Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Princess Fareeha Amari's head turned gracefully to Anton, head tipping to the side slightly to take him in. It took a moment in a half to recognize him, and then recollect her thoughts about who he was, what she knew about him, and the personality information on him that she had studied. He hadn't been one that was originally coming- probably a last-minute guest, like herself. His wife had only recently died, which meant that he was here for a new one.

The ball had only just started; the room was especially starting to fill as the rest of the people finally arrived. Even Niklas and Fareeha had only just begun speaking; they hadn't even replied yet. There had been no time to talk to anyone else, for any of them, and they were in a room filled with the world's leading edge in nations ranging from leaders in fashion to technology to militaries. Outside of a scientific convention, it's doubtful you'd ever find a room of such clever people- they were all politicians, if not anything else.

So she found it very doubtful that he just came over here by accident, or that he came over here specifically for that 'intellectual discussion' that he'd fail to find anywhere else here.

She ran over a brief list of possible responses, and settled on one.

A second after she first turned to look at him, she replied without moving a single muscle, "Welcome to the party, Prince Andronikos Telesphorides." She made sure to pronounce his very... unique name effortlessly. It hurt her tongue. "You'll likely already know me as Princess Fareeha Amari of Mamlakat Alssahra, special forces. I'll have to agree with you as well; I too haven't had any time but to begin speaking with only one couple." She enjoyed tacking on that 'special forces' bit.

A grin settled on her face, very slightly coy, as her eyes bored into his.

"So," she challenged, just a hint of her supreme self-confidence showing through, "What brings an Athenian to my corner of the Ball of Royalties? Besides how... intellectual we surely are."

Her grin widened, just a bit. It wasn't the sort that one would describe as 'warming', or 'welcoming,' but rather 'predatory' and 'scary.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Look at them, they're so green," said Niklas as they made their way through the ballroom. Mai followed his gaze to the various nobles assembled in the ballroom. She made no response to that, though she mentally raised an eyebrow. I would not have expected someone like Niklas to make such a...disparaging remark.

Niklas and Mai approached Fareeha, and she immediately spun around with eyes that sparkled mischievously and a wide smile on her face. She greeted them with an unusual amount of enthusiasm, or so Mai thought. You would almost think that she liked us by the way she's acting, Mai mused dryly to herself.

"Greetings Princess Mai Mei, and salutations Prince Niklas! Enough formalities, we've got that out of the way, check these beauties out!" she exclaimed, brandishing a round treat resembling a large chocolate truffle in her hand. She went on to praise its merits before telling Mai and Niklas that they could have the one she was holding up. Mai noted the wickedly amused gleam in her eye. Hmm. She wants us to share it, does she not? Mai's prediction was confirmed when Niklas turned slightly to face her, a questioning expression on his face.

Mai quickly considered her options. Would it be improper to take up Fareeha's offer, seeing as they were, well, attending a ball? Or would it be more impolite to refuse?

Mai arched an eyebrow and laughed. "Why, hello to you too, Princess Fareeha," she replied in a lightly amused voice. "Before we accept the delightful treat that you are so kindly offering us, I must compliment you on your gown. It suits you very well," she said.

Mai's attention was diverted from Fareeha to Prince Andronikos Telesphorides of the Athenian Federation as the newcomer bowed politely and introduced himself. Ah. The Athenian heir, yes? And already widowed too; what a shame. He is so young. We are all young, truth be told. But he has already married, which makes him different, I suppose. I know that things are different in Lusitania and the Athenian Federation, though. Well, this shall be quite interesting. Mai could guess why he'd picked their particular group to join; Fareeha herself was not betrothed. His first wife died without an heir, mm? It would make sense that he would seek out Fareeha, though I am not entirely certain why he chose to do so. Did he not read her reports at all? Does she look like the type of woman to be easily persuaded into a marriage, especially into a marriage to a prince from a nation that has, well, old-fashioned views of women?

It was quite obvious that Fareeha had immediately deduced Anton's true purpose in approaching them as well. She greeted him, and Mai noticed her point to include 'special forces'. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. That was rather unnecessary, but that's Fareeha for you, she thought to herself. Fareeha gave Anton a grin that was almost threatening and pinned her laser-sharp stare on the slim young man.

Anton himself was dark-haired, dark-eyed, and had a small build for a boy. He was lean and wiry, though Mai stood a full inch or two taller than him in her high heels. Mai appraised his ensemble-Anton had gone for a sophisticated look that gave a sleek, utilitarian, and modern air as well as a classically elegant vibe at the same time.

Mai gave him a winning smile. "It is both a pleasure and an honor to make your acquaintance, Prince Anton," she said warmly. "I am Mai Mei of Liang," she continued, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She paused and glanced pointedly at Fareeha, who was staring him down, and laughed softly. "Please do not be too terribly put off by Princess Fareeha here," Mai said in a light-hearted tone. "We are delighted to meet you, and it would be quite an honor to get to know you tonight," she went on, chuckling slightly. "So, how are you liking Aciras so far? I am finding it very pleasant, and I am finding that the other princes and princesses-especially Prince Niklas here-are very pleasant as well," she finished, a small, slightly coy smile on her face.

