Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Z frowned at the kid's glowing black eyes. That didn't seem good. She raised her eyebrows at his observation, then slowly nodded, the information seemingly making sense to her. She's messed with some pretty dark magic in her time. "My mom is going to kill me," she signed, to no one in particular. She looked at Brand to see his glowing eyes. So they had speed, magic, and energy...odd mixture.
Z pinched the bridge of her nose. This moment was one where she wished she still had her voice. "And where would you be taking us? How are we going to explain to or parents?" The electronic voice questioned. As exciting as the situation was, the purple-haired woman was getting tired of the lack of explanations from Rick, who seemed like he knew what was going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"That is on you, I'm not your babysitter, and I certainly am not your daddy." Rick replied. "I'll stick around town for one more hour. clean yourselves up, talk to your parents, pack a bag, and meet me at the coffee shop seeing as this one can't live without coffee." He explained, walking towards the door, Samuel following. "If you're not there in an hour, whatever happens next is on you." He said coldly before letting himself out of the house.

Samuel looked from the door to the others. "If you come with us, you will get used to his character. He is not as scary as he seems." He said before leaving.

Brand and Lukas stood there, taking in what just happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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As soon as Rick and Samuel left, Z mouthed a string of curse words before sighing heavily and dropping her head into her hands. This was too much. She lifted her head and looked from Lukas to Brand. "Are you going to go?" she asked, a small look of worry on her face. Now that everything was settling in, she felt scared. If they really did have powers now, what was going to happen to them? Certainly, if there were people that were willing to help, even if an a*shole was the first person they met, it would good for them? This whole situation, especially with her mother being as controlling as she was, her mother would not let her leave with some strange man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"I'm going." Lukas said without a second thought. He lived with his mother. They left Germany because of his abusive father, and even though he was out of the picture his Mother didn't make living at home nice. He had a little brother, but he was a newborn when they moved so his mother put him up for adoption. So at the first chance that he could leave home, he was going to do it.

Brand sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I might go, too...I'm sure if I tell my dad that we're going to go camping or something he'd be fine with it." He answered, staring at the door where Samuel and Rick had left through.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Z moved her eyes to ground as they others declared what they were going to do. She would have to make up a really good excuse to convince her mother to let her go. Her father was hardly ever around, so she didn't have to worry about him. "I'm going too," she declared, reaching down and readjusting her sandals. She stood, slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed for the door. If they only had a hour, he wasn't going to waste it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"So,' Brand started, nodding his head, "I guess we're all going to crazyland." Lukas nodded in response, looking at the two of them. "I guess we better get moving or else we're going to miss the bus." He said, turning to the door and leaving first. After all, he did have to go the farthest. He ran down the street and took a turn. He didn't feel tired, maybe he really did have some sort of speed powers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Z's house wasn't too far from Brand's home. Just take a right and head straight for the patch of woods that always seemed to be darkened then find the dirt road to the house. She never understood why her mother wanted such seclusion, but she tried not to question it too much. It was better for her practices anyways. Once she saw the two-story, ancient looking house and heard the familiar windchimes, she let out a long, uneven breath. Time to explain to her mom the situation, at least a fib of what it was, and pack her things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Brand dialed his father, who was still at work. He was sure his daddio wasn't gonna be too happy being interrupted, but it was necessary. "Brand, are you okay? Why are you calling me?" His father asked when he picked up the phone. Brand was moving around the house getting a small bag for necessities ready. "I'm going on a roadtrip with Z and Lukas for the next few days. Is that cool with you?" He asked plainly. Most parents would be all over with the questions, but one of the good things about Brand's father...

"Ice cool. Just shoot me a text at least once a day, and lemme know when you're heading back." Parenting 101 model right there. "Thanks, pops." Brand replied before saying good-bye and hanging up. Now...where was that coffee money again?

Lukas started to run faster and faster, testing the water. "Maybe he was right, maybe this isn't that crazy?" He asked himself, his feet moving quicker with every step. Pretty soon the scenery around him was blurring, the wind whipping his hair around. Lukas laughed at how great this feeling felt. And then suddenly there was a big "BAM!", his whole body hurt real bad, and he was sitting in a pile of trash bags. He rubbed his head, wincing. "I gotta look ahead when I do that...and learn how to stop." He had ran himself into a garbage dump that was a good 10 miles away from his house.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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RedBalloon Nonbinary Queen

