Welcome to Millennium City: First Wave!

“There’s always a lighthouse. There’s always a man. There’s always a city.”
- Elizabeth, Colombia circa 1912
- Elizabeth, Colombia circa 1912
Pure, majestic, neon beauty.
The massive city, a glitzy, synthetic wonderland, met your gaze: A luxury Mercedes-Benz SUV strolled past you, speakers booming loudly, the bass vibrating against your skin. Some young British girl, probably early-20s, her sunglasses illuminating the pink-and-blue skyline, casually walked into a Nordstrom fashion store. An ocean of unfamiliar faces, mostly socialites - the upper echelon of Millennium’s privileged class - blissfully continued about their sheltered lives.
Heh. I guess it could be worse.
You close your eyes, inhaling the scent of numerous high-end perfume lines intermingled with the distinctive smell of post-afternoon rain.
It’s been a few days, no, a week perhaps? Damn it, you couldn’t remember.
Still, the sound of urban nightlife comforted you in some primitive way, as you - a sojourner who woke up in Millennium only a few days ago, lost and alone, sat patiently against a bench nestled in Kent City Park, a burner cellphone in hand. It wasn’t pretty, but it paid the bills - and most of all, kept you alive.
The locals say you shouldn’t dig too deep in Millennium’s internal affairs, but then again, you’re not just anybody, eh? A few days ago, you lived a life far from this city - in another world, another time, another place - only to find yourself, accompanied by dozens of strangers, awaken in the outskirts of Millennium.
Any ability or weapon you once possessed vanished - as if pried out by an invisible figure; leaving only yourself, your new-found friends (or enemies), to survive in a ruthless city by any means necessary, even if it involves turning on each other.
Your cellphone rings.
A rich, white-on-black lined limousine pulls across the street from you, a passenger door opening…
You pause, nod your head, and walk toward your contact…

1.) The main feature of Millennium is the “Quest” feature - which consists of the main storyline orchestrated by The Executive92 and the Lore-Master - to side-quests created by district GMs or roleplayers seeking to enhance the Millennium experience.
A quest can be offered by an NPC, the local advertisements board at Pocket D, intriguing clues or artifacts which prompts the player to investigate, etc. There are many ways players or GMs can begin side quests. In addition, a quest can range from a few hours long, a few days long, to even a few weeks long - it’s all up to the host.
Finally, players are rewarded by completing side quests with “in-game” currency ranging from $0 to $1000. Only district Game-Masters are permitted to pay players with a higher reward sum.
Note for GMs:
If you're interested in a mission, post it in the following format:
Mission Title:
Description: (What the NPC or advertisement says IC)
Difficulty: (Easy, Medium, Hard, Hell on Earth)
Genre: (Fantasy, action, slice-of-life, etc)
Players Accepted: (ie. 6-12; 20-30)
Payment: ($0-$1000)
Length of RP: (Hours, day(s), week(s))
Accept Quest: Y/N?
2.) Players who gain an adequate sum of currency are able to spend their reward money on either:
A.) Weaponry (either ranged or close combat)
B.) Buildings (WIP)
C.) Vehicles (WIP).
With further updates coming in the near future.
Note: While your character loses virtually all his/her offensive capabilities, I may permit you to keep some of his/her defensive powers - depending on how strong it is. While there is a way to get a single ability back, it costs in-game $$$. And it's expensive. It's called a [Power Orb], imbued with multiversal cosmic energy which essentially brings a part of you back into the realm.
3.) Millennium consists of six districts: Commercial (includes downtown and business), Industrial, Upper Class, Middle Class, and Poor Residential Districts, and finally, the Outskirts. The districts are controlled by a “master GM,” which develops the environment, major/minor factions, main district storyline, and side quests.
The master GM is also responsible for accepting or denying side quests by any roleplayer seeking to game-master their own missions for groups of 3+.
4.) There are occasional city-wide RP events which will be announced IC by 9news, Millennium City - a local news broadcasting agency - with frequent appearances from FOX NEWS or CNN for global events. These events will most likely occur once a month, and will temporarily change the dynamic and roleplay in Millennium City.
For example, let’s say in December 2017, The New Order (Nazis) from Wolfenstein manages to open a multiversal portal and attempts to conquer Millennium City - that’s considered an event. Players will be forced to try and fight off the Nazi invaders until victory or imminent loss occurs.

1.) While we accept OCs from time to time, we primarily cater to pre-existing, fictional characters. If you’re interested in introducing an OC, please PM me and your OC will be considered.
2.) No abilities (yet): Your character will be rendered 100% mortal; any abilities (ie. regeneration, magic, etc) has mysteriously vanished unless given explicit permission from the Admin or trusted mods. This also includes any signature weapons or equipment.
3.) Calculate your earnings honestly: Since we haven't developed an app (we’re working on it!) to calculate a roleplayer's earnings, any currency gained or spent via side quests will be entrusted to the roleplayer. Please report your inputs/outputs honestly.
4.) No god modding, power gaming, auto-hitting, or meta gaming. Any attempts to do so will be met with punishment.
5.) If you're in an RP event hosted by a Game-Master, no secondary characters are permitted to attend another Game-Master's roleplay. We want to be fair, and permit idle RP'ers a spot for someone else's RP.
6.) As much as I'm overjoyed (I really mean it!) with everyone's participation in MCRP, please try to be active. You don't have to dedicate hours on in to this game - Millennium is an open-world, persistent RP - so you're in it for the long-run. If you can post once a day, that's perfectly fine... but, of course, the more posts, the merrier!
7.) No ERP permitted, if any sexually explicit content occurs between two roleplayers, take it to PM.
8.) You are permitted to switch out your character for another once every two weeks.
8.) Respect admins and mods
Post your Character Sheet here
Character Name:
Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC. However, pre-made fictional characters are STRONGLY encouraged.]
Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]
Posting speed: [How frequently can you post, what time you're usually available for posting. FAIR WARNING. MILLENNIUM CAN BE A -VERY- FAST PACED RP COMMUNITY. BE PREPARED.]
Cast List: