Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Big Dread
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Big Dread Absurdist Hero

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abasil Ubain Tekeil
Name: Abasil Ubain Tekeil (The Survivor or The Exile)
Title: Special Operator

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 240 lbs
Age: Rather old.(534 Earth Years Old. Transitioned through 56 clone bodies)
Race/Species: Tallasil (Translates to "The People" or "The Citizens")
A once proud and technocratic species, the Tallasil have now become nothing but ruins and records. Another lost civilization that fell before it had time to expand to the stars in truth. The physiology of the Tallasil is humanoid in form though with a slightly hunched forward posture and the three sectioned legs normally common among quadrupeds. They have a very tall and thin frame with large lower feet that still have sharp claws from their earlier evolutionary forms. These legs are immensely powerful and provide the Tallasil with a staggering running speed and jump height. At the end of their long arms they have a six digit hand that has what might be considered a thumb on either side of the palm. Their skin tones once varied from a dark reddish brown to a light bluish gray but since the advent of cloning and the degradation of their genetics the skin of the Tallasil has become a singular pale gray sickly tone. A set of large eyes dominate the face. The eyes themselves are sloped upward and have very large iris sections that can hold many colors and have a tendency toward heterochromia. They once had hair but even then it was thin and light. Now, they have lost all hair on their heads and bodies. However, all of this is covered by the fully encasing environment suits they all wear. These suits are not exactly needed for survival but many of the Tallasil have very weak immune systems and nearly all of them have hemophilia. The fragile nature of their bodies makes them prone to caution and most keep their suits on at all times. This has led to many of them decorating the suits to represent themselves in some outward fashion, of course, all of this is lost on any aliens they might meet as their race is by all rights extinct.

Most upper class Tallasil kept a number of 'blank' clones that they could move their minds into if their current body ever was too injured or they were nearing the end of the body's life span. This created a number of serious complications as what seemed to be a group of immortal leaders began the dark trek down the path that led to the destruction of the species. Old grudges and an increasingly apathetic view on the preservation of life began a cycle of aggression that peaked with the construction of massive satellite batteries capable of delivering powerful plasma beam weapons that could ignite and fuse to particles of the atmosphere in order to destroy cities or even countries at a time. Once someone had this, they all had to have them. Not all cold wars can stay cold forever. The weapons fired and the only ones to survive were the poor bastards who had to stay in the satellites with their fingers on the trigger. Most killed themselves after performing their duty. One or two might not have.

Tier/Influence: 4 (Medium);
The real danger that comes from The Survivor is their wealth of experience. He has lived for centuries and has been many places and done many things. In combat he is a determined and relentless foe who fights with the knowledge that if he should fall it is not the end for him as well as with very little, if not nothing, to lose. He is particularly dangerous against armored targets as his weaponry is designed to eliminate those kinds of threats.
Group(s): Ragnarov Fleet

While Abasil is a rather normal specimen of his own species, most, if not all people he encounter would find him rather odd or alien looking. While his height is prodigious for most humanoid species he is only slightly above average height by comparison to his former companions. At first glance Abasil may seem lanky or maybe even weak when his thin and long arms are observed coming from his somewhat narrow shoulders for his height. However, it is quickly obvious that most of his muscular structure is actually centered around the hip and abdominal girdle. In this respect, and of course taking into account his three jointed legs, the man seems to be massively powerful. Each step with the long and powerful legs is far wider than a normal biped and has a loping quality that often off-puts many not used to the Tallasil. This is not helped by the face being obscured by the EV mask his always wears and the massive regal staff he keeps in his hand at all times. Behind the mask is a lipless humanoid face with almond shaped eyes that seem too large for the skull. Each of the eyes possesses a different color, the right being a dark blue and left being a light reddish pink. The last majority of the eye is taken up by the iris surrounding the rounded diamond shaped pupil. His skin is a sickly looking grayish-white and smooth and cold to the touch.

