Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Game Maker
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Game Maker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was raining softly against the thatched roof of the local tavern in the small town of Tarrin. Alric was almost out of money. He was going to need to find work soon if he wanted to continue searching for his sister, Sarah. She had disappeared a little over a year ago and it was Alric’s life mission to find her, to bring her home safe.

Alric was getting cut off by the barkeep, he had learned recently what happened if Alric had just a little too much to drink and was not eager to see that side of the young blond man again. He did cut the imposing figure at a little over six feet tall, broad shouldered and muscled from his both his work on the farm and his year of searching for Sarah. He wore simple chain mail with a hooded cloak, his sword resting in its scabbard on his hip and his round metal shield on his back.

Alric finished off the last of his ale with a sigh, the amber liquid was his one vice, if the people of Vadena could see him they would not recognize him, he had always tried to be a good example as a lot of the children of his hometown looked up to him – he was regarded as the town hero. But here, in this place, no one knew him and he did not care to know him. They had brought him no closer to finding Sarah then he had been when he’d arrived nearly a week ago.

He stumbled out of the tavern, only mildly drunk. He leaned against a wooden beam for support but when he pulled his hand away a piece of parchment was stuck to it. It was a poster of sorts, offering 10,000 sovereigns for the adventurers who could recover something for the monks in Ulna Themar. He could handle that, and with his cut of the money he’d have enough to look for Sarah full time. He folded the wet parchment and placed it in his pack, now headed for Ulna Themar. It was only a few days journey from where he was.

The city of Ulna Themar was often referred to as the Gilded City, and it was no wonder, almost all of the buildings were made of marble with gold accents. Intricate carvings of woodland creatures could be found throughout the marbled buildings older than anything Alric had ever seen. He had entered through the south gate which emptied out into the district known as Kutmal Market. Shops as far as the eye could see lined the roads that ran throughout the city. Shopkeepers tried to entice passerby into their shops by shouting their sales over the heads of the crowd. Alric ignored them, he needed the religious district of Sarbost West, that is where the temple would be.

The temple of Eteyar was the most beautiful temple Alric had ever seen. Streams of water seemed to flow all around and through the temple, falling out of a marble statue into a golden pond in the epicenter of the temple. Here, monks were waiting to greet the adventurer’s who had gathered.

“This ought to be good,” Alric muttered to himself.

An older elf, not that the humans in the group of adventurer’s would really be able to tell without experience among the elves, greeted them all warmly. Welcome! Welcome! Now, you all know why you’re here. You are to retrieve for us, an artifact of Lord Eteyar. Nothing too special, just a bronze sphere with ancient runes on it. It is in the misted forest which I fear is far too dangerous for our monks to venture into. No one has been known to return from the Misted Forest which is why until just recently it was illegal to go there. To get past the guard posted outside the gates you will need to show a voucher signed off by the mayor of our fair city. He requires that you be well prepared for your venture into the woods and that you have a party of no less than 3 people. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will remain here until the end of the day. If you mention to any of the shop keepers that you are part of Eteyar’s quest they will give you a discount. Good luck! May Eteyar guide you on your way!”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Game Maker OOC: I'm gonna assume the older elf is me, let me know if I'm wrong

It was always fun pretending to be old for Beivan, he was wearing a long grey cloak that covered most of his body and some shorts under it, he was slouching and holding a quarter staff with both hands, using it as a oversized walking stick, to the crowd he'd appear to be a frail old fart, when in reality it's likely he could beat up at least 50% of the people in front of him, this was done to make people underestimate him, enemies were everywhere and no one expects a old man to beat the crap out of you.

He was sad at the large amount of humans in the group, but hid that emotion from the crowd, he felt a fire burn his flesh every time he saw a human, those pathetic things that ruled his land, his home, all humans claimed they were special, when in reality to him they were demons, it wasn't fair that the same people who killed his parents would live 20 years when his parents would've lived 200.

