Hey there!
I'm searching for someone(s) to do this plot with. I am a multi-paragraph poster (400 words and more on average), and I am looking for people who can match or even surpass that. I've been in the game long enough, and I'm looking for someone who can make a a realistic, mature character for me to play against.
- 3 paragraphs at a minimum, preferrably more. I love long replies that are useful.
- Proper spelling and grammar (not demanding perfect, but spell check please, and no lolz).
- I do side characters and NPCs, I expect you to so the same and/or to share the burden of playing them.
- I play both male and female (or whatever is called for), please be willing to do the same.
- Please contribute to the story, don't make me carry it all on my own.
- I would love some romance but not as the main plot. A little bit on the side will tide me over nicely, and no insta-romance. I will drop you faster than a hot potato in that case.
- Tell me if you don't want to RP anymore. I can take it.
- I post, on average, once a day, but please be patient. I have work and Real Life can be demanding.
- For face-claims I use realistic art or photos, no anime please.
- I prefer threads, but I can do PMs as well. A bit more reluctant to do mail, but I can be convinced.
- When it comes to my RP-partner's age, I would really like someone 18 or over (preferrably over).
The Plot: "The Vagrant"
For more than 10 000 years the crack in the ground known as the Brach has been watched. It was prophesied that the Breach would one day open, spilling terror. But as the centuries passed mankind lowered its guard. Even the demonic miasma that corrupted everything and everyone, pulled back snd disappeared.
Forgetting the danger was the biggest mistake they could have ever made.
Years have passed since humanity's destruction emerged from the Breach, years since the war that failed. As each day passes the world tumbles further into depravity, drugs, crime, slavery, rape. Bent and twisted by the new masters and the new order of things, humans are free to act out their darkest desires. The miasma is changing them all into demons already, why should they care about how they act? The Usurper and his horde are corrupting daily, controlling everything. It's not actually all that different from working for your average human tyrant king or queen.
Magic and machine worked together to no avail, and were both wiped out. Their gods have abandoned them and the mighty Seraph Knights all perished during the war. The last pockets of civilisation are crumbling fast, a once-great green land is turning into dust and desert. What little hope remains is dying.
But there is hope still. A tiny flicker of light.
His name is the Vagrant. That is the only name he answers to these days. Friendless and alone he walks across the desolate, war-torn landscape. His purpose is to reach the last and greatest bastion of the human race, and deliver the only weapon that might make a difference in the fight. With him is a tiny child, strangely untouched by demonic corruption, and a sword not seen since the Seraph Knights were more than mere legend.
But Sorrow's End is far away, hidden, secret, ever chaning and ever moving. And the world is a vast and dangerous place.
I would play the Vagrant. I need someone who can play someone who can help him.
Inspiration pictures

I'm searching for someone(s) to do this plot with. I am a multi-paragraph poster (400 words and more on average), and I am looking for people who can match or even surpass that. I've been in the game long enough, and I'm looking for someone who can make a a realistic, mature character for me to play against.
- 3 paragraphs at a minimum, preferrably more. I love long replies that are useful.
- Proper spelling and grammar (not demanding perfect, but spell check please, and no lolz).
- I do side characters and NPCs, I expect you to so the same and/or to share the burden of playing them.
- I play both male and female (or whatever is called for), please be willing to do the same.
- Please contribute to the story, don't make me carry it all on my own.
- I would love some romance but not as the main plot. A little bit on the side will tide me over nicely, and no insta-romance. I will drop you faster than a hot potato in that case.
- Tell me if you don't want to RP anymore. I can take it.
- I post, on average, once a day, but please be patient. I have work and Real Life can be demanding.
- For face-claims I use realistic art or photos, no anime please.
- I prefer threads, but I can do PMs as well. A bit more reluctant to do mail, but I can be convinced.
- When it comes to my RP-partner's age, I would really like someone 18 or over (preferrably over).
The Plot: "The Vagrant"
For more than 10 000 years the crack in the ground known as the Brach has been watched. It was prophesied that the Breach would one day open, spilling terror. But as the centuries passed mankind lowered its guard. Even the demonic miasma that corrupted everything and everyone, pulled back snd disappeared.
Forgetting the danger was the biggest mistake they could have ever made.
Years have passed since humanity's destruction emerged from the Breach, years since the war that failed. As each day passes the world tumbles further into depravity, drugs, crime, slavery, rape. Bent and twisted by the new masters and the new order of things, humans are free to act out their darkest desires. The miasma is changing them all into demons already, why should they care about how they act? The Usurper and his horde are corrupting daily, controlling everything. It's not actually all that different from working for your average human tyrant king or queen.
Magic and machine worked together to no avail, and were both wiped out. Their gods have abandoned them and the mighty Seraph Knights all perished during the war. The last pockets of civilisation are crumbling fast, a once-great green land is turning into dust and desert. What little hope remains is dying.
But there is hope still. A tiny flicker of light.
His name is the Vagrant. That is the only name he answers to these days. Friendless and alone he walks across the desolate, war-torn landscape. His purpose is to reach the last and greatest bastion of the human race, and deliver the only weapon that might make a difference in the fight. With him is a tiny child, strangely untouched by demonic corruption, and a sword not seen since the Seraph Knights were more than mere legend.
But Sorrow's End is far away, hidden, secret, ever chaning and ever moving. And the world is a vast and dangerous place.
I would play the Vagrant. I need someone who can play someone who can help him.
Inspiration pictures