His appearance is nearly always covered by the armored EV suit and mask he must wear in order to survive in most climates. The entire suit is sleek and designed to sit as closely as it can to his body with the exception of the plates over his vital areas. The entire suit is black with some golden trim as well as some writing in his native language on the plates themselves. He has never revealed the meaning of this writing to anyone and the number of people who speak the language are so few and far between it is likely no one will ever know. The mask that serves as the face for The Survivor is smooth and black with a large visor across the front. The visor itself is lined in gold, framing the view-port. With each breath he takes the respirator hisses lightly and distorts the accented and raspy voice of the man beneath it. The only piece of clothing aside from the EV suit that Abasil wears is the thick mantel that displays both the insignia of the Akæns and the Ragnarov Fleet and covers his left shoulder and most of the left side of his body. This is also the only piece of real color on him, standing out as a bright red, with gold embroidery.

Abasil is the name that The Exile chose once he performed his most grim task. He threw off the name that had been given to him at birth and became something new. The name he chose meant stoic and he personifies that ideal. The Tallasil is not prone to emotional outbursts of any kind, either positive or negative. This sometimes leads to those he is first meeting to think that he some kind of strange combat android. His attitude has cooled from whatever it was to someone that is difficult to move by even the most wonderful or terrible things. This does not mean that he does not feel though. He feels quite like a normal person but his experience with seeing what emotional responses and people can do has since turned him against making any actions from an emotional state. Combined with his advanced age, Abasil, is able to reason himself out of nearly any emotional response. Logic is the rule of the day and always for the greatest good. Abasil would never destroy another planet if there was any other option, no matter how slim the chances. In general, Abasil is a pacifist. This puts him at odds with his path as a warrior, but, he still does his best to always avoid unneeded bloodshed and tries to pursue negotiation over conflict in any and all situations. Whenever asked he will try to find the best way for everyone to benefit and quickly disregards exploitative actions when considering ways to accomplish those goals. While the Tallasil might be loyal to a fault and ready to give his true life in the throws of a good cause he is quick to point out the moral flaws and logic of his companions as well as directly opposing them if they chose the easy path over the right path.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:
  • ( 3 )Ancient Veteran -- Both trained in the martial arts of his people and many others, Abasil has fought in plenty of wars and battles in many systems. It seems as though conflict follows him where he goes. The main focus of his training was in ambush, camouflage, and anti-armor actions using the powerful man-portable plasma weapon he has. This is not all he can do though. He has extensive training and experience in hand-to-hand combat with his staff as well as his body.
  • ( 2 ) Mobility -- The powerful and well built legs of Abasil make him a highly mobile force. He can sprint at nearly 40 mph for a short time and has a standing high jump of just over 7 feet. This allows him to reach places more quickly than normally would be expected and often from unexpected angles. This also makes kicks delivered from the Tallasil devastating to say the least.
  • ( 2 ) Military Engineering -- To be chosen to sit in the highest weapon platform of the entire species one would need to be a specialist in not only its design but the design of many weapons and their systems. Of course, that knowledge does little for Abasil in his current endeavors. This gap in knowledge led him to learn as much about the weapon systems he encountered as he could. He used his training and familiarity with weapons systems and construction to make the most of his exile. With centuries of practice, now Abasil, can figure out most weapons systems after encountering them for the first time and potentially reverse engineer them with enough time. Time and the training he was given so long ago has made The Exile into a living encyclopedia of weapons technology and its uses.

