Adventures in Alagaesia

Name: Ilidia Albree
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Background: Ilidia is a very strong young woman. She grew up in the streets of Teirm during final years of King Galbatorix. She doesn't remember much of those days only that her parents would remind her of that dragon rider's blessing every chance they got. The entire town knew of it. They knew a dragon and rider had stopped in town and during their short visit, the rider found her as no more than a babe and said a blessing in the ancient language over her. Nobody else received a blessing. Ever since, the town has had high hopes for Ilidia, believing she would rule Alagaesia or lead the dragon riders, or even just bring wealth to the town. There were many hopes riding on her and as she grew up, she found them to be more and more of a burden. She never stopped trying to be what they wanted her to be. She never showed her pain to anyone except her parents because she thought that if she showed weakness, she would be failing them all.
Ilidia took all of this in stride and found that she did not need to fake her strength because things never seemed to truly get to her. When she was old enough, she tried her best to help the town but honestly, the most she ever did was find someone's missing cat. She longed for a way to prove herself, for someone to give her a chance to show everyone that their hopes were not misplaced. One way or another, she was going to show them all that Ilidia Albree could be somebody.
Close Relations: Ilidia lives with her mother and father, Sylla and Arnorn Albree. She is their second child. The first is her older brother Tyrus Albree. He is eight years older than Ilidia but he left home when she was only nine. She doesn't really know why because they kept the reasons from her but it was because he was tired of her being the favored child. She remembers him yelling at their parents a lot then one day he was just gone in the middle of the night. She doesn't know what happened to him and she misses him. They had always been quite close before she the divide between him and their parents really grew. She always wondered what happened to him but she had never heard a word. Her parents were devastated at first but they got over it, not wanting to upset their little prodigy.
Personality: Despite the stress of everyone's expectations, she is able to go about her everyday life as normal. Her parents run an inn for travelers. She is always helping around there and looking for any opportunity to help the people that come through. She believes that helping people must be part of the mysterious job she was tasked with by that rider. She has always had mixed feelings about riders. Galbatorix was one and her parents have now told her that he was a cruel, power-hungry man. Eragon, however, fought for the people and freed them. She appreciates their power when they use it for good but she is afraid of another Galbatorix appearing. The dragons are a completely different story. She has never seen one. Only heard of them. The thought of something that big, that intelligent, and that deadly has caused her night terrors sometimes. Their ripping teeth, breath that can melt flesh from bone... the thought makes her shudder. She knows they are intelligent creatures and are rational, not just beasts, but that doesn't alleviate her fears of them as hard as she might try. Ilidia may think she is strong but as soon as she is put to any truly terrifying situation, she will probably realize she never even knew the definition of strength. The rest of her personality and views will be developed as we go...

(picture is obviously her in the future. Right now, she is just a barmaid helping to serve drinks in the inn. Here is another picture that could be her during a battle that I thought was cool)