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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Ye Enter at their own risk. (WIP first post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Scorn aka Chloe Allaire, Leader of the Reapers





She's a deranged psychopath that enjoys watching others suffer. She has no love for normal people, in fact she would rather watch them all suffer under her powers as well as those conduits who stand in her way.

Before her powers, and before Conduits were even known publicly, Chloe had been a good girl, a kind person who was shy and timid around most people. No one ever bothered her or asked why she had bruises on herself since she had always been such a kind person, why would anyone harm her. No one knew her home life. She was raised by a neglectful and abusive father and mother. Her mother wasn't even her real mother, her father had had a drinking problem for most of his life and had a child with another woman who left Chloe on his doorstep. He would of gotten rid of her, if the woman he hadn't been a part of a dangerous gang and she hadn't left a letter saying if he dared got rid of the child his head would be cut off.
Of course this made tension between her father and step-mother who hated Chloe, only raising her because of the fear of what would happen if they didn't. Despite that though, they beat her and treated her as if she was garbage yet it never made a dent in Chloe's kind nature. She always tried to look at the light of things. Her parents might of been drug addicted, drunks who hated her but she led a happy life, she might of not had many friends but those she did have she loved them like they were her family. It wasn't until one tragic event that pushed Chloe over the edge and ended that precious life and reborn her as a cruel and psychopathic killer. That event that would spawn her new persona, Scorn.
Her father had been drunk and probably high at the same time but he forced himself upon her, which led her kind self to die, finally unable to hold back the truth, the truth that her life was a dark one, a cruel one. That the only thing that comes from being raised by two monsters, is an even greater and deadly monster. Scorn was born and she hatched a plan to get her revenge after fifteen years of neglect and abuse. She drugged her parents one night and when they awoke both were tied up in chairs facing one another, and hooked up to an impressive work of a hand made contraption that would have them kill each other. The fear that Scorn saw in their eyes made her smile and laugh. Oh how she tormented them, causing them pain and suffering like they had to her before she allowed them death. First her wicked step-mother who she had made her father slit her throat, and then through this end, allowed him to see the device work in motion as a Rube Goldberg machine made its rounds where in the end a gun would eventually kill him. When cops finally arrived on the scene, they only saw Scorn laughing hysterically and repeating the words 'I WIN!' over and over again while a house was ablaze behind her.
She would plead insanity and with the evidence that it was true she was abused and her parents had a record, the courts would agree with that assumption and sent her to an asylum upstate. Here she would cause even more chaos. She became the most insane person they had there and was kept in twenty-four hour lock-down. She remained in lock-down for three years before her powers manifested at the age of eighteen. By then the D.U.P. had been formed, and Conduits were known to the public. She went on a rampage, causing more death in the Asylum and mayhem. It took nearly a month before the D.U.P. finally caught her and by then the damage was done. The Asylum was burned to the ground, countless dead and millions in damages, but the D.U.P. made that all disappear and took her away to Curdon Cay, where for five years she was held.
This is where she learned of the Reapers and more about the events of Empire City, where she found her true calling. She met the last two remaining conduits of the old gang there and learned as much as she could about the old gang. They had men on the outside but couldn't get out of Curdon Cay so they waited. She also recruited another man, the last of another gang that had been in Empire City, that gang had been called the Dustmen. He was the last surviving conduit of that gang and despite the fierce rivalry that had existed many years ago in Empire City an alliance was struck between her, the Reapers, and this Dustman. They ruled their cell block with an iron fist and eventually all were separated. Augustine made sure to keep Scorn on her own, in a cell that was filled with light, unable to use her powers unless Augustine allowed it. It wasn't until the fall of Augustine that Scorn was free and rejoined her comrades. The disappeared into the wind for a year before reappearing in New York. Here she would begin her new life finally, the new head of the Reapers and strike fear into the people and destroy the Syndicate.