Although Mai made sure to keep her expression arranged in one of polite, friendly interest, she was picking apart his every word in her head. Did he seriously just use 'intellectual conversation' as a pretense for coming over here? Mai wondered. Goodness gracious. He comes off as almost as pretentious as the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Romonova of Noslainia.

Mai spotted Liviana in her peripheral vision. She inwardly grinned-the blue dress was gorgeous on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anton couldn't help but stare blankly at Fareeha for a moment. That... had not been the reaction he was expecting. Nonetheless he quickly reassembled his composure and again flashed his winning smile.

"I suppose that judgement may have been a bit hasty, I will give you that, Ms. Amari. But no, the truth of the matter is - as I have learned from many, many commercial interactions with a good number of the individuals here - people are predictable. And that is why I have found my way over here. If you will pardon the bluntness, you three are not a group I would have predicted becoming acquaintances."
Liv cast around the ever-building throng of nobles, searching for Edwin, panic rising in her as she scoured the crowd and still came up unable to find him. The rational part of her mind told her to relax, he was probably just being fashionably late. She had sensed he must have a distaste for crowds and loud venues. To be quieter honest, she couldn't blame him. She didn't much care for it either.

As she cast around the crowd her gaze came to rest again on Mai and Niklas and Fareeha and... another individual, whose back was turned to her. She hesitated for a long moment - was it worth the breach of etiquette to go butt into their conversation?

She noted the tense lines of the stranger's body, Fareeha's confident smirk. Seemingly the stranger was not having a perfectly civil discussion after all. Maybe he would be glad for a rescue.

Liv wove her way through the groups of beautifully-dressed nobles, murmuring apologies as she went. As she approached her friends she put on a bright smile, sliding into the group between Mai and the newcomer, though she ignored him for now.

"Ave, friends. You all are beautiful this evening." She froze as she realized that she'd called Niklas, of all people, beautiful, but after only a small pause attempted to roll with her mistake, giving a small lopsided smile. "Even you, Prince Niklas. The lack of a fedora suits you quite well."

With that she turned to the newcomer, an apology on her lips that died as soon as she properly glimpsed him. Instantly her body tensed, her hands at her sides clenching into fists. "Andronikos." Her voice was curt and sour, and she did not offer him the grace of a curtsy.

"Ave, Liviana. I trust you are feeling well? You certainly look it." Anton's stance was easy, his voice light and smooth, a pleasant smile on his face - a perfect counterpart to Liv's clear belligerence.

The girl's mind was racing as she tried to parse Anton's English - he spoke fluently, with only the barest accent. Her words felt clumsy and thick by comparison, so she kept her sentences as clipped as possible. "I am. And what of you? I trust you are coping in your grief well? It is not too much of a burden for your duty to be fulfilled here?" Blue eyes sparked with satisfaction at Anton's brief flicker of alarm and discomfort.

Well, she'd certainly gotten more bite to her since the last time they'd spoken. Of course, that "last time they had spoken" had been two and a half years previously when she'd still been a sniveling little girl eternally in mourning grey, eternally silent and unwilling to interact with anyone.

Well. There was one way to test that. He turned to her, stepping a bit closer than comfortable, and hissed, "you will be silent about matters that do not concern you!"

She stared up at him, still belligerent, for a moment, then turned away. Her eyes stung as she fought to hold back tears. Then she looked back at Anton, taking a step closer to him, and brought her right hand up quickly to slap against his face.

He gaped for a moment, his mouth open as his hand went to the faint red mark that was already forming. Liv, her face turning slightly pink, took a few steps back, finally offering a proper curtsy and a mumbled Latin apology.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anton stated that she, Niklas, and Fareeha were not three people he would have expected to find together. Mai tilted her head to the side slightly and gave him a curious look. "Well, to be quite fair, Prince Niklas and I are betrothed," she said light-heartedly, placing a gloved hand on his upper arm. "And as for Princess Fareeha, I certainly could not have passed up the opportunity to compliment her on her gown!" Mai declared with a small laugh.

He reacted in almost exactly the way I would have, if I were in his shoes. He was a little more blunt than I would have been, but still. Best keep an eye on that one, thought Mai shrewdly. Fareeha has the privilege of saying whatever the hell she wants to, given her circumstances and her nation's current standing in the world, but I, unfortunately, do not. Not that I would, anyway. It would be horribly rude.

If Anton was anything, he was a businessman, the same way that Mai was a politician and that Fareeha was a soldier and that Niklas was a prince. Being the businessman that he was, he would surely know how to negotiate his way around the other royalty (for businessmen and politicians like Mai herself weren't really all that different) to get what he wanted. And right now, Mai presumed, he wanted a wife. Mai certainly could see the advantages the Athenian Federation would gain from an alliance with Mamlakat Alssahra. Watching Anton try to get Fareeha to agree to marry him would be quite interesting indeed.

