Before I fall asleep again, Extra Infos issue 3! I know you all want it, so have it.
This time we will look at more in-depth info about the world that the RP plays in. You apready know some info about it from the opening, but I will cover the more relevant information about places and groups.
Before After
Enoh was once an industrial powerhouse with billions of citizens living on it. Nowadays it looks more like a desloate and hellish landsape that doesn't forgive. During the warpgate explosion, the Southern side of the planet took most of the impact, destroying everything on that hemisphere. Now the survivors have all migrated to the North, where some resemblance of civilization still remains in the form of underground settlements. The largest pre-apocalypse population hub is the location with the most settlements on the whole planet, known as Daria. This used to be a sprawling urban center with a massive spaceport, but now it is fertile ground for survivors that want to rebuild whatever they can. Most communities are separated by hundreds of miles of mutant infested tunnels, so even thought there could be much greater trading between the survivors, they would need co-ordinated efforts to make it avaible. However, thanks to the rebuilt radios, news can still be shared with the rest of the hemisphere.
Shameless I know, but these are the closes I will get.
After the apocalypse, most fled into the vast underground tunnels that are below the surface. However, some of the lower levels are completely sealed off by their inhabitants, and are out of touch with the surface. Nobody knows what is going on behind the sealed blast proof doors and masssive barricades down there, but not many people have time to worry about it. The people who lived on the surface have only migrated as far below as metro lines and the cargo trains that run below the surface. These are crowded, poorly lit and conditioned slums that try to house as many people as possible. This can be said about almost any settlement, but there are a few strongholds that do better than the others. Notably 3 settlements are the shining examples of the wastes: Garth, the southernmost stronghold that took it upon themselves to patrol and protect large portions of the tunnels leading towards the South and defend against mutants, Lornfell, the trading hub and the largest 24/7 open settlement that is responsible for operating the utlity services, and finally Kington, the Stronghold of the Mafia and the only settlement above ground. There are dozens more small settlements, but these three locations are the main areas of commerce.
The massive service tunnels that lead down into the lower levels of the planet are given the friendly name of "underworld poartals" by the locals. The are hardly accessible and are most unused nowadays, but the upper few levels use elevator systems to move around the various levels using these portals. Most notably, the portal next to Garth has been almost fully built in, with most of the it's walls covered in small buildings for a few dozen levels. Nowadays, it is one of the only 2 ways of entry into the city.
Some portals are more notorious than others, often being responsible for housing nests of unspeakable horros. One such portal is "The Pit", which lays near the fringes of the local community. It is the nest of many species of mutants, and all expeditions to chart out or clear it have ended in failure and the death of the parties. A large are near it is off-limits to most settlers, and only Runners are allowed anywhere near it.
The collective name of Metro and cargo railways, planetray ventillation shafts and sewage systems that are used as the primary ways of getting around. They suffered the least damage during the apocalypse, and the deeper you go, the more intact they are. Many of the settlements are built inside chokepoints of these tunnels, and the community is interconnected by these systems. Towards the South, soldiers of Garth keep the peace in the tunnels with many roadblocks, while the Mafia and local volunteers keep the peace in most other locations. Since power is still only used inside settlements, these tunnels are often pitch-black, giving ample oppurtinity for mutants to prey on unsuspecting humans. In some of the upper railways, means of transportation have emrged that use the already existing infrastructure, but you won't find that in the lower areas.
The surface is little more than ruins now, with the streets littered with debree and thrash, and roamed by raiders and mutants. Settlers rarely come up here, but Runners are tasked with reovering supplies from locations in the hellscape. The only beacon of hope is the massive ruins of a skyscraper that is now known as the settlement of Kington. Most Runners enter and exit the tunnels here, thought the braver Runners often try to sneak into and out of Garth to escape the search parties of the Mafia who would tax what they scavenge. Small communes that live off the charts vegetate inside the ruins of larger buildings, but they rarely contact the outside community. The only reason we know they are there, is because of the occasional scavengers that can be spotted in the hellscape. Some of the more experienced Runners are people like these.
Supplies are ample to find, but the surface is the most dangerous of all the locations. Air is scarce and toxic, whilst the sun is constantly trying to murder anyone on the surface with deadly rays of radiation. The temperature is often below freezing even in daylight, but it can become extremely cold in the night hours. Now that winter is coming, scavenging on the topside will be even harder than before.
This seems pretty neat. I've only got three RPs currently and my interest in writing has increased triple fold recently. Got room for another? @6slyboy6
@BurningCold I mean, I feel like this RP is garnering more attention than I can handle alone, but so far I haven't regretted inviting anyone. So yeah, welcome aboard. Just give us a CS and we shall evaluate it.
Also, I need Co-GMs. We have a lot of people nao, and I having a Co-GM would help a lot. So if you feel like you are qualified enough, you should PM me if you want to apply. Yay.
