Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

Vincent heard the Amaura from before cry out and cursed mentally, he couldn't believe that she actually was willing to be around the idiot enough that she would actually follow him into a dark alleyway. Maybe she was stupid too? Whatever she was didn't matter, what mattered was getting the job done, which was going to be significantly more difficult now. Vincent moved his head to the side and easily avoided the Confuse Ray, striking again with his tail to finish the job. Ember moved away with Quick Attack and Vincent gave chase, running away was the exact wrong thing to do. He called out that he was running towards the Guild and Vincent rolled his eyes, really now? Yelling exactly where you were running too?

Vincent sped past the Amaura, rudely shoving her aside as he continued his chase. He stopped for a moment and looked at her. "I suggest you stay away from the kid, unless you like the idea of being a corpse." His sunglasses flashed in the sunlight and he curled up into a ball to prep himself fro maximum speed. He started spinning in place to build momentum, then used Rock Climb to roll as fast as he could towards Ember. Nobody outsped Ignition, Quick Attack or not. "Time to die kid!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Lugia @floodtalon
Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

She was thankful her cries reached Ember's ears, sighing when Ember dashed from the alley. "G-Guild, got it!" She said, and as Ember dashed away, she was smashed into by the attacking Scolipede, sending her sliding across the street, hitting the nearest wall and plopping to the ground rather painfully. Her eyes filled with fear as the Bug/Poison Type spoke to her, and while she never gave a definite response, her shaking body was proof enough his message had gotten across.

Then he was off, like a bullet he shot after Ember, but just as it seemed like he had him in his sights... "Now where do you think you're going, pal?!" A voice would call out, and if Vincent were to keep flying forward, he would slam into what he would probably assume was a brick wall by the name of Terrakion. "So, attacking kids now are we, Ignition? That's low, even for you." Another voice would call out. Leaping down from the rooftops would come the rest of the Swords of Justice, circling the fugitive. "You've caused enough trouble to last a lifetime, now it's time to end it. Surrender." Cobalion ordered, the circle growing ever smaller. "You must see that you can't escape. You got too careless, now it's time to stop while you still can." Virizion said calmly, keeping her eyes on their foe.

Watching from afar, Eira's eyes would light up when she saw the heroics of the four Pokemon before her. They weren't afraid of him at all, they stood firm, never wavering, their words carrying as much weight as their actions. She was mesmerized, but as she tried to get to her feet, she would fall to one knee as a rather large bruise caused her much pain along the front left side of her body. All she could do was watch from a distance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Shiny Keldeo

Rick looked at Drip, panic settling in when he noticed that the Brionne was forcing back the tears. The Monferno forgot that Drip was especially sensitive to this subject. While a lot of Pokemon lost someone dear to them thanks to the opening of the Stargate before, Drip had it especially hard because her entire village was wiped out leaving her as the only survivor. "S-Sorry about that..." Rick said, looking away from the Brionne. He didn't know what to say. After all, what were you going to say to console someone like this? Everything will be alright?

So he opted to stay quiet and let the silence reign. It was unusual for him to do something like that but Rick was certain that, for now, this was the best course of action. Kale soon came back and then nodded at the Tropius. He rubbed the back of his head again as he slowly slumped down onto the ground.

That was when he heard something from the alley followed by a cry. It was barely audible but it was there. "Drip... I think we need to check that out." No time to console her now, that was for sure. Without waiting for the water type, he sped towards the sound of the voice. That's how he stumbled upon the scene of a Scoliopede and the four Swords of Justice. He blinked before turned his attention to the kid from earlier, obviously bruised. Knowing that Keldeo and the others could handle whatever was happening, he rushed over to the Amaura.

"We're taking you back to the guild kiddo. Let's leave it to Keldeo and the others." Rick said before helping the Amaura up so that they can make their way to the guild. She would have to be healed, that was for sure, and probably stay at the guild for some time. Though as he walked and helped the Amaura, whose name he didn't know, he ruffled through his memories for the Scoliopede. He knew about that certain outlaw but he just couldn't remember. He didn't hear Keldeo utter the outlaw's name so he still wasn't sure.

