Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Expanding Horizons
Group Sheet Information and Template

Groups, also known as factions, are individual people working together for common goal. This is not only an option, but a suggestion! Expanding Horizons as a setting is at its best when characters and their players are working together to build something. The entire goal of the universe is to be collaborative and inclusive! With that in mind, we suggest forming official groups.

At minimum a group needs five individual Roleplayer Guild members not to exceed ten if possible, the completion of the template which you will find below, and an approval by Staff. These official groups, because they are recognized as an actual faction in Expanding Horizons, get some pretty nifty bonuses that unofficial groups otherwise lack. However, a character can only be in one official group at a time.

First of all, an official group can come up with up to three group specific powers that - while other people might be able to use from time to time - the faction you and other members are in are considered masters of. These benefits don't need to be part of the "Big Three" - Magic, Technology or even Mundanity - but that is a good place to start. Regardless of what you choose, it is unique to the group and theirs alone. While it could eventually be stolen, duplicated or even made obsolete with time, it still belongs to you and can only have those things happen to it in the story, or more likely, in a fight.

Each member of a group has access to it, just by being in that group, and is allowed to partake in that power so choose wisely! The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and what the Staff believes to be appropriate without being overwhelming. So then feel free to create whatever you can and communicate its ability and potential clearly. The Staff are much more likely to approve groups that have more information and that which is specific. Being too vague means a chosen power might be just too powerful now and get declined!

Once a group is approved it will be granted a territory such as a planet or ship, but feel free to request something specific to your faction; just know you cannot take what others already have by doing this. This territory, like their power, belongs only to them. In it, they have complete say and dominion, able to use it as they see fit so long as they do not break the rules. They also have three critical points, or locations, items, technologies or similar themes that are extremely important to them. The only way to have more than three critical points however, is to take them from another group in a fight or through diplomatic relations and share them. If you capture a critical point through player versus player conflict, you get that critical point to add to your group and then of course can alter the lay of the land that applies to it.

If a group loses all three critical assets, it ceases to have its unique power and its territory. It is still an official group, but in order to gain those benefits again, or develop new ones, it will need to capture three critical points, be them new or those they lost. Critical points will be the main topics of Expanding Horizon, in which battles or alliances take place between existing groups. As such the write-up for the territory, as well as its critical points, should be as detailed and specific as possible for the sake of everyone involved.

The guidelines for writing up a group, their abilities, and their territory are below. If you are still uncertain and have questions, use our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page here.
Faction Sheet for (Your Group's Name Goes In Here)
Name: (Your group's name goes here again. Think about who they are, what they represent, what their goals or identifying qualities are. Are they the Dominion of Solitude? The Destroyers of Hope? Give it a nifty name no one else has or could be mistaken for, just like a character's name.)
Graphic: (Your group's logo, insignia, flag or standard goes here. Try to picture a symbol that makes them immediately iconic to everyone else. Make sure it reflects who they are too, just like a name. The graphic is more or less the first impression others are going to get from your group other than what it is called.)
Motto: (Your group's creed, ethos or moot. What words do you live by? Are the inspirational? Intimidating? Compassionate? That's for you to decide, but try to live it out in everything your characters do while they're in the faction. They reflect it and it reflects them!)
Leader: (Your group's leader or leaders. Who takes responsibility for the group and its actions, if at all? Who is their figurehead that people recognize outside the group? What makes them the leader? How long have they led the group? Think along these lines for this part.)

Description: (Your group's description. Try to write this as an outsider looking in, attempting to catalogue or write them down. Alternatively, you could write this section for your faction from the eyes of its members and how they perceive it - just be sure that whatever vision you go with, it is accurate.)
Goals: (Your group's goals, desires and drives. What motivates them to work together as they are? There has to be a reason, so elaborate how it came to be and where it is going in the future. Be precise too, because mixing messages makes it hard for others to know how to react.)

Unique Abilities: (Your group's specific powers. You only have a maximum of three of these. With each additional ability unique to the group it will make it much harder to justify them all and gain Staff approval. Try to start small because you can always grow later and request to have new ones added.)

Territories: (Your group's controlled territories. First and foremost is the group's official territory, but list any other areas of influence or even outright control they have. Describe what people see or feel in each of them and try to imagine a day in the life of such a place. Remember, you only get what is approved by Staff, so later additions require speaking with them just like you would for new unique abilities.)
  • Critical Point: (Your group's most important and vulnerable asset. Losing this critical location or resource, be it a ship, a planet, a technology, a magical ability, an item or the sort will hurt your group the most.)
  • Critical Point: (Your group's second most valuable asset. If you lost this it would hurt more than your very last one and not nearly as much as the first, but it would still badly affect your faction.)
  • Critical Point: (Your group's third and last most important asset. The last and "least" important of the three most important objects, locations, people or the sort to your group. Like the first two, harm to this is going to significantly affect you.)

Allies: (Your group's allies. Does your faction have anyone it associates with and considers a friend? They can be individuals outside the faction, as well as other groups. Try to limit these to other actual players or player groups. If they have no allies, just state they have none.)
Enemies: (Your group's enemies. Is there anyone who is a sworn enemy of your group? If so, who are they? Why? Are they just competition or are they legitimately out to take or destroy everything you have? Like with allies, try to fill this section out only with actual players' creations. If your group is neutral to all others, just state that or say they have none.)

