Syrenity Dru
Name: Syrenity Dru, tends to go by just Dru
Race: High Elf

Age: 25 (Apparent age. Don't you know it's rude to ask a girl's age?)
Former Profession: Assassin for Hire
- Stealth - Able to remain unseen, Syrenity can sneak around easily in most circumstances. While easier at night, she can manage during the day, if the situation is right
- Seductive/Persuasive - When actions don't work, words are often needed. Syrenity is able to charm the pants off of many people (quite literally) if it suits her needs. She isn't picky about the gender either
- Dual Blade - What assassin isn't well-versed in dual blades?
Personality: Syrenity tends to put herself first above others. Not one to turn down a job due to morals, she likes what she does and isn't afraid to show it. If she isn't killing, scoring, or stealing she isn't happy and a not happy Syrenity tends to make others around her miserable, if for nothing else than her own amusement. Some would call her sadistic and that may be true, but she does it for the coin. She has very little friends and very little time for the friends she does have. Ultimately, she's in it for herself; others be damned.
History: Syrenity doesn't talk about her past much. The only thing she ever revealed was that her parents didn't want her and that suited her just fine. Instead, she was raised in the wealthy households, used and, more times than not, abused for their wishes. This instilled in her the love for all things fine and money talked. As she got older, it became more apparent to her that she was merely a trinket. An accessory to be talked about and shown to the others, saying "Look what we have!". She didn't much care for it and found thrill in other capacities. Starting off small, she would nab little doodads that no one would miss. As time went on, she went larger and larger as the thrill grew. If she was ever caught (and let's be frank, that rarely happened) she was able to charm them with her social graces and the promise for...more.
Soon, she got bored of that as well and looked for something else to do. Having been treated unfairly for too long, she decided to try her hand at killing. Quite a leap from thievery huh? She found she could be quite good as she stood over the bed of her "parents" with a blade in hand. It wasn't that she couldn't do it. It was more the fact if she did, what would happen? They would investigate her first and she would be thrown in jail or worse. Instead, she take whatever valuables she could and escape.
She kept up stealing, but took contracts whenever she could for assassinations. She found the thrill again and was paid handsomely for it. She established a small name for herself as someone who could get the job done. However, one such assassination attempt against a member of a royal house got her caught. The Guard took her in. Having finally got the girl responsible for the crime spree, instead of throwing her in jail to be left to rot, they decided to use her skills for themselves.
Remember when we said there was something worse than jail? This was it.
@Hellis Here is my sheet. Lemme know what you think