Either way, he had to get the injured Pokemon back to the guild.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Guild

As Celina listened to what was being said, and the ralt saying that a group of people were out to get rid of them. This made Celina shiver a bit. To say the least, this… was not going to be easy. There would be danger all around, and for all they know, they might end up easy targets if they leave the guild. As the ralt kept talking, Celina was thinking, hearing then what Trevor had to say. She looked at him.

“Considering that we came from an outer place… we might be key to something bigger, to something that we don’t understand enough right now. So what I think we should do first… is try to train up here. I know full well in our current forms we won’t be able to do much. That is for sure. But maybe we can get some people here to train us… or people to escort us. If we are key in all this and that we can help them, they probably will think it would be better for us to be stronger so that those people don’t kill us.” she ended up saying to the group. She gave a slight comforting smile right there as she think.

“So let’s not give up here, and try to figure all this out.” she then said, stretching a bit as she look around. No one attacked the group, so that was good. She did feel like the group would be safe at least here, and they probably would end up making extra security in the room that the group would sleep in.. if the group end up joining the guild. And if the group did help people, those people would help back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

Vincent skidded to a stop before he could crash into Terrakion, uncurling as the Swords of Justice surrounded him. "We all got jobs to do, and mine today involves killing a kid. Can't quite say no either, not unless I want to cut my life expectancy in half." He observed his surroundings for a way out and time seemed to slow for him, years of moving fast made you're thinking fast too. The earthquake earlier had shaken up quite a few buildings, some of the weaker ones were even on the verge of collapsing. Like the one Eira was standing near. Everything clicked into place for him at lightning speed, time to make a quick getaway.

Vincent reared up and stomped on the ground hard, using Earthquake to shake up the entire area. Cobalion and Terrakion would be stunned by it at the very least due to type weaknesses, with Virizion being nearly unaffected and Keldeo only minorly shaken. immediately afterwards his tail glowed purple as he struck out at Virizion with Poison Tail, trying to knock her away from him. Meanwhile the building Eira was standing near was going to collapse on her at any moment. "You have a job to do too, unless you think arresting me is more important than saving that little ice cube's life!" Time to make a decision, likely an easy decision for one of the fabled Swords of Justice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Lugia @floodtalon @AbysmalDemon @Evanist @Polaris North
Drip the Brionne, Kale the Tropius, and Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

Hearing Rick mention the aforementioned scream drew her out of her trance as she turned and saw him take off down the street. Taking a quick glance down into the Guild, she too headed that way, however unable to keep up with the Monferno's speed. Several moments afterward she laid her eyes on the unfolding scene before her, with the Legendary Swords of Justice surrounding a Scolipede who was obviously up to no good. She laid her eyes back on Rick, who was helping an injured Amaura. As she was about to help, the Scolipede did one of the dumbest things possible after an earthquake... trigger another one.

The tremor could be felt all the way back at the Guild, if not further. "What the... an aftershock?!" Kale shouted in surprise as the ground shook beneath his feet. Back at the scene, Drip braced herself as the area around her crumbled, as did the Swords of Justice. Terrakion and Cobalion were shaken but stood firm, taking a moment to recover. Then Ignition lashed out at Virizion, trying to play on his type advantage. His strike would be met by an equally swift strike from Virizion, locking blades with his Poison Tail with her Sacred Sword as it gave off its green hue.

As the buildings behind them began to crumble, Keldeo looked over his shoulder and saw the Monferno and Amaura. "Oh no, Virizion...!" He cried out, Virizion grunting a reply. "Kind... of... busy... can't..." She said as she was forced into the blade lock, unable to break away. "Too late!" Cobalion said as he watched in shock out of the corner of his vision, keeping his eyes on the fugitive. Virizion was the fastest on their team, only she had the reflexes and speed to help them in time, and they all knew that. They only awaited the sound of the crash that would never come.