Shadow Manipulation

Power Abilities:
Teleportation- Being able to use shadows as a means to go between distance though she can't go super far this way, mostly used for means of getting behind an opponent that she's facing to surprise them. Can also be used to gain access to tall building tops, a quick way to scale large structures and get around swiftly at times if there are lots of shadows around.

Shadow shot- a concentrated shot of darkness that does some damage to her opponent, can be focused to do increased damage.

Shadow Rocket- Shoots a ball of darkness made from shadows that are around her. Explodes on impact surrounding the person in darkness as well as doing quite a bit of damage but costs quite a bit of her energy.

Shadow beast/Shadow camouflage- able to create a beast, more commonly the shape of a rather large dog, or in myth what is called a hellhound and have it appear when she uses Shadow camouflage, a form of distraction basically. While she camouflage's into the shadows the beast appears to distract her enemies as she either slips away or gets a better advantage.

Shadow grenade- A densely packed ball of shadows used as a means of blinding her opponents, it doesn't do much damage but rather temporarily blinds them allowing her to strike quick and fast with another attack while they are blinded.

She has haemolacria, a rare condition where rather then crying tears, she cries blood. It was from her abusive parents that she got this.


Kiera Drogoth





She's a rather upbeat but serious person that can handle a joke from time to time. She tries to think positive of most things but knows that not everything can be perfect and simple and has a mind of a strategist from the years of being with her father who had been in a gang and got out but still had enemies on him. She's loyal to her friends and will protect those that she cares for even if it means death. She is a compassionate person and tries to help all those that she can, when she can.

Kiera was born into a dangerous life. Her mother abandoned her to his father, not caring about her and thought of the night that she had shared with Keira's father a one night fling with unexpected results (of course it wasn't the first time these results happened from a one night fling). Keira's father was left to decide his daughter's fate, as much as he at the time did not want a child, he couldn't get rid of her so he took care of her, and did what was expected of himself while he resided with the gang. When Keira was about five though, he managed to get himself out of the gang, faking his death and ran into the hills, having Keira and himself live a life of seclusion for the most part besides the long trips to take her to school. He taught her most of what he knew and that she had to be careful, because he still had enemies and explained more as she got older on his past life. She had been shocked to learn that her father had lived such a horrible life but never left or was angered by him. She was more disappointed by him but was proud he had gotten them out of that terrible life to this nice one.
Eventually though all good things come to an end and his old gang did find him and ended her father's life while Keira was attending her school studies. She came home to the smoldering remains of a house. This was when her powers appeared. Outraged she let out a scream into the night that shook the air and made glass shoot out of the ground around her (think kind of like Cole's ice powers from Infamous 2 but with glass). She was shocked and scared at what happened and ran. When the D.U.P. was formed she figured out what she was, a conduit. She learned that she could manipulate glass, being able to form it as well as use the materials around her made of glass to fuel her powers or use it for her own works. She stayed under the radar of the D.U.P. once learning what she was, not wanting to be thrown in jail but eventually they found her and at the age of sixteen, she was sent to Curdon Cay, where learning her powers would be just the tip of the iceberg of what she would find while she was their.
One of the rare days when the conduits were allowed to mingle with others in the prison she stumbled upon a person who looked nearly like her in a lot of ways. From what she learned, that girl had called herself Scorn though she learned that her real name was Chloe after some digging and getting on a few of the guard's good side (hey not all of them are bad people right?). She found it odd that both of them never knew their mother, coincidence perhaps but the events that made them not know their mother were nearly identical. Both were abandoned, left with their parental fathers. She tried to make friends with Chloe but eventually figured she was too insane to allow it and she had formed her own group that ruled the section of the prison she was in. Keira resided in another prison cell block. Her cell being merely made to not hold any glass.
When the day came that the conduits were freed from Curdon Cay she could of been the happiest person in the world. She had tried to be the first one out, finally able to breath fresh air again, able to now use her powers with more control, the only good use Curdon Cay had ever had. She had also tried to find Chloe again but she was all ready gone.
For a time Keira traveled the country, never really settling anywhere but just seeing the sites of the United States. She eventually settled in the Big Apple when she was twenty-two and has happily lived in the city for a year now when the Syndicate showed their ugly face. She vowed to stop them and bring them to justice for what they did to conduits.