Just then, Liviana joined their little group. "Ave, friends. You all are beautiful this evening." She smiled. "Even you, Prince Niklas. The lack of a fedora suits you quite well."

Mai giggled quietly at the last bit, giving her betrothed a delightedly mischievous look. Mai was about to compliment Liviana on her gown-it seemed like that would be what she would be doing all evening!-when tension filled the air as Liviana turned and saw Anton. Liviana's muscles went taut, and her small hands clenched into fists. Mai mentally raised an eyebrow. Well. This is something different indeed.

Mai was aware of the relations in between the Lusitanian Empire and the Athenian Federation, of course, but she hadn't expected Liviana's reaction to be so...drastic. And horribly improper, too! Anton seemed to take the diminutive princess's hostility in a stride, giving her a pleasant, cordial greeting. He appeared to be totally in control of the situation, until Liviana said something about his grief and his duty. Then, an uncomfortable expression flashed across his face, and Mai inwardly grinned to herself at the look in Liviana's beautiful blue eyes. Politics aside, it seemed like the make-up was doing its job.

There was obviously history between Anton and Liviana, which was to be expected. Their nations were closely allied, and hadn't Anton married one of Liviana's cousins? Hmm. Liviana's making no secret of the bad blood, that's for sure.

Anton stepped in so that he was much too close to Liviana by all standards of polite society and hissed something about being silent. Goodness. Just how many breaches of propriety will I have to endure tonight? she wondered to herself, absurdly.

Then-and Mai could not believe that this happened, though she was secretly quite pleased at the effect that the red lipstick and winged eyeliner had on the younger princess-Liviana slapped Anton, right in the face! The side of Mai's lip twitched in a ghost of a smile. Liviana curtsied and muttered something under her breath, presumably in Latin, while Anton gaped at her.

Time to get involved, I suppose, Mai mused to herself. Throughout their entire interaction, she hadn't done anything but watched with sharp, focused eyes. Now, she wanted nothing more than to scold both of them on their manners, which was the most absurd thing to be thinking in this particular moment. But still. This was outrageous!

Instead of reprimanding them for highly improper conduct at a ball, Mai simply smiled sweetly at both of them. "My apologies, Prince Anton," Mai said, her chocolate-brown eyes positively twinkling. "I should have warned you beforehand-it is not a good idea to get all up in a girl's face, especially not one who is wearing make-up," she explained patiently. "There are million things that could be smudged, smeared, or otherwise ruined!" she exclaimed dramatically, then sighed and smiled coquettishly. "But I suppose this is an easy mistake for men to make, hmm? We cannot all be graced with such an impeccable sense of style, though I must admit, Prince Anton, your ensemble tonight is quite becoming."

There. That should lighten the mood a bit. Hopefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Niklas wasn't one for delicate political situations. In this one, he didn't know everything; without such intelligence, he couldn't make a move without possibly disrupting or endangering some sort of balance that he knew was still in place- it was politics, after all. And more than that, it wouldn't do to call more undue attention to himself in what must be a personal matter.

So Niklas just voiced his agreement with everything his betrothed said, remarking that his fashion sense urged him to bring a fedora- which was quickly reversed.

Fareeha, on the other hand, gasped a little- but not in horror or the like. Fareeha saw that brief fire in Liv's eyes the moment she slapped Anton, and knew- there was hope for another warrior. Mai was already a politician, and once you go political, there's no going back. Liv has a chance to be confident, and brave, and self-assured of herself! Fareeha also wanted a little apprentice that she could teach things to. Should she get another snake for her? Hmmm... so many things to contemplate.

But she didn't directly interfere, instead simply watching with a very, very slight smirk. The type of smirk that usually makes people rethink what they just said, did, or saw. At Liv's slap, she just let out a low, low whistle.

The only thing she commented on is, "I'm on Liv's side. If you meant to do something, I'd say to stick by it." She more or less ignored Anton.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Prince Alejandro Álvaro Aguíla de Agustín of the Kingdom of Castilya was perfectly aware of how long his name was, thank you very much. yet his best friend and most valuable source of gossip, Vhalery de Mirabel, insisted on reminding him of this fact every single day.

"Mirry, my darling, deadly pearl, you simply must lay the matter to rest," he said to her. Most people could not fathom calling Vhalery de Mirabel a "darling pearl", for she was quite possibly the most accomplished operative that had served the Castilyan military so far-and very, very deadly indeed. However, nothing was 'unfathomable' to Alejandro, save for perhaps a leopard-print miniskirt or wearing purple with green.

Vhalery gave a noncommittal shrug. "I am merely suggesting that it will be a mouthful to say, when you are introducing yourself to the other royalty in attendance," she answered, arching an eyebrow.