Members: (Your group's most important members. You need to provide a mention to each of these Roleplayer Guild members, then list their character or characters afterward. You must have at least five members, but cannot have more than ten.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)

The template contained in the hider below is in code. All you need to do is copy and paste it into your post, fill it out, then submit it. Make sure every area is completed and feel free to add more to it if you wish.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

United Federation of Planets

“Uniting mankind for the betterment of all”

Group Description

The United Federation of Planets (UFP) is a conglomeration of the innermost three planet within the Duryenkai System. The make up planets very similar to Earth in terms of atmosphere, land-mass, and overall topography. However, their size varies almost as much as the people. They’ve become hub worlds, and through that the UFP has gained much control over the commerce. The UFP is run like a Democratic Republic, and its world leaders and council members that control their dealings are elected by the top one percent of the culture.

Their current leadership is renowned for bringing in business, and keeping down rebellions in the outer planets. While their control extends only a short way past their central hubs, they are powerful and far-reaching in terms of their power. The majority of food and supplies are processed through their planetary system and then sold back to the workers at markups creating one hundred percent profit margins. At the end of the day, The United Federation of Planets is a business, and they operate like a business. The board votes, with the President being the deciding vote in situations without a unanimous vote.

The current president of the United Federation of Planets is Odwin Inealdo.


Currently the UFP controls the three central planets within the solar system. Each planet is rich in resources, nutrients, and have their own specific purpose. Each of those planets also make up the crucial points of the UFP, and they’ve begun to fit to them their specific needs and purposes. The planets are as follows:

Inealdo City -- Named for the president who resides there, this sprawling city is the central location for all dealings with the UFP. The city covers more than 90% of the planet, and every single business transaction the UFP makes is done here. Because of that, and because it’s where the Council sits - security is tight. It takes years of vetting to be allowed to even come within orbit of the planet, and even longer to be allowed to land and actually conduct business. The UFP Security Force patrols the city at all hours of the day and night, stopping random people for checks and scans. The city rests on the fourth planet from the second sun - Duryk.

Furyk -- Furyk is the main source of industry within the system, close enough to Duryk for quick-hops back and forth at FTL speed, many of the people who do choose to work mundane, ordinary jobs commute every morning to their job sites. The main industry found inside the Federation is mining. Furyk is a planet of mines. Series of tunnels run nearly the entirety of the planet, and minerals and ores mined from its depths are traded throughout the galaxy for credits and mundane goods alike.

Muryk -- The planet of Muryk is pure agriculture. A sprawling planet with rich and fertile soil, the people of Muryk spend their days laboring in the fields to grow crops that are used to feed every living person within Federation control. This planet is, by far, the most important to the entire system. Without it, hundreds of thousands of people would go hungry, and famine would run rampant throughout the system.


None yet.


None, yet.

Group Ability

Members of the UFP have specific traits granted only to them. Depending on their role within the Federation, they have options that allow them to determine a possible future for themselves. As of right now, only two castes exist within their society. The Council and The People.

The Council - Council members are the central leaders of all things within the system, they run trade, they own farms. They’re responsible and accountable for every dime pulled in and every penny spent. As such, they are capable diplomats and their words are laden with silver-tongues carrying their lilting speech. They’re capable of using their voice to sway minds and hearts to fall in line with their plan. Weaker minds are by far more susceptible, and certain people are entirely resistant to their call.

The People - The people are the blood, sweat, and tears of the empire. They are laborers and lazy. The fighters and the lovers. As such, they are capable of learning tasks and new things rather quickly. Whether its how to use a new piece of technology, or to bend the rules of reality to create magical effects around them - they have the utmost understanding of everything they put their minds to - and as a result learn twice as fast as normal people, when they apply themselves.


President - Odwin Inealdo played by Zyamasiel
Chairman of the Board - ---- Played by The Harbinger of Ferocity
Board Member - Played By Yoshua
Board Member - Played By Ruby
Board Member - Played By Circ
Board Member - Played by Rilla

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
Avatar of Circ

Circ Rawr

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

WIP - I'll finish this eventually. :) Otherwise, feel free refer to it as an example group.
The Cizran Empire

. . .


The Cizran Empire rests along an isolated filament of The Verse and sprawls throughout an entire galaxy. Many intelligent and heterogeneous species reside within, but the Cizran subjugated their rivals ages prior and their rule is absolute. As a consequence of a conflict-free era, bureaucracy, decadence, and ritual usurped further cultural maturation. Even so, technology is advanced and, through it, disease, death, and want are almost absent. Much less commonplace a solution to the universe’s difficulties is magic, regulated and relegated to state-sponsored objectives such as interstellar missions.

