Hello there and welcome to a somewhat unique RP! In this Roleplay you will be taking the role of a champion, represented by a card, its attributes and stats are reserved and can be affected by many elements in the roleplay. However, this is not plainly a card battle RP, the story-telling element is still key and it is a huge part of advancing in this RP and through the Dungeon! First of all you will choose one of the available champions, each has their own advantages and cons, and only one champ can be taken by one Roleplayer. Then you will craft their own story, and battle with your teammates the many vile evils and surprises of the Chaos Dungeon!
One day you wake up in the body of a powerful champion, you have no clue how you got here but you immediately assume their person. A team of champions are tasked by the High King to clear the kingdom's most notorious dungeon, the Chaos Dungeon. Your goal is to aid your teammates to clear the 66 floors of the dungeon, murdering fiends, looting rare spell and item cards, as well as enhance your own champion through upgrades found in shops.
Game Mechanics
* The game will be mainly run by the GM, the GM will be responsible for disposing enemies, resolving battles, and judging feats.
* Each encounter with a new group of enemies or a singular enemy/boss is considered a "battle".
* The battle must be won for the team to gain loot, new cards, and advance in the story.
* Should the team lose a battle, they will have the option to retry it until they win or the GM resolves it with a Dues Ex Machina.
* Each battle is fought by turns, the GM decides which side starts for every battle.
* During each turn each champions and their minions can attack once, unless they have certain abilities to do otherwise. The order of the RP'ing team's is not constant and it is determined by availability of posters.
* The goal in a battle is to crush all enemies, this is the default goal, other battles have other goals specified by the GM.
* The ATK on the card is the champion's or minion's attacking power, the DEF is their Health Points.
* When a champion's DEF is reduced to 0 they are no longer able to attack during the battle unless revived.
* When a minion's DEF is reduced to 0 they are also no longer able to attack, however they are still considered present in the battle.
* Using items and spells won't take away each player's chance of attacking.
* The battle system is determined by the cards values, however you are encouraged to be creative in story telling and not simply declare attack by posting "Attack Horned Shark, he dies."
* When a battle is over the GM can award certain drops to players randomly as well as currency.
* The game's currency is Gold.
* Shops are spread out all over the dungeons, the GM will hint at their availability IC posts.
* This section will constantly get updated, please check regularly if lost. Also do ask and drop suggestion in OOC.
* The GM's word and judgement is final, do not contest it.
* Follow the game's mechanic and battle system, do not work around it.
* Be creative in your posts, minimum post is 3 lines and maximum is a paragraph (This is fast-paced). However out of battles you can go wild while fleshing out champion background and humorous interactions.
* This RP is not a serious one, so have fun and expect crazy random shit. Still, the battle mechanics are divine, don't break those.
* If you have any questions PM or post in OOC, posting in OOC is a huge part of this RP.
* If you fail to post for a long time and cause a stalement someone else will take over your champion, and you will be killed off or replaced.
How to join
* Select a champion from below.
* Select your minion type, you initially get 3 minion cards.
* You initially get 500 golds, you can save them or spend them in the starter shop.
* After choosing your champion give them a backstory, a personality, and whatever else you think will enrich their experience. There is no CS sheet, so as long as it is not stat-related you can add whatever you want.
* We will start as soon as it is announced in the OOC and the IC.

Availability: All Champs currently Available.