caves and sewers for months," the Irishman groused, "and when I come out into the open, ya can't even look at me?" He set down the half empty glass, a look that resembled a mixture of resentment and lust.

Kassandra turned to him and stoically stated, "I don't owe you anything, Daren. What do you want? Why are you here?" Her tone was Oklahoman.

The resentment pushed aside the lust and he leaned forward, cocking his head to the side. "I didn't feckin' ask ye fer shite. I just came to warn ye the Skats are comin'..."

At first Kassandra was unsure of what he meant, but since she knew that often attributed slurs to people and things he didn't particularly like, it didn't take long for her to realize he meant Skits. She swiftly stood, her seat nearly knocked over.

"When?" she asked fearfully, raising her hands slightly in a defensive posture as she glanced nervously over her shoulder at the entrance.

"Oh don't worry," said The Infamous as he stood up, drawing one of his dual Colt .45 handguns. "I won't let 'em take ya."

It wasn't that she couldn't have prevented him from shooting her in the chest three times; it was simply that she didn't actually think he'd do it. After all, he could easily make her invisible...

Kassandra collapsed on the scuffed wooden floor, and the bartender and few patrons in the bar bolted for the exit. Left alone in the bar, D'ren set his pistol on the counter and returned to his drink. Kassandra was sputtering and choking on her own blood, pathetically reaching up toward her former lover as tears rolled down her pained face. He glanced down at her and sighed, hearing the Skits coming for the door. D'ren placed the gun behind the counter.

"Sorry love," D'ren said as he once again stood up, this time unceremoniously stepping over her as she took her last few breaths, "but ye're not me girl no more."

Casually strolling over to the coat rack by the front door, D'ren grabbed his black leather duster and put it on. He'd confiscated the coat off a dead British officer, one he'd killed personally. The duster came to just past his knees, and looked rugged from combat and time. D'ren walked over to the back of the bar and turned on some music before he drew both his other sidearm and a K-bar combat knife. Then he just waited for them to come...


Unlike most of the prisoners, D'ren was completely fine with being left isolated for several days. In fact, he'd hoped to be left in the cell for a lot longer; contemplation, reflection, and simply enjoying his fantasies was a lot more interesting than anything in this world, pre- or post-apocalypse.

So when Portal teleported in and started talking to everyone, he groaned and sat down on the floor at the back of his cage. Dressed in practically prison rags, D'ren leaned his disheveled dark hair against the wall behind him and propped his arms over his raised knees.

When Portal came to his cell last, D'ren just glowered at her murderously. "I don't touch people...unless I'm doin' 'em." He grinned. "And by 'doin',' I mean killin'...usually. I'm sure we can make an exception for ya, hot stuff."

He glanced to the right and left conspiratorially before whispering, "Ye do know half of us are super-villains right?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Red Demon

Red Demon straightened himself, groaning and brushing himself off, all while glaring at Therma. He did not need her drama right now, especially with all that is going on. He looked down at himself, sizing himself up at the moment. He was wearing a prison orange jumpsuit with the number #0217 stitched on to the right hand corner of the chest part of his jumpsuit. When he was captured by the alien invaders he was being held at a secret, or so it was suppose to be, government prison where only the most ruthless and terrorizing super villains. It was equipped with special equipment meant to damper the powers of the super powered prisoners to some degree, so that they were more manageable. Seeing his jumpsuit he was reminded of how he obtained it, how he was defeated and sent to prison thanks to Therma.

"Don't tempt Annie, I may not like teleportation but I am over the effects of the virus."

Suddenly he flew into a fit of gagging, an after effect of the teleportation. When he calmed himself he glared again at Therma.

"Eat a d**k"

Red Demon was recently infected with a super powerful virus that had spread throughout the world, killing most of the super powered people it infected. He was one of the few that had survived the sickness, and when he and his nemesis last met she had defeated him while he was in a severely weakened state. His constructs were barely physical, his beams were barely destructive, and his punches felt like they had next to no weight in them. He spent the last month in prison recovering his bearings, and now that he was out of that maximum security prison and now out of the alien holding cell he finally had a chance to confront Therma again. They had not spoken or seen each other since their last confrontation where they learned each others secret identities and found out that they used to be friends, her being his childhood friend and him being her best friend.

Red Demon looked around, seeing the other captured humans being freed and looked at Portal. He instantly disliked her, simply because he hated teleportation.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyKitten
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FantasyKitten The Quiet Plotter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Her barely conscious body lay in a heap on the floor as the remainder of the inmates were teleported from their cells and into the hall. She tried her hardest to stand up, but her legs were too weak to support her slight frame and her head continued to spin. If she had been in a better mental state, she may have regretted only half eating the small amounts of food provided to them. The time spent neglecting her physical body had paid its price. The malnutrition, lack of sleep and mental exertion showed on her face.

