𝓐𝓴𝓴𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓾𝒆𝓿𝒆𝓻𝒆
NameAkkon Kuevere
Birthday & AgeFall, Twenty-Three.
Height & WeightSix Feet Two Inches, Two hundred and Twenty Pounds.
Dreads & EyesDirty Blonde, Blue eyes.
Personality Sharp and crafty mind. Able to take odd objects and produce something useful with it.
Cares deeply for his wife and his brother and will stop at nothing to protect them.
Equipment- Spear with detachable Knife Head (made out of shark bone)
- Cooking Pot
- Spy Glass
Boat/Ship/HomeAkkon and Nhia's house boat has an octagon shape with a small shanty shack on the back for protection from the elements and to store some of their more valuable or treasured items. It is a close tight fit for both of them but it has just enough space to not be stepping on one another's toes. They have divided off a place on the side to cook and prepare food. It was done originally to try to keep it relatively sanitized, but over time that has become less of their worries.
GoalsShort Term Goal - Finding younger brother was very ill a few months ago. The two had brought the younger boy of only ten years old to an atoll that was rumored to have a very skilled doctor aboard. They paid a hefty sum to have him looked at and helped, but when they woke up the next morning - both the doctor and My younger brother had vanished. The two have been searching for my brother for a couple months now with a little to no leads of where he has gone. I would love to be reunited with him soon.
Long Term Goal - Find a suitable place to stay for him, his brother, and his wife to stay and stay somewhat safe and build a stable life together. As well as begin a family of his own with his wife (Nhia). A place with food, fresh water or a way to purify it.