Yet Beivan needed to rely on what he hated most. he knew his quest would be hindered by them as he wouldn't be able to tell them what the Artifact really does, legend has it that if the Bronze Sphere broke open, it would release a large flood that would drown all the humans and bring back the good old days when Ulna Themar was ruled by Elves.

However, his whole life had lead up to this moment, if he failed to find anyone who would join him, his quest would certainly end with his death, and 400 years of effort would slide down the drain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CajunRobinHood
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CajunRobinHood AKA Knight125, AKA Vulture585

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Game Maker

Just inside the gates of the Gilded City stood a giant, hooded figure, as motionless as the stone for which he was named. Pitanios couldn't help but gaze in wonder at the gold and marble structures that seemed to touch the very heavens themselves. "If this little adventure doesn't work out, I think I might just stay here," he thinks to himself. "If the people here have so much gold that they can afford to waste it on the sides of their houses, imagine what the insides of their purses look like!" Beginning to make his way through the city and moving with surprising quietness for a being over six and a half feet tall, Pitanios attempts to subtly choose his next target. Apparently, however, he wasn't subtle enough. Every time his gaze fell on someone for what he felt was just a fraction of a second, they noticed and crossed the street.

Pitanios eventually abandons his attempts at some quick cash and instead turns his attention to the gilded carvings on the buildings of creatures he had never even seen before. While he he had yet to learn what life in this city was really like, it was without a doubt, the most beautiful place he had ever seen. There was absolutely no comparing it to his home town, which was little more than a collection of dilapidated houses and hastily constructed shacks posing as shops. After a couple of hours of wandering aimlessly, the hulking dragonborn happens to stumble upon a group of monks waiting in front of what seemed to be a temple. He approaches the group with the most charming smile one could muster with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. "Hello gentlemen," the words flow rich and smooth from his mouth like molten chocolate, "I heard you're in need of a hero?"

((OOC: Does chocolate exist in this world))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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As adventurers, be they thrill seekers or treasure hunters, those hoping to make some coin for themselves or those looking to actually help the monks, and those there for other, possibly personal, reasons. One held back though, sticking to the shadows of the nearby alleyways, staying close enough to hear the announcement. The figure, clad entirely in black and with a hood covering their face, leaned against the wall of the alley, their arms crossed. Once the announcement ended, they pushed themselves off the wall and walked down the alley, they cloak billowing behind them.

Not long after, the same figure walked into a weaponsmith's shop. Without lowering their hood, they walked among the collection of shaped metal and wood. He took his time before grabbing a hand crossbow and a full set of twenty bolts before walking up to the counter, angling his head so his face couldn't be seen. Last thing he needed was a shop keeper freaking out over his appearance.
"I would like to buy these." He said, his voice a low growl. He took his short bow off his shoulder and placed it on the counter along with all the arrows he had. the weapon had served him well, but he found it cumbersome for when he wanted to switch between ranged attacks and his blades. Maybe the smaller weapon would prove more useful in that regard. "I would also like the trade these in as well. I'm helping the Eteyar's in the expedition. I heard that can get me a discount."



Aramil was among the crowd as the elf gave his speech. As the old elf spoke, Aramil examined those around him, sizing them up and trying to make out if any of them were remotely trustworthy. None of them did so when the speech was over, he walked away from everyone and headed towards where the vouchers were, muttering to himself angrily. He needed to be with at least two more people but he didn't know or trusted anyone there. That alone could prove fatal if the group fell apart due to conflicting opinions or personalities. He was not eager to die, not until he found the people who had brought destruction to his tribe.

