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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

People were getting shot, there was swearing, and apparently the escape plan was a bust, from what she could hear, but none of that was important, she was sure that she was just about done with this thing, it just needed one, final, adjustment. A simple tweak to it's mechanics and then....
Tickticktickticktick suddenly it started ticking, and Elis launched it over her shoulder, before grinning broadly at the group, revealing two missing teeth from either side of her mouth.
"Well, what'dya know. It really was a bomb. I was sure it was a Sonic Destabilisation Matrix. We should be running in a direction that is very much away from here" she exclaimed, but Portal was one step ahead of her, and teleported everyone out in the onset of a giant rumbling earthquake.

Then they were underground, and Portal was getting shouted at.
"D'aww, we missed the Earth-shattering Kaboom" She muttered, before the guy waffled for a bit about basically exactly what Portal had said just in a much, much, longer manner. Elis let him finish, and then wandered into the base, wondering if there was any sort of workshop around. The collar was getting irritating now, and she wanted to get her teeth back before having anything to eat, and she was hungry.
"Sure, sure. Join resistance, kill aliens, construct explosive ostriches. Portal already gave us that callous speech, you are just retreading old ground, here"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Red Demon

Red Demon rushed over and threw himself in front of Therma, without realizing. In his mind he was simply trying to get himself into a position to fight as soon as he heard bullets flying. Trying to cover Therma......well last month or so has been sorta intense and without him being able to fully comprehend on he felt about his old friend, he was sort of at a crossroads of sorts. Internally, about how he should treat his old friend, not about his feelings on the path he has chosen. He was still extremely solid when it came to the foundation that he had built for himself, and he was going to see things through to the end. His attention was immediatley returned to him when he heard the sound of a person dying nearby.

Things were turning out terrible, and he could not help but think that this had to be the worst escape plan in the world. As a single guard enclosed the space between it, Therma, and him, Red Demon quickly stepped forward and knocked the weapon away that the guard had in his hands, side stepped him, then knocked him down in a forward kick. He went down on the guard, wrapping his arms around his head and with a quick jerking motion he snapped the guards neck. He looked at Therma, seeing her reaction, and he looked away. He did not have time to deal with this crap.

As the earth quake happened, Red Demon side stepped closer to Therma just to make sure she had her footing properly cemented. That is when Portal began shouting for them to hold on. It took Red Demon A millisecond to realize that she was going to teleport them again.

"No no no, you dont need to tele-"

But his words were cut short as they were teleported away.

When they reappeared they were inside a high tech room, which Red Demon began to violently cough almost looking like he was going to puke.


The wheel chair man made his appearance and give his little speech, and Red Demon hated him for it. Here he was, trying to proposition him for some stupid task force sounding thing and all he did was break him out of jail a little. Yes from an alien jail but still. What he was suppose to just be swooning at the moment, ready to lay down his life and join the justice league? He stepped forward to talk to the wheel chair man, all guards eyes on him.

"Listen, real nice speech and all, but with the aliens taking over crime and every other goal and sane criminal would have just became super easy. Anything we want, we could have now. The world never did us any favors so why should we help the world? You make it sound like we are all heroes, ready to lay down our lives without a second thought?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Damian smiled, a smile that could send chills into the heart of someone unused to seeing death in the face and live to tell the story.
" I know that. I am just the only one that has the authority to actually invite you. So I did it.
I think you could be useful. Talk with Diana and she'll get you sorted out.
Men ! Take the lady to Diana's workshop. I think she'll like it there.
Three men with assault rifles pointed Elis in a direction and waited for her to follow.


The Collective Man looked at The Red Demon and grinned at him.
" A man with some balls. We need more like you if we want to win this war.
You ask a good question, Mr. Red. Why would you join this Resistance ? There are many reasons but I'll say only a few.
" he took a deep breath and said with the same grin on his face :
" First of all, if you don't want to join the Resistance you'll be sent outside with your collars still on. That means, you'll be powerless against the aliens and if you would by some miracle, survive, long enough for us to win the war and drive back the aliens...you'll still be hunted by every human. Second of all, think this as a second chance for doing the right things. You'll be given a full pardon on whatever crimes you committed in your lives and 'thus you'll be free to do whatever you wish for, after we win. Third of all, after the war you shall all be treated as heroes of humanity. You'll be rewarded with money, women, houses. You'll be venerated by everyone if that's what you like.
There are more advantages in fighting the aliens than not doing so. Think about it, whatever you wish, could be yours.
Of course if you don't wish to join and want to take your chances...Once Portal is able to, you'll be freed.
The Collective Man looked at the others and at The Red Demon while making his speech and then waited for the others to reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Just get this collar off me, man."