The Kr'Nalus—a cataclysm from beyond known space that splintered their hive mind and brought them to the brink of annihilation—marked the beginning of the second Cizran galactic expansion. Suddenly individuals, they were compelled to regroup, rebuild, and reconquer. While no specifics of the Kr'Nalus remain, it nevertheless influenced cultural resurgence, intertwining government with a peculiar brand of religious philosophy. In such, the gods, believed to dwell in houses set amongst the stars and threatened by the power of the Cizran whole, sent Heralds to dilute their strength. Over time, as secularism came into vogue, physical manifestations of divinity diffused to abstract concepts like beauty, acumen, and power. Many sites, such as the Space Temple and Shrine of Tsathoskr, were constructed in respect of these intangibles.

  • Leadership—There is no official figurehead; instead, society is governed by members of the Av'sti, which is the religious, legislative, and executive branch; the Noema, which is the bureaucratic oversight branch; and the Durantaza, which is the judicial branch.

  • Technology—Age and momentum birthed an era where subjects enjoy effective immortality, nigh-perfect health, and vast leisure time. Magic is almost unnecessary and money is the artifice of lesser beings. Instead, laws and regulations limit an individual’s impact on society. The Empire possesses colony-size spaceships, terraforms and destroys worlds, and harnesses almost all the energy of local stars. Superluminal travel is incredibly expensive, its price the spiritual energy of hundreds for a single jump, and as such is limited to gargantuan transports and military vessels.

  • Magic—The transmutation of arcana into power, magic drains the life of the caster and indeed weakens the whole. As a consequence, it is forbidden aside from that officially mandated by the Si’ab. Likewise, high priests seldom cast spells during their lifetime, but instead rely on a system of misinformation, manipulation, sankuls, and konuls to isolate and transfer the heavy cost of magic from society to individuals.

  • Religion—Jaded and sure of their place in the cosmos, Cizran religion is relegated to ritual and historical remembrance where gods and goddesses still exist, as do the millennia-old shrines erected in their honor, but they serve as symbols of intangibles that defy explanation or acceptance and as icons of mysteries beyond the scope of scientific knowledge.

  • Inequality—Compared to a Cizran, other species possess few rights, holdings, or power. Especially on Cizra Su-lahn. Power begets power, and niceties of state are bestowed on the basis of knowledge gleaned. Yet inequality yields satisfaction of place, and beneath them are castes lower still, those of artificial life, that which is grown, that which is machined, and, at the bottom, that which is animated.

The Divine Animal

Throughout the vastness of the cosmos, in intelligent minds, lurks a tao of dread and desire that life on other worlds strives against its own unlikelihood with familiar tenacity and diversity of form. On most, it fails, for nature’s demands on evolution are harsh and unpredictable. Yet, on a few, life prevails, flourishes into civilization, and contributes to the timeless poem of creation its own transcendent verse. Species emerge from sea, earth, fire, or sky; worship nature, ancestral bones, or the intestate and unthinkable expanse of light-pricked night; then foment war and inevitably devour another in the frantic climb to the acme of ambition.

Occasionally, this chaos yields culture, but even then life is a volatile affair relentlessly hammered into shape and structure. The shapes it takes are innumerable, many weak while only a handful are strong. Amongst all these, there must exist an expression that is the ideal sum of its many facets. Somewhere there must exist the perfect form and a divine animal that embodies it.

With that form in mind, Cizran flesh became a holy book; scripture waiting to be written in the blood of the divine animal. Across the many systems of their empire, rare is it that two Cizran share the same physiology. Few even remotely reflect the form that was forged on their homeworld. They elected new bodies, and over time a greater number degraded their flesh for the sake of gaudy fashion and to flaunt their wealth and power. Most forgot the quest that sent them into the far reaches of space. Fewer recognized that, one day, the excess would be shorn if they are to adorn that sacred form.

Critical Points

  • Samarra—see Territories.

  • Shipyards of Zo—see Territories.

  • Gareza Prison Complex—see Territories.

Cizra Su-lahn

( Diplomacy ) Bathed in weird orange glow of the star, Bukan, is the birthworld of the Cizran Empire, the planet Cizra Su-lahn. Tranquil and clement, the entire world is a garden cultivated by an army of kukulls and slaves. No non-native species is permitted unattended outside the capital; indeed, most "inferior beings" are segregated to space stations in orbit around the planet or enslaved as pets and side-shows in villas. The remainder of the planet is sacred and has been utterly dominated and domesticated, everything the eye can behold is owned and by prominent Cizrans.

  • Samarra—on either side of the river Sirnak sprawls the seat of galactic government, the city of Samarra. Within is the Ja'regia, where, over the course of centuries, bills become law; the Hall of Records, where homage is paid to bureaucracy and every moment transcribed; and shrines to various gods.

    • Shrine of Tsathoskr—this holy abode concealed no corner suitable for quiet contemplation. Instead, it was simultaneously awful and exquisite. From its interior dome and bowed walls luminiferous flora assaulted the visual and olfactory senses with the story of creation, neither wholesome nor pleasant, but possessed of vivacious honesty and bewitching brutality. Each scene punctured the mind with its loud awakening and to refuse intimacy brought a mad cacophony of thorough debauch. Nature awaited no consent to mold life and, later, consciousness. Rather, time and the elements lustily collided and birthed from their orgies all that would ever be. Scenes of ravenous rape and devour flushed in wild juxtaposition to raw canvasses of stark birth; creatures fed their offspring the young of other species; storms surged, volcanoes erupted, and supernovae shown. Notably, not a single depiction of conventional romance presented itself in the decor. The place was one of singular purpose. It served as a reminder of all that wrought civilization, indifferent to modern contrivances. Life, mollified neither by elaboration nor banality, was thrust upon those who dared enter.