Slightly recovering from the second earthquake of the day, the Amaura turned and watched the wall tumbling down on her and the Monferno trying to help her. In a moment of complete panic, she fired off an Icy Wind, which managed to freeze a good amount of the debris as the rest fell around them, a few pieces hitting them after all. She kept her eyes closed through it all, unsure of the outcome. "Come on, hurry, before he tries another dumb idea!" Drip cried out, relieved that they would be okay for the most part, just as long as they made it out before the makeshift ice brace crumbled apart.

Terrakion also breathed a sigh of relief as he focused back on Ignition. "Now you gone and done it, you'll be paying for and rebuilding that after we're done with you, if you're even that lucky, punk!" He yelled angrily, forming his Sacred Sword and swinging at the Bug/Poison Type. It wasn't often Terrakion got angry, but it was often the last mistake criminals ever made. "Pull out all the stops, take him down! He'll level the whole city if we don't stop him now!" Keldeo yelled, glowing a bright blue and changing into his Resolute Form before forming his Secret Sword, Cobalion forming his Sacred Sword moments later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Shiny Keldeo @floodtalon

For the most part, Rick was unaware of what was happening with the fight between the outlaw and the Swords of Justice; however, the sudden shaking of the ground alarmed him. The Earthquake was so severe that he stumbled downwards. Being a Fire-type didn't help at all. However, he recovered fairly quickly as he was mostly worried for the injured child that he was helping. However, the sound of the building they were beside crumbling alarmed him. He looked upwards and saw that the rocks were already on their way down and there was no way he would be quick enough to get both himself and the Amaura out of the way. He heard the Swords of Justice panicking and he assumed it was because of their predicament.

Deciding not to leave the Amaura to save his own hide, Rick threw himself above the child in hopes of taking most of the damage even if it would harm him severely. A moment passed and he heard the rocks fall on the ground. He felt a number of debris crash onto him and it was certainly painful that it would warrant him having to get a check-up himself, but it was nowhere near what he had expected. That was when he heard Drip shout, urging them to hurry.

He looked upwards and was quite astounded by the ice that covered them. Rick stood back up from protecting the Amaura but his back flared up in pain, most likely from all the debris that had fallen from earlier. Grunting, he tried to direct his attention elsewhere. The kid looked fine for the most part so that was good. "Come on kid, before we get into any more trouble." He said with a smile on his face, to reassure the child. This must have been a frightening experience.

Once they were out in the open, he dropped down beside Drip. "We need to get to the nurse." He told her, forcing himself to stand up again. At least it numbed somewhat so he would be fine for the next few minutes or so. Rick turned back to the Scoliopede who would be in big trouble with the four Pokemon. He then turned back to Drip, expecting the Water type to be the one to help the Amaura this time, considering that he wasn't in any condition to do so anymore. "Thanks for the save Drip." He grinned at her. Really, he didn't know what would have happened if she hadn't thought about freezing the debris to protect them. He didn't really want to think about it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

Vincent grunted as he locked blades with Virizion, however he was also more than a little panicked to say the least. Why the hell weren't any of them running to save the kid?! He was only getting paid to kill one kid, he didn't need the other one on his conscious too! Vincent was on the verge of throwing Virizion away just to push the kid out of the way of harm when the Monferno nearby protected the kid, a guild member. Vincent let out an imperceptible sigh of relief, two kids in one day was a bit much even for him. Hell, he wasn't totally comfortable with murder even to be honest!

All the Swords of Justice formed their Sacred Swords and Vincent snorted, idiots didn't know much about type advantage huh? Then again 4 Sacred Swords pretty much evened out to 1 Sacred Sword even with his heavy resistance and 1 Sacred Sword probably really hurt. "All right, show's over! Time for me to exit stage left!" With a mighty heave Vincent pushed on Virizion with all his might and disenganged the blade lock, pushing her back as far as he could. He tanked the Sacred Sword from Terrakion head on, letting slip a grunt of pain as the mighty beast swung with all his might, and curled up into a ball using Rock Climb to dash through with Keldeo and Virizion as fast as he could. And with Speed Boost going ever since he first attacked Ember, that was really really fast. If he managed to break through them he would roll out of town as fast as possible to report to his boss, the Swords of Justice were in town and he couldn't finish his mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Medburn Exploration Guild


"Agreed, staying here and training would be the best thing to do. We don't even know what this world is like or what's out there. We won't be able to get home until we get stronger. Speaking of which, wh-" A tremor shook theough the guild building violently, it must have been another earthquake from the stargate. "These earthquakes are really unsettling... it just lets us know how dangerous getting home will actually be. Being from earth like the rest of you, the most danger I've been in is walking home at night alone. I'm not prepared for anything of this scale."

