Queen Margaret II
House Pelletier

Name:Margaret Pelletier II.
Title:Queen of House Pelletier.
Married:No, although looking to win the heart of King Tarquin.
Appearance:Natural curls of raven black hair falls on her back, reaching almost close to her buttocks. She has chestnut brown colored eyes that always have a curious look within them. Mary stands about five foot six with a weight of one hundred and thirteen pounds that compliments her petite frame really well. She has milky white evenly toned skin has she doesn't have any wrinkles or blemishes beside the bruises and scars. Mary use to adorn her body with dresses and gowns that covered up every inch of her body but now that has changed. She wears very slim, silky dresses that shows her arms. She'll cover up her arm every now and then but most gowns that she has, they are seen.
Personality:Although she may be a Queen, Margaret likes to live her life on the wild side and it shows almost every single day she wakes up. She likes to do whatever she pleases and doesn't like to be told what to do. She likes to walk with her hair down and barefooted most of the time as she is just showing how carefree she living her life. Growing up, she has always been a curious child. She was always asking questions and doing whatever it took to get an answer. Till this day, she is still curious about certain aspects within her life and others as she doesn't hesitate to ask anyone a question about almost anything. Adventurous should really be Margaret's middle name because that's exactly what she is. Margaret likes to explore every single little thing that life has to offer and will try anything at least once. Flirting is something that Margaret does very well. She usually flirts with certain people when she really wants something from them. She uses her flirting tactics as a little manipulative factor as well - As most people say she has the power to bewitch men. Overall, Margaret has a sweet and gentle soul with a fierce attitude at times. She likes being around small groups of people at certain periods of a time.
Bio:When Margaret was born, it was no doubt that she was going to rule over the Pelletier House one day but who knew whenever she turned the age of five, that her mother would birth an heir - A male named James. Once he was birthed, Margaret was practically ousted by many nobles. They saw James at the next ruler of the Pelletier House and the throne. Of course, Margaret was initially the next ruler but the nobles always preferred a male over a female and that rocked the Kingdom.
Growing up, her mother, Margaret I, taught her how to be a proper lady and not listen to the words of others. Margaret took her mother's words seriously and started to question certain things that were happening around her. Her mother answered her questions with the best of her abilities but her answers did not really please Margaret. Around this time, she became a bit rebellious and even sneaked out a few times but only returning home to get scolded and punished by her father.
When Margaret turned fifteen, her father became terminally ill with only God knows what. He died later on within two weeks and the next person to rule over the Pelletier House was not Margaret but James, who could not really take the throne until he became of age so their mother became Queen Regent.
A few more years passed as James finally became of age but during his coronation, he realized that he did not want to be King and passed the crown towards his sister, Margaret. Appalled and shocked, many nobles could not believe what had just transpired right before their eyes. Margaret is now twenty-one years of age and have been crowned Queen of House Pelletier, despite many nobles trying to stop that from happening.
Fearing that the worst has yet to come, her mother heard about King Tarquin inviting many nobles to his council and pleaded for Margaret to go there and hopefully win the heart of the King. So, she is now heading towards the palace of the King while her mother is once again Queen Regent over House Pelletier until Margaret returns, or until her death.
Opinion of the King and the other Nobles:King - She simply adores the King and hopes to make her family proud by becoming his Queen. She doesn't feel any type of way towards him but hopes to be able to win his heart and become his Queen.
Nobles - The nobles that are attending the celebration makes Margaret a little bit nervous, to be honest. With her being a newly crowned Queen and still have her virginity intact, she fears that most of the men will see that and use it as an advantage to get closer to her while the women may loathe her.
Trivia:She is the newly crowned Queen of House Pelletier.
She is skilled in Archery.
Adores children and animals.