Looking at the ruins, Rush kept wondering if he had seen it before. It didn’t look familiar. Then a memory of Blocter giving him a map so he couldn't give an excuse of getting lost came to mind.
I guess I was bad with these things, he thought on Blocter for a moment.
There were… others… They were only faintly in his head. It troubled Rush, especially now he recalled a mention of his parents working on a project. They worked on all kinds of projects, so why was this one so clear in his mind?
Rush didn’t want to dwell further on it. It was better if he investigated the area first. Like the ruins were something unfamiliar. Perhaps someone was there? His legs started to go in motion. As he moved, his eyes scanned around himself as he tried to make sense of his memories. It wasn't like anyone was there to guide him on his way. He felt like he was missing some guidance from some people. At times faces passed by in his head as he searched for the names. However, even the faces were blurry at best. It bothered him quite a lot, but he tried to remain calm for now.
His sister, however, it made Rush feel worse just whenever her name floated in his head. Where was she? What was going on? If he was honest with himself, it bothered him more that he didn't know how Irina was doing than the fact he was lost in a place he could not recognize. A sigh escaped his lips as he moved more to the left as he noted a normal path there that led to the ruins. It seemed like some kind of sandy road at best. It didn't have much for foot-tracks, there were other more unfamiliar tracks, it reminded him more of wagon tracks, but different.
It didn't bother him nor did he pay it much heed as he continued the trail towards the ruins of some sort of city.
Apart from the Ramparts and the mountains, was there any ruins? He scratched his head as he moved further and studied the ruins. As he got closer, he could hear a sound coming. It was unfamiliar to him, so his feet came to a halt as he tilted his head a bit. Looking over the wall and the damaged area's, he tried to figure out what it was and where it came from. He had gotten close enough to the ruins that it made it hard to keep track of all places. Going back seemed illogical, so instead he opted to wait for whatever was coming. If it was an enemy, he would simply cut it down. If it was anyone that could be of help, then he'd finally have found some directions.

Garland took notice of a certain presence. Actually, he didn't even need to focus on any presences or the like, the irritating laughter was enough to alert him quite well on who or what was there. Not like this very person even cared on stealth or surprising his opponents in
obvious ways. However, the clown was an expert when it came to surprising his opponents in the most annoying manners. And Garland couldn't deny the jester was devious and incredible at the scheming role. He was certain that if he stood at the other end of the line, he'd have a great deal of trouble. However, thinking of opponents... he didn't mind challenges like that either.
As Kefka bounced in, Garland only turned slightly before having an arm flinged around him. He turned his head a little towards the jester, just so he looked back at the man.
"Hmmm... Well, it does appear to be like old times," he responded in a calm manner, uncertain how to respond to the questions. He had felt Chaos' presence, but there were some things... off.
"Honestly, I'm not entirely certain yet what people we may find... The war has started anew, yet the rules have changed... I've felt the Great Will's hand in this, but right now..." he halted there and turned his head back to face forward. A moment of silence from his part.
Then he raised his arm and shrugged off the jester. Garland stepped forward,
"I will go see the meaning of this war, or at least discuss the current with the God of Discord," he said in a stern tone,
"perhaps you'd best go see whom else is here. See what allies and enemies we may have. Perhaps Cosmos or another God is out there who has alerted others. The lack of an announcement or anything bothers me, we'd best be on our toes," thinking about that sentence, he felt it was a wrong one in the regard of the jester and skipping on his toes while making chaos. It mattered little anyway,
"I'll get back to you when I know more, if that's agreeable with you." He hoped this would give him some time to discuss things with Chaos once he'd get to him... if that was possible. After that... what other presences were in this world? It was definitely not the same as usual. It was like many worlds were brought together, perhaps this place copied area's from worlds...
What if I am a copy? Or we all are? Now
that was an interesting thought.

Rhitahtyn stood before Cape Westwind, looking over the road as the hills and clouds shifted. Blankly staring at the sky and ground change form, the Galka blinked a few times underneath his helmet.
... Wait... He would rub his eyes if he didn't wear two massive shields on both arms and wore a large helmet on his head. He was certain, the area around Cape Westwind was altering itself. The mountains seemed to stretch out into a desert and a castle was seen far in the distance atop of the desert, the water on the side and the clear skies were removed and he could see a thundercloud coming his way while the ground rose and became hardened stone.
"What is this?" he said somewhat frustrated now. No response seemed to come and he turned to check on the soldiers, but saw nobody there. The outpost was still there, though. His mouth stayed hanging open as he looked all over the outpost in search for his men. Then he turned back to the desert.
"Well... I don't even..." he said calm to himself and shrugged,
"the Primals... they can shift the land, can they not?" he asked nobody in general and let out a sigh. The outpost was still there, that was all that mattered right now.
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina kept still for some time before turning around and walking to the outpost, if he was going to be there alone for some time, he could just as well figure out a place to rest. He couldn't just stay standing all day now, could he?

His hand held stretched out, an explosion had blown him apart. Yazoo was finally heading to Mother, wasn't he? The Remnant felt at peace as he felt his body drift. Then without warning, he felt the cold ground beneath him. His arm still stretched out as he felt the cold behind him and he looked calm forward, up into the sky.
"M-Mother?" Nothing... The ground felt cold, his body felt no pain, but whether it was his heart or soul, a cry of pain was felt throughout his entire body. A few more minutes he held out his hand before clasping his hand shut and closed his eyes.
It took a while, but Yazoo started to realize, he was not there. Not with Mother. Opening his eyes again, he carefully turned his head first to his left then to his right.
"L-Loz?" he asked carefully, but heard nothing. He knew already that his brother wasn't there. The crying was missing. Kadaj wasn't there either. He felt alone. Lowering his arm, the Remnant stayed still on the ground. If anything, he could cry right now, but he kept staring up at the sky.
"Why Mother..." am I not good enough? Why am I still here? No more words came over his lips, his body lay still on the ground in the ruins where he had died. His body and clothes were all without damage. The clear sky was actually starting to annoy the man a little bit.
Closing his eyes, Yazoo just wanted to try and think of this all as a bad dream. That he would soon awaken from it and find himself with his brothers by Mother's side. It almost felt like a wish from his side. He didn't have much, he never had much, they had always wanted to find Mother, just to be by Her side. It was the only purpose they had, so why... why was he here?