She hoped that someone would hear her above the alarm sounding and other commotion as she spoke barely above a whisper, the loudest she could manage at the time.

"Please don't leave me here"

Worried that perhaps she was drowned out by the screeching alarm, she use what strength she could muster to reach out and grab the closest persons leg and look up at them helplessly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The vibrations soon ended but the alarms didn't. The whole prison will soon be up at their necks and she didn't have a plan yet on how to get out. There was one that she told Damian about but it was deemed too dangerous for her and the inmates, of course, that plan was made when they still thought that the prison was still full and not more than half empty.


Portal went to the first prisoner that put his hands outside the bars and almost regretted that. He was complaining that he was rescued, that was new. " A villain, most probably " were Portal's thoughts on the matter.
She was about to touch his hand and teleport him when he continued talking and almost said that she was bitch . That was it, she teleported him fast enough for his body to feel the teleportation-sickness she felt when she first gained her powers.


Portal's eyes went wide when she recognized the person in the next cell, The Host, her nemesis. She knew better than to delay and punch him right there but still took enough time to say one sentence full of spite before she teleported him :
" I'll deal with you later. "


She moved to the next cell and there was a strange woman that put her hands outside the bars and pushed a device outside the cell. Portal shook her head and said " No can do. " with that she teleported her outside the cell.

As she moved towards the next cell, she stumbled a little bit. Already the effects of teleporting hit her. Teleporting small objects or herself was easy but teleporting a human was hard, very hard.


" I hope I don't have to protect you from each other. We don't have time. " said to the two persons she teleported outside their cells. One of them puked and she knew that her finesse was going to shit. A headache installed itself in Portal's head and soon she wouldn't be able to use her powers. She had to move fast.


A gentleman in a prison. That's not what you see everyday. Portal was happy to see someone at least, thankful that they were rescued from their deaths.
" Where ? Follow me and you'll see " were Portal's words as she teleported the gentleman outside his cell and moved to the last one.

@Infamous Empath

" Don't remind me. It was not my call. " she said as she walked back to the group but then she stopped mid-way and looked back at the villain and said " Call me "hot-stuff" one more time and you'll wish you were dead. "

She looked at everyone and rose her voice over the alarm.
" Ok. I don't care who you are or were before the war and I don't care if you hate each other. Right now, there are two options for each and everyone of you. Follow me, escape and then pay back these uninvited guess we have on our planet or escape on your own. " she let the words hang a little in the air for effect and then continued speaking " But. Let me tell you that you won't make it far. We've got boogies coming in hot and without your powers, your nothing against an army. Now. Let's move out. Those that want to take your chances, be my guests. Everyone else, follow me. "


Portal started walking when she something move inside a cell and as she approached a voice could be heard. Another inmate. She put her hands through the bars and teleported her out of her cell.

" One of you, carry her. We are not leaving anyone behind. Another superhero means another set of headaches for the aliens. "

*after someone picks up Dream-Scape*

Portal ran with the others towards the nearby exit, where hopefully her team would be smart enough to provide fire support. Skits could be heard converging on their location and it was not long before one of them would find the group.

They were moving down a long corridor made by same organic metal the aliens used, a *static* sound could be heard and then a voice.

" Ma'am ! Where are you ? You've stirred up the hornet's nest when the alarm sounded. We're under heavy fire but we're about to blow the eastern wall. Come there and fast. I don't think we can hold them much longer " an explosion could be heard from the other side and the whole building shook.

" We're coming ! Keep them busy, soldier ! " said Portal while she ran as fast as her feet allowed her without loosing sight of the others.

After a few moments a hole could be seen in one of the walls and gunshots, a lot of gunshots.

" Alright people. We're gonna have to fight our way through them. I hope everyone knows how to shoot otherwise we're all dead. " she removed her sidearm (a pistol) and gave it to D'ren.

" Hope you know how to shoot and remember, you die if you betray us. "

Soon they were outside and they were greeted by a carnage. From the 10 man team, Portal led, there were 4 bodies on the floor and everyone else was suffering from different injuries. Raiders were surrounding and shooting at them while the melee form of the Raiders was biding their time to lead a charge.

" Everyone, take cover ! Team, give the inmates pistols or whatever you can. " no sooner than the words left her month, that the kids gave them whatever weapons they had left.
More and more aliens came but none did approached their, for now, entrenched position between debris from the broken wall and the cars that surrounded them.