Glass Manipulation- Shape, compress, and/or otherwise manipulate glass, including properties such as color, opacity and flexibility. Includes granulation, heat/cold resistance, polish glass, repair glass objects, resistance/invulnerability to damage, sharpen/dull glass objects, and thermal resistance.

Power Abilities:
Glass Shot- Fires a glass blade from palm, though only one shot at a time, can do quite a bit of damaged when focused properly.

Shrapnel Grenade- A glass grenade that on explosion sends out shrapnel of glass, downs weakened foes.

Glass Surfing- Her form of transportation, she takes a piece of glass and forms it into a platform she's able to stand on and can surf on it basically.

Glass Shield- Takes glass from surrounding environment to form a glass shield around her. She can harden it to take quite a bit of damage but can only do it for so long before it shatters.

Is Scorn's half-sister.

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Botan Ichihara


Age: 36
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown

Physical Description: Botan stands at 5' 8'' with a moderate build that isn't lean nor bulky. His body is well toned and carries the scars of his past. The only signs of aging would be the distinct notice of gray hair and a few wrinkles that lie on his face.


Personality: He is a rather silent man, rare to start conversation amongst the company of others giving the impression of a man who is impassive to many when in truth he is quite the opposite. He cares for his fellow man and still holds the ideals and honors of what it means to be a samurai even if the title has been stripped from him. He is a loyal warrior willing to give his life to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who are not. He carries the scars that he has on him as proof of his honor, to show that even if he is ronin he still upholds his master's values that were taught to him.

He was trained to be a samurai, beginning training in his young teenage years. Botan showed his strengths through perseverance and dedication, never giving up in his training. He and his fellow samurai protected the village that they lived in from those who would try to harm the citizens. He was honored to work with such a master that he had and his comrades became his brothers and a few sisters as well who were given the same honor. He brought honor to his family. The good times though would not last.

On the year of his twenty fifth birthday, his master was killed changing the fate of all those that had been under him. It was deemed an honorable death one through combat from what was examined on the body but Botan did not believe this to be true and chose to become ronin as to seek the truth. His fellow samurai chose separate paths some committed themselves to being into the villages own personal army merely becoming one of many of the warriors that protected it, though with better skills with a blade. Some chose to join their master with an honorable death while others went to seek out new masters who would let them join. His village became one with no samurai in the end.

History: Optional

Place of Birth: Tongai Shogunate


Weapon of Choice: Nagamaki

Personal Affects:
-Money from his occasional hired jobs.
-Tanto just in case his nagamaki is not with him he has something to use, be it for combat or an honorable death.
-Bed roll since a luxury to sleep indoors is not one he is usually accustomed to in his wanderings.
-An old worn pendant that belonged to his master. He does not wear it but looks at it when he needs guidance on his wandering.
-Spare set of clothes. Even being ronin he has a sense of needing to look at least presentable at the festivities.

Other: N/A
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Her attire:

Except she has a shirt or some form of clothing underneath that covers her stomach.

Character name:
Tal-Vashoth Zeynep Sihir



Saarebas (Qunari Mage), more specific her prowess is being a Force Mage.

Skills and talents:
Fist of the Maker- The mage slams enemies into the ground with incredible power, against which armor is no protection.
Stonefist- The mage hurls a stone projectile that strikes with massive force.
Chain Lightning- The mage singes a target with lightning, and electrical arcs lance out to hit other nearby foes.
Hex of Torment- The mage curses the enemy, increasing damage from all sources for a short time.

Her polearm which doubles as her catalyst of dishing out the magic she knows.