Alejandro sighed dramatically. "You droll little buttercup; since when has that stopped me?" he asked in a lightly teasing tone.

Vhalery shrugged again, as if she were saying there's no helping you at this point. Alejandro grinned widely and continued filing his nails as their transport made its way to the Aciran royal palace. Alejandro was late, of course, but he was fashionably late, and there was quite a world of difference in between that and just plain late, thank you very much. "I am so looking forward to the ball tonight. Perhaps you would be amenable to refresh my memory on who shall be in attendance, my dearest jewel?"

Vhalery scowled. "You insufferable man," she answered him. Both she and Alejandro knew full well that Alejandro knew exactly who would be at the Aciran ball.

Alejandro's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Mmm, indeed, but you love me for that, don't you, my sweetling?" Vhalery did not deign to respond to that. Just imagine it-Vhalery de Mirabel, a woman who could kill a man in ten different ways with her bare hands, being called a sweetling? Any person with a modicum of common sense would see how, well, contradictory of an image that was. Alejandro, being Alejandro, thought nothing of it. "So," he continued, inspecting his nails, "back on topic. Just who shall be there? Anyone little old me would be interested in?"

Vhalery gave him an inscrutable look. She decided to humor the outrageous prince. "Mai Mei of Liang is there with her betrothed, Niklas Konig of Konigreich der Welten. Fareeha Amari of Mamlakat Alssahra as well, without a betrothed. Liviana Traianus of the Lusitanian Empire is to marry Edwin Drake of the Britannian Empire-both are in attendance-and one Andronikos Telesphorides of the Athenian Federation shall be present too. Is that good enough for you, my logical, reasonable prince?" she inquired in a sarcastic tone of voice that even Alejandro could not pretend miss.

Alejandro smiled delightedly. "Very good, my dear Mirry, very good indeed!" He paused delicately and pretended to think over the list of names that Vhalery had just mentioned. "Mai Mei of Liang, you said, my dear?"

Vhalery rolled her eyes skywards. "Yes, my prince, Princess Mai Mei of Liang, soon to be Queen Mai Konig of Konigreich der Welten, 'Mai' spelled m-a-i, 'Mei' spelled m-e-i, Liang being the large country located in the eastern part of the world. Do you understand my meaning?"

Alejandro grinned. "Splendid, my darling flower petal, absolutely splendid!" he exclaimed. "I do recall that she and her cousin visited a few years ago, with her uncle. That beautiful weapon of a woman, hmm?" he thought out loud in a slightly more serious tone of voice. "If I recall, she was quite charming, and her cousin, oh-what a headache he was to my poor, dearest brother." Alejandro popped a compact mirror open and checked his reflection. His honey-blonde hair fell in waves down a couple inches past his shoulders, though for the Grand Ball, it was tied back in a neat little ponytail. Alejandro had left a couple tendrils of hair hanging loosely in front of his face, in the same way that a woman would leave a curl or two out of an updo to frame her features. Alejandro was mightily proud of his hair, in fact. It was soft and silky and shiny, and he'd be damned if there ever were a man who had better hair than he did.

"As for her betrothed...a military type, Prince Niklas, if I am correct, my dainty doll. Hmph. Reminds me too much of my brother. Oh, how awkward they shall look, standing together-can you imagine a drab old military uniform next to my darling Mai's wondrous ball gowns? It's unspeakable, such a thing, simply unspeakable." Vhalery largely ignored Alejandro's rambling. She had learned the hard way that it was the best method to preserving one's sanity when he got into a state like this.

"Next, you said Fareeha, didn't you, my sweet Mirry? How charmingly fiery that one is, hmm, yes indeed. I should like to have words with her about her choices in fashion, though, if you perceive my meaning. There is so much one could do with her hair, and complexion, and figure, yet she seemingly has no inclination to take advantage of it!" cried Alejandro, his voice noticeably distressed. "This simply won't do, my dewdrop. It won't do. I shall have words with Princess Fareeha, indeed!"

Vhalery sighed and continued to ignore him. Alejandro, however, was not so easily discouraged.

"Whoever decided to pair little Liviana with Edwin must have been either drunk or crazy, my sweet emerald. How terribly awkward it must be for them, poor dears, with one so small and one so decidedly tall? I simply cannot fathom how that will even work out! Just how will Princess Liviana be able to take Edwin's arm when he offers it to her, how? Is it even possible, Mirry darling? Oh! How painful it will be to watch. You have tissues with you, in the even that I do start crying, don't you, Mirry dear?"

Alejandro looked expectantly at his friend. Vhalery, who hadn't been paying one bit of attention, was at a loss, before she decided to nod slightly and make a noncommittal "mmm" sound to please the outrageous prince.