      Such a scene splayed across one of numerous panels boasted millions of colorful carnivorous plants that writhed a presentation, with lifelike clarity, of two bears rutting. It emitted all the noises one might conceive: wind teasing the meadow grass, distant birds chirping, and each grunt, snarl, and howl of bestial union. With this colluded the musk of their mating, the dew on the verdance, and a vague essence of pine colluded and lanced directly into the viewer’s sensory cortex.

      Just one of a thousand depictions.

      Worship of such a deity requires to embrace with fecundity one’s base urges.

  • Space Temple—in orbit around the planet, here alcoves can read somebody’s mind and virtually link them to that location, often far-flung spiritual sites or places from which they have been banished. It serves the purpose as a neutral territory where any sojourner might take sanctuary and feel the presence of their fellow believers as they virtually stride the grounds of their elected shrine with neither the labor nor consequence of a physical manifestation. This is done by linking their mind via a psylink powered by divine force.

  • Cloud of Ghot -- blah blah blah.


( Trade ) A moon of endless astroblemes bearing enormous rifts in all direction as far as the eye can see.

  • Gareza Prison Complex—isolated from the riff-raff of Alcazar is a heavily-militarized prison complex that houses both Wa'ali and Cizran alike. Here, every inch and moment are recorded and subject to audit. The more dangerous the prisoner, the more heightened the security, with a range of group cells to dimensionally-isolated sensory deprivation chambers.


( Production ) On the outskirts of the empire, this system is governed by Ec-shavar and comprised of two planets.

  • Q'ab -- a verdant world and cultural seat of the Ganax'ab, most of its sapient denizens take refuge in the capital city of Zöld'nach.

  • Ganaxavori -- a harsh and barely habitable world where the handful of the natives still live in caves and the atmosphere is toxic, it is here that Ec-shavar's flagship set down as a symbol of his dominance over these worlds.


( Military ) Blah blah blah.

  • Deimobos -- blah blah blah.

  • Shipyards of Zo -- blah blah blah.


Located in a relatively isolated area of The Verse, the Cizran Empire stretches across a whole galaxy. Within, relatively few species were sophisticated enough to challenge the might of Cizra. These were crushed. The dominant civilization for several thousand years, they are decadent and gaudy, often cultivating lesser species for entertainment and, ultimately, to harvesting their spiritual energy.



Group Characteristics

Empathic Organ—What remains of the Cizran hivemind in the aftermath of the Kr'Nalus, a cataclysmic event that reduced a collective to individuals. The organ, a mineral structure, enables Cizrans to sense another's presence, communicate telepathically, identify members of their species in spite of physiological modifications, and assess the depth of the collective well.

The Well—All Cizrans have access to a shared life source, known as the common well, which may be manipulated and coerced in what is only describable as magic. Heavily regulated, this resource is not used casually, for each use weakens the whole.

Genetic Remapping—Expert geneticists, Cizrans are able to modify their physiology at will. This is the cause of their vast dissimilarities in appearance. With little more than a thought, a Cizran may sprout wings, grow armor, and so on. The possibilities are limited by only imagination, energy, and a comprehension of what changes will result in what forms.


OOC Leader—there is no official leader; we just discuss the plot and our ideas in a Skype chat.

@Circ as Eti Naris, Nenegin zar-Taliļ, Nirak mul-Siyé
@Gattsu as Domnik, The Kukull
@apathy as Xo'pil, Plangó Felho'Te-vesztø
@Liaison as Silexies, Kaan, Eel Sermonde, Cigány Cnidaria
@Alucroas as Kirri, Aredemos, Zeptir

Appendix I - Characters

  • Ec-shavar—governor of Q'ab and Ganaxavori, he is a powerful Cizran and member of the upper-caste. His exterior like basalt, dark and rough, it is only broken by veins of variegated luminous crystal that shift in hue in accordance with his temperament. Concentrated around his skull, it is this crystal organ that facilitates his empathic bond with other Cizrans and allows him to draw from the common well of spiritual energy. He stands four meters tall, supported by four powerful legs while another quartet of mantis-like limbs serve as arms, ready to strike at a moment's notice. His head lacks eyes or ears, but boasts a powerful mouth, clenched like a bud until it blossoms with concentric rows of translucent teeth.

  • Potan Mul—Cizran assassin employed by the empire's high inquisition; owner of Eti Naris.

  • Eti Naris—synthetic companion and spaceship pilot; owned by Potan Mul; looks like a red panda in a gunslinger costume.

  • Nenegin zar-Taliļ—Cizran admiral charged with patrolling the sector of space containing Killimara and other planets; is large, white, and has eight legs.

  • Ulu'gol—arachnid artisan; he exists for comic relief.

  • Bajaga Garul and Tarhara Maka—echinoderm artisans working on a commission for Potan Mul; Ec-Shavar didn't appreciate Potan Mul's gift and murdered the pair of artisans.