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Z passed through the front doorway, her hand gently brushing against the protection symbol she had carved into the wood when they first moved in. As was usual when she entered her home, many candles lit up the dim rooms which was followed by the scent of burning vanilla incense. Carefully walking through the living room and into the kitchen, she found her mom meditating by the back sliding door. The sound of trickling water came from the miniature waterfall that adorned the dining table added to the peaceful surroundings.
Z knelt beside her mother, trying to decide whether it was worth disturbing her or not. She took in one more deep breath then tapped her mom on the shoulder. The dark-skinned woman opened her steel eyes, that matched Z's, and looked at her daughter. "Back so soon, sweetie?" Her mother asked in a deeply tranquil voice.
The teen tried to explain to her mom that her, Lukas, and Brand were going to go on a camping trip to hike in nearby places. Her mother, being the impossible woman she was, did not like the idea of her only daughter traveling, alone, with two guys.
"What makes you think I would ever let you do something like this?" Her mother scorned, glowering at Z. "Remember the last time I let you go somewhere by yourself, Zendaya?" Her mother grabbed Z's jaw and wrenched it open to prove her point by showing the missing tongue from the young woman's mouth. Z twisted her mom's hand off her jaw, glaring at her and flipped her off, which is something Z tended to do a lot even to her parents.
"Stop acting like a child," her mother snapped, returning the bird. Z threw up her arms in exasperation and stormed upstairs. While she was angrily shoving things into a duffel bag, clothes, essentials, and a few items she needed for her practice, she heard the lock of her door click. Her mother had locked her in her room. Z jumped to her feet and pounded on the door. No response.
She stood, looking at the door, for a moment before deciding. She was going to go anyways. She shoved the last few things into her bag, scribbled a short note for her mother, then went over to the window. She had snuck out before so doing it again was no big deal. Z managed to secure of cloth bag and the duffel, then jumped out the window. Unfortunately, she saw she was about to land badly on the ground. Out of the blue, something caught her just as she was about the ruin the ankle she had just recently gotten fixed.
Z quickly looked around as she let onto her feet, but saw nothing other than an unusually dark spot on the ground. Thinking nothing of it, she carried on, back the way to Brand's house and the coffee shop.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Once Lukas managed to get to his house without face planting into another pile of trash, he took a quick shower to wash off the ash and stinky smell. He then threw a backpack full of clothes, food, cash, and toiletries together. He felt his cellphone in his pocket, taking it out and looking at it. His mom had his number...

He looked at it for a long time before tossing the phone underneath his bed. Lukas wasn't planning on coming back. He turned to his nightstand and grabbed a picture of little him holding his 1-day-old brother. That was the only picture he had of the two of them. He shoved it in the backpack and left for the coffee shop, taking it at a slow run this time.

Brand was the first one to arrive. He ordered an extra large coffee and looked around the shop. He saw the Bolstard guy and Samuel sitting in the corner. Samuel looked up and there eyes met. The little boy look like he laughed as he waved to the ginger. Brand rolled his eyes, paying for his coffee, before walking over to the two-top table the dweebs were sitting at. Rick didn't even say anything as Brand sat down as a nearby table, he just sat there looking sort of pissed off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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RedBalloon Nonbinary Queen

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((Let's just pretend that I mentioned Z washing her face and crap like change for shoes lol))

Z stomped all the way to the coffee shop. She shoved the door open with a look on her face that could kill a man, then went up to the counter. She didn't have to say anything for the cashier to know what she wanted. She paid for her hot tea with three sugars, and turned to the tables. She walked to the table Brand was sitting at and sat on the opposite, the killer look still on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"Lemme guess," Brand started, sipping his coffee slowly, "your mom was being overprotective and crazy again?" He asked, looking up from his drink to the mute girl in front of him.

Lukas jogged to the coffee shop, spotting the group inside. He walked over to them, not even out of breath after his long jog. "Okay, we are all here." He said to Rick and Samuel. "I think we should get going sooner rather than later."

Rick stood up and walked passed Lukas. He glanced back at him and rolled his eyes, scoffing. "All three of you are going to be interesting to play with." He grumbled as he exited the building. He walked down the street, not even waiting for the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Z just gave a curt nod, snatching her cup from the table and sipping it. She looked up when Lukas arrived, and with no signal, she stood up to promptly follow after Rick. She wanted to get out of there before her mother that she was gone. She had no trouble keeping up with Rick, but she did have to slow down so that she could speak to Brand and Lukas. "Can one of you ask him how are we going to get to wherever we're going?" She asked her friends, once the had caught up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Lukas read Z's hands and looked ahead at the two. "Where are we going?" He asked. Rick took a few more steps forward and stopped. "Here." He answered as an 8-person SUV pulled up to him. He got into the passenger seat, Samuel hopped into one of the two rows of 3 in the back. He looked to the others, patting the seat next to him.

