Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Medburn Library

The only sound was the occasional flipping of pages from other occupants, and the rhythmic ticking of the clock. This is exactly the kind of silence he needs. Lachlan' stubby shaking hands wrapped around the pencil tightly as he held it above the notepad. He hesitantly pressed the pencil into the paper, thoughts of what he was going to write flowing into his mind until after many different swishes of his pencil on the paper he looked at what he wrote. His name. In the top right corner of the paper. Lachlan sighed in frustration; it had almost been a week gone from those horrid dreams and in a new place and he still couldn't write anything decent onto the piece of paper in front of him. He was in a library of all places and he didn't have an idea. Then he thought, if he couldn't right fiction, why not the next best thing; what happened to him after the dream.

I felt nothing but pain in my sides, my head, my stomach. Like a million daggers were digging into me at different angles. The wasteland around me soon faded to black before I couldn't provide the energy I needed to stay conscious. I woke up with most of the pain having subsided, thanks to probably the best nurse. Her name was Clementine and she was the BEST nurse I have ever had. She found out I liked writing and even gave me this notepad. Hopefully I can log everything in here and take it back when I get home. If I get home. I honestly don't know where or how to get home and the only thing I know is that the Medburn Exploration Guild found me after the Stargate basically blasted me into the ground. And the stargate is miles away so really I don't know how long it'll take me to get there especially on foot. Apparently there were two others in the same predicament that I am, if I can find them maybe I could find a way that we can all get out of here together.

Lachlan exhaled deeply, glad that he was able to finally put something down on paper. Now he just needed a room to stay in because falling asleep in the library night after night was getting stressful and uncomfortable. Lahlan walked out of the library into the sunlight outside, a nice cool breeze flowing through the town of Medburn. He walked a few building's to the right and stopped in front of a quaint looking tavern. Carved into the sign painted a faded looking gold were the words "Kangaskhan's Tavern". As he entered everyone turned towards him and gave him a slight wave or warm smile. If he didn't have a home to go back to he could very well live here. He's a new face and already people are kind to him.

"What can I do ya for, hun?" The Khangaskan asked him as he sat down. Lachlan looked over his options on the board nailed to the wall behind the counter. "I'll have the Mago Berry Smoothie. Please." The Khangaskhan moved swiftly behind the counter mixing this and blending that, until a sunrise colored drink was placed before him. "Extra honey?" She asked sweetly, to which Lachlan just nodded to. The drink made his mouth tingle as it passed his lips with a tangy sweetness. Lachlan was about to finish his drink and book a room when he heard hushed voices from the booth behind him; he couldn't help but eavesdrop.

He chanced a glance behind him and saw a group huddled together over a table with the only faces he could make out being a Mismagius and a Gabite. "Ok, you've had a week have you figured out who the 3 Pokémon are?" The Mismagius said in a hushed tone to the group in front of her. The Gabite was the one to speak up, "We have two confirmed, a Togepi and a Noibat. The third is still a mystery but I've narrowed it down to two candidates... the Ralts that just walked in here and a Vulpix. I haven't noticed the Vulpix or payed any mind to her, but she seems new. Honestly she doesn't fit in, doesn't look like she knows what she's doing. But the Ralts... he's... new."

The Mismagius considered her options. Choosing the wrong Pokémon could result in the harm of an innocent, but at this point they are all hindering Dark Prism's Goal. "Mizu," She glanced over to the Gabite, "You will go after the Ralts tonight. If the Vulpix is as clueless as you say she is we'll have one person take her on. I'll find him and get him on her tonight as well. I'll chase after the noibat and Bruce you'll take the Togepi, she'll be easy; crush her." The group finished their drinks, got up, and left the tavern, giving their thanks to the Kangaskhan as they exited the door.

Lachlan started to shake after they left. A Pokémon was being sent after... him. He calmed himself and finished his drink. He needed to get a room now. Lachlan stood up and the Kangaskhan spoke to him, "That'll be 600 Poké-Yen sweets." Lachlan realized he forgot... money. "About that, ya see... I'm kinda new around here. I came from the Star-" Lachlan stopped himself as he realized what he was about to say. The Kangaskhan was about to say something but Lachlan thought fast and cut her off, "Starks! I came from the starks. They are a band of pirates that stole everything and took me from my home. I escaped and swam here."

The tavern owner had a look of pure worry plastered on her face. "Oh hun that's just terrible! Don't worry about the drink and I'll set up a room for you. You wait right here I'll be back!" Lachlan stopped holding his breath when she left, surprised his lie worked so well. The Kangaskhan was back within a few minutes. "Alrigt, your room is read-" The building shook furiously as everyone hurriedly shuffled under their tables, Lachlan had only under the lip of the bar to protect himself. He could feel the tremors coursing through the woods of the bar as he had his back against it.

After the rumbling stopped Lachlan got up and looked around. There was glass everywhere and various tables, chairs, and shattered picture frames decorated the floor. "If you have a room you can stay in it, if not everyone please leave. Carefully." Lachlan, still shocked from the quake mindlessly wandered up the stairs to the room that Kangaskhan pointed out to him. He looked out his window and watched the panic stricken people in the streets react to the sudden event.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kale the Tropius and Drip the Brionne
[Medburn Town]

Almost as soon as the tremor had ended, the Guild Members of the Medburn Guild were on the move into town. As they each headed into different areas, a Tropius and a Brionne headed straight into the center of town. "This is getting bad... that's the third one this week..." The Brionne said. "I've gotta agree with ya' on that. This is how it started before, Drip... Let's just make sure everyone's alright." The Tropius replied.

"I know the drill by now, Kale. I'll meet you at the Tavern." Drip finished before the two split off and began checking door to door and shop to shop around the square. Luckily so far it looked like scrapes and bruises, but they would keep checking. It wasn't long until Drip made it to the Tavern, while Kale seemingly still had a few more places to check. She could handle this by herself, right? "Miss Khangaskan, it's Drip from the Guild. Is everyone alright in here?" She asked, stepping in and surveying the damage done.

Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

The sudden tremor knocked the young Ice Type off her feet. She kept her head covered until the tremor subsided, but waited until she knew it had really passed before getting to her shaky feet. "Phew... another one... I wonder why..." She said to herself as she continued down the street. Now that school was out for the Summer, she had almost nothing to do. Well, almost nothing. She still wanted to find that Vulpix who peaked her curiosity that day.

So she often wandered the city streets, hoping to find him. He was... actually kinda hard to find. It seemed he always had some kind of plan he was working on, and if it didn't work he'd immediately move on to another. It was hard for her to understand, but maybe once she got to know him she'd figure it out. She suddenly stopped and shifted to the side as a number of Pokemon dashed past her, heading further into town. "They must be Guild Members..." She said quietly as she looked at where they had come: The Medburn Guild. With the street now clear, she continued on her way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Trevor Smithee

Medburn Library -> Kangaskhan's Tavern

The moment Trevor flipped to that page, the moment he saw that horrible new type, he started screeching, and screaming as if someone was actually trying to hurt him. He caused enough of a scene to get thrown out of the library, but the only thing on his mind, right now was I have to find a safe place... a place that THEY won't go. he looked around the area, checking each building to see if it MIGHT be a place that fairies would hate until, eventually, he came across
'Kangaskhan's Tavern'... while he didn't like the idea of getting drunk, he figured none of the fairy types would like the idea either, so he glided in.

However, the first thing he heard was the owner saying "If you have a room you can stay in it, if not everyone please leave. Carefully." Trevor wanted to argue with her, but he decided against it, simply flying out of the place, and already needing another place to stay away from fairy types. I didn't see a single one in there, too... at least, I don't THINK there were any... he thought as he just sort of stayed near the tavern, unsure of how to proceed, next. Unsure of where he would go, next... sure, there was a guild, but since they tended to let anyone join those, Trevor figured there would be at least one fairy type. Maybe the fairies at the guild won't hurt me? N-no... they're probably just as bad as the rest of them... and they have the perfect cover to do that under, too. he thought as he just stood on the sign of the tavern. That's where he heard a strange seal-like water type pokemon shout "Miss Khangaskan, it's Drip from the Guild. Is everyone alright in here?" and head into the place. Trevor flew after her, and he informed her "Uhh... miss Kangaskhan told everyone to leave... um, she said that if you had a room, you could stay in there, but everyone else had to leave... apparently there was an earthquake, or something, judging by everyone's reactions and... um... how the tables looked," he wasn't too sure about talking to this pokemon, but if she was a part of the guild, she couldn't be all bad... right? Trevor instantly remembered what he thought about earlier, and shivered, slightly at the thought that this might be a fairy type.


His home (Medburn Outskirts) -> Medburn guild

This was it! Months of planning, a week of building, and a few days of tracking where that horse tended to go had all culminated into this, his finest plan, but, as usual, Ember had to find a way to sneak past his mother. His father wouldn't be as much of an issue, as he didn't usually get in Ember's away, anyways. Ember put the 'vine trap' into his bag, and looked out of a crack in his bedroom door... it seemed like his mother was busy cooking something, and his father was talking to a guild member for some reason. Perfect! Now all I'll have to do is not make a sound! Ember thought as he opened the door, and slowly and carefully made his way out. As soon as he was far enough away from home, he pulled out his map, and looked up at the sun for an approximate time. Eh... about noon... that horse SHOULD be at or around the guild by now Ember thought to himself. Whether or not he was correct, he made his way there, trying to stay away from a few specific pokemon who would rat him out if they saw him out of his house while he was supposed to be grounded.

Ember made it there, just fine, and he planted the trap right at the entrance. He... didn't find Kel anywhere around there, however, he did find SOMEONE of importance. An amaura by the name of Eira who was following him around for a while. "YOU! What do you want from me? Why do you keep showing up where I plant my traps!?" Ember shouted, completely forgetting the 'stay hidden' rule of the beginner's guide to trap-making, as soon as he saw the familiar pokemon. He was trying to avoid the ice type ever since summer started, but, apparently he was doing a very poor job, since she was right in front of him, and from the look of things, she got here first. While Ember would normally be shouting up a storm, by now, he decided to let the other pokemon speak, and let her tell him why she's been following him around like this. She couldn't possibly be in love with him, could she? No... that's not possible, as Ember reassured himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Library

Celina had a lot to think about with everything that happen. First off, she was in another world of Pokemon. Second off, unfortunately for her she didn't play the game for a good amount of time, the last pokemon game that she played being Pokemon Black. Third of, that she turned into a togepi, a normal type, unless something in the future generations did something to screw up the typing or something, but what were the chances of that? She had to look into it a bit more. So that is why she was a the library right now. The nurse in this town was really nice to at least take care of her and heal her up at least. She started looking into multiple books about pokemons that existed, before noticing one thing that make her tilt her head a bit in confusion. A new type... Fairy type? It was intriguing a bit. She looked into it a bit and by what was being said, they were immune to dragon types? God.. that made her chuckle a bit. A big dragon attacking a tiny fairy... who is not affected by the attack. Anyway, she kept going and reading a bit more, also studying history a bit, especially what happen with the stargate.

After a bit though, she got up, closing her books and trying her best to place the book where they were before, having help from a grovyle, who saw the books she was reading, and looked at her.
"Isn't that a bit much to read for someone as young as you?" he said, before she gave him a slight annoyed look.
"Young... wh..." she said, before calming down a bit.
"Ugh... I just hope I can change soon or something." she said before just going to leave, going towards the guild. Maybe she could figure out what to do from here after looking around. It was then that the earthquake happened.

