On the 21st of April in the year 2017
a series of terrorist attacks convulsed the cities Pakse, Saravan and Champasak inside the People´s Democratic Republic of Lao, a group that called itself Sons of Phnom Penh confided to those attacks. The Sons of Phnom Penh were descendants of the Red Khmer, a communist party that reigned Cambodia from 1975 to 1978 and killed 2.2 million people.After they failed their coup against the royal family during the Indochina wars in 70s, the Red Kmher shattered and scattered into the sorounding countries. Some started leading rebel groups in Myanmar, others went to Vietnam in order to support the communist NVA there and at last some of the Khmer fled to Laos. At that time Lao was suffering from the aftermaths a Civil War, just like in Vietnam communism had spread there and sparked a war between the Pathet Lao who were backed by North Vietnam and China and the Kingdom of Laos backed by Thailand and the US.
To sum it up the Indochina wars served as a mean to get rid of the monarchy and establish a peoples government, perfect fertile grounds for communistic ideas at that time.
After the Laotian Civil War, the end of the Khmer Reign, the Vietnam conflict and other forgotten events Indochina or nowadays South East Asia was left in an unstable state. Some nations like Thailand were supported by the US, some like Cambodia decided to stick to their monarchy, others like Vietnam and Laos had now communist parties in reign and were prone to influence from red China and at last a nation like Myanmar who never got out of war since 1948 and still has over 15 rebel groups fighting for independence.
To sum it up the Indochina wars served as a mean to get rid of the monarchy and establish a peoples government, perfect fertile grounds for communistic ideas at that time.
After the Laotian Civil War, the end of the Khmer Reign, the Vietnam conflict and other forgotten events Indochina or nowadays South East Asia was left in an unstable state. Some nations like Thailand were supported by the US, some like Cambodia decided to stick to their monarchy, others like Vietnam and Laos had now communist parties in reign and were prone to influence from red China and at last a nation like Myanmar who never got out of war since 1948 and still has over 15 rebel groups fighting for independence.
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
The attacks, allegedly performed by Cambodian terrorists, were enough for Laos to it as a transgression. Accusations of inaction and even endorsement of the events were spoken out towards the Cambodian monarchy and government. It was a political disaster, every explanation or assurance that measures would be taken hit closed doors on the Laotian side. Meanwhile the Sons of Phnom Penh continued their attacks, now on both sides the Laotian and Cambodian which stoked distrust between the two nations. Their motives were unknown, analists were saying that they wanted to provoke a Laotian invasion to establish a communist regime after the Cambodian monarchy would fall under it. With the situation at hand Lao started to violate the borders to Cambodia during their military operations against the Sons of Phnom Penh. Neither of the sides wanted to declare an active war but the acts of aggression were clear and throwing Cambodia into a civil-warlike condition. As there were not NATO members threatened and no interests at stake the UN interventions boiled down to relief aid convois, medical aid camps and operational supervisors/overseers who were there to prevent war crime during military operations from either side. Typical blue helmet jobs.
In addition to that a consortium of intelligence agencies and military advisors decided to oversee this conflict too, the involvement of a global player or a coup attempt aiming at the whole region was not debarred. Orders were issued to re-activate an old Pony Express staging FOB, one at the that was used to support Hmong guerilla in 1975 during the Laotian Civil War and was abandoned after the communists came to power. The location of the base laid in Thailand so it wouldn´t cause political tensions but it was at the 3 nations border so perfect to for trespassing into Lao or Cambodia. Its official cover story was that the FOB was being used as a medical aid camp and Medevac runway for refugees and victims of the Lao-Cambodian border operations. Resources had to be limited to ensure the secrecy oft he operations launched from there and to keep a low profile on the troops stationed there, after all not everyone would be nurse,doctor or UN observer.
Everybody was worried, After all China had already been planing to expand either into Siberia or somewhere else. Covert agents and contractors were running under Matchbox´s,a JTF consisting of several intelligence services, supervision without its actual involvement. Yet nobody could foresee what happened next, overnight Cambodia and Laos plummet into chaos, while unidentified APC´s and MBT´s moved into Thailand from several directions. The offensive into Thailand was followed by heavy air strikes against high priority TRP´s. Within 24 hours the whole region was in a state of war.

To aid the Thai military all US troops inside the country were mobilized and contorted in Bangkok, creating a green zone inside the country that currently was being invaded. Though that was barely enough since resources and manpower were melting under the constant saboteur attacks and indirect fire. It did not take long for the enemy forces to start moving towards the city and with only one carrier group at the coast support was limited. Since the enemy was still unknown and China discount each allegation of having connection to this, it was decided to start evacuating foreign citizens.
Spectre, a DAaR unit under the jurisdiction of Matchbox ,
consisting of various ,sometimes not even existent ,intelligence agency branch members, like people from the ISA and top notch military unit members like the ones from CAG,Vympel and 13th RDP. Their mission was not to do the conventional work that others could do, they were tasked with finding key personell that provided the group money, informations,weapons and shelter, kill or capture HVT´s, gather intelligence and turn arround members that would then work as moles. Spectre´s existence is only known to a few leading positions within the different military´s and intelligence services.
Members of Spectre undergo various procedures like tattoo removal, fingerprint removal and other less pleasant ones, their paperwork is adjusted accordingly as if they never existed.
During the operation in the refugee camp, they had been relocated onto that same carrier group that was at the coast of Thailand just this moment.

Their present task
would be the retrieval of classified material, sources and agents from several stations within Bangkok, everything under combat conditions. Therefor they inserted into a FOP of the 7th SFG, which was located inside a soccer stadium. It would become their base of operation for duration of their push into Bangkok. Bo has been designated as the element leader for this operation due to his previous experience in such matters. He was just returning from the roof, up there he had used the OGA´s laser designator to mark their target building as a TRP and loaded callsings and frequencies of forces in the are onto his radio. Now Boris was returning to perform a last equipment check with his people, he entered a locker room which was, kindly, given to them. As no other quarters were available the whole team had to make themself at home in this locker room for soccer teams, the only good thing about it was that the showers were right next to it.