Finally, Alejandro had arrived to the last individual in question-Andronikos Telesphorides of the Athenian Federation. "Such a long name, is it not?" he mused out loud, earning him a derisive snort from Vhalery's direction. "I think I shall call him Ronny, hmm? Excellent. He is bound to be an interesting one to talk to, what with our suspicions of his plans, oh yes. We shall have to confirm these plans, of course, but that shall be quite simple if Liviana and he are to be in each other's vicinity, shall it not? It will be quite simple indeed, my dearest Mirry. Quite simple indeed."

Vhalery rubbed her temples and prayed that they would arrive soon, just to end Alejandro's stream of incessant chatter. Her prayers were answered as their transport pulled up in front of the Aciran palace. "Oh, how wonderful, my sparkling, shining jewel, how wonderful! We've arrived; and we are perfectly, fashionably, late!" With that, Alejandro stepped gracefully out of the vehicle, revealing the pristine, silvery-white jacket, trousers, and dress shoes he wore, complemented by a lavender bow tie and a pair of unduly large amethyst stud earrings. Strands of amethyst glittered around his neck, and rich purple swirls artfully adorned the fabric of his tight-fitted jacket and pants. It was really a rather simple ensemble, for Alejandro's standards, anyway, yet his decidedly unusual manner of dress still garnered quite a few looks. Alejandro responded to these looks by flashing people a wide, cheery smile, breezing past them-like he was walking on air-and into the ballroom.

"Tastefully decorated, wouldn't you say, my dear Mirry?" Alejandro commented as he took in everything-the chandelier, the paintings, the people, the gowns. He skillfully wove his way through the crowd, Vhalery close on his heels, as he searched the room for anyone in particular.

Alejandro's eyes alighted on the familiar profile of Mai Mei. Her back was to him; she was talking to a wiry prince whom Alejandro recognized as Andronikos, and her arm was threaded through Niklas's. The diminutive girl who stood with them could only be Liviana Traianus, and Alejandro would have recognized Fareeha's brazen, devil-may-care attitude from a mile away.

Alejandro narrowed his spring-green eyes and analyzed what he saw. The slight stiffness in Liviana's shoulders, the hint of irritation in Anton's features, the way that Mai was leaning in conspiratorially-Ah. Andronikos and Liviana must have immediately clashed, upon seeing each other, whereupon Mai intervened to keep the situation from getting out of hand. Alejandro nodded in approval. That was just like Mai; the girl had a way with words, that one. She could flatter and insult someone in the same breath without them realizing it, and Alejandro considered that to be a noteworthy accomplishment indeed.

Vhalery had noticed the potential confrontation as well, it seemed like. Alejandro glanced at his friend's chocolate-brown eyes and tilted his head ever-so-slightly in the direction of the others. Vhalery's eyes shifted imperceptibly, and Alejandro knew that she was saying might as well to his question of shall we? A pang stabbed Alejandro in the gut. The way that Vhalery immediately knew what Alejandro was saying, and vice versa...he shared that with Eduardo, too. Alejandro's features tightened at the thought of Eduardo, and his beautiful hazel eyes, flecked with gold and brown, and his fine, chestnut-colored curls, and his sweet, soft mouth....

No. Alejandro thought ruthlessly, shutting down that line of thinking, mercilessly crushing the longing inside of him. That doesn't matter right now.

Vhalery, god bless her heart, was as perceptive as usual. She crinkled her brow at him, and Alejandro gave her a little half-smile before prancing off in the direction of Mai, Niklas, Fareeha, Liviana, and Andronikos. Vhalery didn't follow, instead melting away into the crowd to better observe everything that was going on.

Alejandro's trademark wide grin fell over his face as he glided over to the group of princes and princesses. "Why, hello, my darling, precious friends," he said, giving them all a bow accompanied by a flourish of his hand. His gaze flitted toward Mai, and Alejandro's expression lit up. "My, my, my, if it isn't Princess Mai! My sweet rose petal, how do you do?" Alejandro flounced closer to her and planted an airy kiss on her cheek. "Well, I hope, my beautiful ruby?" Alejandro's eyes slipped towards Niklas, and his eyes lit up in delight. "Your betrothed, is he? How divine!" Alejandro studied Niklas curiously for a moment, before lowering his voice conspiratorially and whispering audibly to Mai. "What a wonderful catch you have caught for yourself here, my dear," he said dramatically, winking playfully at Niklas and making a show of looking him up and down. Alejandro whistled softly and grinned innocently at the rest of them, waiting to see how they would react to his rather unexpected intrusion. Oh, this shall be fun, very fun indeed.

"Oh, but where are my manners? I am Prince Alejandro Álvaro Aguíla de Agustín of the Kingdom of Castilya, and I am most delighted to make your acquaintances!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 30 days ago

Edwin straightened his uniform as he pushed open the door, stepping in ahead of Richard. He wore his bright scarlet dress tunic with golden buttons and black trousers. An engraved band of gold studded with a single large ruby rested on his head as if a crown. A short black cape with a gold trim was clasped around his neck by an elaborate golden broach, a wyvern with a small sapphire for an eye coiling around a crucifix like a snake. From his white belt hung a scabbard with an ornate sword, although in truth the gothic hilted 19th century officer sword was a rather poor fighting weapon if aesthetically pleasing - definitely a weapon expected to be admired rather than used in a full blown battle.