She felt the ground tremble as she hold onto the floor, trying to not end up falling or rolling away or anything. Last thing she needed was to end up hitting a wall or something. Soon after, the earthquake subsided. The people around were talking about it being the third earthquake this week. This was strange for her. She kept moving, before hearing some shouting. She turned to see the vulpix shouting at an amaura. She then heard the word trap. She was not sure what was going on here, but kept moving and tried her best to not activate any traps. Last thing she needed was dealing with something like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

??? Forest

@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

The sun was shining and Ignition was having a great nap as he dreamed about racing fast dudes and beating them, taking their money and pride. His latest challenger was a Rapidash and it stood no chance against Vincent as he blasted past her so fast he created a sonic boom. "Heh... yeah... pay up..." He mumbled in his sleep as the sun moved into just the right position to shine in his face and end his wonderful dream. Vincent yawned as he slowly uncurled his body and got up. As he looked around the small forest he was calling his temporary home he noticed an envelope lying on the ground, on the top right corner was a very distinctive black triangle stamp. "Can't even give me the message myself? Damn, some people are so rude nowadays." He joked to himself with a smile as he picked up the letter and opened it.

We found a possible Pokémon that was involved in the stargates reopening. She is new and we think she is one of the ones that came from it. She is a Vulpix and lives somewhere in Medburn. Scout her out today and after the sun goes down makes sure she doesn't wake up tomorrow. This is your first job. Don't. Mess. It. Up. Or the leader will not be pleased.

~ Myria

Vincent dropped the letter on the ground and jabbed it with his tail, rendering it unreadable with a giant hole in the middle of it. Time to get rolling. Vincent curled up into a ball and blasted out of the forest and towards Medburn, it would take him less than an hour to get there despite the distance. On his way he made it a game to see how many stray Pokemon he could run over. The answer was 6.


As he arrived the town was in a state of panic, there was an earthquake and many of the town Guild members were trying to provide everyone with assistance. Losers. As he walked around town he saw a few interesting things, most interesting of all being Mizu. Vincent cracked a smile at the Gabite but otherwise said nothing, he had his mission and Mizu probably did too if he was here. Speaking of his mission, he saw the Vulpix setting a trap at the entrance of the Guild. Kid wasn't too bad either, needed to learn how to stay quiet though. The Vulpix was now yelling at a random Amaura about how he had interrupted him setting the trap and Vincent couldn't help but groan as he witnessed this idiot.

He made sure to stay out of their line of vision, because he actually understood how to be stealthy, and continued to observe them. If this kid really came from the Stargate then killing him was probably doing the world a favor honestly. Whatever.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Phosphor Forest --> Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Evanist

Climbing up on one of the many trees in Phosphor Forest, he cupped his hands in front of his face to try and make out what he can see. Despite everything, it was still pretty dark out there. He was here on a simple rescue mission, and it was on a much earlier floor so it wasn't very dangerous out here. Not yet at least. He's run into some problems, as per the reality of each dungeon. He sat down on the branch before looking around for the best way he could get through this and find that young Ditto. His tail at least lit up some of the way, he could also make it burn brighter too. He then jumped forward and landed on another branch rather expertly, and continued on. This was, what he learned, was one of the more safer paths to use rather than moving on ground where most Pokemon can get to him. It didn't completely remove the danger but for him, it was perfectly fine.

His searching finally proved to be fruitful when he heard some crying. Dropping down from the tree, he landed softly on the ground. He followed the sound of crying until he found the young Ditto. "Oh, heya kid. Been looking for you. Don't worry, I'll get you out." He said in a reassuring way as he got closer before showing his Exploration Badge. The Ditto's eyes lit up at the sight of the badge. Using the magical properties of the badge, a bright flash enveloped the two of them, momentarily lighting the dim lit forest, and then they disappeared back to Medburn. Once there, he took the young Ditto back to his mother. It wasn't a very hard mission so he was only given a small amount of Poke-Yen and an Oran Berry. It was good enough for him.

Rick had just arrived at the Town Square to look around when the earthquake happened. It was just as devastating as the others. The townsfolk grew panicked and then headed to their respective houses. Rick was about to help when the other members of the guild swiftly took control of the situation. Figuring that his help wouldn't be needed here, he proceeded to another area - the guild. He might even get away with an apple or two if he's careful. A grin crept to his face but quickly disappeared when he saw that there were three other Pokemon there. He recognized one to be Ember the Vulpix, he had seen the other fire type around a couple times. He'd learned to keep interactions to a minimum. He seemed to be talking to an Amaura whose name just wouldn't enter his mind. Then there was another unfamiliar face, a Togepi. Was this the one who was in the clinic along with some others?

He walked towards her. "Heya, you really shouldn't be out and about after an earthquake." He pointed out once she noticed that he was there. He didn't want to surprise and scare her after all. Did this Togepi live somewhere? He wasn't sure. In fact, she was new wasn't she? He rubbed the back of his head before saying, "Did you have anywhere to stay at? Y'know, so you're safer than here. Outside."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Kangaskhan's Tavern

@Shiny Keldeo@Polaris North@Lugia

Lachlan heard the bell on the door ring as someone entered the tavern. But who would considering that she had already shunned everyone out of the tavern. Perhaps it was the Gabite sent on him, coming to kill him while the Tavern owner was distracted. Instead Ralts was relieved to see a Brooke as he peeked around the corner down the stairs. "Miss Khangaskan, it's Drip from the Guild. Is everyone alright in here?" The Kangaskhan looked up at drip wiping sweat from her brow as she put down the broom. "Drip hun, you know you can call me Kelly. But yes everyone was fine except..." Kelly was hesitant to continue, but she did in a hushed voice. "There was this Ralts who came in with no money, no place to stay. Hadn't seen him around before and he said he got captured by a band of pirates except... There are no pirates of this coast. Not for miles and miles of sea. I think he was one of the ones. You should keep a close eye on him."