Zeynep was born Par Vollen and like all other qunari children, was sent to be raised by the Tamassrans of the capitol city, Qunandar. For a time she led the normal life that is expected of all qunari children, and of course would of more then likely have become one of the Tamassrans as well until the day came that she showed that she was cursed with the use of magic. When it was found out that she was plagued by this curse, she was removed from the care of the Tamassrans and placed in the care of an arvaarad, she became a saarebas. Those that she had come to know as brothers and sisters, the only form of family she would ever had, rejected her and she soon lost all contact to the world around her. Under the care of her arvaarad, she became nothing more then a social outcast due to the fear of magic that the Qun had. Zeynep learned to not speak at all after watching a fellow saarebas have his own tongue cut out of his mouth due to the accusation of that saarebas practicing magic while his arvaarad was not looking. She never spoke only gave nods and head shakes to questions or to show she was listening. She was lucky enough to be sparred from having her horns removed, making an agreement with her arvaarad that allowed her to keep her horns.
Zeynep eventually fooled them all that she was nothing more then a submissive servant, all the while she planned her escape. She might of not spoke but she secretly taught herself magic, it was never an easy task but she taught herself enough to have a means of escape. Eventually the time came where she could run, leave the Qun and become Tal-Voshoth. She never wanted to return to Par Vollen, there was nothing for here there to stay and she cursed the place for her exile from society and treatment which was no better then being an attack dog.
When the night came of her escape, she manage to slip by her arvaarad, asleep like a babe, never expecting that Zeynep would try such a feat. She would never know how long it took for them to discover her escape but it did not matter. She ran south, only stopping when necessary. She could not remain in one place for long, there was no knowing if she was being hunted down as she ran, if she was caught it would only mean death.
Once she managed to get as far as Orlais, that was when she took time to stop. She hid herself among the shadows of the city, finally cutting away the strand of strings that kept her mouth sown shut, not enough to entirely keep her from opening it but enough that it had been able to prevent most talking above a whisper, to finally hear her own voice again shocked her. She had not heard it in years since she had become saarebas, now though she was free of that accursed title and free to learn to speak the native tongue of Thedas. She had to learn on her own for quite some time, listening and piecing what everything meant. She learned a lot from her time in Orlais. Eventually though she left Orlais and continued south, coming to the Free Marches and finding herself in the city of chains, Kirkwall. Here she sold herself off as a mercenary for hire, what else could she do? She had no useful skills besides the little knowledge of magic she had, being able to at least be a mercenary for hire allowed her to learn more about other cultures, the language that most spoke, and at least a little more magic. Her time in Orlais as well as Kirkwall left her feeling slightly jealous of the people she saw. How they had so much freedom to choose their paths they desired, something she never had. Even the Circle of Magi she looked with awe as well, seeing how the mages were treated.
Despite her awe though, she still holds some ideals of the Qun and finds that most people are, for lack of a better term, weak and gets agitated by those that take the little things they have for granted. She also frowns upon those mages that would make deals with demons, seeing them as weak and unfit for the life they have.


His attire:

Character name:
Gavlan Drogoth



Beserker Warrior

Skills and talents:
His combat skills lie in two handed weapons, specifically he deals with great axes and great hammer weapons. Who says the small guy can pack a powerful punch to his foes? Gavlan skills as a warrior come from his years of training as being an enforcer of the laws in Orzammar as well as having to occasionally be sent into the Deep Roads with his fellow comrades when told too.
Beserk- The berserker flies into a rage, landing powerful blows for as long as this mode is active.
Mighty Blow- The warrior leaps into the air, crashing down on foes with tremendous force.
Giants Reach- The warrior's two-handed attacks rip through the air with such power that each generates a shockwave past the point of impact, effectively extending the weapon's reach.