Quinton stood with the others, hardly concerned with the guns pointed at his back right now. He had seen hundreds of guns, they all did the same thing--although it they all hurt like hell, still. His head careened in a circle to the armed men in the room and his eyes widened. He piped up again,

"Y'all so aggressive for no reason, joe." He didn't know what else to do, it was apparent through his body language that he wasn't going to resist The Collective Man's request, no, command. What was he going to do, fight? He was a little tired of fighting, in all honesty. With nothing else to do for the moment, he stood in silence and waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You haven't changed a bit, Mr Quinton. Tell me is that Little bit of Chicago still standing? Or did the aliens take you as well as you tiny town?" Ollie wasn't ecstatic to see Quinton but mixed with extreme hunger, he didn't have an off switch. On the other hand; Ollie was more than happy to escape the point of annihilation that would surely be their downfall, But upon realising their next destination, he was not overly pleased. "Miss portal I must say this is not your best-"

The teleportation occurred, and he once again fell to his knee, Ollie could feel his muscles fatiguing as he struggled to get up. He examined his new surroundings trying to find the nearest exits in case the need to run arose. Just then, what Ollie could only describe as a Charles Xavier who'd spent too much time in the gym, rolled up to greet them, "A pleasure to meet you, whoever you are, I'm VantaBlack, do you know what my favourite thing in the world is?" He paused for a moment and started pacing back and forth gesturing as he spoke. "When someone gives you a choice, that you don't have a choice in, Not to mention that I doubt you can to get these collars off, we've all tried and had no success." He stopped pacing in the middle of the circle of guards.

Ollie started listening to His reply,"The only crimes that have occurred are those done by the aliens, I'm not sure if you noticed it my good man, but there isn't exactly much more police on the streets anymore."

"But, supposing you're technicians could, that you found a way. None of us, myself included, owe you any favours my good sir, and I have repaid my debt to Miss portal; so, therefore,'IF' you can, You'll do the honourable thing, take off our collars, and we'll be on our merry way!"

@Timemaster @Afro Samurai
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elis would have been highly disturbed at the smile, it would have haunted her dreams for weeks to come and made her wonder if they were staring long into the Abyss, and fighting with Monsters to long. It would have made her question her very existance and her continued fighting against the Alien Horde.

If she had actually bothered to look.

As it turned out, she did not, and just wandered down the hall to go find the woman that she was told to go find. Maybe they could get this collar off and then she could finally get a look around the base and see what kind of power they were running. She could probably make some batteries, or explosives. Or explosive batteries. Those sounded good.
"Also gotta look around for Mimic. Can't have a secret base without that dove..." Elis wandered in the direction of Diana's workshop, and hoped that she knew what she was doing in the art of workshopping.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyKitten
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FantasyKitten The Quiet Plotter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tamria coughed and spluttered as she was pulled around my her collar. Her legs barely able to support her weight.
He spoke to her as if he knew her, as if they had somehow met before, but she had never seen him and if maybe she had, it was locked away with the rest of the forgotten memories from that day. It wasn't long before he returned to collect her from behind the rock he used to hide her. She wasn't sure where he was taking her or what was going on. The loud noises stung her ears and flashes of light burned her eyes.

Then a sudden lurching.

Tamria fell in a heap into the strangers (D'ren) arms. She was in bad enough condition as it was without the teleportation sickness on top. Her arm was dripping in blood, but she had no idea where it came from or if it was hers. She raised her head as a man in a wheelchair spoke gruffly. Something about a war and heroes and villains and aliens. All she knew was that she needed this collar removed. For a normal super human, it blocked their powers. Tamria's powers were all mental projections, thoughts that she could give life. Her collar seemed to interfere with her normal thoughts, causing headaches and black outs and all sorts of side effects that she would rather be without.