Portal was bidding her time and shot Skits that were trying to flank them when a stealth form of Raider appeared behind her and was about to put his sword through her neck. Portal didn't saw or heard him in time as someone shot the Raider.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Portal had to teleport into the cell to retrieve D'ren. As soon as she reached down to grab his shoulder, The Infamous sneered and reached up, taking hers, gripping her bicep tightly in an attempt to cause her pain, and also bypass the collar that restrained his ability. The latter didn't work, despite his strain. She teleported him out of the cell and D'ren tried to throw her at the bars while breaking for the exit, but stopped when he saw Dream-scape in her cell. He just stared at her, as if remembering something.

" Don't remind me. It was not my call. " Portal said as she walked back to the group but then she stopped mid-way and looked back at the villain and said " Call me "hot-stuff" one more time and you'll wish you were dead. "

Broken from his trance, D'ren glanced back at Portal and nodded with a mischievous grin.

Portal looked at everyone and rose her voice over the alarm.
" Ok. I don't care who you are or were before the war and I don't care if you hate each other. Right now, there are two options for each and everyone of you. Follow me, escape and then pay back these uninvited guests we have on our planet... or escape on your own. " she let the words hang a little in the air for effect and then continued speaking " But. Let me tell you that you won't make it far. We've got bogies coming in hot and without your powers, your nothing against an army. Now. Let's move out. Those that want to take your chances, be my guests. Everyone else, follow me. "

D'ren turned to Portal, and then Elis. "Get this bloody thing off me," he scowled, pointing at the collar restraining his power.

They ignored The Infamous and he groaned but turned to see Portal teleporting Dream-scape from her cell. D'ren was already moving toward his arch-rival before Portal had even ordered someone to pick her up.

"She'll live," he grumbled before grabbing Dream-scape by her collar and hauling her to her feet. "Let's go, bint. Looks like I finally got ya, eh?"

As everyone ran, D'ren basically dragged Dream-scape through the corridors, causing her to listlessly stumble a lot. When they got to the exit, D'ren stopped in his tracks, staring through the hole in the wall at the chaos and death. He nodded slowly with a smirk.

"This is what I'm talkin' about," he said, and as a Portal offered him his sidearm, D'ren removed the young woman's combat knife from the sheath on her thigh and grinned at her as she spoke of betrayal. "Sod off."

D'ren followed the others outside and threw Dream-scape down into the dirt so he could turn and plunge his confiscated knife deep into the neck of a charging Skit. "Yeah!" he snarled with as much viciousness as he could possibly muster into one syllable. "Ye like that?"

The creature squealed in agony as The Infamous Irishman twisted the combat knife's blade back and forth in the guard's neck, releasing a couple gallons of goo onto his hands and arms. After that, D'ren saw a shack a few meters out of the way. He knew that was where the aliens had placed the heroes' and villains' outfits. Their weapons had been kept somewhere else, or destroyed...

He glanced back to Dream-scape. "I'll be right back. Don't die on me. If anyone's gonna end ya, it'll be me."

D'ren ran off to the shack, killing another Skit. But this time, he had to dodge a couple energy blasts from an alien sidearm. One of the blasts scraped his left arm. Grimacing in moderate pain, D'ren lunged at the Skit, driving the blade into the Skit's eye, all the way to the hilt.

Once inside, D'ren rummaged around for something for a minute before exiting. When he did, he was very upset. Apparently the Skits had moved his leather duster to another shack after he was stripped of it in processing. He glanced around, wondering where it could be. There was no way he was going to leave that in there.

Noticing another enemy, he hurled his knife at a Skit that was looking back and forth between D'ren and Dream-scape. He may or may not have been thinking about her safety... The knife flew end over end and stuck into the creature's side. It shrieked in agony and removed the blade with one of it's many claws. By the time it looked up, D'ren was running at it, ready to leap and land on its wounded body.

But a nearby soldier shot the Skit in the head with a rifle. D'ren came to a skidding halt by the Skit's body, and then punched the soldier in the head and took his rifle. "Idiot." He also bent down to recover the combat dagger he threw at the now-dead Skit.

D'ren then went back to Dream-scape. "Let's bugger off," he said, picking her up by her arm. He turned and nodded with a scowl at Portal and her soldiers and heroes, "They don't need us...though admittedly, probably for different reasons."

Dragging her away from the group, The Infamous headed for an exit he thought was unguarded. It wasn't.

@FantasyKitten @Timemaster
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looking around at the others Ollie saw Quinton; It was fair to say that they had not seen eye to eye on more than one Too many to count occasion. Ollie turned to his 'rival', "Mr Quinton, I think it would be best for us to put aside our little quarrel for now, and focus on our escape."

