Name (or known Aliases): Sturmbannführer Leopold Schulz, nicknamed '
Kaltenbrunner's Rat', operates under the name Tannenbaum, due to his relations with the planned invasion of Switzerland.
Age: 40
Nationality: German, Specifically Prussian
Affiliation: Officially, he's a ranking officer in the SS Sicherheitsdienst(Security Service), though with the increasing appearance of the collapse of the Reich, he's using his contacts in the Intelligence community to find himself an out.
Role: Intelligence officer

Personality: Schulz is a rat of a man, striking out only when cornered or given an ample opportunity, and preferring to turn-tail and run at the first sign of trouble. He speaks and behaves with the mannerisms and attitude one would expect of Prussian nobility, but when treated particularly harsh or met with researched criticism, he turns into a blubbering, cowardly fool. His real traits are his ability to seemingly pass unnoticed, and his ample backroom dealings, and constant backstabbings.
Service History: Schulz was born into a Prussian noble family in 1903, his father an officer in the army at the time, and serving during the First World War. When the monarchy was abolished, and economy crashed, Schulz' family managed to stay afloat, though they ate through most of their wealth and savings. When the NSDAP began to take center-stage in 1929, Leopold saw it as a chance to reclaim the former glory of his family, and their vast wealth that had been lost. Using the weight of his family name, he managed to begin his career in the Schutzstaffel, as an Untersturmführer, originally in the Waffen-SS, but eventually transferring to the SD in 1933. By 1939 he held the rank of Hauptsturmführer, and was a renowned member of both the SD, and the general German elite, having used his rank and noble birth to garner significant wealth in German business dealings. By January of 1943, he had gained his current rank of Sturmbannführer, and was beginning to notice the cracks in the workings of the Reich. By the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, He knew that the proverbial ship was starting to sink, and he did not want to go down with it. Over the next 10 months, he began to work with his contacts and allies in the intelligence agency, securing himself a route out of Germany, before the allies arrived. He began to sell off or liquidize most of his German assets, collecting as much money as he could. Now, he's been contacted by a figure known as 'Centurion', who aims to gather a large shipment of gold from the Nazis by directing it through Switzerland. With many Swiss contacts, Schulz decides that this might be a good plan for him to get in on, and agrees to aid in the operation, adding his resources to the collective pool.
Other: Schulz has contacts in both the SS, and Switzerland, as well as access to monetary finances. However, he's a coward when things get heated and he won't hesitate to take what he has left and flee if things go too far south too quickly. He's a remarkable asset to have, but he can quickly turn into a liability if things go wrong.