As instructed by @Prewiga, I am posting my CS here:

(Note: His eyes normally always appear closed)
5'11" / 179 lbs
Fielding, Noel
Noel is distinctly characterized by his incessant snide remarks and snarky demeanor. He has a jolly and mocking personality which simultaneously allows him to act remarkably comfortable around others—as if the people he interacts with are old friends—and keep them at a distance with his insulting and irritating wit. At first glance, Noel doesn't seem to take much of anything seriously as he constantly makes light of situations no matter how dire they may be. And he doesn't seem to put much effort into most things either, regarding a lot of things as a waste of time and often giving half-baked excuses as to why he regards them as such.
Underlying his off-putting exterior is an incredible intellect. He has a knack for reading others and accurately predicting their actions and thoughts. He's not the world's greatest detective or anything of the sort but he is significantly above the average person. Noel perceives it almost as a second Quirk and utilizes it in battle as much as his actual Quirk which, in and of itself, isn't the typical combat-direct Quirk.
Noel detests popular Heroes, those who have gain the adoration of the many. While he defers to multiple reasons for his intense dislike of popular Heroes, the real truth is that he is envious of them and feels inferior to those Heroes. He knows full well that he can never become the type of Hero that the masses adore and that reality he holds has caused him to become cynical to the idea of the popular Hero.
Noel doesn't have many friends, as expected, but the ones he does have and/or make have earned his unique brand of respect to be considered so, typically by impressing him with their ideals or interesting uses of their Quirks. Despite his behavior seeming contrary to the ideal model of a Hero, Noel does hold steadfast to the idea of becoming a Hero one day and strictly follows most of the unspoken Hero code. Driving this dream of his is Noel's love for his little brother who had always seen him as the Hero he is meant to be even if Noel doesn't personally believe it himself.
A child is born with white hair to a pair of Quirkless parents. Unusual, but in a world inhabited by Heroes and Villains, it's a mild development at best. They were just happy to know that the child was born healthy. They named the child, Noel, in honor to the day he was born on. He was their present. A seemingly harmless boy with no special attributes other than his strange white hair, it certainly came as quite a shock when the boy's parents discovered that he indeed possessed a Quirk. One day, when the boy was playing in the garden while his mother tended to her flowers, Noel found that he can submerged himself underneath the ground and the dirt behave in a way similar to water. When his mother turned around to check on him, Noel was nowhere to be seen.
Her worries were quelled when she heard Noel's voice emanating from behind her. She found him sitting in the middle of the large planter containing the flowers she had been tending to. But how he managed such a feat puzzled her. So he did it again; right in front of her eyes. This boy has a Quirk. Growing up, Noel felt detached from the rest of society. His Quirk wasn't anything cool like super strength or shooting fireballs. He was jealous of those children with flashy Quirks that get noticed by everyone. "Those are the kids that grow up to be Heroes," he thought to himself on so many occasions.
Despite it all, Noel always had one fan that truly believed he is a Hero like the rest of them: his little brother, Noah. A Quirkless lad, Noah looked up to his big brother and his special power. Noah had seen and experience firsthand his brother's capacity for kindness and his willingness to do good. No matter what anybody says and even in spite of Noel's own belief, Noah considers him a Hero through and through. And Noel loved his little brother. Not wanting to be seen as a failure to him, Noel worked hard to one day become the Hero his brother sees him as. And then...
Fast forward to today, Noel is a young man of sixteen who still strives to be a Hero but in his own unique way. At some point, he was discovered by the Heroes of the Apprentice program who saw something in him and invited him to be part of the program. Noel, while on the surface, reluctantly agreed, was very excited deep down to be part of such a venture. Leaving his hometown of Chicago, Noel moved to New York to start living at the base of operations for the Apprentice program where he'll see what his future holds for him. His aim: to become the Hero his number one fan sees him as.
Mole: This Quirk allows Noel to "swim" through most types of surfaces as if they're water. Surfaces like rock, concrete, cement, asphalt, wood, etc. but not anything as dense or denser than metals. The true secret behind this Quirk is actually the freely controlled production of a powerful acid-like substance from Noel's pores that instantaneously eats through the molecules of mineral-like materials, allowing the user to "swim" through those materials. At the same time, the acid-like substance quickly hardens, leaving behind a bi-product similar in composition to the original material and, in essence, replacing what was corroded in the first place. At this stage, the acid is not powerful enough to corrode anything as dense as metals hence Noel's inability to "swim" through metals or denser substance. Also, the acid does not affect biological material aside from vegetation. With his physical training, Noel is able to "swim" as fast as an average person's full-on sprint and can hold his breath while submerged for up to two minutes at any given time.
Talents and Skills
• Noel is an athletic swimmer. Not only does he enjoy the sport but it also helps him immensely with the usage of his Quirk.
• Not having super strength or pyromancy or anything of the sort, Noel relies on physical strength training and combat training to help him fight the bad guys.
• Due to his Quirk, Noel is forced to hone his senses other than sight.
• Noel enjoys puzzles, mind games, and tactical games like chess although he has developed a twisted, chaotic version of chess that employs the use of chess pieces, checker pieces, and even small action figures of Heroes. He plays it exclusively with himself where he's always the winner.