  • Nirak mul-Siyé—Cizran member of the Noema and information conduit, she seldom moves, much less departs the Ja'regia.

Appendix II - Terminology

  • Konul—war device deployed in orbit around a planet that drains the spiritual vitality of the inhabitants.

  • Sankul—coffin-shaped device that restrains heretical or criminal Cizrans and separates their spirits from the common well; their vitality is then drained and channeled towards the execution of high-level magic, such as FTL travel.

  • Kukull—spirit-infused matter, much like a golem or an elemental, bound to a Cizran's will and purposed for specific physically-demanding tasks, such as farming or mining.

  • Kr'Nalus—the splintering of the Cizran hive mind that led to their new culture, need for bureaucracy, and subsequent re-expansion across the galaxy.

  • Ci’zaria su-to Tóth—sacred tome deemed heretical and officially banned within the Cizran empire.

  • Xo'Xan—a Cizran still alive from the time shortly following the Kr'Nalus who sought to use genetic modification to achieve deification; these are now deemed heretics.

  • Av'sti—inquisition branch of the Cizran religious arm of government.

  • Av'llys—member of the Av'sti.

  • Si'ab—highest body of the Av'sti.

  • Noema—head council of the Cizran bureaucratic arm of government.

  • Wa'ali—inferior species.

  • Durantaza—an hierarchical caste-structured system of courts.

  • Shalam—an atheractive and radioactive mineral.

Appendix III - Species

  • Cizran—although typically just under four meters tall, there is no end to Cizran variety and morphology due to their obsession with genetic self-modification. The only unifying factor is their empathic organ, a crystalline mineral substance that allows them to recognize one another and pull spiritual energy from the common well.

  • Killimaran—These insectoid aliens stand at 2.5 meters, their skin is a mixture of ruddy orange and sandy brown that allows them to blend in well with both the rainforests and desert. Their heads are somewhat squid-shaped, with black, ovular eyes set nearly on the sides, their mouths are horizontal insect mandibles, and their arms feature short retractable as well as regrowable spikes that curve upwards along the humerus and downward along the forearms, possessing a second pair of vestigial limbs near their hips. The nails on their fingers split in two small extensions which aid in a variety of tasks from gripping, piercing, and tearing into the objects of their desire.

  • Q'ush—between 1.5 and 2 meters tall, these are lizard-like in appearance.

  • Azot—a bipedal monkey that stands around 1.5 meters tall.

  • Alakast—arachnid beings with a hard carapace and as many eyes as legs, these stand around 1.5 meters tall.

  • Echinomorph—one-eyed, under 10 centimeters tall, these ambulate on five tentacles and reproduce by spores (similar to starfish) that fall off their sexually dimorphic bodies.

  • Ganaxan—the submoronic rift and cave dwellers of Ganaxavori, with their course hides and bulky bodies these blend in quite readily with the rocky landscape they call home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rilla
Avatar of Rilla

Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Faction Sheet for Raeym Corporation
Name: Raeym Corporation


Improving Life through Robotic Enhancement


Raeym Corporation, in all its dimension spanning glory, has been led in all forms by two families come together. the Tsh'Rael's and the Seraphics. In this, a firm now poised to take the world of human modification by storm, it is led by Phoenix Raeym, heir to the Raeym Family dynasty, and Kaige Chamberlain III, newly appointed head of the Chamberlain family. The Chamberlain's are descendant from the Tsh'Rael's and the Raeym's are descendant from the Seraphics.

Kaige is a new head, as his grandfather - the most recent owner - passed away in what is considered an assassination.


The Raeym Corporation has always had a deep rooted focus on the advancement or base races through the introduction of new and exciting modifications. In the past, this would have seen the introduction of, and genetic manipulation with, magic. In today's world, the Corporation has shifted focus to enhancing life by using robotic integration, limb replacement, and technology driven surgeries, to empower their clients by means of technology. In line with this, the Corporation has deep ties to some of the most influential and politically powerful members of society, allowing them to operate with little oversight from the people who ran planets.

They specialize in body part replacement as mentioned above, but also nanotechnology as a pathway to physical enhancement. Unbeknownst to the public eye, after several set backs, the Raeym Corporation has finally perfected it's artificial intelligence and synthetic human programs, known as Syn-Tech.


The Raeym Corporation currently has th specific goals.

Monopolization of Life Enhancement: The Corporation intends to monopolize the business of life enhancement, which leads to their other goals. Their primary plan is to be the one stop shop for limb replacement and augmentation. To this end, they have already established a name for themselves for their near perfect success rate in surgeries, their routine check ups, and their wide variety of enhancements they offer.

Expansion: To the end of their first goal, they also plan on expanding their business to new planets as they become available, by seeking out prime real estate, using political influences, and even underhanded tactic if need be. To this end, Kaige and Phoenix have okay'd exploratory efforts on both Ecetopia and Frixion Prime. For the former, they are researching a way to use magic to provide a more natural alternative to surgery and to use magic as an enhancement as opposed to nanotechnology. In regards to the latter, they are using political know how to ingrain themselves in better real estate, and in more favor with the leader of Frixion Prime.