She used (D'ren) to stabilize herself and follow the others in the direction she assumed by the few words she did hear, was the collar removal center. It was then that she screamed out in pain and grabbed her arm. The blood was hers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ten Days Ago

It had required four Skits and a Raider to effectively usher The Infamous into a cell without causing massive damage to the base and alien soldiers; even with his invisibility power restrained by the collar he now wore, D'ren was a selectively violent man. A sociopath adept at manipulating people, he had long-since realized that people tend to underestimate his more violent, but less in number counterpart, the psychopath. So he began acting like a psychopath toward the latter part of his IRA reign. Not even his closest lieutenants knew the truth. And when one of his mistresses discovered that his mind was a lot more stable than he pretended, he had taken her outside psychotically bashed her brains in, before a dozen witnesses. With his hands.

This uber-extroverted guise he continued to feign until he was locked up and the guards skittered away, and then his natural introversion resurfaced. Glad to finally be alone, D'ren's shoulders relaxed, though he slightly shook from the adrenaline pumping through him. Breathing heavily, the left side of D'ren's face twitched as he collapsed against the wall and involuntarily sat down. Though his facial tick was also exaggerated - along with his mania - it was real, caused by the blade scar that ran across his cheek.

Once settled, D'ren tried to peak around the bars to see if he could find Dream-scape's cell. All he knew was that she was here; he didn't know her exact location. Unable to see her, he sighed and went back to sit down and contemplate his suicide mission...


Away from the others, D'ren took on his more measured gait and gaze, taking in his surroundings with clarity and purpose; when he discovered the six Skits waiting for him at the gate he had previously thought was unoccupied, he let out an annoyed growl.

"Bloody bastards," he moaned to himself, before turning to the dazed Dream-scape. "I'll be right --" That was when Portal teleported them again.

And again.

This time, he did get nauseous. As his eyes rolled into the back of his head, he nearly dropped Dream-Scape. She fell even more into him and he tried to keep her up as much as he could. When the nausea passed a few seconds later, he glanced around, keeping his perception high and his mouth shut, albeit terse and repellent. He took it all in, namely the fact that there did not seem to be any medical personnel in the room to care for either Portal or Dream-Scape. This slightly upset D'ren. While everyone tried to out-smartass each other, D'ren noticed the woman who liked gadgets wandering off.

The Infamous wondered if he should follow with the ill illusionist. Looking at the other heroes and vilains, D'ren settled for just lying her down on the floor. He saw the blood but did not say anything. Instead he took a few steps away from her, wondering if anyone else would notice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Damon/The Host

Damon raised a brow at portal before rolling his eyes. "fuck you too." He was about to go after another alien when he was teleported. "Wha-" before he could finish he was teleported again. He felt the nausea hit him and braced against a wall.

He remained silent through that speech...and he would never admit it but he was worried about portal. She did not look too great after teleporting everyone. He watched the guards take her away and refocused on the rather speech heavy speaking guy.

He listened as each person chimed in and glanced at D'ren as he put down a woman who was bleeding. He made his way to her and looked up. "She needs medical help." he straightened fully and his hands clasped behind his back. "Im all for bullying the bullies so to speak so I'm in" not like he had a choice anyway.

He paused. "Where was portal taken?" He figured a medical bag...but he wanted to check on her. Honestly his nemesis was the only one that ever seemed to bother him so sue him if he wanted to bother with her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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So a bunch of people were apparently broken out of an alien prison and brought back to base. It was surely going to be a mixed bag of people. Now Naomi didn't particularly care if they were heroes or villains, but she knew that the heroes would generally be more cooperative. This was from personal experience. Not that she worked well with heroes all that much. They got in her way far too much to be considered friends.

On her way to where all the the supers had been brought in she caught a glance of Ignis wandering around. This woman had some kind of issue. She probably would be considered a heroine, but only just because she didn't commit crimes. In Naomi's case the hag thwarted her efforts because she had some bizarre attraction to her. Right now the latino wanted none of that nonsense so she tried not to be seen.

Getting to the meeting she glanced at The Collective Man. "Let me guess, they're being stuck up or don't want to work with you?" She looked at those gathered there that hadn't wandered off already. "So how many of you know what it's like outside those cell walls? Because I managed not to get caught and I'll tell you, whatever you had before or think is waiting for you is gone."

