Shame that thing happened there, but nice essay on metagaming, I suppose?
Shame that thing happened there, but nice essay on metagaming, I suppose?
The longest post I ever made was 55 paragraphs. It was in a Nation Role Play and I was addressing five separate issues in one post, including a collaboration. The one thing that annoyed me about that NRP was metagaming. I posted a conversation in my President's office with a few of his cabinet officers or Ministers. It was a private conversation spoken free from reporters, hidden microphones or spies. Yet, one of the other nation's leaders all of a sudden began making comments about the conversation that was allegedly in a newspaper. It was not in a newspaper, it was a private conversation conducted behind doors. But you can't say, "My nation is doing X, Y, & Z" if you haven't prepped it yet. This type of conversation is what I like to call SSIC or Super Secret In Character.
Metagaming, in this context would be using OOC information or IC information said in private in a public manner. Just because the author/Role player knows something, it does not mean the character knows it too. If two characters have a conversation away from everyone else and a third character makes comments about this conversation, they were not privy to, that is wrong too.
I'm glad you mentioned this. I've revealed small spoilers here and there. Anyone who knows those, make sure you forget them real quick.No worries, mate. I'm old and senility has set in early. ;)