Just then the same Audino came down the stairs, talking with her same gentle voice. "He is ready to see you know. And... if he seems a little rough... it is because he is stressed about everything that is going on. Please don't think ill of him. Good luck." The Ralts nodded, and stood up. "I guess this is it guys. We're finally going to be able to do this," he said with a deep breath. He followed where the Audino gestured them up the stairs, to a red door with a golden outline. Protruding from the golden outline were leaves and flowers of the same color, decorating the door. Each gave off a glow as it reflected the sunlight that shone through the windows. As Lachlan was about to give the door a knock, the opened immediately.

In the middle of the room a Lucario sat with his legs crossed on the floor. As he stepped into the room his vision blurred, the room seemed much bigger than the bottom floor of the Guild itself. The lucario sensed his confusion. "It is trick room. I requested it specifically to have space for training, and it proves very effective. Please come in and stand around me. State your names. I want this to go by quickly so that we can begin training as soon as possible. Lachlan, stunned from the amount of power surrounding the one Pokémon in front of him, spoke, "I-I'm Lachlan."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hate my phone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Trevor Smithee

Medburn Guild

The other two spoke about something, and another earthquake shook the guild... of course, this time, Trevor didn't have to feel it, he could see its effects, and soon enough, a bunch of pokemon darted out of the guild, probably to help out some of the quake's victims, and Trevor simply nodded and agreed to what the rest of the group was saying. Soon enough, an audino showed up and took them to a very strange room, one that was said to be a 'trick room'... though... that didn't make a lot of sense. That being said, Trevor was in no place to argue, as it looked like the pokemon in front of the group could easily snap him in two if he got angry at him. The ralts, Lachlan, finally spoke, giving his name to the oddly intimidating pokemon, and Trevor tried to speak, as well, but he just couldn't find the courage to do so. Apparently, they were going to train here, and that's pretty much exactly what they needed... well, they just needed to know exactly what they were capable of before they start running off to help pokemon during an earthquake, or head back to that stargate, and see if that thing reacts to their presence, or something. I hope we're up to the task... some pokemon are just always weak. Of course, at least I know that Lachlan, over there will evolve into a fairly strong gardevior... I just don't know about me. Trevor thought as he continued to try to speak.


Near Medburn guild -> Medburn guild

The swords of justice dropped from nowhere, and started attacking the bug for Ember, who was delighted, until he found out that they still had Keldeo with them, and worse, not only was he tossed around in the earthquake attack, but, the bug was starting to escape, and it was causing buildings to fall down, including one where Eira was sent flying towards. Ember briefly thought about running over there, picking her up, and then carrying her to the guild, but apparently he wasn't the only one thinking of doing that, as some fire monkey did the job for him, leaving Ember with little else to do but try to stop the bug in its tracks with a fire spin attack. "HA! And now you can't even MOVE, while I will be nice and safe in the GUILD, where criminals like you wouldn't DARE step foot!" Ember shouted... of course, he didn't check whether or not his move actually worked. Ember then used quick attack to try to get out of that place while the swords continued to distract his opponent... sure, he should probably be limping with all that earthquake damage, and really shouldn't even be standing... but he didn't care about that, right now, he just cared about getting away from this scene. Once he got to the guild, Ember spotted the guildmaster, however, he passed out before he could do what he planned to do with said guildmaster. In his mind, however, Ember had flawlessly persuaded the guildmaster to fight alongside him against the bug using the move baby-doll eyes, and some words that made him sound even more like a child than he already was... but... that was all just in Ember's mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Guild

Celina looked at Lachlan as he talked, agreeing with her that staying here would be best plan of action in this case. It was about then that another tremor hit the area. Seriously, that was 2 tremors in so little time. Was the group near some dang plates that keep moving or what? All these earthquakes made it feel like it was the end of the world… which she really hoped it was not. She nod at what Lachlan said about the earthquakes.

