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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drag
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Drag Mummy's Cheeky Boy

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I was working for eight hours in a room with no air conditioning and a uniform that did not breathe well at all and the one thing my mind kept drifting back to was Voyt without a shirt.

@Oddsbod Why you gotta do this to me, man.

I'm totally not complaining if more of that happens, though.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Shirtless Voyt is good, but what about pantless?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 20 days ago

Shirtless Voyt is good, but what about pantless?

Assless Chaps! Assless Chaps! Assless Chaps!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We're nearing the one hundredth IC post... and we're still on the first tournament. We're probably going to have five hundred by the time we get done with the second.

I blame all of you.

Anyways, I was giving it some thought. I always give my roleplays a pretentious central theme (This should give you an idea of what I mean)... except this one. Which doesn't seem to have one. So, I was curious as to what you guys think the theme would be if it had one?

And no, I'm not doing another obnoxious mass mention. This is just to start conversation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drag
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Drag Mummy's Cheeky Boy

Member Seen 9 mos ago

We're nearing the one hundredth IC post... and we're still on the first tournament. We're probably going to have five hundred by the time we get done with the second.

I blame all of you.

Anyways, I was giving it some thought. I always give my roleplays a pretentious central theme (This should give you an idea of what I mean)... except this one. Which doesn't seem to have one. So, I was curious as to what you guys think the theme would be if it had one?

And no, I'm not doing another obnoxious mass mention. This is just to start conversation.

"The drive of a person is not measured by power or strength, rather through purpose"

Mostly because pretty much every character has some kind of goal or ideal that they aspire to obtain, sometimes single mindedly, the only exception maaaybe being SYM, even then though without true "humanity" to make his own choices he's subjugated to others will and therefore unable to determine his goal and purpose. I just figured that'd be the case since all the characters fight for a goal, ideal or pursuit of something greater, that being what truly sets them apart from your average mooks.

That said I am quite drunk rn so maybe I'm feeling pseudo-philosophical
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oddsbod
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

One of the things that stood out to me and got me interested was the huge variety of very different characters and backstories. Maybe something having to do with that, different people in different places?

You could also do something like with Superman, given how powerful most of the cast is—the struggle to reconcile idealism with reality, fighting and surviving through scenarios where raw strength and fighting aren't the solution, having incredible strength but being forced into situations where that strength isn't the factor it could be.

Something about cooperation? Something about friendship? Something about giving people who might seem like total potatoes, either due to power level or personality, a chance to prove themselves?

Also really like Drag's thing, about purpose.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hello all. I'm not in this RP but I am curious if you still have openings for it. While I stink at fighting games I do like them so when I saw this, I figured, "what the hell" ^_^

The other reason too is that I happened to see a link to this from fellow RPer Redbaron. It was in his signature and he's in a mecha RP with me so that's how I found my way here.

I apologize if I'm intruding but was curious since I haven't read up on anything here yet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@DarkRecon Thanks for your interest, but currently, we are no longer accepting applications until the end of the first arc. Once the first arc ends, however, I will be opening applications again.

I'll be sure to message you then.

And oh yeah, I'll add to the central theme conversation once more people post.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Right now I think an overall theme would be too hard to pin since we're just in the first Tournament.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As for plot, yeah, not too much has actually happened, yet. It's probably better to ask this question once some real heavy shit has already gone down. Maybe about how different people from across the world can come together in pursuit of a common interest? Kind of meta.

Then again, it's hard to even really pin down a central theme when you've got so many different people bouncing different ideas around, so I'm not too sure.

As for characters, I think Drag hit the nail on the head too hard and I don't really have much else to add. What a Drag, man! *cue laugh track*
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Megsychan
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Megsychan Lucina aficionado

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Mr Allen J

If I had to pick a central theme in the story, I am going to be a pessimistic and say the real theme in the story is that success is a zero-sum game. The tournament arc is a really good example of this mentality; only one person can win this tournament, and a lot of people's hopes and dreams are or were riding on this tournament. Justin needed the money to hide away but was knocked out. Meo needed the money to save his village and he was knocked out. Yeong-Suk needs a good showing at the tournament or she and her family could be facing dire consequences back home, etc.