  • ( 4 ) Hal'ala, The Control Staff -- The grandest piece of technology from his old people and their weapons. Hal'ala is a 7 foot staff with the top of it hooking forwards like a shepherd's crook. The entire staff is a black core with a fine golden wrap around the shaft that completes into a solid golden cover on the crook's top. While a symbol of station and an effective enough weapon on its own for pummeling people, this is hardly the weapon's only function. Centuries ago this staff was used to fire the first volley from the great weapon that killed his planet. Now, it is a reminder of what unchecked violence can bring as well as his primary way of sustaining his life. The staff has a consonantly updating neural link to Abasil that is coded to his genetic sequence making the staff as useless as a heavy stick in the hands of anyone else. This link keeps a running copy of Abasil's mind and thoughts, and, this thought reading function is how the weapon performs its many functions with no external controls. The most impressive thing the staff does is to make sure its controller can survive even after death. When the staff detects the loss of vital signs from Abasil it immediately teleports back to the ship on which he travels and downloads his mind and memories into the brain of a fresh clone. While this process is death and to think of each close as the same man would be foolish, what this does accomplish is a sort of functional immortality for the controller of the staff. Offensively, the staff can be swung like it normally would but with something far more deadly than just impact. With a thought the plasma generator in the staff pumps out a halo of plasma and exotic particles around the crook of the staff turning it from a simple staff into terrible weapon. This weapon can easily melt and explode organic foes who do not keep their distance but can also be just as dangerous to the one holding it if they are not careful. The second offensive function of the weapon is in a ranged mode. The plasma generator and the malleable stricture of the staff turns it from a walking stick to a long plasma rifle. This weapon is designed to destroy armored targets and is not the best choice for anti-personnel. The blinding white beam of plasma can reach targets up to 200 yards away before quickly losing its potency due to atmospheric bloom. In the optimal range of the weapon anything struck by the beam is quickly excited to plasma itself or converted to sudden and unstable exotic partials. This sudden state change has violently hot and explosive results making short work of anything caught directly by the beam or in the immediate area. The ranged firing mode of the weapon takes fifteen seconds to power up to fire. During this time the staff makes a loud whirring sound and produces intense heat that is easily detected by any scanners. This is then followed by another fifteen second cool down period when the staff vents heat from the firing end. This process must be repeated with each shot from the weapon. It functions as a much slower, if not slightly more damaging, rocket launcher that uses plasma instead of chemical rockets.
  • ( 1 ) Environment Suit -- Due to the weak immune systems of all the fresh clones as well as the odd atmosphere of the planet that Abasil once called home he spends nearly all of his time in an armored environment suit. The environment suit is vacuum ready and equipped with plenty of bells and whistles in order to make life in harsh environments easier. These systems include: Flare compensators, magnetic boots, vision enhancements and magnification, adjustable sound compensators, communications systems, and recording units. The armored elements of the environmental suit are designed to keep the sealed nature of the suit intact in high danger situations as well as protect from small arms fire and shrapnel. The armor is particularly standard for most militaries in the galaxy aside from the improved heat shielding to compensate for the extreme heat thrown off by the control staff when it is being used as a weapon.
  • ( 2 ) Zalas Repeater -- A weapon of Akæn design with some small modifications to allow Abasil to use it without living metal as well as accommodating his additional digit. This is a rather standard side arm used by the Akæn warriors. It is a fully automatic laser pistol that uses a small microfusion reactor in the back of the weapon to produce deadly lasers at short range. The weapon is effective out to 50 yards but is less than lethal out to 100 yards and nothing more than a bright light any farther than that. Worn on his side and used more often than his control staff due to its lack of collateral damage and being far more stealthy.
  • ( 2 ) Active Camouflage System -- A system that has be taken and used from the Ragnarov Fleet. This system runs along the length of the EV suit that Abasil wears and has been integrated into the structure of Hal'ala. Masking most light, making them effectively impossible to see with naked eye and even making advanced tracking tools less useful. This system is prone to electromagnetic interference as it relies mostly on the masking system on the surface plating.
  • ( 4 ) The Obelisk -- The ship that once carried the fate of an entire race in its hands and let them slip into memory. This was once a non-FTL ship that has since been retrofitted to be able to travel with the rest of the fleet. The ship is large enough for a single person to live in relative comfort for an unknown length of time with recycling water systems as well as a food synthesis machines. The living area is covered with small mementos of the lost planet and lost life that Abasil once had as well as plenty of things from other alien world he has encountered. The ship is military in nature and lacks none of the normal things that would be associated with a small military vessel. It has a sophisticated stealth and jamming system upgraded by the Fleet and turning it into a perfect special operations and reconnaissance ship. On the outside the ship has many defensive weapons that function well for the ship in the realm of keeping fighters and other ships of the same size away and at bay. However, these weapons are woefully inadequate at even dealing much damage to larger military vessels. The ship. is light and nimble though allowing it to mobility to quickly re-position and keep with the flow of battle. Perhaps the most impressive thing in the ship is the cloning bay. A room dedicated to the creation, aging, and cultivating of new clone bodies for Abasil to inhabit. This room also functions as the medical bay. While the ship might seem odd to many who would enter it, it is home to Abasil and his safe haven. The ship has no proper helm and is instead directed with thought by the control staff, turning the ship into an extension of The Survivor's body when in flight.