“Dangerous and probably very difficult. We will need to be careful.” She says before the Audino got back to the group, saying that the person they were waiting for was ready to see them. She moved forwards, following Lachlan here, staying near. When they got In the room, she felt like the room was much larger. She lost her step a bit before quickly regaining balance right there. God… close one. With all this and this new form, it was not easy for her to move around. She really hope she can get to evolve soon. She moved forwards towards the Lucario who asked them their names. She looked at him, a bit scared cause of his typing. Fighting types… a type would probably be able to knock her out with a single punch. She shivered a bit, before breathing deeply.

”My.. my name is Celina…. Celina Letendre.” she then was able to say. God.. at least when she will evolve, she will be a lot less afraid of fighting types, but it still worried her like her. The only type that could hurt her... at least that what she was thinking. Not like she knew the truth about all this.

She then looked at Trevor, seeing that he was not saying anything at the Lucario. He seemed scared right now. She didn't know what to say to him right now. She looked at the Lucario, then at Trevor. She gathered her courage a bit.

”It's... its ok... We just need.. we just needed to introduce ourselves. Its not much.” she was able to say, but looking down. What kind of encouragement was that? She just didn't know what to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Drip the Brionne and Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

As the battered Monferno and lightly bruised Amaura made their way towards Drip, Eira opened her eyes and momentarily wondered why they weren't crushed under rubble. She turned her neck and looked up to what would have been a painful end to her short life, only to see it frozen solid. "Don't thank me, Rick. Thank her... that was pretty impressive." She said, shooting a friendly smile towards the Ice Type despite the current situation, which was getting worse.

It seemed the Scolipede had finally realized how desperate his situation was looking, and decided to try and make a break for it. After forcing Virizion back (which actually took quite a bit of force she wasn't expecting from him), he rushed for freedom. "No ya don't!" Keldeo yelled, charging forward with Cobalion at his side, meeting his retreat with Secret Sword and Sacred Sword. "You're not going anywhe- huh?" He started to say when the ring of fire began to surround them. "Back!" Cobalion said as they avoided the attack, turning and watching as their suspect darted off.

"What are you standing there for, let's get him!" Terrakion cried, ready to charge after him. "Wait." Cobalion said, Terrakion stopping and looking at their former leader. "I already know. With that speed, he's probably all the way across town by now. We can't keep up... but Virizion can. Tail him, he might lead us back to something bigger." Keldeo replied. "Leave it to me. He might have speed, but he has no technique. I'll catch up and watch from a distance. He won't even realize I'm there." She finished, looking up to the rooftops and darting up with incredible speed. In a second, she was gone.

Still watching the scene unfolding, Eira's eyes were glued to the amazing Pokemon before her. "Who... who are they?" She asked, teetering as she put weight on her bad leg. "I'll tell you later. Come on, you two are pretty banged up, let's get you patched up." Drip replied, helping the group towards the Guild.

@Lugia @AbysmalDemon
Kale the Tropius
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild]

While still looking around for the Guildmaster after the second tremor, he happened to hear a light thud near the entrance to the guild. He turned and his eyes went wide as he spied a local kid pass out in the main lobby. "Oh, Arceus, what else is gonna happen today..." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the passed out Vulpix. "Come'n kid, let's go get you patched up... you look like you got hit by a runaway Scolipede..." He said as he hefted the kid on his back and started towards the medical wing, unaware of the battle that had just taken place outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lachlan the Ralts

Medburn Exploration Guild


Lachlan noticed that Trevor had trouble talking, so he felt it would be the right thing to do to help him out. "And this is Trevor, he's here to train with us as well." The Lucario stared at the three younglings before him, these had to be the three from the Stargate, otherwise he wouldn't have been told it was so important. "Hm. We will have a lot to work on. Let's start with the basics. Do as I do." The Spread his feet apart, and bent his knees. He bent his elbow, wrists at his hips, palms facing up. He then clenched his fists. He stood before them, in ultimate control of his body and mind. "Try it," he said calmly but firmly, still in the stance.