So I made I thing that I dont know if you'll like, (bear in mind I am suuuper tired and stayed up to finish this so you know...mistakes, they are a thing that I make often. Just uh let me know if its good or not. (Im probably gonna work on the background abit more tomorrow anyways so yeah.) Thanks!
Liam "Grim" Carter
“The only thing a man truly fears is a creature who can adapt to any circumstance.”
Name: Liam Carter
Nickname: Grim
Age: 25
Appearance: Liam stands at 5'10, with medium, black, hair. He is rarely seen without his helmet though, only taking it off when drinking or when among the gang.
Personality: Most of the time one underlying thing can be seen from anyone talking to him… indifference. No matter how many times one tries to talk to him, Liam always talks with a level of indifference that throws most people off, with some even going so far as to call him a machine, deriving no other emotion for anything except killing.
However almost all the runner’s are aware that that indifference is only for those who he doesn’t trust. When surrounded by people he thinks he can trust Liam is lighthearted, soft and kind. Although most people arent able to see past his sarcastic humor, so they assume he is usually pissed off.
Background: Liam grew up receiving the shorter end of the stick most of his life. Growing up poor with an abusive Father and Mother, Liam spent most of his time on the streets where he began doing small jobs for any members of the mafia who were looking for runners or scouts. Slowly but surely as the years progressed Liam began doing more and more jobs for them and found he had a knack for it, especially jobs that required planning and stealth.
By the time the incident occurred, Liam had become a full blown mercenary. Moving from place to place, doing anything that would pay. From being a Hit man to a bodyguard. Liam was on the other side of the planet when the tragedy struck. While most people mourned for their losses Liam felt little sympathy for the life he had left behind. Instead he looked towards the future. As the government fell the need for mercenaries skyrocketed. And people like Liam were in high demand. And for awhile it was good. Liam's skills did not go to waste. Until one day...
It was a bad job from the start. Something smelled off about the whole thing. Yet Liam did it anyway. He, along with a few other mercs, were supposed to grab a supply drop left by a "neighboring settlement". Feeling pity for the people that begged him to retrieve it, Liam accepted the job and followed the rest of the mercs. What it actually was was a Raider ambush for Liam. Apparently he had pissed off some Mafia hotshot because of a botched job and now wanted him dead.
Liam and his group never knew what hit them. The fight lasted days. with Liam running into an abandoned cityscape, playing cat and mouse with the 25 raiders sent to kill him. Finally After 3 days Liam had thought he had finished them all... before he was aptly shot twice. leaving Him badly injured. To this day Liam does not know how he exactly survived the ordeal, but he knows that had he not been picked up by a group of mercenaries known as the Devil's Runner's, he would have been decaying in the sand along with the rest of those raiders.
After fully recovering, and realizing who exactly saved them, Liam asked if he could be part of their group. After some convincing, he was let in and rest was history.
Pros: Stealth- over the years, Liam has prided himself on being sneaky, more so than others. Be it in a crowd of hundreds or a small room of ten, Liam can hide almost anywhere.
Tactician- Liam has always had a knack for strategy, for studying his opponent and exploring every angle of a situation before making a decision. He is well known for his ability to strategize on the fly and dispatch his target as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Combat- Being one to always adapt to his situation, Liam has learned that he excels in short to medium ranged combat. As brutal and quick as he is, Liam is practically useless against someone too far away for his pistol and sword.
Asshole- Liam has been known to come off as a bit of an asshole to those who dont know him (Which means most people) and this has been the cause of many a fight.
Ruthless- Like most mercenaries, Liam's first loyalty is to the completion of the job. If it comes to it and he sees no other option, Liam has and will sacrifice innocents lives for the mission. While this rarely happens there have been cases where he has killed civilians for "The greater good" as he puts it.
Claustrophobic: Liam has a deep hatred of small places. The mere thought of really small places scares the living shit out of him.
Reading- Liam has a obsession with reading fiction and you will find most of his free time will be spent reading a book or two.
Pessimistic- Liam is very much a glass half full type of guy (Which is how he earned the nickname grim).
Drinking- Liam is an avid drinker and if is no reading a book, can be found in a pub drinking.
Gas Mask/ Helmet.
Known as "Grimace", Liam found this blade while raiding an old Kingpin's House. It is extremely durable and agile, allowing Liam to kill his target as quickly as possible.
Armour- Liam found his armour, aswell as his helmet and Sabre in a Kingpin's old Mansion.
Two Plasma Pistols Liam Looted off the body of a Hitman, These things are close to Liam's heart, and they almost never leave his side.
@Eodwyn Aether "Claustrophobic: Liam has a deep hatred of small places. The mere thought of really small places scares the living shit out of him."
RIP so hard there aren't enough RIPs in the whole world. Half the RP plays underground, I cannot wait to see how he reacts to it.