Once he reached where all the groups were gathering, he found somewhere to sit and went about checking his weapons, especially his bow and the arrows he had. He trusted this weapon more then any other he possessed and the last thing he needed was for it to break on him. The arrows might also need new feathers so that they flew straight and true and the edges of his blades might be in need of sharpening. So, he checked out his gear and waited to see if anyone would approach him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@CajunRobinHood Beivan approached the newcomer slowly, aching forward with his oversized walking stick, Beivan gave the man a equally charming smile whose teeth radiated like the sun Of course, if I wasn't I'd be halfway to the artifact by now The words showered from Beivan like a calm summer river, Beivan hunched forward, leaning on his cane as he extended his old wrinkled hand for him to shake, My name is Beivan Bevolio, it 'tis a pleasure to meet you, I take it you are the more roguish type?, and that you seek a fine hoard of gold to keep you company, trust me you will find only gold on this adventure Beivan spoke softly like a mouse.

Beivan had seen many rogues, thieves and charmers in his life, after all he wasn't too far away from one himself as he kept himself hidden beneath a thick layer of lies, he had been able to notice troublemakers himself, he did not blame them though, for those who made the most trouble often end up the richest and most successful in life while those who cower beneath the law get nowhere. it was simply how the world works. though, troublemakers have a unnatural habit of finding their neck tied to a gallow's noose.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Laughter pinned her pamphlet to the bulletin board in the town square of Udena village. If the people of this village bothered reading what was on their board, she thought, maybe they would join the service of Cthulhu like she had. It was covering up another bulletin that she glanced at. Something about a mission to retrieve a religious artifact for a religious order. Interesting. Maybe it would have value to her master. If not, then it wouldn't matter if they had it, but their money would have use. She pulled it off the board and turned to leave the village. It would only take a few hours to walk there, and then she'd be able to figure out exactly what they wanted.


After the older elf's speech she walked out to find another person that had been there to hear the speech. He was sitting down checking his weapons. 'Well, hello there.' she thought at him, using her mind to speak to him as she couldn't truly speak. 'I wasn't expecting to find such an attracting man out here. And one that was a skilled adventurer as well. Nice to meet you.' She held out her hand. 'My name is Laughter.'
@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Game Maker
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Game Maker

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Alric watched in disgust as a group of rough looking men bragged loudly about how the money would be theirs in no time as they picked up one of the vouchers that the mayor had to sign off of. Alric took one and grumbled to himself, he needed at least 2 other people to help him even get to the Misted Forest. He knew from experience that he needed a larger party if he hoped to make it back from the forest alive. More people meant a smaller cut of the reward but he'd get no reward if he was dead. With a sigh he looked around, sizing people up. He smiled to himself when he spotted the dragonborn, they were always good to have around, even if they intimidated others.

"I could use a hero to go with me into the forest. If you're interested that is. The name's Alric Seawood." Alric held his hand out to the dragonborn, in his experience they liked being respected just as much as they enjoyed being feared.


The merchant's district was filled with the normal folk going about their daily errands but was also filled with new coin to spend, and so Tordek Battlehammer, one of the local blacksmith's had outdone himself in making sure his shop was stocked with all manners of arms and armor. Not just the best weapons that dwarves had to offer but the cheap stuff that the adventurer's who didn't know much would buy because it fit their budget. The mayor had required all shops give discounts to the adventurer's but Tordek didn't mind, there was more than enough profit going into his purse today.

"That will be 10 sovereigns. But," Tordek looked around and lowered his voice like he was letting the man in on a secret. "I have a more powerful crossbow, just as compact and even lighter. For you, 25 sovereigns."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Game Maker Perhaps it would be wiser if you joined my expedition young man, after all 20 men is better than 2 Beivan interrupted, he smiled and offered to shake the mans hand as well with his frail small hand, Ah pardon me for interrupting, 'tis a bad habit of mine, my name is Beivan Bevolo and it is a pleasure to meet you Beivan apologetically introduced himself, and brushed off some dust from his robes, Beivan was quick to notice that this man was human, ironically most of his expedition consisted of dimwitted humans looking to make a pretty penny, but however Beivan didn't care, if Alric joined his group he'd be nothing more than a tool and a tool has it's uses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CajunRobinHood
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CajunRobinHood AKA Knight125, AKA Vulture585