Lachlan tried to mimic what the instructor showed him. He found it hard to move stretch his legs in his new body, like in a very tight long skirt around his legs. He spread his feet as far as he could, and place his arms around where his hips would be. Sure the Ralts he bad form, but the Instructor forgave that due to his novice. He waited for the other two to get in a stance before continuing, trying to understand how hard t would be to preform this in a body that wasn't his own. "Now. Focus all of your energy, your power, to the center of your body. Use your strength, both mental and physical. Feel it build up, and use that energy, push it out in front of you."

Lachlan focused, or at least tried. He felt all of his pent up energy and stress from the past few days build up. He opened his eyes and pushed out with both hands... falling onto the ground from his lach of balance. He sighed deeply and got back up, looking at how the others were doing before trying again, unsuccessfully. He hoped he would be able to get it down by today. "Celina, is it? I advise great caution to you while using this in a place other than this trick room. If you are around the experience I am thinking, you only currently have the move metronome... and the effects of that... can be quite dangerous."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ignore. Web Browser Screw Up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rick the Monferno

Location: Medburn Exploration Guild
Interactions: @Shiny Keldeo

Rick looked at Drip then back at the Amaura. So she was the one who froze it? Well, he certainly didn't notice it. He then flashed her a bright smile and said, "You really saved us back there." He wasn't as arrogant as to not admit that they were in real trouble there and could have resulted in one, or both, of them dead. He then turned his attention back to the Swords of Justice and the Scoliopede Outlaw.

It seemed that the battle was drawing to a close as the Scoliopede retreated, having realized that he would be no match against the other Pokemon. After all, he was outnumbered. The last attack that the Scoliopede let out was successful in its attempt to slow his pursuers down, hence allowing himself to escape. It was impressive, Rick realized. His speed was astounding too. The Monferno wanted nothing but to see more of the Scoliopede's speed, despite the latter being an outlaw. He had to admire natural skill in it. It was a shame that he got away but Virizion went off to chase the Bug type. Rick was holding on to hope that Virizion would be able to catch him. Having an outlaw like that, someone who willingly caused another earthquake so soon after a natural one, on the loose was really dangerous.

He turned back to Drip. "Sounds like a plan." He forced a smile before standing up, keeping weight off of his right side, which had taken most of the debris. He began limping his way to the guild with Drip and the Amaura.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hanna the Phanpy

Quake Path > Medburn Exploration Guild
@Shiny Keldeo

As Hanna hiked along the rocky terrain, her eyes carefully scanned the area around her. An Azurill had gone missing that morning, and was last seen heading out to Quake Path. Hanna had been sent out to find her, but aside from the occasional wild Pokemon, she hadn't found anything so far. Despite being a beginner's dungeon, the wild Pokemon could be a threat, especially to a young child. She knew she would have to find her as soon as possible.

After searching for several hours, she heard something. She could just barely make it out, but it sounded like laughter. As long as it was coming from her client, it was a good sign. It meant she probably wasn't in any danger. Hanna rushed towards the source of the noise, and found the Azurill sitting next to a small pond. She was throwing breadcrumbs into the water, giggling as she watched a bunch of Magikarp swim up to the surface to get them.

Hanna let out a sigh of relief. At least the kid wasn't harmed. "Hey there, sweetie. Your mom's worried sick about you." She reached into her bag, and pulled out her guild badge. "Come on. Let's get you back home." She aimed her badge at the Azurill, then at herself. After being engulfed in a beam of light, both of them were teleported back to the Medburn Guild.