His armor on his back and his mighty axe that is named Luca

Gavlan grew up at first as a trader of Orzammar. His trade was that in weapons and armor with an occasional dabble of the other markets when he could afford to do so. Unfortunately Gavlan ran into tough times and was forced into making deals with a group of thugs that were called the Carta. His involvement lead to a slight relationship with the gang's leader Jarvia. The relationship didn't last long however with Jarvia pressing him to do more illegal actions then he wanted to. For his disobedience, his shop was destroyed and the law enforcement of Orzammar got an anonymous tip of his dealings with Carta. For his punishment it was either going to jail, becoming casteless, or going into the Deep Roads on expeditions. His choice was the Deep Roads. This was when he began learning his fighting prowess. From other warriors, either other criminals forced into the expeditions for punishment or Orzammars guards who volunteered for these dangerous jobs. Orzammar was the last Thaig and it was determined to not fall, in order to do that, they had to thin Darkspawn from time to time. These expedition were also used to traverse to lost Thaigs and find anything that might be of use to Orzammar, be it ancient texts or miscellaneous items that could fetch a price being sold to the outside world above Orzammar.
Even after his punishment was deemed over, he continued going on the expeditions into the Deep Roads, partially because it meant finding rare items he could sneak back to Orzammar and sell for some coin and partially because he enjoyed the fighting, he learned he had a knack of using an axe and fighting Darkspawn gave him some pleasure and entertainment. Plus he made friends in his merry band of outcasts who also continued these expeditions. They shared in good laughs and mead. Unfortunately all good things come to an end. While on one expedition into the Deep Roads, they were ambushed by Darkspawn. Gavlan was the only one to make it out alive. He feared that perhaps returning to Orzammar would not be a wise decision. All the men in the expedition were considered criminals, even if Gavlan had repaid his dues to society for his supposed crimes. Rather the return he looked for a means of leaving the Deep Road. It took him days to find one of the exits of the Deep Roads, but he did and found himself far from the moutain range of Orzammar that he called home. He felt like he was going to fall off the realm of Thedas with how open the world was. He had no idea where he was only where he couldn't go. So he made his way north, passing though Orlais, Nevarra, and the Free Marches before stopping in Kirkwall. Here is when he meant his partner in crime. Zeynep the Qunari mage. At first neither saw eye to eye on anything. Always bickering back and forth on how things should be done. Eventually though they found the means to get along and even enjoy each others company. Both were social outcasts. She a qunari mage and him an dwarf with no home. They used their talents to be hired out as mercenaries or smugglers in Kirkwall and soon Gavlan was well know for being a guy that could smuggle just about anything into Kirkwall's walls.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Name:Bartholomew Whitlock, but prefers being called Tholo

Nicknames/aliases: Tholo, Beast of Gevaudan, Howling Fist

Age:652 years




Sexual Preference: Hetero

-A good fight
-The metallic smell of blood
-The occasional fling
-Working with metal (minus silver of course)

-VAMPIRES (damn bloodsuckers are a plague XD)
-French (Vampire that betrayed him was French, plus being born)
-Overly stubborn people

Born in the year 1363 and led a rather normal life, no idea of what lived in the shadows of the world. For his work he had to travel across the moors of England, and it was on one of these trips that his life was forever changed. He remembers little of the attack that occurred in 1388, only that he barely survived and was lucky enough to stumble upon a farm house with someone who could treat his wounds. At the time all he could describe from the attack was that the creature was large, and appeared to be a wolf. He stayed at the residence long enough to have wounds heal but left there after. It wouldn't be until the first full moon did the gravity of the attack set in and make him question his reality.

The first full moon came and when the sun rose on the horizon, Bartholomew woke to a grizzly site set before him. His clothes were gone and the rib cage of a deer lie merely a few meters away, and looking down at himself he was covered in blood. In panic he ran, lucky enough that he was out in the country and no one saw him in such a crazed state. Once calmed, he managed to steal clothes from the first residence he came across, and cleaned himself in the nearest stream he could find. He tried to argue it off as a bad dream, and tried to push it from his mind, to try and return to his usual life. Then the next full moon came and he awoke nearly the same way. His mind rushed to what it all meant eventually going back to the attack and horror struck him and realization dawned that monsters were indeed real, and he was one now.

