Hey, there.
I was absent for a year(?) from this site and just got back. I am looking for a player with ideas for a new story.
However, as I am a college student, I won't be replying often (sometimes I go weeks without writing a story). Also, I wish to correspond via e-mail, but if that's not possible for you I'll try to post my reply here (this site).
I know these are a lot of conditions but I am really lonely. I miss rpg-ing. I miss writing for fun and for other people. Help a person out? Thank you very much. PM me.

I was absent for a year(?) from this site and just got back. I am looking for a player with ideas for a new story.
However, as I am a college student, I won't be replying often (sometimes I go weeks without writing a story). Also, I wish to correspond via e-mail, but if that's not possible for you I'll try to post my reply here (this site).
I know these are a lot of conditions but I am really lonely. I miss rpg-ing. I miss writing for fun and for other people. Help a person out? Thank you very much. PM me.