Brand looked at Z and Lukas, shrugging, before tossing his bag on the floor and sitting on the farthest seat from Samuel in that row. Lukas climbed into the back row with his back. "We are going back to headquarters." Samuel explained to Z. "It is a safe and secure place. All that you are required to do is the 'buckle' of the 'in'." He said, grinning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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RedBalloon Nonbinary Queen

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Z saw the SUV and frowned. Such a basic vehicle for something that seemed more high-tech. She was the last to get in, but she hesitated at the car door. She tugged something out of her pocket to wrap it around her hand. It was a hand-carved jade pendant of a hand with an eye in the middle of the palm. She climbed into the van and seated herself in the back row with Lukas. She mouthed the words, "Gaia protect me."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Rick could see Z's unexcited look in the driver's mirror as she climbed in. He smirked. "Drive us back home." He said aloud. Brand look to the driver, but noticed no one was there. He blinked, shocked. "Uh, who's driving?" He asked Rick, a little worried that he just got into a car with a crazy man and an alien.

"The car is." Rick replied coolly, leaning back into his seat and closing his eyes. The car shuddered and began moving by itself. Samuel giggled. "We will be back home sooner than you think!" He chirped to the other three in the car. "Headquarters is about 2 hours away by car...but we will take to the air very soon." He explained before turning to look out the window.

Lukas shuffled his feet. Even though they were in a SUV, there were so many people in a little space. He didn't really like that a ton. "Well, the quicker we get there the better." He commented.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Z crossed her legs and her arms while staring straight ahead. She pursed her lips, tapping her fingers nervously against her arm. To some peoples' surprises, she quite liked engineering and mechanics or anything to do with machines, and she knew that there were self driving cars, but a car that didn't need anyone behind the wheel and supposedly could fly? Impossible. The sort of technology wasn't possible in their given time. But if someone had found a way already to do such feats, why wasn't it heard of? Z snapped her phone out so that the electronic voice could ask, "Who built this car?", while she was staring at Rick through the mirror.

((Possibly Ace?? I'm excited for my boy to come in))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Samuel opened his mouth to answer but Rick held up his hand. "A very special boy." He answered simply, not even looking back. "You'll meet him later." Pretty soon the car was driving through the empty desert, only disturbed by the bouncing of Lukas's knee. Suddenly the car shuddered and shivered and began to make plenty of clicking noises. Lukas jumped and froze, looking around. "uh...!?" He cried.

Samuel giggled. "All is fine, my friend! This is a regular practice for this article of transportation!" He said, looking back at the blonde with a warm smile. "I sense that you are quite uncomfortable, would you like to me assist in your search for tranquility?" He asked, reading Lukas's wide and unsettled eyes.

Lukas didn't know how to answer, so he shook his head. "I'll be fine, as long as this car doesn't turn into a plane or something." He explained, grimacing. "I hate flying."

Samuel's eyes glowed black for a moment as he chanted, "In’atesera." Lukas's eyes gave off the same dark light and he suddenly fell forward in his seat, his eyes closed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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RedBalloon Nonbinary Queen

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Z huffed at the vague response, roughly crossing her arms. She leaned her head against the back of her seat, then rolled it to the side to look at Lukas. He looked nervous, as was typical. The others seemed calm enough, especially Samuel and Rick. She reached down to rifle through her bag when the thump and tug of Lukas's seatbelt made her look up again. The german boy was leaning forward, unconscious from what she could tell, in his seat. The dark-skinned woman raised her eyebrows and glanced towards Samuel. Trying not to give it much thought, she shook her head and pushed Lukas's shoulder back so that he wasn't slumped forward but rather leaning against the side of the interior.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"Samuel," Rick started, turning to face the kid with a blank face, "he wasn't exactly giving you permission to knock him out." Samuel blushed. "H-he wasn't? He said he would be the 'fine' as long as this vehicle does not gain the ability of flight, which is is?" He stated, making it more like a question he had no answer for. Rick shook his head, sighing. "Kids theses days...never know when yes means yes." He muttered, turning back towards the window.

Brand watched the outside of the car. It looked like the paint job on the side doors was splitting and extending itself into wings. THe sound of the engine was getting louder, and then suddenly the ground below was getting further and further away. The the now transformed plane jolted with speed. "We will be there in a few minutes." Rick said, pulling out his phone and began scrolling. "If you have any initial questions, I can answer them now."
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