Richard himself faired little better but the lack of pin, cape or band made him look slightly less absurd and more out of time. Being officially here as a bodyguard, he had his sidearm with him; The holster for the weapon sat at his waist, strap secure and weapon unloaded.

In an interesting turn about from what one might expect, while the uniform of the Imperial Guards rank and file was dyed naturally using sinopa for a Venetian red while the dye of an officer's uniform was artificial. Historically, the dye for a CO was cochineal red which was an import from the Americas. Sinopa on the other hand was so named for being prominently traded in Sinop in Asia Minor, long a holding of the Britannians. The traditional industry was thus effectively kept alive by the needs of the guard while the artificial dyes used in the officers uniforms were also produced locally by modern industrial means. The government thus considered it a win-win situation.

"I hate these events." Edwin muttered as he glanced over the guests. There were some more newcomers, it seemed - Athenians amongst them. He knew little about this one and had not met him in spite of the close proximity of their nations - but from Liviana's, the conversation had not been a pleasant one for her.

"They're important all the same..." Richard began to speak but fell silent when he noticed Liviana slap the Athenian. Edwin quickly set off towards the group, determined to prevent the situation from getting any worse.

"Ave, my lady Livina. You look troubled, I pray I can chase it away." He said to her before glancing to Andronikos. He came up with a bluff on the spot, a plan to lure Andronikos away at least for long enough for Liviana to regain her composure - and to prevent it breaking again. The media vultures of the world would pick up this encounter for sure and he wanted to nip any damage in the bud. "My sincerest apologies to everyone for interrupting, I hope you are well today, Ladies Mai and Feerah, Lords Niklas- Alejandro - and Andronikos. Yes, it is good to meet you at last, Athenian, I feel our kingdoms could greatly benefit from talks with each other. Our ties are not what they could be considering our proximity, no? I hold some influence over certain routes that I imagine the Federation would not mind acquiring cheaper and easier access too. Would you care to join me for a talk? We'll rejoin the others quickly, I just wish to put a suggestion to you. I hope you'll forgive me, I understand it is not the place to talk about money but I do feel we could aid each other."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Anton inclined his head to Mai, trying very hard to maintain his composed mask (a task made mildly more difficult by the faint pink marks that were beginning to spread across his cheek). “Ah yes, of course, my lady. Forgive me, an easy mistake to make. Lusitanian ladies – with or without a layer of cosmetics – are seldom so impulsive and shortsighted. Familiarity has led to complacence, I’m afraid.”

He had been about to word-vomit some more, but was stopped from it by the… flouncing arrival of …. Prince Alejandro Alvaro Augila de Augustin, eh? Internally he was grateful for the reprieve, but he hid it behind a slightly amused smile and look of interest. This man… really was something. He’d read of the prince, of course, but it’s quite one thing to read the words on paper, and quite enough to see that… that abomination in front of you.

He inclined his head slightly at the other prince’s antics but said nothing by way of introduction. In fact, he would not have said anything were it not for the arrival of Edwin Drakewine of Britannia. Despite his best efforts, Anton’s eyebrow slid up his forehead a few millimeters as he contemplated the Britannian’s attire. Gods save him, he looked like he’d waltzed right out of Arthurian legend. Nevertheless, graces must be paid – it would not be wise to piss off the prince of the absurdly wealthy nation that bordered his own.

Anton offered a small bow to the Britannian prince, in part as a show of grace and in part to cover the tiny smirk that threatened to burst onto his mostly impassive face. “Well met, Prince Edwin.” He said, the moment he could be sure he wouldn’t slip. “It is an honor that you would make such a request, but would it not be more prudent to wait? The dancing is likely about to start and I would not want you to miss your first dance with your betrothed. Surely we can converse after the festivities of the night are concluded?” He gestured to the string quartet tucked away in one corner of the room, the musicians beginning to tune for the long night ahead.

Liv wanted to slap him again as he brushed her off as being impulsive and shortsighted. How dare he … after everything that he’d done he had the nerve to accuse her of being the shortsighted one?! But the rational part of her mind finally seized her firmly and forced her into silence, forcing her to straighten up and shut her mouth, her slightly quivering jaw and tensed shoulders the only indication of how angry she was.

Anger was soon replaced by pure confusion as the prince of Castilya … sashayed up to them. This… what. He was dressed simply enough, until one happened to glimpse the gleaming amethysts dangling from his earlobes, the strands of them tangled around his neck. How confusing. Was he planning to imbibe heavily, and actually had the foresight to seek the gods protection….?