Kelly went behind the counter mashing up berries and other ingredients and blending them all together with ice. She poured it in a glass and slid it over the bar to Drip. "Oran Berry smoothie on the house, for all the hard work you've done. Speaking of which, that's been the third earthquake this week. Has the guild brought it up at all in meetings?" That was all Lachlan heard before he went back to his room and thought everything over. SHE KNEW! The whole time I thought I tricked her, but she played me entirely. And why would she want "Drip" to keep an eye on me. Are there dangerous people out there? Or maybe... I'm dangerous... That thought made Lachlan realize he didn't even know how to use his moves yet, or what moves he even had. Maybe this Medburn exploration guild could help him with that.

Lachlan walked out of the tavern, the bell giving a ring as he left. He had seen the guild but never really checked the building out before. Unlucky for him it looks like they had a full house today. A Vulpix, and Amaura, and a Monferno were standing outside the guild. Lachlan thought he saw a shadow in a nearby alleyway but he blinked and it was gone; must've been his imagination. "Uh. Is this the Medburn exploration guild? I'm trying to figure out how to learn to use my attacks... just in case."


Mizu watched silently from behind a stack of crates. From this angle he could easily see the scolipede from the alleyway and flashed him a toothy grin. Their paths had crossed. This kid didn't even know how his moveset, and declared it out in public, he was definitely the one from the stargate. So Mizu knew the Vulpix wasn't the one. Even still another Medburn native out of the way. Plus this was Ignition's first mission, he'd let the scolipede have his fun destroying the naive Vulpix.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Lugia @AbysmalDemon
Drip the Brionne
[Medburn Town - Khangaskan's Tavern]

The Noibat that followed her in seemed quite odd, which was both a surprise and an expectation. "What do you mean by 'Apparently'? Could you not feel it when it hit or something?" She asked, before her attention turned to the Tavern Owner. "Oh, sorry Miss... I mean Kelly..." She started, and followed her over to the bar as she went on about the Ralts who had come in. So people were starting to catch on... That Ralts was indeed one of the ones who fell from the Stargate. So was the Noibat. The third, however, she hadn't seen yet. She shook herself from her thoughts and gave a smile. "Thank you, I'll watch out for him." She said as the glass of Oran Berry Smoothie was slid in front of her.

"I... I really shouldn't..." She said as she took the glass in her paw. It would be rude otherwise, wouldn't it? "O-oh, the Meetings... Y-Yes, we've talked about them. We're... working on finding the cause... and how to stop it..." She told the truth, not the whole truth at least. The Guild knew full well what was causing the Earthquakes. The Stargate was beginning to release its power once again. The Guildmaster believed soon the rifts may start appearing again... but she couldn't say that, it might start a panic.

"Drip! I've finished my runs, I'm heading back up to the Guild, gonna see what Arnold wants us to do next." Kale shouted from outside. "Okay! I'll be back soon!" She replied, setting the half full glass down as she caught the Ralts sliding out the door. "Thank you for your hospitality, Kelly. Hopefully next time it won't be like this." She said, taking off out the door after Lachlan.

Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town - Outside Medburn Guild]

After wandering around a bit more the Ice Type found herself right in front of the Medburn Guild. She had been heading towards the Town Center, but must have taken a wrong turn as she ended up on the opposite side of Medburn. Then any thought she had was suddenly moved aside when she heard a familiar voice yelling angrily at her. She jumped, quite literally, landing on her backside as she turned to face the origin of the voice. It was him, Ember.

He was not in a good mood it seemed. The tone of his voice shocked her as she got to her feet and took a step back. "I-I'm sorry... I-I just wanted to talk to you, get to know you... I d-didn't mean anything by it..." She said, actually on the verge of tears as one or two dripped down. "If... if you don't want to... that's fine... I just thought... you were different... like me..." She said, clearly downcast. This was not how she expected this meeting to go down at all. Maybe she had been wrong about him... All the while the girl was seemingly oblivious to everything else around her.

[Approaching Medburn Town]

Four Pokemon walked along the single path that led into Medburn from the South. "It's been a while since we were here last. What's it been, a couple months now?" The lead said. "Yeah, at least. Looks like everything's still as busy as ever." Replied the one bringing up the rear. "It was always so quiet here, unlike Treasure Town. I... doubt it will be like that for much longer if the rumors are true." Said the third, positioned on the right. "It won't stay like this for anyone if it is true. That is why we must know the truth, and if it is, how we can seal the Stargate once more, or hopefully for good." The fourth on the left replied.

"And that's why we're here... the rumors said three Pokemon came from the Stargate, and all three of them are now here. We'll meet with the Medburn Guildmaster and get to the bottom of all this. It's our job after all, right Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion?" The lead stated. The three replied with a nod as they continued forward. "Let's get down there already then, Keldeo. The more time we spend chatting is another minute for things to get a thousand times worse!" Terrakion said. "Right, let's go team." He finished as the group approached the outskirts of Medburn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Trevor Smithee

Kangaskhan's Tavern -> Medburn Guild

The kangaskhan, apparently named Kelly, and the strange pokemon, apparently named Drip had a short conversation involving a ralts that was here, earlier, and apparently had no money to his name. Trevor managed to stop himself from blurting out that he was in the same situation, as the conversation seemed to imply that others might be looking for him... and others like him. Instead, he answered Drip's question with "W-well, I'm always flying... ever since I learned h-...er... I mean... I've always flown, so I didn't really feel the earthquake," He blew it. He knew that at the very least, Kelly and Drip knew that he wasn't quite a normal pokemon, but it wasn't them that he was worried about, it was anyone else. Pokemon that they'd tell, pokemon that might be listening in, and pokemon that might hear it later from other pokemon that they've told. During his paranoid thoughts, he overheard a third pokemon saying that his 'runs' were over, and he was returning to the guild... which also seemed to be where the ralts, who took off sometime earlier in the conversation, was heading. Trevor thought it might be a good idea to head there, despite his earlier bias against it. He figured he could learn more about this place, and about himself... as of now, he had no idea what he was capable of, a problem that the ralts apparently shared.