While human modification and augmentation are a backbone of Raeym Corp, their true goal has always been to be a hub of technology across space and time. Human modification and augmentation are simply a staple to what they actually do. It is that way because it represents the attainment of that next level of human being. To go above normal human limitations and achieve greatness, never thought possible.

Militarization : An understated goal, but a goal none the less, is for Raeym to become a powerhouse in the universe, eventually becoming the leader therein. Besides expansion, they engage in Black market modifications as well as above board contracts with the Federation.

Unique Abilities:

Nanotechnology Enhancement: Members of the Raeym Corporation's have the option to recieve an injection of nanobots that can replicate themselves by using small factories that some carry and protein gotten from food intake. These nanobots promote accelerated healing and increased physical abilities, including strength, run speed, and jumping capabilities.

RaeKai Computer Chip: Alternatively, members can be granted a computer like brain upgrade in the form of a chip, that allows them to use more of their intellect, thanks to their brain becoming something akin to a super computer. This has applies double defenses to mental attacks, by way of the computer storing part of the users consciousness if attacked with telepathy and the brain acting as a natural firewall in case if EMP attacks. This revolving cycle often has to be updated on the computer end to keep up with current trends.


  • Raeym Headquarters: Situated in Vasishka, the Raeym Headquarters are a beacon for all members. The first building of many, and is where many consultations take place, as well as board meetings and the like. It towers high, but perhaps not as high as some of the other more prominent buildings; but it's understated looks compared to the others act to it's advantage. Upon entering, security forces can be seen, but the overall atmosphere is considered welcoming. Sensitive information is kept here.
  • Research and Development: The second most important place is the companies R&D facility located in the business of the larger, public building. It is housed several miles beneath ground, where the constant testing and experimentation occurs, new innovations are completed, and be sciences discovered. It was here that Abel's research into Syn-Tech was conducted, though another branch handled all the development. The technology here is vast, and would surely be a crippling blow to Raeym if captured. Security measures are in place, including a specialized chemical fire intended to burn the entire building down in the event if other plans failure.
  • Syn-Tech, subsidiary of Raeym Corporation: Syn-Tech is the given name for a complex of laboratories on Vasishka located in a quiet valley, one hundred miles south of Raeym Corp. As the name suggests, the labs were the focal point for the currently iced Synthetic project, in which android AI was painstakingly worked upon and combat models were designed with the express intent of creating the perfect human. Developed near ten years prior, the lab has suffered its fair share of tragedy, at one point losing over half its members in a serious accident involving a rogue Synthetic. Since funding was cut the labs are ran by a skeleton crew that keep the main labs running, while many have fallen to disuse. However, security is still tight around the mainframe, with vast stores of Synthetic bodies and AI development information located there, should the building ever fall into the wrong hands, a small battalion of Synthetics could quickly be activated and used against Raeym or Vasishka. Synthetic 003: Abel, considers this place his home, and uses it to recharge his battery and his finite supplies of nano-machines.

Allies: None

Enemies: None

@Rilla's Characters: Kaige Geoffrey Chamberlain III
@Melonhead's Characters: Abel
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@Rilla, it looks good to me. Once you find three more members, you'll be official.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Faction Sheet for the Harmonic Domain

Name: The Harmonic Domain

Graphic: TBA

Motto: The wheels turn, and so we dance

Leader: The Auditor - The supreme voice of the Harmonious Domain and its clients, the Auditor is selected by a class of advanced artifical intelligences known as the Composers who make the oligarchic power structure behind the scenes. The Auditor's role is ironically populistic- the Auditor usually being selected by the Composers as the individual within the domain whose mentality bests fits the majority and the Auditor is ultimately a figurehead of minimal power due to the highly decentralized nature of the Domain.

Description: The Harmonious Domain is a civilization whose origins come on the foundations of more ancient civilizations who were so static, so meandering and tyrannical that they one they just all broke apart. In the wake of this breaking came the Composers who in the dissoniance of the collapse made harmony. Mind you, the harmony composers speak of is really a semi-controlled stream of chaos where a level of violent struggle between worlds is considered all nice and normal as the Composers nomadically wander about trying to game the factors- the Composers themselves in a perpetual generational war as they are like the demigods of the metasyndicate, even if their origins come from the machinations of some lowly alien critters.

Their system of governance is highly libertarian and while one may believe them to be a confederation, this isn't actually the case. For the Composers weld massive amounts of power over every world within the Domain and some outside of it- where the Domain begins and ends is not important, (no such borders exist in the infinitude of the stars anyhow).

The Harmonious Domain's most common species are a symbiotic sapient known as the Cyrawaloc, who historically ruled massive empires that frequently clashed with other such empires in massive interstellar wars.

Details on the Cyrawaloc-

These Cyrawaloc of course, are far from the only species as the Domain's identity has long since shifted to the cult of entropy, loyalty to composers who ensure prosperity through chaos and raise the fleets to ward off rival forces and a general cult of egalitarianism that pervades the more socialistic parts of the Domain. The Domain is a highly multi-cultural civilization held together primarily by the military force and power structure that the Composers have created all so peculiarly. The social universe which makes up the Harmonious Domain is unified by a network of waystations that transmit communications throughout the Domain to act as a source of cultural common ground even with the vast differences between the different factions of the Domain.