The history of Abasil starts with the stolen future of his people by his own hand. While he was not the only one to be stationed in the massive orbiting web of satellites, he was the first to fire when the order was given. His blast began the volley that turned his planet from a thriving hub of life into a wasteland world full of rubble and an endless desert of glass. It was in that moment that who he was before died and the man known as Abasil was truly born. He waited in orbit around his planet for weeks. He tried to contact the other satellites who had fired but received no answer. After a brief time considering taking his own life with no one to talk to and nothing to return to, he left. His ship was not designed to leave the solar system but he pointed it to dark space and set the course. Eventually he would find someone or he would die. Either way, something would change and he would have plenty of time to think about what he and his people had done.

Nearly 40 years passed as the Obelisk drifted through space. It drifted and chugged along until he was finally found. This was the next part of his life. A time of discussion, threats, and war. Abasil found himself contacted by species after species, much to his own surprise. They all wanted to speak with him about how had gotten there and what was aboard his ship. Once they knew of the weapon he possessed, things started to become more hostile. This required The Survivor to quickly try to escape and defend himself from numerous foes before he found a few that were willing to accept his desire not the share what he possessed on the ship. The weapon of the Obelisk was not meant for anyone who would threaten to take it. It was for those who needed it to protect themselves.

Falling in with a number of groups that sought shelter and peace from the harshness of the galaxy gave Abasil a purpose and a desire to keep fighting the good fight for peace until his last. He fought in many conflicts of both defense and offense as he made his way through the galaxy. This built him a strange reputation among many as he entered into his late 300's. Some even thought of him as some kind of mythological figure. A thought that deeply disturbed him and one he would want to quash if he ever found a chance to. Along the way his skill in conflict, weapons technology, and survival increased greatly along with learning a multitude of new languages. This also gave him the chance to continually upgrade his ship and home until he could get nearly anywhere he wanted.

In his travel he finally found somewhere that seemed right after so many centuries of travel. The Akæns. They were an interventionist sort with a tendancy to meddle, but, always with a good cause in mind. It was here he met people who seemed to understand the ideals he strove for and lived long enough to reach a level of perfection he could truly appreciate. In the Akæns he also found his longest friend and companion. They were a skilled fighter when they needed to be and very skilled diplomat. Of course, when Abasil first met them they were just a child with enough gold in their wings to make them important. Abasil stayed with Chey and Kav from the time they were just small until they became what they are today, helping as much as he could along the way while he worked with the Akæn government in their plans and strategies. As a valued adviser and fighter, it was only a matter of time before he would be sent out to do more and with Chey and Kav with him, he did just that.

The Ragnarov Fleet was something that struck a very deep part of The Exile and he could not shake the feeling that this might have been the fate of his own people had they not killed themselves so long ago. He spoke with many of the council members and finally came to a decision about what to do with the weapon he had carried with him for so long. He would give it to these new people and trust them. Trust them enough not only to give away the legacy of his people's demise but also to give himself to when they needed him.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Big Dread I have some concerns about the strength of this character as described. Even without the null field, staff, and spaceship he would be an effective covert operative. That said, I'm fine with the cloning as it is clearly a central aspect of the character. Even the ship, because of the group your joining, although a personal combat vessel is in my opinion a four rather than a three in terms of influence. The other stuff, however, definitely needs more balance worked in to bring it down to what is realistically an influence of four.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Big Dread
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Big Dread Absurdist Hero

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edited. I removed the Null Field entirely, changed the ship from 3 to 4, and adjusted the staff as well as clarified its function. I think Maybe the problem was I over-flavored it and the rather mundane offensive capabilities (Compared to many other characters) may have been lost in my description.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Big Dread Approved.
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