After reuniting the child with her mother and collecting her reward, she noticed Kale, one of her fellow guild members, walk past her with an unconscious Vulpix on his back. He seemed almost as young as the Azurill she rescued earlier. Needless to say, Hanna was concerned. "Kale? What's wrong with the little one?" She asked, rushing to keep up with him. It seemed like something happened while she was gone, and she had a feeling that it wasn't anything good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Lugia @Ridlins @Polaris North
Drip the Brionne, Kale the Tropius, and Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild]

As the trio made their way into the Guild, they ran into the duo in the main hall heading towards the medical wing. "Hey Hanna. Dunno what happened to this kid. Passed out in the main lobby, not too sure of the details myself." He said, stopping just in front of the entrance to the wing. "Kim, I've got a patient here for ya!" He yelled out, a Chansey emerging soon after. "Oh dear, oh dear, what happened now?" She replied, taking the Vulpix from his shoulders. "Don't you worry, little one. I'll have you healed up in no time... my goodness!" She said as the three others approached.

"Drip? What happened out there?" Kale asked. "Some guy was outside just down the road going after some local kids. The Swords of Justice drove him off, but that idiot set off another Earthquake and dropped a building on them! Or... he tried at least..." She explained, Eira hearing what she called the four Pokemon who battled the criminal. "The Swords... is that what Ember was so shocked about hearing... I'll have to ask him later..." Eira thought to herself. "And that all happened just down the street? Okay, something strange is definitely going on here in Medburn... That's Right! I completely forgot, I've gotta go find Arnold! I'll catch you later, okay?" He said as he rushed past them, disappearing around a corner.

"For heaven's sakes, don't just stand there. Look at those bruises, come on inside. Aki, prepare some beds! We've got injured kids and a Guild Member!" She cried out. "Dear Arceus, I'll get right on it!" A melodic voice would ring through from the room. "Now, come along you three. Drip, Hanna, you're welcome as well." The Chansey said, leading the group into a rather small room with a few straw beds laid out. "Now sit, all of you. Let me take a look at these wounds..."

First, and probably easiest, would be the Vulpix. Quiet patients were always the easiest to work with. A quick examination revealed damage consistent to being hit by a powerful Super-Effective Attack. She applied some ground up herbs to the serious wounds and, satisfied, moved on to her next patient. "Look at the size of that bruise, you poor girl... Aki, oh where are you now..." She said, a Chimecho floating into the room. "Right here, Kim... say no more, I know the drill." She said, applying a Heal Pulse to the Ice Type. "Ember... will he be..." She asked. "Don't worry, child. Your friend will be just fine. Now... let's see that leg, Rick." Kim said as she turned to the Monferno.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Trevor Smithee

Medburn Guild - Training room

Trevor just nodded as Lachlan introduced him, and he silently tried to copy the Lucario's movements, however, he wasn't used to trying to use his wings as arms, and he ended up bending them the wrong way, and not only that, but he stupidly tried this while flying, so he ended up falling on his face, after which, Trevor heard an almost sickening crack... that, in addition to the pain, made him screech. "Ow, ow, ow... oh... uh... I... I'm sorry, I just... um... please don't hurt me!" Trevor assumed that his mistake was an insult to his instructor, so he tried again, this time, on the ground, and without bending his wings the wrong way... however, he just ended up confused as to what to do next. The strange pokemon said something about storing and releasing energy, but that didn't really work too well for Trevor, instead he, much like the ralts, lost his balance after a bit of confusion, and fell on his face, er, again. It took Trevor several tries just to get the most basics of the basics, though, he eventually learned to use all four of his moves... including Screech, which he used accidentally, earlier. Tackle was easy enough to figure out, and Supersonic was close enough to screech that it was simple for Trevor to grasp, but he tried to, and repeatedly failed to use leech life for long enough that Trevor thought his instructor was getting angry with him, so, once he finally used it for the first time, he left the area, thinking that staying there would risk the instructor getting even more mad at wasting his time.