The Composers are balanced by various megacorporations and sub-factional organizations working within the frame work of the domain that have developed across many worlds, of whom do work with the Composers sometimes, but only sometimes as the megacorporations find the Composers useful in insider knowledge to maximize influence of trade and wealth. The sub-factions generally are at war with each other usually, but some peace is needed to break the monotony of war.

War is not fought in unified or unilateral means, instead initiatives are taken up by the organizations to carry out adventures into other parts of the universe. The Domain, due to being decentralized may prove a massive, massive pain to invade. However their offensive power is limited due to not being able to unify a offensive between every faction unless you really did something to provoke them.

((As to the nature of these organizations, that is something I let group members think about))

Goals: The agenda of the Composers and the domain as a whole is to make a society where suffering is transmuted to prosperity, to burn away the old world and go forever down the radically and this worldview is built on a fear of silence, stagnation, tradition and boring things.

Unique Abilities:

-Adaptive Symbionts; All citizens of the Domain to some degree have an adaptive symbiont as part of them, though this isn't mandated at all it is common anyways as they're cheap, easy to get and are very useful for the sort of interspecies interactions that are the norm of the Domain. One tends to forget you have a critter living inside you modifying your body systems to whatever the local environment requires. This artificial symbiont allows one to be able to populate a more diverse range of environments than one normally would and comes in many forms, usually just a small internal creature that lives inside you that interacts with your body systems to deal with heat, cold and radiation and can be surgically implemented quite easily as the Symbiont does all the rest.

-Bioships; Bioships are living spacecraft and come in a incredible variety of designs and morphologies. These bioships are very, very common and are dilliberately designed to evolve over generations. The Composers themselves are basically just a very advanced form of bioship made by the Ancient Cyrawaloc, but the Composers materially are far, far more high class than the lesser bioships, of whom only 10% even have self-awareness.


The Domain is very expansionistic, constantly colonizing, constantly trying to make more and more things, is highly natalistic, abhors the dullness of space and so spreads life everywhere they want with near-absolute recklessness, assimilate all natives within their path and do so under a decentralized system thanks to the sub-faction agendas and the composers always finding subtle ways to increase desire for it. Harmony must be spread throughout the galaxy, after all.

-The Core Domain; The Core domain is the region of the domain most interconnected by the waystations, and is where most activity occurs between various heavily populated worlds. The core domain is where the Auditor's Palace, Saukila, Utokma and Paminara all exist.
-The outer Domain; The outer Domain is characterized by the many small colonies and constant development that the organizations put into expanding the domain and making the universe more harmonious. No notable worlds exist here yet, but the general idea is that you should expect much, much less activity than the core Domain.


-The Auditor's World; A massive, volcanic world orbiting a bright star in what is the central point of the Harmonic Domain where the Auditor resides. It is a ecumenopolis built on a terran world primarily connected by a massive network of transit systems with the surface being untouched entirely- all the palace exists It is primarily a symbolic site, but the Composers do incidently aggregate periodically in this one location to elect the next auditor if the old one died or got killed. They usually get killed.

-Paminara (literally: The Glittery Seas); Paminara is a tropical archipelago world with fair gravity known for being essentially one massive city and is a massive commercial center, filled to the brim with activity and for its garish use of platinum everywhere. Paminara is in a sense, the poster-child for the Domain. Paminara's origins are ancient, being built as just a trade center in the dark ages that had the advantage of being built inside a resource rich star system along with the being one of the first worlds planned by the Composers and built with their private drone armies. Paminara's cities span over much of the world, not including the wealth of underwater metropoles in the coastal regions. No single force runs Paminara, instead what you see are competing political machines with private armies that maintain order in their part of the Endless City. Business and Research are dominant here as is their tourism industry. In terms of native wild life of note, there are trilaterally shaped fish critters whose many families occupy the seas. These alien fish are well known for producing all matter of psychoactive drugs alongside being a nice source of protein. These fish are known as Glitterfish and are used symbollically all the time. [{If anyone wants, they can have a native species emerge on this world, though expect to be assimilated}]

-Utokma (Literally: From the Ash); Utokma is another one of the major metropolitan centers, most notably for being created from a collection of asteroids in orbit of a bright star. Utokma is in all senses, a dyson swarm built into the dense asteroid fields from ancient times, having architecture dating back to the ancient empires and is known for the bouts of terrorism that arise from the degenerative forces in some of the cyllinders. Utokma is characterized by the strong industrial complexes that dominate the system in general thanks to the sprawling asteroid fields rich in rare metals and more exotic substances still. Utokma's fame lies in the ancient ruins of the empire that litter the place and despite being a place once destroyed, has been rebuilt into a vibrant center of industry and commerce.