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Warborn123@Game Maker

Pitanios' gaze switches between a young, blond-haired warrior, and a frail, old man. He apologetically looks at Beivan while saying, "I'm sorry old man, but I'd feel more comfortable traveling with someone that doesn't look like a stiff breeze could blow them away." Ignoring the outstretched hand of the elf, he instead turns to shake that of Alric, who had spoken with much more respect than he had grown accustomed to during a life as an urchin. "Pitanios Pouli, it's nice to meet you." As he releases the fighter's grip, the dragonborn takes advantage of his height and scans the crowd before asking, "Are you alone?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@CajunRobinHood@Game Maker Beivan simply laughed at Pitanios' insult he took away his unshaken hand and moved it back to his quarterstaff Very well, I shall take my leave then Beivan quickly said his goodbyes and limped his way back to the monastery, however he stopped and turned around and added Oh, by the way Pitanios, don't underestimate those you've just met then turned around and continued his slow limp back to the monastery.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Riven frowned at the price, thinking it a bit steep since he was trading in a bow and arrows for basically the same thing. But the shop needed to make a profit, he understood that. When the shopkeeper brought up the possibility of a better weapon though, his interest was piqued and he watched the shopkeeper for signs of deception. He didn't see any but the price of the weapon was beyond the amount of coins in his purse.
"As nice as the offer is, I sadly cannot afford with my current finances. I thank you for the offer though. Hopefully, I do not come to regret it while on this expedition." He said to the shopkeeper. He pulled out the ten sovereigns that had been requested for the hand crossbow and the bolts, placing them next his shortbow and arrows on the counter.


Aramil looked up when someone approached him, a high elf, female apparently. He was caught off guard when a voice appeared in his head, only to realize with the elf in front of him talking to him. Telepathy, great. He took in her words and his lips twitched into a frown for a slight second. The way she approached him was a little to heavy handed in terms of the compliments. Not only that, you couldn't trust anyone. Everyone outside of his tribe likely had ulterior motives.
"You need to open your eyes more woman. As you can see, there are plenty of adventurers here. Some of them might be more skilled then me. Now, speak the truth and your true name or leave me be. What do you really want?" He said, his tone cold and with a slight bit of anger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

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@Game Maker

Gabe and Gaby

The twins frowned as they reached another city. "Do we need to stock?" Gabe asked, glancing at his sister. He tried to remember if she had said anything the previous night about their provisions getting low but nothing struck out.

Gaby, however, began mentally calculating their supplies and the distance to the next town. "I don't know. We need a map." she replied to her brother. "Is this Ulna Themar? That's what the last town said, isn't it?" She knew how her brother would respond and, with a sigh, began slowly descending.

"Don't ask me." Gabe sighed. He glanced back at his sister, only to see her starting to descend. Being the craziest of the pair, Gabe elected the divebomb, pulling up a mere 3 meters before he hit the ground, landing by the gate with his hands up, looking at the gate guards. "You need not worry. I am not here to fight. I just need some information and provisions."

Gaby landed beside him from her slower spiral and proceeded to smack him on the back of the head. "You idiot!" she yelled in elven, "What would you have done if these guards started attacking?"

"Excuse my sister." he sighed, blocking the second smack from her. "She's a bit paranoid and overprotective sometimes." He grabbed her hand and proceeded to drag his sister, much to her dismay, into Ulna Themar. "We're low on cash too, right?" he asked, frowning. "And don't even suggest trying to sell my soldiers! They're my only memories of home!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@Joshua Tamashii'But none are as handsome. It's nice to have some male company occasionally.' She moved slightly towards him, leaning forward slightly with a smile on her face. Maybe a bit of seduction could get her a companion for this quest. The fact that it was an attractive elf man was just the icing on the sweetroll, as they say. 'As for a name, I guess 2-1-9-F is the closest I have to a "real" name.' Laughter showed him her right forearm with the slave rules on it. 'I was the two hundred and nineteenth slave born of may master's slaves, daughter of 152M and 175F. Does that answer your question?'
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