It took Trevor a while to get enough courage to speak, and that wasn't helped by the fact that he could SWEAR he was being watched by someone, but, eventually, he stuttered "So, um... you too, huh? A-and... do you think the guild could h-help us? Sorry, I've always been... er... bad at talking," This was just about when he noticed the screaming vulpix, who decided to run away shortly after, the odd monkey pokemon, and the togepi... many of whom probably just heard that. Trevor managed to stop himself from having a panic attack over the fact that more pokemon just heard him say that, and he just sort of fluttered around after that, waiting for his answer... of course, while he was doing that, he noticed a weird bunch of vines set up near the guild's entrance. Was that supposed to be a trap? Well, it wasn't going to work on him, at least.


Outside Medburn Guild

Apparently, Ember's shouting was too effective, and the ice type started leaving. At first he was happy to have some peace and quiet, but then he had another idea Hmm... maybe having an underling would actually DOUBLE my chances of getting revenge... at the very least, she could help me make all new traps! and with that thought, Ember dashed off using quick attack to get in front of the amaura, and he explained "Wait! Wait... I've been too hasty. Perhaps you COULD help me, and perhaps I could help YOU with something, sometime in the future! Does that sound good to you!?" of course, even when he was just calmly talking to someone, it still sounded like he was shouting, somehow, even when Ember was out of breath, he still shouted, at full volume, whenever he needed to talk to someone. Too bad he wasn't a different pokemon, else he could have harnessed and weaponized that power into a 'hyper voice' attack, or something similar, but as it stands, Ember was just an 'ordinary' vulpix who was out of breath from that quick attack, and who had a knack for making traps. He didn't even care when he saw even more pokemon crowd the already crowded area around the guild, just so long as none of them touched his trap... except for ONE pokemon, anyways.

Ember then heard a rumor from some pokemon that the four swords were approaching Medburn... wait... approaching? Wasn't the blue one supposed to be in the guild, right now? Where did he go wrong in his calculations? Surely that was their daily routine, as observed by Ember over the course of five days. That, of course, meant that his trap was going to be USELESS! All it was going to catch now, was some random pokemon, or worse, himself... again. Ember was stunned by this information, and he just stood there, almost unaware of what the amaura might have said in the meantime. It could have been worse, he could have used the electric trap, again, and at least as a fire type, it would be easy for him to get out of a vine trap, but this was supposed to be the one. This was supposed to finally be his time to shine, and that horse just HAD to change up his routine on the day that he finally put his plans into action.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Guild

@Polaris North @Lugia @AbysmalDemon
Celina was listening to what was going on, unsure about going into the guild right now. It was then that she heard the monferno and what he said about not being out there after the earthquake. She looked at him unsure what to say. She then heard the last part that he said, and looked unsure at him right now. ” I… I was actually planning on staying in the guild…. Maybe work for them… I have been travelling a lot with multiple groups and kinda ended up here.” She said, hoping that she could divert attention on where she came from.

She didn’t know how most people would react to knowing that she came from the stargate. She just didn’t trust all this too much the people about this information. That and she felt like she was being watch by others.
”I am sorry, I am kinda always lost when I arrive in new towns. I had been looking for a guild to join for a while now.” she lied. Trying to divert the attention away from her might be good. She then heard what someone near her was saying. She turned around and looked at the ralt and the strange bat creature. She looked at them.

”If... if you excuse me… ” she said before moving to that ralt and strange bat, whispering slightly. ”You guys too? I guess I am not the only new arrival here.” she said whispering, trying to act calm right now. She needed to be quick in her thoughts and try her best to get enough information. One good thing at least… she knew of one of togepi’s move, and that was metronome… How to use it though will have to wait till she finds a time to use it. And last thing she needs with metronome though would be self-destruct or something similar.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Evanist @Lugia @Shiny Keldeo

Rick sat down as the Togepi explained her presence here. Oh, she was planning on joining the guild? Interesting. But she looked so young and inexperienced. Was that all a trick then? "I mean sure, I'm not one the one in charge of the recruitment so I can take you to Arnold. See what he thinks." He said with a small shrug. He was pretty sure she'd have to go through the whole process of being a Junior before actually going on full fledged explorations.

That was when a Ralts and a Noibat came. Wait a minute. Those were the guys that came from the Stargate right? He heard them say that they want to go to the guild. He approached them with the Togepi before saying, "Yup! This here is the Medburn Exploration Guild!" He exclaimed cheerily. However, this time, he kept his distance from the three so he can keep an eye on all of them. He heard the Ralts say that he wanted to go to the guild so that he can lean his moveset.

Yeah, these were definitely the ones that were spat from the Stargate. The others also looked like they wanted to go to the guild for help too. That was good. Collecting them and then putting them inside the guild, where he assumed they would be safer, was good. "Don't worry kiddos, no matter what your problem is, the guild is here to help." He reassured them before gesturing them towards the entrance. He wasn't sure what the guild had in plan for them, but he was sure that they would help them however they can.

After all.

They might know something about the Stargate, and like before, know how to close it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Medburn Exploration Guild

@Shiny Keldeo@Polaris North@Lugia

Ralts whispered back to the Togepi with equal softness in his voice, "Yeah. So I guess we are the three. Look I can't talk to you out in the open but I do need you to warn you of something. Whenever we have free time we need to talk. Ok?" Ralts looked into the small egg pokemon's eyes as he spoke, making sure to convey the seriousness of his tone. He looked over to the small bat after words as well, and gave him a stiff nod.

The Monferno that Lachlan only assumed was a guild member gestured him inside the Guild. inside was a bright room furnished with cozy decor. The room itself seemed to give off a soft glow all around him. He looked around, clearly in awe. The Pokémon at the front desk just giggled. "It's heal pulse. The same thing Chansey and Blissey use at the hospital to heal wounds. But theirs is more concentrated and direct, healing major wounds. It happens when Lucario meditates or Chimecho sings, and spreads all around. It's in case someone wounded needs medical attention but can't make it to the hospital at the other end of town. So, what seems to be your problem?"