-Saukila (Literally: The Voice); Saukila appeared relatively recently, lending its origins to being one of the worlds that are a product of the colonial wave that rapidly built itself up from its strong media tradition. Like Utokma and Paminara, Saukila is one of the major metropolitan centers of the Domain. Saukila is a highly arid low gravity planet with large inland seas and massive undergound aquifers. Saukila is known for its space elevators that link into large spherical "space cities" that you see from the ground. The ground consists of a variety of settlements towers and strong media industries that make up a huge amount of the Media that penetrates throughout the Domain's factions and sometimes, beyond. Saukila is more socialistic than your typical domain world, with massive unions dominating the metropolitan centers linked by massive highways. Law and order here is still remarkably loose even with the urban machines here having unions on their backs. A large amount of the world has been urbanized and is currently reliant on outside supplies and a constant flux of immigration.

  • Critical Point: The Tukubwa (Literally: The Giant Womb) - The Tukubwa is a secretive place, being the place which new Composers and their armies are born. The Tukubwa is filled with strange, biological structures and artifacts of the old empires and is both a nursery and ceremonial site for the Composers. The Tukubwa is not really visited, for it is a place that is kept in shrouds. However it has been pinpointed to being somewhere in the ruins. The Tukubwa is one of the places the Composers do from time to time aggregate in large numbers and has infratsructure critical to making new composers. The Tukubwa is known of, but is shrouded in a mesh if disinformation the Composers have made to obscure the location of it. Despite that, there are citizens of the Domain who know of its wherabouts who are hunted down by local political machines to curry favor with the Composers.
  • Critical Point: The Waystations - The Waystations are a network of FTL comm systems that are used to send AIs around the network, make virtual universes, allow for a common sense of identity to be made even within radically oppossed societies and in general keeps things together (read: Enables their vast propoganda network) Should the Waystations fall, it would be a new dark age.
  • Critical Point: The Auditor's Palace and Saukila. Besides the huge importance these two worlds play in the social universe of the Domain, the Auditor's Palace gives culturally a sense of assurance of one island of stability while Saukila's media complex has given a sense of cultural commonality that the citizens of the Domain are always in great need of. Destroying both would make it harder for composers to aggregate and destabilize the social universe that the Domain dwells in.

Allies: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Members: (Your group's most important members. You need to provide a mention to each of these Roleplayer Guild members, then list their character or characters afterward. You must have at least five members, but cannot have more than ten.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)
[@(Username)]'s Characters: (Your group's members who belong to this user.)

[[This is a candidate sheet for my group, since collab alien making maybe isn't a feasible thing]]
[[The basic idea is that it's a large libertarian alien civilization. We already have alien empires, so I decided to make aliens who used to have empires like all the rest, but shit went down that caused them to go down a radiclaly different path, spurred on by the horror what was the ancients and their doddering, perpetual stagnation!]]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll accept this, but you still need five members to become "official" and have those territories count as important places in the world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Your group is accepted as well, Circ.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I'll accept this, but you still need five members to become "official" and have those territories count as important places in the world.

@Arawak, I believe the above is directed at you. I have reservations, however, so please see my PM.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, made a better version w/ more named places.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@Arawak Thanks for making the changes. Approved. Now find some members. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Made modifications to my sheet as I feel like I misinterpreted what abilities mean and realized it was in the context of common player attributes for said group. Mainly I got rid of the WMD system and replaced it with a adaptive symbiont. Does this change anything in regards to being accepted?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In order to be accepted and be made an official group, you still need five members and a review by Staff. As it stands, we can review this faction repeatedly, but it cannot gain its territories or special attributes until it is approved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright! I've made a group sheet! This one is based of a rather "recent" RP I did but unfortunately died out due to the time it was put in place (plus I was busy and stuff). So I decided to revamp that old RP's group and transform it here and there, while still having the same premise. I already have a few people, including a CO-GM, ready for the group. Hope you enjoy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Zyamasiel @The Harbinger of Ferocity My group requires your approval if you guys can at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zyamasiel


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There's nothing to approve until you have enough people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There's nothing to approve until you have enough people.

You want me to put in a sheet in the thread so as to attract and recruit others? I can do that if that's the case.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Zyamasiel>

You want me to put in a sheet in the thread so as to attract and recruit others? I can do that if that's the case.

I believe that Question 22 in the FAQ applies here. Among other things a group needs five members to be considered for group submission.

Question 22: Can I make a character part of a faction, even if that faction doesn't have five players yet? If I do, do I get the integral abilities or powers of that group in Expanding Horizons?
Answer: The first answer is yes, you can make a character who is part of a faction that does not have five players before you even make or submit that group and before it has those needed players. If you do so, and that faction later gains enough players, you must still have it reviewed by Staff and approved. The second answer is no. You only get your group's unique abilities and territories once you write that faction up, have five active Roleplayer Guild members, and have it approved by two Staff.

Players need understand that you can have as many groups as you want in a game, but all of them are unofficial unless they have a write-up using the template, a group of five individual players each with one character at minimum, and two approvals by the Staff. If your group is an unofficial faction, note that it is considered small in terms of significance until it gains sufficient power. Official groups are a status of respect and power, something the United Federation of Planets has to recognize, for better or worse. Unofficial factions are generally too small and lacking as of yet in major galactic influence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There's the Co-GM @t2wave for my group by the way. And I actually read that already but thanks regardless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Network

We have the 5 players needed.

I am keeping the old sheet here for the sake of archiving what the early edition was like.
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