Coruscant 1216.
The shining capitol of the Galactic Empire is rotten. Below the veneer of power and politics of the upper levels is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The farther you get to the core the less Imperial order is maintained. Murderers, thief’s and rebels call it a safe haven while claim it as their own. Their property. Imperial land! How dare they.
Fellow Senators, this cannot stand. We are allowing the literal foundations of capitol to be infested with those that seek to undermine stability, law and progress. It has to end.
For that purpose I propose a task force under the guidance of the Imperial Security Bureau to end the disintegration of order on our lower levels. To bring Imperial Order back to those that live there in fear of these heinous crime lords and rebel terrorists.
Vote for order today.
Vote for stability.
Vote for peace!
Hello visitors, I was thinking of doing this Star wars Roleplay set in the Coruscant underworld. My initial idea was to do a roleplay surrounding a small scavenging crew that operated in the uninhabited lower levels of Coruscant in order to find salvageable materials amongst the rubble. This gives possibilities of other scavenger crews, beasts, droids, crimelords and so on interacting with the group. With the idea also sprouted another one that is more represented in the write-up above. The idea that the Empire is attempting to restore order on the lower levels. With this PC’s might be either forced into a more rebellious mindset, or might even be one of the special forces assigned to the district by the ISB. Depending on the interest we can adjust plans in this regard, might even make it a more political endeavour where the players represent crime-lords and Imperial Officers. Just let me know what you think and if there is anything you would preffer!
The shining capitol of the Galactic Empire is rotten. Below the veneer of power and politics of the upper levels is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The farther you get to the core the less Imperial order is maintained. Murderers, thief’s and rebels call it a safe haven while claim it as their own. Their property. Imperial land! How dare they.
Fellow Senators, this cannot stand. We are allowing the literal foundations of capitol to be infested with those that seek to undermine stability, law and progress. It has to end.
For that purpose I propose a task force under the guidance of the Imperial Security Bureau to end the disintegration of order on our lower levels. To bring Imperial Order back to those that live there in fear of these heinous crime lords and rebel terrorists.
Vote for order today.
Vote for stability.
Vote for peace!
Hello visitors, I was thinking of doing this Star wars Roleplay set in the Coruscant underworld. My initial idea was to do a roleplay surrounding a small scavenging crew that operated in the uninhabited lower levels of Coruscant in order to find salvageable materials amongst the rubble. This gives possibilities of other scavenger crews, beasts, droids, crimelords and so on interacting with the group. With the idea also sprouted another one that is more represented in the write-up above. The idea that the Empire is attempting to restore order on the lower levels. With this PC’s might be either forced into a more rebellious mindset, or might even be one of the special forces assigned to the district by the ISB. Depending on the interest we can adjust plans in this regard, might even make it a more political endeavour where the players represent crime-lords and Imperial Officers. Just let me know what you think and if there is anything you would preffer!