Once the other two were out of the room, Trevor apologized "I'm sorry th-that I screeched in that other room... um... I'll just be going now, okay?" and then he started flying out of the guild, slowly enough that it would be easy for someone too catch up to him, and ask him to join their team, but, of course, nobody would do that, right? He was worthless as a teammate, and probably did some serious damage to everyone's ears thanks to his irritatingly loud screams. Trevor tried to pick up the pace, but for some reason, there was a shooting pain in his left wing, the same wing that he landed on when he fell while practicing his moves... he thought nothing of it, and just tried to power through the pain, not wanting to scream, and make even MORE pokemon mad at him.


Medburn hospital -> Outside Medburn guild

Once Ember effortlessly tricked the guildmaster into defeating the giant, evil bug, he had said guildmaster move on to defeat Keldeo, his sworn enemy, and the fight didn't even last a turn, with the guildmaster being victorious, obviously. Ember laughed as he saw the crumpled heap that used to be a horse, and he then used the guildmaster's power to get him to a more important pokemon, using baby-doll eyes to convince HIM to give Ember all of his authority. After that, nobody laughed when they heard the name Ember, no, not unless they want the police to chase after them, and put them in the mines for the rest of their lives...

After that dream, Ember woke up, confused as to why he wasn't the ruler of the world for a short time, muttering "That was... all a dream?" his vision returned, and he saw the doctor healing Eira, and while he wanted to be there for her, he really did, he also figured he wouldn't have an opportunity to defeat his sworn nemesis like this for a LONG time, so, Ember left her a note saying 'I'll be back for you, shortly, in the meantime, enjoy this.' and he left her an oran berry, attaching the note to it, so she'd get the picture. After that, he ran off to where he last saw the swords, and upon finding them, again, he shouted, in his usual, uncontrolled volume "YOU! BLUE HORSE! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A ONE ON ONE FIGHT, RIGHT HERE, IN THE SUN!" as Ember's ability kicked in, and made the sunlight unforgiving for anything but a fellow fire type... he then prepared a plan... first, he would lower the horse's guard with his baby-doll eyes, and then, perhaps trap and confuse him, like he should have to that giant bug... of course, before the fight even really started, Ember was already employing the first step of that plan, that being the baby-doll eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celina Letendre

Medburn Guild

Celina just listened to what the teacher said, hearing his explanations. At least he was being patient with the group. She just stood there and listens carefully, before trying to stretch, only to end up wobbling a bit. She frowned at this. This dang body going to be really complicated to work with, that is for sure. She heard what the lucario said about her moves right there as she looked at him. Metronome… Yes it could be dangerous.

“I know… from all the forms I could have ended up as.. I had to be this… I had to end up as a togepi… and with the move metronome as my… ugh… main source of potential attack.” she said, shaking her head at this, thinking a bit more. “And with this body, its so different then what I am used to. Such small legs and arms…” she said, before lowering her voice right now.
“And for all we know, TM’s would not really be available considering they were usually one time use in the games.” she said with a low voice right now. She then heard and saw what Trecor was doing, moving his wings wrong and actually falling on the floor, giving a piercing screech. She holded her arms to where her ears would be, blocking the holes, shivering a bit as she looked at him as the screeching stops.

“Ouch… that was loud.” she said before looking at him go and use his moves. She smiled, then though a bit before looking at the wall. She wanted to see what she could do now… what metronome could do, and if she remembered what she saw before, maybe she could just use it that same way. She then concentrated on her powers, before going and moving her hands and fingers side to side, concentrating on that power, hoping she would not suddenly explode… as she then end up using rock tomb onto the wall, making the sound of large boulders falling on the floor. If someone was there, they probably would have ended up buried in rocks. She smiled at bit, actually using… charm on the lucario.
“I did it! I did it! “ She says, jumping a bit, smiling at this. She was really happy of the result right now at least. She was about ready to go now. She then went to go outside hearing what Trevor said, as she frown and quickly , at least for her, went to him.

"Trevor.. please.... we need to stick together in all this... If we want to survive this... we need to all work together. I know each of us will make mistakes.. but if we work together, we can get through this... please?" she then said, hoping he would believe her. What she didn't know is that she accidentally used charm also, having her eyes sparkle just a bit, hoping he would believe her.
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