Lachlan didn't know uf he should tell her, but she seemed to be a guild assistant, and the guild seemed to be a very trusted group of Pokémon within the town of Medburn. "Well ya see, I don't seem to know what my moveset is. Can you help me figure it out?" The Audino grabbed a box of folder out from the desk. "Well you seem pretty young. Your Medburn birth records should show what moves you were born with. What's your name?" Now was the time he would have to tell her. He took a deep breath and then continued, "Um... in not from here. I-I came here from t-the... Stargate. I came from the stargate." Ge exhaled deeply getting the pressure off his chest.

The Audino just stared at him wide eyed. "Right. This sounds like a special case. I'll go get nigel but you wait back down here with the others, it may take a while since I can't interrupt him while he's meditating." Lachlan nodded and waited back in the lobby to see what the others were here for. Maybe he could learn a few things about the Stargate while he was here. Plus he'd be perfectly fine in the base of the Guild's operations.

After the streets were clear Mizu emerged from his hiding spot and in a the blink of an eye he was in the alley next to Ignition. He nodded his greetings, before speaking in a low, deep voice. "You probably already know by now from the conversation the Ralts had with that Monferno. But the Ralts is the third one. I came here to let you know that no matter what. That Vulpix needs to be dead by daylight, or you've still failed your mission. And the master won't be happy with that." Mizu began to walk away, but turned back around and faced the scolipede who towered above him. "Good luck," he said before turning away and disappearing into the forest behind the town.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@AbysmalDemon @Lugia @Polaris North @Evanist
Drip the Brionne and Kale the Tropius
[Medburn Town]

Drip followed behind the two Stargate Pokemon, breathing a sigh of relief as they headed up to the Guild. She caught up with Rick as the Ralts headed inside. "Keep a close eye on them. I can't be the only one who's been noticing the shady guys around town lately..." She whispered to him as she waited at the entrance. Kale came out the entrance only moments later. "Ah, Drip, I'm guessing the Tavern was okay." He said, stepping his foot into Ember's Vine Trap and looking down as the thorns dug into him, dealing little damage other than a light sting. "What the..." He said, shaking it off and picking it up to take a closer look. "Who could have done this..." He mumbled as he tossed the makeshift trap aside.

"They're all here, Kale." She said, Kale looking around him. There was the Togepi and Noibat, but he didn't see the Ralts anywhere. He assumed he had already gone inside, remembering hearing something about taking someone to Nigel. "I gotcha. Arnold wants us stepping up patrols around town. He's getting paranoid, and for good reason. Something has to be done, and soon." He said, taking off into the skies. "I'll catch you later at dinner. Be safe!" He shouted as he headed towards the far side of town.

Drip waited outside the entrance, taking the time to think about what she should do. The Pokemon from the Stargate were a priority, and she'd promised Miss Khangaskan she'd watch after the Ralts. So she'd wait for him until he headed back to the Tavern, and watch over him for the night. Dark times were ahead, that's for sure. She only hoped she'd have the nerve to face it...

Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

As Eira turned and began to walk away quite depressed, the Vulpix suddenly launched in front of her, startling her and causing her to fall backwards again. "H-help? With what?" She asked, now curious at to what the Vulpix was implying. She knew he was always working on some sort of plan, but she had no clue what they were. She'd heard him mention traps, so maybe he was training to be some kind of Dungeon Trap Buster... Whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad, could it?

"I-I don't care about you helping me back. It could be fun... whatever it is..." She said quietly. Maybe through this experience she'd find out what he was really like. So far the first impression was quite different from what she thought, but maybe today was just a bad day for the guy.

Then she noticed as Ember's pupils shrunk as he heard a couple of Pokemon talking about something called The Swords. She had no idea what they were talking about, but clearly Ember did as he was clearly dismayed at hearing that they were approaching. Were they some kind of evil force? Was it something embarrassing for Ember? She couldn't recall anything that she knew of, except maybe the half a day where he was called 'Missy'.

The Swords of Justice
[Medburn Town - Outskirts]

As the four Pokemon Team reached the outskirts, a voice called down from above. "Hey, down there!" It called, causing everyone to look up. A Tropius dropped down before them. "I figured you bunch were bound to show up sometime." Kale said, Keldeo smirking. "That obvious, huh? It's been a while, old buddy. Are things as bad as we think?" Keldeo asked, Kale's expression turning serious as he nodded. "Three Earthquakes in as many days. Just like before... Arnold will want to see you right away, catch you up on what's going on." He replied.

"As bad as we feared... other communities are facing the same dangers." Cobalion said solemnly, even Terrakion losing his usual grin. "We can't protect them all, not this time..." Virizion replied. "Then we need to stop it before it starts. Let's get moving and start brainstorming!" Terrakion said. "Yeah, I'm sure if we can get everyone to work together we can stop it before it gets out of control like last time. Let's go!" Keldeo finished. "I'll tell him you're coming. He'll be ready for you." Kale finished as he lifted off, heading back to the Guild. He hadn't flown like this in a long time. That wasn't a good thing. His days of peace were over once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Trevor Smithee

Medburn Guild

From what Trevor overheard, some more of the pokemon were made aware of his, and a couple others' weirdness, even in his best efforts to hide said weirdness. Trevor nodded when the togepi acknowledged that she wasn't the only weird one there, and he added "M-maybe we should head inside... I mean... this the guild everyone's talking about, r-right?" as he fluttered into the building, possibly accidentally leaving the egg pokemon behind. The inside seemed... oddly refreshing, despite the presence of a certain pink pokemon that explained that the ralts was a 'special case' for... some reason that Trevor wasn't there to hear, unfortunately. Wait... if I remember correctly... the ralts, like me, didn't know his moves, and thought that this place could help him... maybe they can help me, too! Trevor thought as he landed next to the small psychic type. He then realized that he never actually introduced himself to, well, anyone, so Trevor tried his hand at that, saying "So... um... looks like I m-might be seeing more of you, since we're here for the same r-reason... uh... my name's Trevor, and I'm, er..." Trevor then checked to make sure the other pokemon were out of earshot, unaware of the fact that the ralts gave away where he was from, earlier, and he added "I'm from out of town, somewhere," obviously, this part was false, and Trevor was a HORRIBLE liar, to boot, but after his probably botched introduction, he held out his right wing, as if it were a hand, only just realizing that this world might not even recognize what a handshake IS.