From that point forward he avoided most major cities in England, choosing small towns and villages to offer his expertise and only staying for a brief time of only a few days. That was how he lived his life for the next three years until finally finding others like him, who could teach him and make him realize that he shouldn't be afraid of what he had become but embrace and learn to adapt to it.

He met his first soulmate in his new pack, the alpha's daughter. He never knew what to expect from meeting the person who's name was etched on his skin but when his eyes landed upon her the first time, he knew that no one else mattered and wanted to be with her as long as he could. Within the year of joining the pack, he asked for her hand in marriage. Everything was perfect and shortly after they were expecting a child, his soulmate taking the risk of not changing with the moon for nine months. Unfortunately tragedy struck all to soon and that perfect dream shattered.

The year was 1392, He and a few other members were out hunting. At the time the pack were in the dealings of negotiating territory with a vampire, and things seemed to have been going well. The bloodsucker though was plotting and waiting, he saw an opportunity to remove what he deemed to be pests and acquire the land they lived upon. While the hunting party was away from what was suppose to be the final negotiations, the vampire struck. There was little remaining of the town when the hunting party returned. Tholo swiftly went looking for his soulmate and found her buried under rubble. She was alive but barely and Tholo had to watch in sorrow and horror as the life drained from her eyes loosing his wife and child. After having a funeral for the pack, most of those that remained left to find a new pack but Tholo only wanted one thing, and that was vengeance.

Tracking the murderous bloodsucker back to his normal hunting grounds, the small town of Gévaudan. To most just another village scattered with the others across the country of France but in truth it was a feeding grounds, a bunch of people who were nothing more then sheep to the eyes of its Shepard. There was where the trail went cold, he needed to draw the wretched creature from where it slumbered. So from that night, Tholo decided to catch a monster he would become a monster himself to take his vengeance.

Tholo disappeared that night replaced by what history would remember as the Beast of Gévaudan. For years he terrorized the small town of Gévaudan, waiting for it's Shepard to appear and make an attempt to stop the problem. Eventually the vampire did appear, annoyed that his underlings couldn't take care of what he deemed was a simple problem of removing vermin. Eventually the vampire killed a wolf, and deemed the problem solved and left, with Tholo following close of the vampire's trail. He tracked the vampire to its lair and found the wretched creature. While he could of killed the vampire while it slept, he waited for it to wake taking its life where he could watch the life drain from the bloodsuckers eyes.

Tholo thought that with vengeance his suffering would end but the pain did not go away. He left the ruins of the vampires lair and traveled France in misery still, becoming a hired hand for all those that desired. More tales were added to his name, some true, others made up, eventually it became hard to tell the two apart. What humanity remained began to seep back into him, though gone was the old Tholo, now he was much more abrasive and cold. Time seem to go by in blinks of an eye, each century going by with little meaning or purpose to him. After his last job as a hired hand he made the decision to leave Europe all together with the painful memories and head to America.

He arrived in America in the year 1810, only staying briefly in the city of New York before traversing into the wild west. He did not stop traveling days on end until finding himself in what later would be the state of Montana. Here he was 'captured' by the natives that lived on those lands for centuries, and found the next name etched upon his skin. While the natives had tales about the meaning of the names written on them, names blessed by the spirits and such, they did not trust Tholo easily and it took time for Tholo to gain their trust and allowed to walk freely amongst them. Eventually he was given a new name: Howling Fist. A name given after they discovered that to them he was a skin walker, and that fighting seem to just follow him around having been confronted by a few of the tribe and some of the Americans.

