Synopsis: A human girl is betrothed to the King of Elfland as a token and prize. Just before her wedding, a lawless fae called the Stormchaser spirits her away into Elfland to live with his motley ragtag group of misfits and brigands. Kidnapped by a magickal criminal in a land full of danger and wonder, whatever shall she do?
Setting: Fantasy Realm
Genre: Dark Fantasy
-wavewave- Haii, I'm Mae and I'm looking for a female character to fill the above role. I'm looking for something low-mid casual with daily posts ideally.
I'm hoping this can just be a nice chill RP, so fair warning I won't be rigorously checking for spelling/grammar, though I hope you will find my posts readable :D
I'm 23 and would prefer to roleplay with people over 18 for this RP, while I am not expecting much mature content there could be fade-to-black scenes. I am hoping this will become a long term saga as that's something I've been craving for a long time. I'd love to play a roleplay that follows characters living out their life, in this case your character travelling to the fae realm, her experiences with the rogue clan there, maybe even love, marriage and adorable magical babbus. I'll be honest, in my head I imagine her slowly being won over by the ragtag group she finds herself with, but who knows? It's equally possible she runs off back to the King of Elfland or even escapes to the human world.
Please note this is both a romance and Dark Fantasy roleplay. There may be battles, enchantment, danger, ect. that will drive the story forward. For this reason: no 100% passive roleplayers please. We're in this together, and we are both responsible for creating cool events that make things exciting :D
So yeah that's it! Please let me know if you'd like to do this RP with me ♥