
“Sphinx Of Magic”; “The Golden Sphinx”; “Enchantress Of The Dunes”
11.3 Feet
612 lbs
2,400 Years
4 (National); Shilukki is a sphinx, who are usually known as mythical creatures of fictional tales and legends. This one happens to be able to conjure up magic spells, while also maintaining her primal roots. While perhaps her abilities are not as strong as some other mages, she’s still a force to be reckoned with, provided you piss her off.
Shilukki is a sphinx with a rather-toned body, with golden-colored fur and large wings. She has emerald-green eyes with long brown eyebrows, covered by black eyeglasses, and has pointy elvish-like ears (despite not even closely related to elves). Shiny blonde hair runs down from her head to just where the tail meets and while she had lion paws, she has five digits, allowing her to pick up objects such as a cup with no problems. She also doesn’t have any breasts, just simply a flat chest like that of other lions.
Shilukki is a wise, but often stern, sphinx who often speaks politely to others. While mostly a bookworm, she is completely chill in having conversations with anyone who just so happens in wanting to converse with her. While she often isn’t the one to talk most of the time, she is a great listener, being able to retain anything you say, even if it seems she’s not paying attention at all. She loves to use riddles to test other people’s imaginative thinking for fun, as well as for those hostile bunch wanting to get out of her curses she implements on them. One must also not forget that she can tap into her primal instincts and use her enhanced senses to track down her opponents and even capture them if they happen to be a threat.
Powers & Abilities:
- ( 4 ) Spell Casting: -- Shilukki has incredible arsenal of knowledge when it comes in using magic. She has spells that range from elemental manipulation (that’s fired from the mouth), minor healing, deflection, capture, and telekinesis. These spells are activated by muttering the words in her native tongue, heavily reminiscing that of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Curses can also be placed upon the user, but they can be broken if the victim solves its riddle.
- ( 4 ) Flight: -- Like all sphinx, Shilukki has giant eagle-like wings that allow her to fly for great distances and travel from land to land.
- ( 2 ) Night Vision -- Being part feline, Shilukki is able to see in pitch black via night vision.
- ( 2 ) Stealth Tactics: -- Shilukki is usually able to slip in and out of situations unseen, allowing her to commit surprise ambushes and sneaky getaways.
- ( 2 ) Predator Instincts: -- Being a sphinx, Shilukki still has the animalistic instincts like that of big cats. This means her sense of smell, hearing, and sight allow her to track and capture her opponents with ease, without the use of magic.
- ( 2 ) Combat Expertise: -- Shilukki is a great fighter despite being on four feet. She uses her claws and teeth to inflict damage across her foe, as well as her tail and wings as other imaginative weapons.
- ( 1(?) ) Talisman -- This item is an ancient talisman from Egypt around 2,000 years ago. It’s been said to give good luck to any user who wears it around their neck.
Shilukki was once known as the grand “Sphinx of Magic” in her home realm of Egytania, a desert realm that housed the “Egytanians”. The civilization was a rather peaceful one, though rather primative technologically, it was highly skilled in conjuring magic. Yet the people did not naturally produce this magic, as they were given by the divine protectors, the sphinx. These half-lion, half-bird, and half-human like beings protected the civilization from any foreign threats and were worshipped daily. To the people, the sphinx were literal gods and goddesses among them.
One of these sphinx was Shilukki, a female creature who is an expert at conjuring up magic spells from the texts and books she carried. She was the leader of an academy known simply as “The Divine Conjurers” (DCs), which she taught various students under her belt. She was beloved by many and was highly-respected by all the people in Egytania. Even the supreme sphinx goddess, Chairimeda, gave her a spot in the high council, representing the people of the land. For many centuries, Shilukki lived a life of peace and harmony.
Yet that all changed after a foreign empire of an unknown name came down to the desert realm in an attempt to completely slaughter the entire civilization. This empire was way more technologically advanced compared to the Egytanians, with armor that was stronger than iron, weapons having the strength of 10 sphinx combined, and a reputation that bathed the civilization in certain death. At first, it didn’t look so well for the Egytanians. Even the sphinx could barely hold them back as even they, divine “immortals”, were shot down by the enemy’s weapons. However, our Shilukki wasn’t going to give up. She conjured up one of her strongest spells and casted meteors at the enemy, annihilating them as they made their way back to the skies where they came from.
Yet that spell came at a price, as it damaged around 80% of the entire capital city. Despite her success in driving the invaders out, her recklessness caused more damage to the city then anticipated. As a result, on behalf of the sphinx Council, she was shunned from Egytania. Despite the people having claimed forgiveness on her, it was fruitless as Shilukki was casted out through a portal and into a new realm for which she will live the rest of her days as an outcast. Will she return to Egytania one day? It’s highly unlikely. However, she is always ready to come home if the Council lets her in the near future… somehow.