Ollie agreed to run; "I will follow you, after all, Sun Tzu did say 'He who will win knows when and when not to fight, and right now, I do believe, that it is in our best interests to run." Ollie stated. Once The weak woman had been picked up, he moved up with Portal. His fitness had firmly declined, Leaving him breathing heavily after not too long, He had never shot a gun in his life, "It can't be too hard right? Just point and shoot."

Ollie was surprised When Ollie caught sight of the destruction that the alien onslaught had caused; If they ever had a chance escaping, it had now become minimal. He caught one of the pistols that the soldiers had thrown one over to him. Ollie had never been more wrong. He pointed at one of the skits until its head were the sights and pulled the trigger. His body jumped when it produced a loud detonation, but within a moment the alien had fallen to the ground not dead but slightly crippled, He fired again, this time aiming for a bigger target, the chest, Causing the alien to crumple to the floor. "I must say I might use one of these more often, You best watch out Mr Quinton." He said with a smirk. He applied the same method again and again, Aiming for a weak point in their structure, The head in this case, And pulling the trigger, He considered these aliens corruption incarnate, which just made it easier for them to die. He was just about to fire his last shot before he heard a something moving a few steps behind him. He turned just to make sure it was nothing, as he realised it was an alien he moved his pistol hand into position, half blindly firing, half aiming. The bullet looked just to graze portal's arm, before penetrating the chest of the creature, Causing it to fall back, another shot hit the alien, Before one of the inmates threw himself at it."You save my life, and I shall help you keep yours. Consider my debt repaid, my apologies about your arm, I'm still getting used to this pistol," he said throwing it at the head of another skit, that was coming closer, knocking it off balance a bit "I do believe that is a sign that we should evacuate the area, We are currently diving head first into a shitstorm that has no end in sight." he picked up another pistol from one of the dead soldiers and continued shooting.
@Afro Samurai @Timemaster
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elis just got brushed off in a casual, off-handed manner, and it really upset Elis, who had even lost her screwdriver as the woman totally teleported her out without consent or permission. She was clearly annoyed by the way she had just been thrown to the wayside as if she was just another head of cattle to be used to feed their goals. Elis did not enjoy people that were just here because they would 'give the aliens a headache'.

"You know, you are quite a callous bitch, you know, hot-stuff? Maybe your goal is to just rescue people for the sake of having more people to throw at the aliens in an attempt to actually do something, but don't tell them that. Just lie, tell us you are here because the aliens are evil, because holding captives is an injustice, because any bullshit you can pull out of your ass other than what you actually said. Because motivation is the most important aspect of any break out and you have really killed mine" She looked over her machine, which still did not look anything remotely worthwhile, and sighed, slowly following the people as they broke out. One suave guy threw a knife at an alien and other stuff happened, but Elis was more interested in her bundle of scrap. It was going to work, she just had to make it look better for those who judged it solely on how it looked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

His arms shook visibly from lack of nourishment and he ran off of no more than adrenaline. A pistol flew his way and he caught it in his grasp; using a firearm was no issue for him, thought it had been some time since he had need of one. If muscle memory serves him right, all he had to do was aim and pull the trigger; he hoped it worked.

No hesitation stunted the smooth raise of his arm and the first pull of the trigger. Hot lead left steaming holes in one of the alien's neanderthal shaped heads. A smoking gun in his grasp, his head turned to Ollie.

"Stop calling me 'Mr', and why you still talk like you retarded or somethin'?"

He quick-swtitched between several aliens while firing bullets until those in front of him were dead. He turned back to Ollie with his gun smoking and the bodies piled up.

"You know I'mma beat that ass when we get outta here, right?"

He looked for an exit amidst all the gun smoke.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GeneralNox
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GeneralNox All Will Be One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Waiting for the roiling nausea wave to pass, Ken slowly righted himself. That girl who had 'rescued' him. He wanted to know how her abilities worked. Something like that could be very interesting if it could somehow be manipulated. It was his ultimate goal on Ignis as well. Learn how to control and manipulate her abilities. Since both Ken's and her abilities were born of energy, it stood to reason that there could be some logical leap to cross-collusion between the forces. But for now, there was the situation at hand.

Ken Vector had quietly followed along behind the group, deliberately not drawing attention to himself for once. He had an idea in his head. A half baked one admittedly, but half a plan was better than none. So he followed along. He didn't bat an eye at the death and carnage that had met him as they went through the breach. Those too inferior and insignificant to live deserve their fate of death. Death was the ultimate insult as far as he was concerned. Morons.