As he stood there, in that weird guild place, he wondered about the pink pokemon, and he was a little worried about them being a fairy type until he remembered that chansey and clefairy shared that color scheme, but were normal types, instead... for all Trevor knew, no pokemon changed their type after generation three... and it might be best that he doesn't figure out what actually happened, at least, for now. Trevor, despite his pokemon knowledge, and despite reading that book, had absolutely NO idea that he was about to literally shake hands with the very thing he fears. Why he fears fairies? Well, that's a long, and stupid story for another day.


Outside of Medburn Guild

Ember, despite his lack of an inside voice, or any social skills, somehow managed to get her to join him, and he was more than happy to finally have an underling. His new underling asked what she would be helping with, and Ember said "Traps, of course! Marvelous, wondrous traps! Traps... and revenge! Eh, but, helping with the second part is optional on the first day," Ember barked that out in his usual loud, somewhat annoying voice, and then he saw a tropius get himself caught in Ember's trap... only to disarm it almost immediately afterwards. NO! My last possible glimmer of hope! That oaf! Now I'll have to make an entirely NEW trap for that blasted horse! Ember thought as the tropius wondered who might have made that kind of trap. Ember wasn't about to give anything away, and instead instructed Eira "Well, that plan was a bust. Follow me! Back to my workshop, if you still wish to help!" and with that, he took off to some back alleyway that he stored a few makeshift tools in, whether she was going to follow him or not. Of course, once he got there, it was only right that he should wait for his new teammate, er, underling, right? So, he waited, thinking of the new possibilities... an ice-based pit trap where there's just a thin sheet of ice that collapses under any sort of weight, and some dirt to cover the ice up, or perhaps a more simple, and brutal falling rock trap, which would involve a net, some boulders, and a pressure plate that either shot fire at the net, or just cut it.

Ember's little mind was racing at those thoughts, and he really wanted to try them out, so he started planning out the steps he'd need to take in order to make these traps, one step involved him learning 'dig', so it would be easier for him to make holes, not caring whether or not he could actually LEARN the move, just caring that it would help him in his new plans if he could learn it. He was so lost in thought that he almost forgot whether or not Eira even showed up, and probably even accidentally ignored her if she did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

Vincent was still tailing the Vulpix, sincerely doubting any "special" pokemon from the Stargate could ever be this dumb. He honestly thought a snare would catch one of the Swords of Justice off guard? If Keldeo actually got trapped in such a stupid and obvious trap Vincent would vow to never go faster than walking pace ever again. Suddenly Vincent felt a presence next to him, he turned his head slightly and acknowledged Mizu's presence. He was here to inform him that the Vulpix was not their target, but Vincent still needed to kill him. Wow. Before he could respond Mizu wished him luck and disappeared into the forest, likely off to get his own target.

"Waste of my damned time..." He muttered to himself as he slinked out of the alley to stalk the Vulpix to a good killing spot. After a few minutes the Vulpix disappeared into a back alley, the Amaura that was with him earlier now gone. Probably got annoyed by the dumb "trapmaster" and left. Couldn't blame her really. Vincent crawled into the alley behind Ember raising his tail and let an evil grin slip onto his face. At the very least he could vent his annoyance by killing this dumbass.

"Ya know it's really too bad. I think you should be killed by your own stupidity, but instead it's just gonna be because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sayonara kid." He spoke in a low gravelly tone as his tail glowed purple and struck out at the Vulpix.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Guild

Celina looked as that noibat and ralt just went to enter the guild after the ralt told her that he wanted to warn her about something. That made Celina a bit worried. She did have a feeling about being observed, something that she didn't know why. She did look around, but didn't see anything. She just went inside the guild and followed the group, listening as she heard those guys didn't know how to use their moves. Well, it might help her a lot to know her moves also in this case. She knew she had metronome, but what else? She was not sure at all. And how to use that move was another question. She just went forwards, the ralt having told the audino about coming from the stargate. Well, considering the group was found at the stargate before, lot of pokemon probably knew about what species we were, which was a bad thing here. She then moved forwards to the ralt.

"I guess I am not the only one that does not know what she can do. I.. know I can use metronome... but what else can I use, I have no idea. And how to even use it? That is another question." she said to the ralt, looking down a bit."To think all this happen... that we were only sleeping soundly and this happened." she said, looking sad a bit, looking at the ralt as she looked at the Audino leave the room. "And with all this about the stargate and such... what the heck is happening here? What is even going on here? What is our purpuse here? That I don't even know." she adds, shaking her head a bit as she looked around the place in the lobby as some pokemons were walking around minding their own business. And considering all this, she just waited there. Maybe answers would come soon. She also felt that people here would want to help them at least in all this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Shiny Keldeo

Rick turned to Drip when she told him to keep an eye on them. Ah, so they were the ones from Stargate after all. The Monferno nodded at her and watched as she moved towards the entrance to the guild. The Ralts had already gone inside and then the Noibat followed soon after. He followed as soon as the Togepi moved to enter as well. Looking at Ember and the Amaura, he noticed that they weren't there anymore. Scratching his head, he wondered if they went back to their houses. That would be good wouldn't it? He made another sweep of the area, now trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. Currently, since he was at the entrance, he hoped that no one would get past him.