Everyone's dreams is built upon the destruction of someone else's dream.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Mr Allen JYeah I don't see this game having any real central theme. The general theme is just for those who appreciate martial art-themed games. I think in the future, the plot shouldn't just solely exist around a tournament. I know you were literally trying to make it cliche like how 90% of all video game fighters are, but I like, and this is just my personal opinion I'm not trying to dictate anything, when not everyone is jumping on the same wagon. Some characters have a bigger story than those who are linear (fighting solely in the tournament with not much else to offer in regards to story). I don't think you want to become the Arena thread. You cut it very close to the Arena thread with this game and how it could have easily been published there if all you got going is a tourney. Then again...with there being so many characters. The tournament almost seems necessary because I don't know how else you'd coordinate them all because they aren't all united under a single goal.

Maybe going away from the tournament for a future idea, you could have them transported to some crazy lair. It could be some evil fictional government, cyberpunk/alien attack or alien opponents, other dimension, etc. (I'm just throwing ideas out there) Something where they are united with a common purpose and there's a sort of fight-to-survive idea? This is starting to sound like Mortal Kombat except we're not putting each other's characters through fatalities.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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@wxps350@lavulman I have to disagree. You can say there's a current theme with the characters. Me and Savo talked about it a little bit, and I suggested that the core theme would have to be "Following your dreams," but that sounds too cheesy. If I were to take what @Drag said, maybe the true theme is not just following your dreams, but instead;

"Don't be afraid to take the journey."

or if I had to add what you, Laulman, said (Along with @Oddsbod), it'd also be;

"You don't have to take the journey alone/you don't have to fight by yourself."

Think about it when you have the various motivations and backstories of the characters. For one reason or another, they left their past life behind to pursue a goal. Whether it's fame, fortune, revenge, and so on. While I can't say that the theme has been that particularly fleshed out IC, but it will become more apparent as the story goes on.

The point is there is a theme, it's just not that obvious.

EDIT: @Megsychan I'd also have to agree, and disagree at the same time. I wouldn't say it'd be that pessimistic. I'd say that would contribute to my "journey" theme, and choosing whether or not you want to give up at the first obstacle.

@Holy Soldier I do agree you have a very good point about the tournament. The RP was never meant to be an arena RP (A friend of mine described it as being an advanced RP with elements from arena RPs). The tournament was just an entryway to start the storyline (Show everyone's abilities off, introduce them, etc), and we were going to move onto different scenes after the tournament... because, with all the personal story arcs going on that are beyond just one tournament, it'd be stupid to revolve the roleplay around one tournament. I mean, taking examples from the cinematic story modes from games like Street Fighter V, and Mortal Kombat X. They have storylines that don't even involve tournaments. I have a complex storyline in mind, and I really want to explore that.

But, that brings me to...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Now, we had a discussion in the Discord, aaaaaand I gave it some thought. What if we prematurely ended the tournament? I mean, it was supposed to be a way to introduce all the characters, and show off their powers, but honestly, it went on for waaaaaaaaaay too long. Four months for one event. Honestly, I was hoping to have moved onto the next events by now, but better late than never.

I wanted to ask everyone what you wanted to do first. Because there are faaaaaaaaar too many characters not in the tournament with little to nothing to do. Remember that robot attack I mentioned? What if they went after the tournament instead?

So, give your thoughts in simple terms. Should we continue with the tournament, or just end it with a robot attack and move on?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Megsychan
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Megsychan Lucina aficionado

Member Seen 7 days ago

End it. End it ASAP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@wxps350@lavulman I have to disagree. You can say there's a current theme with the characters.

Well, I mean, I did say that, I just didn't really have anything to add to it.

Now, we had a discussion in the Discord, aaaaaand I gave it some thought. What if we prematurely ended the tournament? I mean, it was supposed to be a way to introduce all the characters, and show off their powers, but honestly, it went on for waaaaaaaaaay too long. Four months for one event. Honestly, I was hoping to have moved onto the next events by now, but better late than never.

I wanted to ask everyone what you wanted to do first. Because there are faaaaaaaaar too many characters not in the tournament with little to nothing to do. Remember that robot attack I mentioned? What if they went after the tournament instead?

So, give your thoughts in simple terms. Should we continue with the tournament, or just end it with a robot attack and move on?

I was going to say that I'd just leave it up to the people actually in the tournament, but I gave it some thought, and I think it might be a good idea to end it early. The RP's getting a decent amount of interest from people who can't join in yet, so I think it's best if the plot shifts gears to include them if at all possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Th tournament is going on for way too long. I say we cancel it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It's time for me to introduce the very first boss character who will be a major antagonist for most of the RP; Abel.

As you can tell, he is very cheap.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oddsbod
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I do really like "You don't have to make your journey alone" as an overarching theme.

Oof, boss character, nice. Should be a blast. And yea I agree with ending the tournament early.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Updated the win quotes for all my characters, and added Abel's (his are my favorite).
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