She spread her arms out as if to present the place they were in. "Welcome to the new world. Don't worry, it hates you as much as you hate it." Putting her hand on her hips she grimaced slightly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Everything moved far to quickly for the slightly dazed thermal hero to comprehend fully. She remembered chuckling at Kyle when her told her to eat a dick after throwing up. Followed by running and then being handed a gun. She wasn't used to handling the weapons and thus was absolutely no help in that sense. She watched as Kyle jumped in the path of fire for her and was slightly shocked by the fact. When everything finally slowed down a man was giving them a help or die speech.

It seemed Kyle was the first to make the 'why-should-I' comment that she was sure every villain was thinking. She rolled her eyes and smacked him in the back of the head. "You idiot, why do you always have to make things difficult for everyone." She then turned to the man who spoke. "He would be happy to help, as would I. I have a little pay back I am itching for. Damn bastards attacked us when we were weak and dying, that's a coward's move. Get this think off of me and I'll start now!" She was absolutely fired up. If it wasn't for the collar her body temp would have risen to a dangerous level. Her emotions could still effect the temperature of her body. She had little care for how Kyle actually felt about helping, she was not going to lose him again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Things moved quickly. Too quickly for even D'ren to appreciate. This chaos was not only unexpected. It tore at everything the heroes and villains had been led to believe.

D'ren tried to stop the Enforcers as they moved in with reverse-engineered alien pistols set to stun. Normal humans and superhumans alike, sharing the uniform of the Enforcer, moved in and hauled several of them away...

The first to be wheeled out was Damien Boone, the Collective Man. When he protested, demanding to know what the purpose of this was, the chief Enforcer responded by stunning him. The chief's lieutenant was the one to speak.

"Among the Collective are spies, turncoats, and corrupt leaders!" she announced the confused and frightened crowd. "We have received an anonymous tip and until further notice, the following people will be put on house arrest for the duration of the investigation..." As she read a list of names, the Collective Man was wheeled out of the room behind her. "Damien Boone, Amenthis Coldwater AKA Portal, Diana Dataman, Joseph Fears AKA Falcon, Ken Vector AKA The Kineticist - "

D'ren thought he heard Ken shout something about it being professor Ken Vector, but D'ren wasn't sure because he was frantically trying to think of a way out of this mess.

The female officer continued, "...and Tamria Lucas AKA Dream-scape."

As two Enforcers moved to collect the unconscious girl from the floor, D'ren lost his damn mind and broke on of their necks, and impaled the other one throat the neck with the combat dagger on the first guard's belt.

The lieutenant shouted to four guards standing by, "All of you, take him!"

D'ren could feel that something was wrong here. Even if this lieutenant was 100% correct, D'ren knew that there was something deeper going on. She had mentioned corruption in the ranks of the Collective leadership. Yes, he believed that was true, but his assumption was that whoever provided the Enforcers with this anonymous tip was actually a pawn for those corrupt individuals. And they were not only removing those they felt were incorruptible, like Portal and the Collective Man, but also those who threatened their status quo, like Ken and The Infamous himself.

After D'ren was hauled away screaming that he was going to murder them all, the lieutenant and her silent chief departed the room, leaving another man in charge of the small group of nemeses.

A suited man who looked handsome for anyone in their early 50's strolled out of a shadowy corner. Even though his voice and mannerisms seemed very casual and easygoing, he commanded great authority by the simple fact that he'd seen and done it all, and exuded the sheer right to be in charge.

"My name is Peter Clark," he informed everyone in the room. "I am now in charge of the Collective and this base until this matter is resolved, hopefully peacefully. If you wish to have your collar removed, there is a slight hiccup in that department. Due to the fact we just discovered that there may be traitors among us, we are electing to instead remove the devices around your neck, merely inhibit them so that you can use about half of your normal powers."

With that, he stepped aside and two female guards escorted another woman forward. She had matted long hair and kept her head down, face concealed in the shadow of said hair. She wore a long dirty dress and her feet were bare, and just as filthy.

The girl slowly lifted her shaking hands, keeping her head down in fear.

Peter Clark gave her a sympathetic look and clasped his hands in front of him as he then turned to address the heroes and villains. "Step forward if you wish to have some of your powers back."