(Note: His eyes normally always appear closed)
5'11" / 179 lbs
Fielding, Noel
Noel is distinctly characterized by his incessant snide remarks and snarky demeanor. He has a jolly and mocking personality which simultaneously allows him to act remarkably comfortable around others—as if the people he interacts with are old friends—and keep them at a distance with his insulting and irritating wit. At first glance, Noel doesn't seem to take much of anything seriously as he constantly makes light of situations no matter how dire they may be. And he doesn't seem to put much effort into most things either, regarding a lot of things as a waste of time and often giving half-baked excuses as to why he regards them as such.
Underlying his off-putting exterior is an incredible intellect. He has a knack for reading others and accurately predicting their actions and thoughts. He's not the world's greatest detective or anything of the sort but he is significantly above the average person. Noel perceives it almost as a second Quirk and utilizes it in battle as much as his actual Quirk which, in and of itself, isn't the typical combat-direct Quirk.
Noel detests popular Heroes, those who have gain the adoration of the many. While he defers to multiple reasons for his intense dislike of popular Heroes, the real truth is that he is envious of them and feels inferior to those Heroes. He knows full well that he can never become the type of Hero that the masses adore and that reality he holds has caused him to become cynical to the idea of the popular Hero.
Noel doesn't have many friends, as expected, but the ones he does have and/or make have earned his unique brand of respect to be considered so, typically by impressing him with their ideals or interesting uses of their Quirks. Despite his behavior seeming contrary to the ideal model of a Hero, Noel does hold steadfast to the idea of becoming a Hero one day and strictly follows most of the unspoken Hero code. Driving this dream of his is Noel's love for his little brother who had always seen him as the Hero he is meant to be even if Noel doesn't personally believe it himself.
A child is born with white hair to a pair of Quirkless parents. Unusual, but in a world inhabited by Heroes and Villains, it's a mild development at best. They were just happy to know that the child was born healthy. They named the child, Noel, in honor to the day he was born on. He was their present. A seemingly harmless boy with no special attributes other than his strange white hair, it certainly came as quite a shock when the boy's parents discovered that he indeed possessed a Quirk. One day, when the boy was playing in the garden while his mother tended to her flowers, Noel found that he can submerged himself underneath the ground and the dirt behave in a way similar to water. When his mother turned around to check on him, Noel was nowhere to be seen.
Her worries were quelled when she heard Noel's voice emanating from behind her. She found him sitting in the middle of the large planter containing the flowers she had been tending to. But how he managed such a feat puzzled her. So he did it again; right in front of her eyes. This boy has a Quirk. Growing up, Noel felt detached from the rest of society. His Quirk wasn't anything cool like super strength or shooting fireballs. He was jealous of those children with flashy Quirks that get noticed by everyone. "Those are the kids that grow up to be Heroes," he thought to himself on so many occasions.
Despite it all, Noel always had one fan that truly believed he is a Hero like the rest of them: his little brother, Noah. A Quirkless lad, Noah looked up to his big brother and his special power. Noah had seen and experience firsthand his brother's capacity for kindness and his willingness to do good. No matter what anybody says and even in spite of Noel's own belief, Noah considers him a Hero through and through. And Noel loved his little brother. Not wanting to be seen as a failure to him, Noel worked hard to one day become the Hero his brother sees him as. And then...
Fast forward to today, Noel is a young man of sixteen who still strives to be a Hero but in his own unique way. At some point, he was discovered by the Heroes of the Apprentice program who saw something in him and invited him to be part of the program. Noel, while on the surface, reluctantly agreed, was very excited deep down to be part of such a venture. Leaving his hometown of Chicago, Noel moved to New York to start living at the base of operations for the Apprentice program where he'll see what his future holds for him. His aim: to become the Hero his number one fan sees him as.
Mole: This Quirk allows Noel to "swim" through most types of surfaces as if they're water. Surfaces like rock, concrete, cement, asphalt, wood, etc. but not anything as dense or denser than metals. The true secret behind this Quirk is actually the freely controlled production of a powerful acid-like substance from Noel's pores that instantaneously eats through the molecules of mineral-like materials, allowing the user to "swim" through those materials. At the same time, the acid-like substance quickly hardens, leaving behind a bi-product similar in composition to the original material and, in essence, replacing what was corroded in the first place. At this stage, the acid is not powerful enough to corrode anything as dense as metals hence Noel's inability to "swim" through metals or denser substance. Also, the acid does not affect biological material aside from vegetation. With his physical training, Noel is able to "swim" as fast as an average person's full-on sprint and can hold his breath while submerged for up to two minutes at any given time.
Talents and Skills
• Noel is an athletic swimmer. Not only does he enjoy the sport but it also helps him immensely with the usage of his Quirk.
• Not having super strength or pyromancy or anything of the sort, Noel relies on physical strength training and combat training to help him fight the bad guys.
• Due to his Quirk, Noel is forced to hone his senses other than sight.
• Noel enjoys puzzles, mind games, and tactical games like chess although he has developed a twisted, chaotic version of chess that employs the use of chess pieces, checker pieces, and even small action figures of Heroes. He plays it exclusively with himself where he's always the winner.