Bending down, he scooped up a gun from one of the fallen humans. Seemed like a standard pistol of sorts. Hiding behind cover, he sat there, careful to make sure no extremities were showing. A fire-fight like this was beneath him. Why dirty himself and mar himself with plebian weapons. He would let the other handle and deal with this, and then walk on the path they cleared for him. It was their right, no, their job, to facilitate this escape for him. He would do no such thing as make himself so base and vile as to stoop to their level. Firefights were for grunts.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Timemaster[and any others]
Damon/The Host

Damon sat in the center of his cell in an almost meditative state. His upper body bare revealing the tattoos that were a part of him and the sole reason for his abilities. He had no idea how long he had been here....nor did he have any idea what the next line of experimentation would be. It fueled a hatred within him. A ball of hate he hadn't felt in awhile...it was almost invigorating.

A cool grey eye opened when he heard the alarm. Then he slowly rose curiosity embracing his facial features. He found himself walking to the bars of his prison and then...that voice. He knew that voice. ...not her. Anyone but her and lo fate would have it that it was her and that fate clearly hated him. He felt his eyes role as his hands went out of the bars. of all the people to save me

Within moments of that thought he was outside the bars. He raised a brow. "What are you going to throw me in a different non alien jail?" a huff escaped him. He honestly still didn't get why she insisted on throwing him into prison. It was almost a mute point. He'd kill someone for being terrible, she'd show up...throw him in jail, he would escape and so the cycle went.

Damon felt his arms cross before he followed her. If he didn't have this damn collar things would be a lot easier, but no. He had this damn collar that meant no tattoo reality making for him.

While still actively complaining in his head he grabbed a pistol from one of the bodies. Then he paused and also grabbed a heavy metal baton. wait is this called a baton...I have no idea. he made his way out after the others and paused as he caught sight of portal fighting. A small sigh escaped him before he ran for it. Landing on one of those damn aliens he soon was beating its face in with the metal baton. Only moving on when it was dead.

Damon managed to look up in time to see the raider. no no that's my nemesis. his gun went off and he managed to hit it. He stood only to throw himself at another...apparently he was more into blunt force trauma then shooting. Most likely from that ball of anger he had going on this whole time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Everything was going south. Their escape was cut off and her people were dying. Portal was about to move when a bullet grazed her left arm and heard Ollie's words and then another bullet hit what was behind her.
The Raider soon appeared out of nowhere and she silently cursed herself for being so careless.
" Thank you for the save and fuck you, better watch where you're shooting ! " said Portal while looking first at Ollie and then at Damon.

She looked at the battlefield and saw a few inmates trying to escape. It was futile of course, first she had orders to get them to base camp and second the aliens wouldn't let them escape. That's when the ground shook. An earthquake, a strong one.
The prison's walls started to crumble, threatening to bury everyone in the vicinity. Portal had to do something.
She teleported as fast as she could and gathered everyone, under a big metal debris that fell from the prison and with some final words " Hold on tight " teleported all of them to base camp.

Base Camp, 5 km under Daria

They all appeared inside a room. Computer screens were on the walls, people were moving around them exchanging words when they soon realized that they were not alone anymore in the room.
Guards soon pointed guns at them and a big man in a wheelchair approached the group. Portal was grinning at the man, blood on her lips.
" What the fuck did you Amy ?! I told you it's too dangerous ! " yelled the man at Portal using her real name.
" I did...what a hero is meant t--" said Portal between coughs and then fell on the floor. Her skin turning to a sickly yellow tint.
The Collective Man shook his head and motioned for the nearest two guards to take Portal to the med-bay. Then he looked at the group.
" Welcome to the last hope of humanity. Some of you might know me personally, while the others know me by reputation alone.
I'm sorry for Amy's...teleportation. The sickness will pass in a few hours for you and for her ? Let's hope she survives.
You may ask yourselves, why I've brought you here. Simply put. We lost the war. There is no way we can take the Earth back from the Occupation. Not when so many of our kind are dead or taken by the aliens. But, we can make the aliens bleed for every second they stay on our planet.
I offer you a choice, now. Join the Resistance and help us take back out planet or the villains and the few heroes I see between you will be released outside base camp and left to fend for themselves, with your collars on.
" he let the words hang so that they make an effect and then added with a look of pure confidence " You won't survive. I can guarantee that.
I await your answers and don't lie. I know when a person lies. A skill I gained when I took down Master Mind
" he put accent on his last part of the story to remind everyone that he saved humanity once from slavery.

The guards all had weapons pointed at each of them and were far enough so that none could try to disarm them if they tried.

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