She blinked at him dumbly for a moment as he greeted Mai most … exuberantly. And Niklas. Part of her was bracing to have to introduce herself but she was mercifully saved from that by the arrival of none other than Edwin. A wave of relief washed over the girl as the young man worked his way into the group – finally, someone who was definitely on her side in this situation. And might well be the only one in the group to act at all predictably.

She looked him up and down for a moment as he strode over to the group. He kind of looked like a prince or a knight straight out of one of those children’s fantasy books she’d once read… not that the look was ill-suited to him.

She flushed a bit and dipped a small curtsy as he addressed her as “my lady”. No one had /ever/ called her that. Not even the servants at home. She hesitated for a second too long before giving him an altogether too simple greeting. “Ave, my lord.” At that point she fell silent as Edwin addressed Anton – about a BUSINESS PROSPECT, of all things? It was also at that moment that she realized he’d seen that her expression was “troubled”…. Had he seen her outburst? Oh, gods. She’d rather die than have to answer to him about that.

Noting that the exchange about politics seemed to be over, she stepped closer to Edwin and gently reached to touch his arm to get his attention, speaking quietly and gesturing in the direction of the tables of food. “Have you not eaten anything today? You were not seen at breakfast… And it would be not excellent if you were to faint while going to dance.” Her mouth curled a bit at the awkwardness of the expression “not excellent” but she knew better than to try to correct herself. People’s minds tended to process things more smoothly as long as the incongruence wasn’t pointed out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 30 days ago

"Yes, forgive me. As I said, slightly ill suited to the occasion. And speaking of dances - I imagine you had best find a suitable partner then." Edwin replied with thin smile, furrowing his brow ever so slightly. He looked down towards Liviana as she spoke to him and smiled "Of course my lady, though I assure you I am quite fine. Please, accompany me."

He gently led her away, speaking again only once they were out of earshot of Andronikos. "Apologies that I couldn't get rid of the tweerp bothering yourself and your friends. I had expected greed to win his attention if only for a few minutes but alas?" He said quietly as he looked down to her, studying her for a few moments.

He arrived at the table but didn't take anything save for pouring himself a glass of water "I've already eaten, truth be told. Please don't be annoyed at me interrupting, I feel it's safer you and Andronikos maintain a healthy distance- I know that Andronikos pulled it on himself but- slapping him? Here? You'll be lucky if that doesn't end up on the front page of newspapers and magazines everywhere. I don't mean to sound patronising but, well, it's hardly what you want to happen." He said before drinking from his glass, then giving a slightly mischievous smile "Still, any damage would be an improvement to his smug little face."

He placed the glass down into the table and reached out, taking her hand gently "If I may, I almost didn't recognise you; I am not entirely sure certain nobles would approve of the dress but it and the makeup- it makes you look very elegant, actually."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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Mai watched with sharp eyes as Anton took in her words, though her face was arranged in an open, lightly amused expression. She noted the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks with indifference-it was his words that she was more concerned with. 'Seldom so impulsive and shortsighted', hmm? Is this boy trying to start a war, saying that right in front of Liviana and all the rest of us? Mai mentally arched an eyebrow. She'd known about the rather backwards views that the Athenian Federation and Lusitania held about women, of course, but to see it so prominently displayed in person? I would have thought that he'd have more tact than that, especially in front of Niklas and Fareeha, but apparently not. Or he's doing it on purpose, to goad them into a confrontation-not likely, no, but always an option. Nevertheless...

Mai's train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of Prince Alejandro Álvaro Aguíla de Agustín of the Kingdom of Castilya. Mai grinned inwardly. Alejandro is so entirely ridiculous that people can't help but to like him, she observed. Or, of course, hate him. I really do not know if there is any sort of middle ground with him. Alejandro was a flamboyant, outrageous riot of color and airy gestures and flowery pet names who also happened to possess the peculiar ability of knowing everything. Mai had learned from her previous visits to Castilya to never, ever question how Alejandro knew. To him, it was like asking a woman for her weight.

Alejandro beamed at them, and he planted a kiss on her cheek, addressing her as his 'sweet rose petal' and 'beautiful ruby' before giving Niklas an exaggerated once-over. Mai laughed softly at his antics. She had to admit it-she had a weak spot for this outrageous prince. They knew each other because Mai had accompanied her uncle to Castilya multiple times to negotiate trade deals, and although Zhou and Alejandro put together were a volatile combination, it had been great fun gallivanting around the palace with the blonde prince.

But there was something about him that held Mai back. She didn't completely trust him and his floral suit jackets and enormous jeweled rings. Outrageous is as good of a disguise as any, she mused, and he simply knows too much for me to blindly trust him.