Tragedy was not done with Tholo yet however, his new wife became ill and nothing the shamans of the tribe did could help her, he even tried the aid of an American doctor but even he was not sure what ailment she had. Once more he could only watch as she suffered and slowly died, her last wish for him to end her suffering.

After her death he could not stay with the tribe and returned east, back to the city of New York where he made his home and territory.

Occupation:Writer and Private Detective

Country of Origin: England

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: Impassive, he's lost two soulmates all ready, he isn't going to get attached to a third right out the gate and even if he meets his new soulmate, doesn't mean he will fall for them. The name on his arm merely is a mark on him like the other scars that cover him and hasn't looked at the new blue writing even when it first appeared.

Soulmate: Béatrix de la Croix


Name: Bartholomew Whitlock


Race: Werewolf

Alignment: Coven



Werewolf: Minus the extra stuff of course.




Theme Song
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RWBY Character

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Digimon RP Idea

This idea is an attempt at trying to combine most of the Digimon series (mostly the first three seasons with a sprinkling of the others).
In 1986 Janyu Wong (Henry's father from Digimon Tamers) and several colleagues, made an attempt to create artificial life. During their attempts they discovered the Digital World, a parallel reality created by Earth’s interlinked electronics network, along with the inhabitants of this world, Digimon. Before having a chance to fully catalogue what they had discovered funding was pulled and the project froze. Any and all assets of the discovery of the digital world were taken or destroyed.

Hypnos's original purpose was to monitor the electronic communications of half the Earth as a SIGINT system for the Japanese government. Because of the legal issues of violating privacy, Hypnos was kept secret from the public. However, Hypnos discovered Digimon (termed "Wild Ones") who entered the real world. As a result, the agency's new objective is to detect Digimon when they Bio-Emerge in the real world and to prevent it if possible. Any possible breach they would cover up. Most Bio-Emerge's were prevented as they were stopped as they were detected with the few that did managed to enter the real world easily contained up until 1995 when a Greymon fought a Parrotmon. While it was one of the first major Bio-Emerge's Hypnos had to deal with it had been easy to cover up with the idea of an earthquake being the culprit of the damages due to the lack of eye witnesses due to the time of the Bio-Emergence happened.

This point of time in 1999, Digimon Adventures happen, go through that series and done, Hypnos once more keeps the existence of the Digital World under wraps. Digimon Adventures 02 comes in the year 2002, go through that series and done. Once more a cover up though questions start speculating around. At which point Hypnos gets into contact with several old members of the Monster Makers team and coordinates the making of a Digimon television series, video game series, and card game as a means of getting the public use to the idea of Digimon. It started to seem only a matter of time before the world found out of the Digital World.

The other Digital Adventures for The Digidestined that happen in 2003 and 2005 happen and of course the public remains for the most part unaware.

In comes Digimon Tamers series. Three years after Digimon Adventure Tri. Currently the Digimon Television series is Digimon Data Squad (see we will be using the other series... kind of). Here we have Takato, Henry, and Rika, with there digimon partners Guilmon, Terriermon, and Renamon. They are among the first recorded instances of digimon finding tamers outside of the Digidestined. Hypnos is dealing with a great deal of Bio-Emergences, more then they previously ever had to deal with before. Now we go through the tamer series and then done, with the world finally coming to know the existence of the DigiWorld.

Shoutmon X7F Superior Mode (probably should think of a better name for him) is the supposed first Digimon that ever existed in the Digital World, and the King of all Digimon though after the birth of the Digital World and its inhabitants the Digimon King Disappeared after the Great War with his wereabouts unknown.

The Five Warriors of Justice and Five Warriors of Evil were said to come after the Digimon King, Warriors to maintain the balance of the digital world. A great war divided the digital world though shortly after the defeat of MegaDarknessBagramon by the Digimon King, the knights disappeared, only relics remain of them and are said to be able to bring the great king back or the destruction of the digital world depending on whose hands they are in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Name: Sidia

Species: Lycanroc (Midnight)

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