Meanwhile, D'ren fought, nearly breaking free of his captors near where Elis and Diana were located. However, more Enforcers came to subdue him with shock batons and alien pistols set to stun. As this was occurring, a few Enforcers came for Diana. All of this happened in front of Elis.

Seeing Elis a couple meters away through his bloodied eye, D'ren gasped in pain and exhaustion. He crawled on the ground toward her as two guards reached down to grab him. His voice was raspy, but clear as he grunted out the words, "Play along..."

And then he was hauled away.

One masked and helmeted Enforcer remained to give Elis an eerie gaze before smacking his palm with his baton and walking off...

@LostDestiny@t2wave@BlackPanther@FantasyKitten@KabenSaal@Silentsniper211@Afro Samurai@Timemaster@dabombjk@Dealdric@GeneralNox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elis wandered to find the scientist, so she could get to work with this Collar. Elis had gone into the prison for the sake of sabotage, storing micromachines inside two hollow teeth that were then rather painfully ripped out to get at what was in it. Combined with some pieces of her bed, she used those to create the base of the explosive, which she was going to use to cripple the prison before the sudden rescue attempt. However, she hadn't wasted her time and had made sure to look into the collars in her off time. And it's mechanics looked easily understood, if you were a genius like she was. Totally humble as well. Looks could be deceiving, after all.

"Hey Diana. You got a set of mirrors? I wanna get a better look at the workings of this thing" She said, before the situation exploded. Some guys burst in and dragged Diana away, while some other guy got shock-batoned and then dragged off as well, being told to 'play along' before he did. One guy gave her an eerie glare, and seeing the working of the shock baton, she decided to do something a lot more risky. "Oi, you helmeted faggot! You not got the balls to take on a proper lady, or do you just get some sort of twisted, fucked up desires to glare at people to hide your own impotence? I bet your girlfriend gives you the 'It happens to everyone' speech when you fail to get it up at night, huh?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Red Demon

Demon scoffed, bur waved his hand. He was going to go along with whatever needed to be done anyways more than likely. Too much had happened recently and so much was happening that Demon was not able to get a very good read of room. The people here were mostly strangers, people he has never heard of or met. Except Therma.

"I can speak for myself. Refrain from speaking for me."

Honestly Demon was tired. Mentally at least. He tugged at his collar, ready and eager to start storing energy again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Infamous Empath
Damon stood and seemed almost eerily calm as chaos broke out around him. While this was the outward appearance he presented on the inside he was utterly confused. Even more so as he watched his other nemesis get taken away. His focus then went on the new man in charge. A man he instantly did not fully trust.

Damon crossed his arms and raised a brow as the man spoke. A glance was shot to the other woman before he looked at the guy tugging at his collar. Part of him wondered what half of his ability meant....what if his tattoos could move but not leave his body....would that kill him. He paused before stepping forward.

"I'll take the risk..." his hands clasped in front of his and his head tilted. This angle showed the collar was just right to cover some of the hummingbird tattoo on his neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ollie was taken from his mental state of arguing to focus on what had just occurred. Just as a flash security had burst into the room taken his nemesis and Mr wheelchair, he didn't care too much for the wheelchair man, but Mr Quinton was starting to grow on him, as in fact, Ollie had taken a liking to annoying him while he had the chance to. Ollie was certainly going to miss that Part of Mr Quinton most of all. Suddenly jumping back into reality he looked to the new man in charge. Examining his stature his pose, trying to glean whatever information he could find from him. in his state it wasn't a lot, All he could gather was that he was, in fact, the man in charge

"It appears you've put us in a sticky situation." Ollie contemplated his options, the man before certainly wasn't lying, He wouldn't survive long out there without his powers. They had started to become an addiction; His shadow form gave his body a power that gave a high He could survive for a while, but he would soon get withdrawal symptoms, which as a matter of fact are not a lot of use in a combat scenario. Ollie sighed and took a step forward his hands up like he was surrendering trying not to provoke the security that was pointing a lot of weaponry in his direction. "I must be going mad" He muttered to himself "I will agree to join your ragtag group of super people, But Mr Clark, do inform me how you are going to 'partially' disable these god damn collars?"

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