Nevertheless, there was no cause for impoliteness. Mai smiled at him in greeting, dipping her head slightly. "Prince Alejandro, it is wonderful to see you once more," she replied pleasantly. "And yes, Prince Niklas Konig of Konigreich der Welten is indeed my betrothed. Niklas, Prince Alejandro-Prince Alejandro, Niklas." Mai had barely finished introducing the two when Prince Edwin Drakewine of the Empire of Britannia, Princess Liviana's betrothed, approached their group and inserted himself into the conversation. He greeted them all as cordially as expected (though without any superfluous gestures or kisses, as Alejandro was inclined to include) and immediately asked Anton about a business prospect. Mai discreetly glanced at Liviana. She appeared slightly flustered by Alejandro's sudden arrival and the entire incident with Anton.

Mai then studied Edwin. Prince Edwin was a formidable figure in the world, what with all of the Britannian Empire at its command. His mode of dress, however, was a bit lacking to say the least. Mai understood that traditional ensembles were extremely important, but this was...something else entirely. However, it would have been horribly rude for her to comment, so she said nothing. Alejandro held his tongue as well, though he twinkled mischievously at her. After the required greetings, Prince Edwin swept Princes Liviana away-to dance, presumably-leaving the rest of them to decide how to proceed.

Alejandro abruptly turned to Mai, his face slightly scrunched. "Mai!" he said, and Mai immediately knew he was serious (the lack of a flowery pet name gave it away). "Dearie me, I am sorry for being so inexcusably forward, my rose, but were you responsible for Princess Liviana's make-up?!"

Mai laughed. "Why, how did you know, Prince Alejandro?"

Alejandro nodded to himself, a smug expression on his face. He gave a dismissive little flourish of his hand. "Excellent work, as always, my dear cherry blossom. I could recognize your touch from an ocean away, my sweet garnet."

Mai quirked an eyebrow but said nothing. Alejandro glanced in between her and Niklas, and he clapped his hands together. "Well! I'll say, you and your lovely betrothed should be dancing now, yes?" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Mai suppressed a snort of laughter. "Go on, go on, my darling daisy." He made airy shooing motions with his hand, and turned to Fareeha and Anton with a nigh-on maniacal grin. "So, my lovely buttercups, which one of you would like to dance with little old me? Princess Fareeha, shall we? Hmm. Fareeha, Faree, Eeha...I know! Fifi! You dance quite well, I've heard!" Alejandro's sparkling eyes alighted on Anton. "Or perhaps you would like to dance, my dear Prince Andronikos...I like Ronny better, don't you, my sweet? So! Which one of you shall it be?"

Mai stifled a chuckle behind a gloved hand as she gently tugged Niklas a ways from the rest of them. "Don't mind Prince Alejandro," she told him in a low voice. "He's...something else." She giggled and tilted her head to the side, looking up at him with laughing brown eyes. "Shall we dance, then, as Alejandro suggested?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Prince Niklas Konig watched with mild confusion and resignation at the going-ons. Ultimately, this was outside of his realm- the fight between the two older nations' little ones, Liv and Anton, or "Ronny," and the relationship between Liv and Edwin. He nonetheless approved of that pairing, even if he knew they'd be exceptionally awkward about it.

Niklas allowed himself to be torn away [and he was rather grateful for it], giving the others a long, unreadable stare. Turning back to this betrothed, he properly proffered his arm to her until they reached the dance floor, taking several long moments to formulate a response.

"The group we found ourselves associating with today is quite... strange." His sudden formality took even he off guard, but he felt nonetheless tense and bothered with Alejandro here. The man had a reputation for finding out secrets, and Niklas's secrets were too important, too great, to allow anyone to know. If there was a single clue that Alejandro knew something... then that one would have to be eliminated. And yet, he was much loved by a great many people- doing so might bring undue attention to his elimination, however well done it might be.

Trying to roll the uneasiness out of his shoulders, Niklas gave Mai a poor attempt at a smile, and offered Mai both hands for a dance. "Let us dance, m'lady."

Back with the others, Fareeha stood gruffly, leaning back slightly with a very observant and judging pose- just a hint of that military discipline. She didn't like this lady-man's look, and automatically despised him almost as much as Casimier- which she didn't think was possible, until she found another peacock.

Jesus Christ, our group is attracting the little lord, that small greekish weasel, and now an even more annoying Casimier! Heavens above grant me the strength not to punch someone important these next few months, who knew royalty was so ridiculous?

Unfortunately, she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach- there were more than one eligible princes, suddenly showing up, and her parents desperately wanted a match for her so they could bring something new to Mamlakat. But then again, forcing Fareeha into a match might result in a storm the likes of which none has seen from her before...

Viciously, Fareeha imagined punching the Lady-man's face, before wiping off all that crap on his face and forcing him to look at a mirror of his natural self. The kid might just have a heart attack from it!

Outwardly, Fareeha was her cool, collected self, even if her raised eyebrows denoted her skepticism and lack of awe in the peacock's ensemble.

She made some pains to be polite before getting down to the bread and butter of the discussion...

"Well, you already know me as Fareeha Amari, Princess of Mamlakat Alssahra. And you look ridiculous."
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