Remember that most electronics were fried. Almost no surface dwellers or shallow settlements have access to good quality pre-apocalypse electronic gear. I would ditch the EMP emitter and perhaps the thermal vision. I would say that the thremal vision could ebr estored if we found materials, and maybe even the EMP, but they are definetly not accessible. Especially considering that I will let you have dual plasma pistols. Which require electricity to run. And expensive ass ammo.
@6slyboy6 Isn't it possible that our Runner came from offworld and joined up to help? Maybe trade some physical fortitude and experience for higher tech, maybe more specialized roles? Unless of course it's a balancing concern as to why certain gear isn't allowed.
EDIT: Or is it that outside help is impossible due to the events that lead to the planet's desecration in the first place?
@BurningCold If he did come, it would have been before. At this point travel between the planets is done via wormholes and warpgates, but since a warpgate can only be built to harness the wormhole, and in this case the wormhole itself collapsed, you would have to use conventional engines to get around.
So no they couldn't have arrived. If they have, it would render the plot of the RP essentially useless, with dozens of ships from offworld coming to help the surviviors and provide humanitarian aid.
@6slyboy6 As I suspected, it makes sense. Might I PM you the concept I had for my character? As I'm not certain if it'll still work given the enlightening context.
@6slyboy6 Arriving before the collapse of the wormhole is fine though, right? Was thinking a couple of weeks before everything went to Hell in a handbasket.
Well that took longer than I wanted. Anyway, here you go! I think it's all in order.
Name: Vadri Al
Nickname: She's had a few nicknames, but most of them have been not too flattering, so she left them behind when she went to join the Devil Runners.
Age: 29
Personality: People person - Vadri has always had someone there with her, from siblings to squad mates, and even now prefers to have others around her. Open minded - Knows that not everything is black and white, and tried to see things from others view before jumping to conclusions. Calm and controlled - The battlefield is not somewhere to lose your cool, and Vadri knows this. She keeps a level head in even the worst situations. Listener - Vadri enjoys listening to others, no matter if it's normal talking, ranting about something they don't like or being someone to confide in.
Background: Vadri wasn't born on Enoh, instead raised light years away with a her family of seven, both parents, two older brothers and a younger brother and sister. When the older brothers and herself were old enough, all three of them joined up with the planetary army as their father had, sticking close. Of the three of them, Vadri inherited their father's old M72 rifle that he had used during his army years. She was often referred to as the squads unofficial councillor. Once their time was over, Vadri went home, joining the local police and quickly being admitted into a SWAT team, putting her training to good use. Several years later, a request for aid from Enoh against the underground Mafia had her volunteering quickly. She was quickly packed up, shipped out, grouped into a squad and tossed into the fray, helping take over Mafia holdings. She was on the planet for less than a week before the Wormhole collapsed, leaving her and her team without radio in one of the deapest parts of the slums. As all order collapsed, the group decided to follow the example of a lot of other trained groups, forming their own mercenary team. Vadri stayed with them for almost an entire year, but when they decided to partner up with the new Mafia, she had had enough. Grabbing some supplies and as much ammunition as she could fit in her armor pouches, she slipped off during her perimeter patrol and made for the closest settlement with the intention of finding and joining the Devil Runners group she had heard of.
Pros: Weapons expert - Between military training, SWAT team excersizes and personal time in firing ranges, she is capable of using most weaponry proficiently, preferring Assault rifles and LMGs. Loyal - Vadri will rarely waver from her chosen course or group, staying with them long after others might have ran.
Quirks: Follower - As a middle child and a soldier, she's always been one to follow orders, not give them. She has no experience at leading, nor a drive to, so she relies on others for direction. Unfamiliar - Not having any previous knowledge of the planet, Vadri has no idea where things are or what places to avoid. Predictable - Anyone that knows her can probably tell you what she is going to do before she even knows.
Habits: Helping out - Vadri is always doing something when she can, from helping repair something to talking to locals about what needs to be done. This goes
Equipment: Full body combat armor, helmet has filtration, but other features are inoperable.
-variable scope (2x and 4x) -60 round magazine -single, burst and full-auto firing modes
Combat knife
Motto: "You don't have me surrounded, I'm just in a target rich environment."
@6slyboy6 To be fair I did do that entire thing on my phone, so it's a little harder to make everything shiny. Besides, as you said the content is what's important
I have an announcement! As we will be starting the RP soon, and I know just how infuriating this waiting time can be, Inertia kindly pointed it out to me that I should re-use the initial impression system.
If you don't know what it is, let me explain. You write a single sentence about the other character in the IC from the perspective of your own character. Just a simple first impression from the eyes of the guy you will be playing. This speeds up the early game by eliminating the unuseful posts about getting friendly, and we can already start with established relations and opinions. If you want to establish a relation with any character before having to do it in the RP, now is the time to talk with other players.
[your character's name] [name of other character] - "Opinion of your character about the other person, hopefully in a tone/manner your own character would phrase it."
Once you have it written, please post it into your character's CS sheet under the category of Relationships.