He then noticed that Drip was there as well but Kale had already taken off to somewhere. Wait, he heard some rumors that the Swords were coming back. Given the recent earthquakes, he guessed that them going back to Medburn was understandable. After all, they were one of the top teams. If he wasn't mistaken, they were also a group that investigated the last Stargate incident, though he wasn't too sure about that information. "Did Kale meet with Keldeo and the others?" He wondered out loud, aware that Drip would be able to hear him, and was actually counting on it so someone would answer his question.

Rick then sighed, "Man, I really hoped this wouldn't happen again. This whole Stargate business." It held bad memories for practically every Pokemon who was alive at that time, and survived. He was part of that consensus. To think that it was happening again, he was pretty worried for his little bro back at the other town. What if it gets out of hand like last time? What if these Pokemon that were sent here are not capable of closing it? This kind of pessimistic thoughts were very unlike Rick, but he couldn't help but think it as well. "Wonder what Arnold would have us do now, aside from the patrols that is."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Polaris North @AbysmalDemon
Drip the Brionne
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild]

As Drip sat there, Rick mentioned Kale meeting up with the Swords of Justice. She didn't have an answer, Kale said he was just going out on patrol, so he might have found them. Then he mentioned the Stargate, very nonchalantly as well. "It shouldn't have... they sealed it before... we have to find some way to close it, before it does get out of hand..." She stopped for a moment, forcing back a tear. "I-I don't want any Pokemon to go through what I personally went through. I lost... everything... my friends... my family... my home... and they're never coming back..." She said, touching the Coral Charm Necklace around her neck before sighing and going quiet.

Not long after, Kale returned from wherever he had gone. "Just back for a second, gotta let Arnold know something." He said, walking past the two while noticing how somewhat downcast the two were. He'd have to wait for that though, as he stepped into the Guild in search of the Guild Master. "Arnold, I got some more news for ya!" He called out, hoping the Guild Master would come to him.

@Lugia @Floodtalon
Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

Her question was now answered, but she was more unsure about her decision than before. It seemed Ember was not a Trap Buster, but a Trap Maker. Although, he didn't seem very good at it, as his failure on the Tropius showed. Before she could say another word he was off like a shot, and by the time she'd gotten to her feet he was gone. "Ember? Where'd you go?" She called out, heading in the direction she thought he had gone. She caught sight of a Pokemon turning into an alley just down the street, and while he was too big to be Ember, maybe he knew where he had went.

As she came up to ask, she turned the corner and saw the Pokemon, a Scolipede, about to attack Ember with a Poison Tail. "Ember! Look Out! Run!" She cried out, catching the attention of several Pokemon heading that way already. "Did you hear that? Come'on, let's check it out!" A voice cried out, and the sound of footsteps could be heard quickly approaching the alleyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Medburn Exploration Guild


The Ralts shook his head as he heard the Noibat, Trevor's excuse. While Ms. Kangaskhan may have figured him out, at least he had a good explanation as to why he was new in town. "Out of town, eh? It's fine to talk about it in here, we're safe. All of us." Lachlan tried to stay calm but he remembered the Pokémon that were being sent after him... and his newfound friends. It was important, but they were safe now, in the presence of the strongest of Medburn. He was going to tell them later, but he couldn't help but pickup the sad tone in the Togepi's voice.

"About the stargate. Apparently we are super important... and from the looks of it, not in a good way. When I was in Kangaskhan's Tavern I overheard a group of Pokémon talking. Talking about us. That they needed to get rid of us. They sent Pokémon after us to attack us tonight. There was a small group of six, but I doubt that's all of them. What do we do?" Lachlan looked down at the ground when he finished, and felt the same sadness that the Togepi next to him did. "How are we supposed to get home when we don't know how, we are being hunted, and we are basically defenseless..." He wanted to ask if they would even have a chance at getting back, but it was already implied. Until they could defend themselves they were stranded and at a disadvantage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Some alley near the guild

Ember was so lost trying to plan out his traps he didn't even hear what the overgrown centipede had to say to him, however, he DID hear someone's voice "Ember! Look out! Run!" and Ember looked up, and dodged just before the poisonous tail hit him. "Eh...? Oh, it looks like you're trying to KILL me! How dare you! Just for that, I will confound you, trap you, and then make my escape!" Ember shouted once he figured things out, and, just as he promised, he ended up using confuse ray on the gargantuan insect, and no matter what happened next, he used quick attack to get some distance between him and the bug, as quickly as he possibly could. If he's trying to kill me, rather than just beat me up... perhaps he's one of those criminals... why would a criminal try to attack me? Well, that doesn't matter, what does matter is that criminals don't like the guild. I can use that as a hiding spot! Potentially for the entire day! Ember thought as he shouted "EIRA! Meet me at the guild! We'll, um... be staying there for a while," of course, the fact that he just shouted his plans would be more of a concern if he didn't JUST confuse his opponent.

Ember would have done more to this thing, but he heard some sort of hoofed pokemon approaching, and quickly. No... that couldn't be HIM, could it? BLAST! This is the WORST time he could have come! Ember thought as he abandoned his plans to use fire spin on the thing, and instead prepared to flee using quick attack as soon as he could, again.

Trevor Smithee

Medburn Guild

It seemed like everyone else was just saying where they were from, and nobody attacked them or did anything bad, so that put Trevor at ease. "So... this place is pretty much the only place we can talk about this? Er... in that case, I kinda... just woke up recently. I only had time to figure out that there's a such thing as a f-f-fairy... t-type now, and fly over to some tavern just before it supposedly closed due to an earthquake, so, sorry if I don't have too much to add," Trevor responded to the two, later noticing that the ralts was saying something about them being hunted. "W-wait, why would anyone want to hunt US? What did we do? I... I hope we're not the reason this place is breaking, or... whatever that gate's doing," Trevor added in response to that. It seemed like they were waiting for a while, after that, and Trevor simply had to ask if anyone knew "So... does anyone know how long this will take?" Trevor wasn't really that impatient, but he felt like he needed to make some sort of conversation, as if to try to break the ice with these other two pokemon.
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